The going out of Uttara in Goharana

वैशम्पायन उवाच सा प्राद्रवत् काञ्चनमाल्यधारिणी ज्येष्ठेन भ्रात्रा प्रहिता यशस्विनी। सुदक्षिणा वेदिविलग्नमध्या सा पद्मपत्राभनिभा शिखण्डिनी॥ तन्वी शुभाङ्गी मणिचित्रमेखला मत्स्यस्य राज्ञो दुहिता श्रिया वृता। तन्नर्तनागारमरालपक्षमा शतह्रदा मेघमिवान्वपद्यत॥
Vaishampayana said Dispatched by her elder brother, the illustrious daughter of the king of Matsya's, wearing a golden necklace, ever obedient, having a waist slender like that of a wasp, beautiful like Lakshmi, adorned with the plumes of a peacock, of a slender make, beautiful limbs, wearing a zone of pearls, graceful, having slightly curved eye-lashes, speedily went to the dancing-hall like a flash of lightning towards of clouds.

सा हस्तिहस्तोपमसंहितोरूः स्वनिन्दिता चारुदती सुमध्यमा। आसाद्य तं वै वरमाल्यधारिणी पार्थं शुभा नागवधूरिव द्विपम्॥
That blameless, youthful (daughter of Virata) having beautiful teeth, and thighs close like the trunk of an elephant and wearing an excellent garland, she sought for Partha like a she-elephant seeking an elephant.

सा रत्नभूता मनसः प्रियार्चिता सुता विराटस्य यथेन्द्रलक्ष्मीः। सुदर्शनीया प्रमुखे यशस्विनी प्रीत्याब्रवीदर्जुनमायतेक्षणा॥
That beautiful and illustrious daughter having large eyes, like a precious jem, or the prosperity of Indra, delightedly said to Arjuna.

सुसंहतोरुं कनकोज्ज्वलत्वचं पार्थः कुमारी स तदाभ्यभाषत। किमागमः काञ्चनमाल्यधारिणी मृगाक्षि किं त्वं त्वरितेव भामिनि।। माचक्ष्व तत्त्वं मम शीघ्रमङ्गने॥
Partha asked the Princess of close thighs and golden hue saying: "Why have you come here, O you wearing a golden garland? Why are you in a hurry, O you having the eyes of a deer? O fair lady, why your face is so cheerless? Tell me all this quickly.

वैशम्पायन उवाच स तां दृष्ट्वा विशालाक्षीं राजपुत्री सखीं तथा। प्रहसन्नब्रवीद राजन् किमागमनमित्युत॥
Beholding his friend the princess of expansive eyes in that condition, her friend (Arjuna) o king, smilingly asked her of the cause of coming.

तमब्रवीद् राजयुत्री समुपेत्य नरर्षभम्। प्रणयं भावयन्ती सा सखीमध्य इदं वचः॥
Then approaching that best of men, that princess, bending low with humility addressed to him (the following) words in the midst of her companions.

गावो राष्ट्रस्य कुरुभिः काल्यन्ते नो बृहन्नले। ता विजेतुं मम भ्राता प्रयास्यति धनुर्धरः॥
O Brihannala, the kine of this kingdom are being carried away by the Kurus; my brother is about to start for their discomfiture, with bow in hand.

नाचिरं निहतस्तस्य संग्रामे रथसारथिः। तेन नास्ति समः सूतो योऽस्य सारथ्यमाचरेत्॥
Very recently the charioteer of his car was slain in battle; there is none equal to him who can act as his (my brother's) charioteer.

तस्मै प्रयतमानाय सारथ्यर्थं बृहन्नले। आचचक्षे हयज्ञाने सैरन्ध्री कौशलं तव॥
O Brihannala, while he was trying to find out a charioteer, Sairandhri spoke to him about your skill in the management of horses.

अर्जुनस्य किलासीस्त्वं सारथिर्दयितः पुरा। त्वयाजयत् सहायेन पृथिवीं पाण्डवर्षभः॥
Formerly you were the favourite charioteer of Arjuna and with you as his help that foremost of Pandavas conquered the earth; O good Brihannala, act (therefore) as the charioteer of my brother.

सा सारथ्यं मम भ्रातुः कुरु साधु बृहन्नले। पुरा दूरतरं गावो ह्रियन्ते कुरुभिर्हि नः॥
Our kine (by this time) have been taken away to a greater distance by the Kurus. If you do not comply with my words as requested.

अथैतद् वचनं मेऽद्य नियुक्ता न करिष्यसि। प्रणयादुच्यमाना त्वं परित्यक्ष्यामि जीवितम्॥
I, who have asked you for this, shall give up my life. Being thus accosted by his friend of fair hips, that slayer of foes,

एवमुक्तस्तु सुश्रोण्या तया सख्या परंतपः। जगाम राजपुत्रस्य सकाशममितौजसः॥ तमाव्रजन्तं त्वरितं प्राभन्नमिव कुवारम्। अन्वगच्छद् विशालक्षी गजं गजवधूरिव॥
Of incomparable energy went to the prince. The large eyed (princess) followed him who was proceeding quickly like an elephant in rut as a she-elephant runs after its young one. Seeing him from a distance the prince said.

दूरादेव तु तां प्रेक्ष्य राजपुत्रोऽभ्यभाषत। त्वया सारथिना पार्थः खाण्डवेऽग्निमतर्पयत॥
Having got you as his charioteer, Kunti's son Partha, the conqueror of the god of riches, offered oblation to Khandava fire and completely subjugated the world.

पृथिवीमजयत् कृत्स्नां कुन्तीपुत्रो धनंजयः। सैरन्ध्री त्वां समाचष्टे सा हि जानाति पाण्डवान्।।१७।
Sairandhri spoke of you to me; she knows the Pandavas; O Brihannala, govern in the same way, my horses,

संयच्छ मामकानश्वांस्तथैव त्वं बृहन्नले। कुरुभिर्योत्स्यमानस्य गोधनानि परीप्सतः॥
Who am desirous of fighting with the Kurus and rescuing the precious kine. You were formerly the favourite charioteer of Arjuna.

अर्जुनस्य किलासीस्त्वं सारथिर्दयित: पुरा। त्वयाजयत् सहायेन पृथिवीं पाण्डवर्षभः॥
By your help, that foremost of the Pandavas conquered the world. Brihannala replied to the prince who had said this.

एवमुक्ता प्रत्युवाच राजपुत्रं बृहन्नला। का शक्तिर्मम सारथ्यं कर्तुं संग्राममूर्धनि॥ गीतं वा यदि वा नृत्यं वादिनं वा पृथग्विधम्। तत् करिष्यामि भद्रं ते सारथ्यं तु कुतो मम॥
(Saying): “What power have I that I can act as your charioteer in the field of battle. If it were singing, dancing, musical instruments or any other similar thing I could have entertained you. But how can I work as a charioteer?”

उत्तर उवाच बृहन्नले गायनो वा नर्तनो वा पुनर्भव। क्षिप्रं मे रथमास्थाय निगृह्णीष्व हयोत्तमान्॥
Uttara said O Brihannala, a singer or a dancer, whatever you may be, quickly ascend my chariot and restrain the best of horses.

वैशम्पायन उवाच स तत्र नर्मसंयुक्तमकरोत् पाण्डवो बहु। उत्तरायाः प्रमुखतः सर्वं जाननरिंदमः॥
Vaishampayana said Although knowing everything, that slayer of foes, the son of Pandu, as if to make a fun, committed many mistakes before Uttara.

ऊर्ध्वमुत्क्षिप्य कवचं शरीरे प्रत्यमुञ्चत। कुमार्यस्तत्र तं दृष्ट्वा प्राहसन् पृथुलोचनाः॥
And while by raising it upwards he tried to put the coat of mail on his body, the large-eyed maidens, seeing it, began to laugh.

स तु दृष्ट्वा विमुह्यन्तं स्वयमेवोत्तरस्ततः। कवचेन महार्हेण समनह्यद् बृहन्नलाम्॥
Beholding him bewildered Uttara himself dressed Brihannala with a highly precious coat of mail.

स बिभ्रत् कवचं चाइयं स्वयमप्यंशुमत्प्रभम्। ध्वजं च सिंहमुच्छ्रिस्य सारथ्ये समकल्पयत्॥
Himself putting on an armour effulgent like the sun and hoisting the lion flag he appointed him (Brihannala, as his charioteer).

धनूंषि च महार्हाणि बाणांश्च रुचिरान् बहून्। आदाय प्रययौ वीरः स बृहन्नलसारथिः॥
With Brihannala as his charioteer and taking many costly bows and beautiful arrows the hero issued out.

अथोत्तरा च कन्याश्च सख्यस्तामब्रुवंस्तदा। बृहन्नले आनयेथा वासांसि रुचिराणि च॥ पाञ्चालिकार्थं चित्राणि सूक्ष्माणि च मृदूनि च। विजित्य संग्रामगतान् भीष्मद्रोणमुखान् कुरून्॥
His friend Uttara and other maidens then said:-"O Brihannala, bring for our dolls fine, beautiful and soft cloths of various kinds (when you will come back) after defeating the Kurus in battle headed by Bhishma and Drona.”

एवं ता ब्रुवतीः कन्याः सहिताः पाण्डुनन्दनः। प्रत्युवाच हसन् पार्थो मेघदुन्दुभिनि:स्वनः॥
The maidens thus speaking, Partha, the son of Pandu, smilingly replied in words deep as the muttering of clouds.

बृहन्नलोवाच यद्युत्तरोऽयं संग्रामे विजेष्यति महारथान्। अथाहरिष्ये वासांसि दिव्यानि रुचिराणि च।॥
Brihannala said If Uttara can defeat those mighty carwarriors I shall bring many beautiful clothes for you.

वैशम्पायन उवाच एवमुक्त्वा तु बीभत्सुस्ततः प्राचोदयद्धयान्। कुरूनभिमुखः शूरो नानाध्वजपताकिनः॥
Vaishampayana said Having said this the heroic Arjuna drove the horses towards the Kuru army over which were flowing many flags.

तमुत्तरं वीक्ष्य रथोत्तरे स्थितं बृहन्नलायाः सहितं महाभुजम्। स्त्रियश्च कन्याश्च द्विजाश्च सुव्रताः प्रदक्षिणं चक्रुरथोचुरङ्गनाः॥
Beholding the mighty-armed Uttara seated on the excellent car along with Brihannala, the females, the maidens and the Brahmanas of hard vows, went round the car.

यदर्जुनस्यर्षभतुल्यगामिनः पुराभवत् खाण्डवदाहमङ्गलम्। कुरून् समासाद्य रणे बृहन्नले सहोत्तरेणाद्य तदस्तु मङ्गलम्॥
"(They said) 0 Brihannala, may that victory, which Arjuna, walking like a bull obtained in the days of yore at the time of the burning of the forest of Khandava, come to you today when you shall with Uttara meet the Kurus.