The chastisement of Uttara in Goharana

वैशम्पायन उवाच स राजधान्या निर्याय वैराटिरकुतोभयः। प्रयाहीत्यब्रवीत् सूतं यत्र ते कुरवो गताः॥
Vaishampayana said Having come out of the metropolis the brave son of Virata said to his charioteer:-"Go where the Kurus are."

समवेताम् कुरून् सर्वाढिागीषूनवजित्य वै। गास्तेषां क्षिप्रमादाय पुनरेष्याम्यहं पुरम्॥
Having vanquished all the Kurus who have come here for victory and quickly rescued the kine I shall come back to the city of Virata.

ततस्तांश्चोदयामास सदश्वान् पाण्डुनन्दनः। ते हया नरसिंहेन नोदिता वातरंहसः। आलिखन्त इवाकाशमूहः काञ्चनमालिनः॥
Thereupon the son of Pandu urged on the beautiful horses. Being urged on by that foremost of men, those horses, endued with the velocity of wind.

नातिदूरमथो गत्वा मत्स्यपुत्रधनंजयौ। अवेक्षताममित्रघ्नौ कुरूणां बलिनां बलम्॥
Adorned with gold necklaces, seemed to run through the sky. And not going very far, the son of Matsya and Dhananjaya.

श्मशानमभितो गत्वा आससाद कुरूनथ। तां शमीमन्ववीक्षेतां व्यढानीकांश्च सर्वशः॥
Those two repressors of enemies espied the army of the powerful Kurus. And going towards the cremation ground they reached the Kurus.

तदनीकं महत् तेषां विबभौ सागरोपमम्। सर्पमाणमिवाकाशे वनं बहुलपादपम्॥
And they saw their army arranged in battle array. That huge army appeared like an ocean.

ददृशे पार्थिवो रेणुर्जनितस्तेन सर्पता। दृष्टिप्रणाशो भूतानां दिवस्पृक् कुरुसत्तम॥
Or like a forest full of many trees moving through the sky. Then was seen the dust of the earth raise by the moving army.

तदनीकं महद् दृष्ट्वा गजाश्वरथसंकुलम्। कर्णदुर्योधनकृपैर्गुप्तं शान्तनवेन च॥
Which destroyed the vision of creatures and touched the sky, O best of Kurus. Then beholding that huge army abounding in elephants, horses and chariots.

द्रोणेन च सपुत्रेण महेष्वासेन धीमता। हृष्टरोमा भयोद्विग्नः पार्थं वैराटिरब्रवीत्॥
And protected by Karna, Duryodhana, Bhishma, the highly intelligent and great bowman Drona with his son, Virata's son, worked up with fear and having hairs erect, said to Partha.

उत्तर उवाच नोत्सहे कुरुभिर्योद्धं रोमहर्षं हि पश्य मे। बहुप्रवीरमत्युग्रं देवैरपि दुरासदम्॥ प्रतियोद्धं न शक्ष्यामि कुरुसैन्यमनन्तकम्। नाशंसे भारती सेनां प्रवेष्टुं भीमकार्मुकम्॥ रथनागाश्वकलिलां पत्तिध्वजसमाकुलाम्। दृष्ट्वैव हि परानाजौ मनः प्रव्यथतीव मे॥
Uttara said I dare not fight with the Kurus: see the hairs of my body have stood erect. I am unable to fight with the vast Kuru army, consisting of many irrepressible heroes and hard to be vanquished even by the celestials. I dare not enter into the army of the Bharatas consisting of the dreadful bowmen, horses, elephants, chariots infantry and flags. My mind is pained at the view of the enemy in the battle-field.

यत्र द्रोणच भीष्मश्च कृपः कर्णो विविंशतिः। अश्वत्थामा विकर्णश्च सोमदत्तश्च बा िकः॥
Where (stand) Drona, Bhishma, Karna, Kripa, Vivinshati, Ashvatthama, Vikarana, Somadatta, Balhika.

दुर्योधनस्तथा वीरो राजा च रथिनां वरः। द्युतिमन्तो महेष्वासाः सर्वे युद्धविशारदाः॥
The heroic king Duryodhana, the foremost of car-warriors and other effulgent, great bowmen, all skilled in warfare.

दृष्ट्वैव हि कुरूनेतान् व्यूढानीकान् प्रहारिणः। हृषितानि च रोमाणि कश्मलं चागतं मम॥
Beholding these Kurus, expert in fight, arrayed in battle order I am beside myself with fear and my hairs have stood erect.

वैशम्पायन उवाच अविजातो विजातस्य मौाद् धूर्तस्य पश्यतः। परिदेवयते मन्दः सकाशे सव्यसाचिनः॥
Vaishampayana said The coward and foolish Uttara began to bewail out of foolishness before Savyasachin who was high-spirited and disguised. Uttara said

त्रिगर्तान् मे पिता यातः शून्ये सम्प्रणिधाय माम्। सर्वां सेनामुपादाय न मे सन्तीह सैनिकाः॥
My sire has gone out to fight with Trigartas taking the entire army with him and leaving me alone in the empty city there are no soldiers for me.

सोऽहमेको बहून् बालः कृतास्त्रानकृतश्रमः। प्रतियोद्धुं न शक्ष्यामि निवर्तस्व बृहन्नले॥
Single-handed and a mere stripling as I am I have not toiled much over the use of arms. I am not capable of fighting with all these skilled in arms; desist therefore, O Brihannala.

बृहन्नलोवाच भयेन दीनरूपोऽसि द्विषतां हर्षवर्धनः। न च तावत् कृतं कर्म परैः किंचिद् रणाजिरे॥
Brihannala said You are pale with fear; why do you increase the delight of your enemies? Even now you have done nothing with your enemies in the field of action.

स्वयमेव च मामात्य वह मां कौरवान् प्रति। सोऽहं त्वां तत्र नेष्यामि यत्रैते बहुला ध्वजाः॥
You yourself told me "Take me to the Kauravas” and I shall take you there where there are many flags.

मध्यमामिषगृध्राणां कुरूणामाततायिनाम्। नेष्यामि त्वां महाबाहो पृथिव्यामपि युध्यताम्॥
0 you having large arms, I shall take you to the Kurus ready to fight (for kine) like hawks for meat, (even) if they are prepared to fight for the earth.

तथा स्त्रीषु प्रतिश्रुत्य पौरुषं पुरुषेषु च। कत्थमानोऽभिनिर्याय किमर्थं न युयुत्ससे॥
Vaunting of your manliness while starting before men and women, why do you not desire to fight?

न चेद् विजित्य गास्तास्त्वं गृहान् वै प्रतियास्यसि। प्रहसिष्यन्ति वीरास्त्वां नरा नार्यश्च संगताः॥
If you, without defeating them and taking back your kine, return home, all men and women, O hero, when they will meet, will laugh at you.

अहमप्यत्र सैरन्ध्या ख्याता सारथ्यकर्मणि। न च शक्ष्याम्यनिर्जित्य गाः प्रयातुं पुरं प्रति॥
As for me I had been highly spoken of by Sairandhri for my skill as a charioteer. I shall not therefore be able to return to the city without taking the kine. correction compelete

स्तोत्रेण चैव सैरन्ध्यास्तव वाक्येन तेन च। कथं न युध्येयमहं कुरून् सर्वान् स्थिरो भव॥
For Sairandhri's eulogy, and your words (I have come here); why should I not therefore fight with the Kurus; be quiet.

उत्तर उवाच कामं हरन्तु मत्स्यानां भूयांसः कुरवो धनम्। प्रहसन्तु च मां नार्यो नरा वापि बृहन्नले॥
Uttara said Let the Kurus take away the profuse riches of the Matsya's a they like; let men and women laugh at me, O Brihannala.

संग्रामे न च कार्यं मे गावो गच्छन्तु चापि मे। शून्यं मे नगरं चापि पितुश्चैव बिभेग्यहम्॥
Let the kine go any where, let my city be desolate, let me fear my father, but I shall not enter into battle.

वैशम्पायन उवाच इत्युक्त्वा प्राद्रवत् भीतो रथात् प्रस्कन्ध कुण्डली। त्यक्त्वा मानं च दर्षं च विसृज्य सशरं धनुः॥
Vaishampayana said Saying this, that one, adorned with earrings, got down from the chariot, and leaving behind, in fear, his bow and arrows fled away at the sacrifice of his honour and pride.

बृहन्नलोवाच नैष शूरैः स्मृतो धर्मः क्षत्रियस्य पलायनम्। श्रेयस्तु मरणं युद्धे न भीतस्य पलायनम्॥
Brihannala said To fly is not the practice of the brave and the Kshatriyas; death in battle is preferable to flight in fear.

वैशम्पायन उवाच एवमुक्त्वा तु कौन्तेयः सोऽवप्लुत्य रथोत्तमात्। तमन्वधावद् धावन्तं राजपुत्रं धनंजयः॥
Vaishampayana said Saying this Dhananjaya, the son of Kunti, coming down from the excellent car, pursued the prince who was thus running away.

दीर्घा वेणी विधुन्वानः साधु रक्ते च वाससी। विधूय वेणी धावन्तमजानन्तोऽर्जुनं तदा॥ सैनिकाः प्राहसन् केचित् तथारूपमवेक्ष्य तम्। तं शीघ्रमभिधावन्तं सम्प्रेक्ष्य कुरवोऽब्रुवन्॥
His long braid of hair and pure white garments were fluttering in the air. Not knowing that Arjuna was running with his long braid of hair flowing and seeing him some soldiers burst out into laughter. And seeing him thus run quickly the Kurus said.

क एष वेषसंच्छन्नो भस्मन्येव हुताशनः । किंचिदस्य यथा पुंसः किंचिदस्य यथा स्त्रियः॥
Who is this man who is concealed like fire in ashes. He is partly a man and partly a woman.

सारूप्यमर्जुनस्येव क्लीपरूपं बिभर्ति च। तदेवैतच्छिरो ग्रीवं तौ बाहू परिघोपमौ। तद्वदेवास्य विक्रान्तं नायमन्यो धनंजयात्॥
Although assuming a neuter form he appears like Arjuna. His is the same, head, same neck, and are the same arms resembling maces.

अमरेष्विव देवेन्द्रो मानुषेषु धनंजयः। एकः कोऽस्मानुपायायादन्यो लोके धनंजयात्॥
His movement is also like his; he cannot be but Dhananjaya. As Indra is amongst the immurtals so is Dhananjaya amongst men.

एकः पुत्रो विराटस्य शून्ये संनिहितः पुरे। स एष किल निर्यातो बालभावान्न पौरुषात्॥
Excepting Dhananjaya who, in this world, alone can come to fight with us? Only one son of Virata has been left in the empty city.

सत्रेण नूनं छन्नं हि चरन्तं पार्थमर्जुनम्। उत्तर: सारथिं नगराद् बहिः॥ स नो मन्यामहे दृष्ट्वा भीत एष पलायते। तं नूनमेष धावन्तं जिघृक्षति धनंजयः॥
He has come out of childishness and not of heroism. Uttara must have issued out of the city making Arjuna the son of Pritha his charioteer who is living in disguise. It appears to us that he, seeing us, is flying away in fear. And forsooth Dhananjaya is following him to bring him back.

वैशम्पायन उवाच इति स्म कुरवः सर्वे विमृशन्तः पृथक् पृथक्। न च व्यवसितुं किंचिदुत्तरं शक्नुवन्ति ते॥ छन्नं तथा तं सत्रेण पाण्डवं प्रेक्ष्य भारत। उत्तरं तु प्रधावन्तमभिद्रुत्य धनंजयः। गत्वा पदशतं तूर्णं केशपक्षे परामृशत्॥ सोऽर्जुनेन परामृष्टः पर्यदेवयदार्तवत्। बहुलं कृपणं चैव विराटस्य सुतस्तदा॥ कृत्वा निर्यातो
O Bharata, seeing the son of Pandu in disguise all the Kurus thus thought separately but they could not arrive at a conclusion. Dhananjaya however, quickly following the fleeing Uttara, seized him within a hundred steps by the hair. Held by Arjuna the son of Virata began to lament piteously like one forlorn.

उत्तर उवाच शृणुयास्त्वं हि कल्याणि बृहन्नले सुमध्यमे। निवर्तय रथं क्षिप्रं जीवन् भद्राणि पश्यति॥
Uttara said Hear, O youthful Brihannala, turn back the chariot. He, who lives, secures prosperity.

शातकुम्भम्य शुद्धस्य शतं निष्कान् ददामि ते। मणीनष्टौ च वैदूर्यान् हेमबद्धान् महाप्रभान्॥ हेमदण्डप्रतिच्छन्नं रथं युक्तं च सुव्रतैः। मत्तांश्च दश मातङ्गान् मुञ्च मां त्वं बृहन्नले॥
I will give you a hundred coins of pure gold, eight highly brilliant jems Vaidurya set with gold, one car with a golden flag-staff and drawn by excellent horses and ten infuriated elephants. Release me, Brihannala.

वैशम्पायन उवाच एवमादीनि वाक्यानि विलपन्तमचेतसम्। प्रहस्य पुरुषव्याघ्रो रथस्यान्तिकमानयत्॥
Vaishampayana said Holding him forcibly who was bewailing in these strains being beside himself that foremost of men brought him near the car.

अथैनमब्रवीत् पार्थो भयार्तं नष्टचेतसम्। यदि नोत्सहसे योद्धं शत्रुभिः शत्रुकर्षण। एहि मे त्वं हयान् यच्छ युध्यमानस्य शत्रुभिः॥
Partha then said to him who was stricken with fear and deprived of his senses. “O repressor of foes, if you do not like to fight with your enemies, come, govern the horses while I fight with them.

प्रयाह्येतद् रथानीकं मद्बाहुबलरक्षितः। अप्रधृष्यतमं घोरं गुप्तं वीरैमहारथैः॥ मा भैस्त्वं राजपुत्राय क्षत्रियोऽसि परंतप।
Protected by the strength of my arms do you enter into the dreadful and inaccessible collection of arms guarded by brave and powerful horses. Fear not, O repressor of foes, for you are the foremost of princes and a Kshatriya.

कथं पुरुषशार्दूल शत्रुमध्ये विषीदसि॥ अहं वै कुरुभिर्योत्स्ये विजेष्यामि च ते पशून्।
Why are you pulled down in the midst of enemies O foremost of men? I shall fight with the Kurus and release your animals.

प्रविश्यैतद् रथानीकमप्रधृष्यं दुरासदम्॥ यन्ता भव नरश्रेष्ठ योत्स्येऽहं कुरुभिः सह।
Entering into the formidable and impenetrable army. Be you my charioteer, O foremost of men, I shall fight with the Kurus.

एवं ब्रुवाणो बीभत्सुर्वैराटिमपराजितः। समाश्वास्य मुहूर्तं तमुत्तरं भरतर्षभ॥
Thus speaking to Uttara, the son of Virata, Bibhatsu, never defeated in battle, excited him for the time being, O foremost of Viratas.

तत एनं विचेष्टन्तमकामं भयपीडितम्। रथमारोपयामास पार्थः प्रहरतां वरः॥
Then Partha, the foremost of repressors took upon the car that unwilling and fainting prince, assailed with fear.