The description of weapons in Goharana

बृहन्नलोवाच यन्मां पूर्वमिहापृच्छः शत्रुसेनापहारिणम्। गाण्डीवमेतत् पार्थस्य लोकेषु विदितं धनुः॥
Brihannala said The one about which you first enquired is the world-wide known Gandiva bow of Arjuna, capable of destroying the enemy's army.

सर्वायुधमहामात्रं शातकुम्भपरिष्कृतम्। एतत् तदर्जुनस्यासीद् गाण्डीवं परमायुधम्॥
Polished like pure gold, the greatest of all weapons this is the greatest of all weapons this is the great weapon of Arjuna, Gandiva.

यत् तच्छतसहस्रेण सम्मितं राष्ट्रवर्द्धनम्। येन देवान् मनुष्यांश्च पार्थो विजयते मृधे॥
It is equal to a hundred thousand bows and capable of extending kingdoms: by this Partha defeated in battle celestials and men.

चित्रमुच्चावचैवर्णैः श्लक्ष्णमायतमव्रणम्। देवदानवगन्धर्वैः पूजितं शाश्वतीः समाः॥
Adored repeatedly by the celestials, demons and Gandharvas, and variegated with excellent colours, the huge and smooth bow is .without any stain or knot.

एतद् वर्षसहस्रं तु ब्रह्मा पूर्वमधारयत्। ततोऽनन्तरमेवाथ प्रजापतिरधारयत्॥ त्रीणि पञ्चशतं चैव शक्रोऽशीति च पञ्च च। सोमः पञ्चशतं राजा तथैव वरुणः शतम्।
Brahma held it first for a thousand years and thereafter Prajapati held it for five hundred and three years. Afterwards Shakra did it for five and eighty years. Soma did it for five hundred years and Varuna for a hundred.

पार्थः पञ्च च षष्टिं च वर्षाणि श्वेतवाहनः॥ महावीर्यं महादिव्यमेतत् तद् धनुरुत्तमम्।
And lastly Partha, having white steeds, has held, for sixty five years, this highly powerful, heavenly and most excellent bow.

एतत् पार्थमनुप्राप्तं वरुणाच्चारुदर्शनम्॥ पूजितं सुरमत्र्येषु बिभर्ति परमं वपुः।
This beautiful bow has come to Partha from Varuna. Worshipped by god and men it has taken a handsome form.

सुपार्श्व भीमसेनस्य जातरूपग्रहं धनुः। येन पार्थोऽजयत् कृत्स्नां दिशं प्राची परंतपः॥
That bow of beautiful sides and golden handle belongs to Bhima with which, the son of Pritha, the slayer of enemies, conquered the entire eastern region.

इन्द्रगोपकचित्रं च यदेतच्चारुदर्शनम्। राज्ञो युधिष्ठिरस्यैतद् वैराटे धनुरुत्तमम्॥
the other most excellent and beautiful bow, variegated with insects, belongs to the king Yudhishthira.

सूर्या यस्मिंस्तु सौवर्णाः प्रकाशन्ते प्रकाशिनः। तेजसा प्रज्वलन्तो वै नकुलस्यैतदायुधम्॥
The other, in which golden suns of brilliant effulgence shed lustre all around, belongs to Nakula.

शलभा यत्र सौवर्णास्तपनीय विचित्रिताः। एतन्माद्रीसुतस्यापि सहदेवस्य कार्मुकम्॥
The bow, embellished with golden images of insects and set also with jems and stones, belongs to that son of Madri who is called Sahadeva.

ये त्विमे क्षुरसंकाशाः सहस्रा लोमवाहिनः। एतेऽर्जुनस्य वैराटे शराः सर्पविषोपमाः॥
The thousand winged shafts, sharp as razors and dreadful like the venom of snakes, belong to Arjuna, O son of Virata.

एते ज्वलन्तः संग्रामे तेजसा शीघ्रगामिनः। भवन्ति वीरस्याक्षय्या व्यूहतः समरे रिपून्।॥
These swift arrows, of the hero burning in energy in battle when discharged against the enemies, become inexhaustible.

ये चेमे पृथवो दीर्घाश्चन्द्रबिम्बार्धदर्शनाः। एते भीमस्य निशिता रिपुक्षयकराः शराः॥
These sharp, long and heavy arrows, resembling the crescent of the moon in shape and capable of destroying the enemies, belong to Bhima.

हारिद्रवर्णा ये त्वेते हेमपुङ्खाः शिलाशिताः। नकुलस्य कलापोऽयं पञ्चशार्दूललक्षणः॥
The quiver, having the five images of tigers full of yellow, gold winged shafts whetted on stone, belongs to Nakula.

येनासौ व्यजयत् कृत्स्ना प्रतीची दिशमाहवे। कलापो ह्येष तस्यासीन्माद्रीपुत्रस्य धीमतः॥
This quiver belongs to the intelligent son of Madri with which he had conquered the entire western region.

ये त्विमे भास्कराकाराः सर्वपारसवाः शराः। एते चित्रक्रियोपेताः : सहदेवस्य धीमतः॥
These arrows, lustrous like the sun, painted all over with various colours and capable of destroying enemies by thousands, belong to Sahadeva.

ये त्विमे निशिताः पीताः पृथवो दीघवाससः। हेमपुङ्खास्त्रिपर्वाणो राज्ञ एते महाशराः॥
These great arrows, sharpened, yellow, heavy, long, gold feathered and consisting of three knots, belong to the king (Yudhishthira).

यस्त्वयं सायको दीर्घः शिलीपृष्ठः शिलीमुखः। अर्जुनस्यैष संग्रामे गुरुभारसहो दृढः॥
This long sword, with the emblem of a bee on its back and sharp as the sting of a bee, firm and capable of bearing heavy weight in battle, belongs to Arjuna.

वैयाघ्रकोशः सुमहान् भीमसेनस्य सायकः। गुरुभारसहो दिव्यः शात्रवाणां भयंकरः॥
This celestials huge sword, cased in tiger skin, capable of bearing heavy weight and dreadful to the enemies, belongs to Bhimasena.

सुफलचित्रकोशश्च हेमत्सरुरनुत्तमः। निस्त्रिंशः कौरवस्यैष धर्मराजस्य धीमतः॥
This most excellent sword, of a sharp blade, golden hilt and cased in a painted sheath, belongs to the intelligent Dharmaraja of the Kuru race.

यस्तु पाञ्चनखे कोशे निहिताश्चित्रयोधने। नकुलस्यैष निस्त्रिंशो गुरुभारसहो दृढः॥
This strong sword, capable of bearing heavy weight intended for various forms of fight and cased in a sheath of goat-skin belongs to Nakula.

यस्त्वयं विपुलः खड्गो गव्ये कोशे समर्पितः सहदेवस्य विद्ध्येनं सर्वभारसहं दृढम्॥
This huge, strong and dreadful sword, capable of bearing heavy weight and put in a sheath of cow-skin, belongs to Sahadeva.