The praise of Uttara in Goharana

वैशम्पायन उवाच याते त्रिगर्तान् मत्स्ये तु पशूस्तान् वै परीप्सति। दुर्योधनः सामात्यो विराटमुपयादथ॥
Vaishampayana said After the king of Matsya's had gone out in pursuit of Trigartas for recovering his kine, Duryodhana, with his courtiers, attacked his kingdom.

भीष्मो द्रोणश्च कर्णश्च कृपश्च परमास्त्रवित्। द्रौणिश्च सौबलश्चैव तथा दुःशासन प्रभो॥ विविंशतिर्विकर्णश्च चित्रसेनश्च वीर्यवान्। दुर्मुखो दुःशलश्चैव ये चैवान्ये महारथाः॥ एते मत्स्यानुपागम्य विराटस्य महीपतेः। घोषान् विद्राव्य तरा गोधनं जहरोजसा॥
Bhishma, Drona, Karna, Kripa, versed in the use of the best of weapons, Ashvathama, Subala's son, Dushasana, O king, Vivinshati, Vikarana, the greatly energetic Chitrasena, Durmukha, Dushasana and many other highly powerful heroes, overtaking Matsya, speedily drove away his cow-herds and got possession of the king by force.

षष्टिं गवां सहस्राणि कुरवः कालयन्ति च। महता रथवंशेन परिवार्य समन्ततः॥
Encircling all sides with a huge array of cars, the Kauravas seized the sixty thousand kine.

गोपालानां तु घोषस्य हन्यतां तैर्महारथैः। आरावः सुमहानासीत् सम्प्रहारे भयंकरे॥
A great cry was set up in that dreadful combat by the cow-herds struck by those inighty car-warriors.

गोपध्याक्षो भयत्रस्तो रथमास्थाय सत्वरः। जगाम नगरायैव परिक्रोशंस्तदाऽऽर्तवत्॥
Greatly stricken with grief the chief, of the cow-herds, quickly got upon a chariot and started for the city bewailing in affliction.

स प्रविश्य पुरं राज्ञो नृपवेश्माभ्ययात् ततः। अवतीर्य रथात् तूर्णमाख्यातुं प्रविवेश ह॥
Entering the city of the king, he went to the palace and getting down from the car proceeded to relate (what took place).

दृष्ट्वा भूमिजयं नाम पुत्रं मत्स्यस्य मानिनम्। तस्मै तत् सर्वमाचष्ट राष्ट्रस्य पशुकर्षणम्॥
Seeing the haughty son of Matsya Bhuminjaya, he described to him everything about the royal kine being taken away.

षष्टिं गवां सहस्राणि कुरवः कालयन्ति ते। तद् विजेतुं समुत्तिष्ठ गोधनं राष्ट्रवर्धन॥
The Kauravas are taking away your sixty thousand kine; rise up, o increaser of territories, to bring them back.

राजपुत्र हितप्रेप्सुः क्षिप्रं निर्याहि च स्वयम्। त्वां हि मत्स्यो महीपाल: शून्यपालमिहाकरोत्॥
If you wish your well-being, speedily go out yourself, O prince. The emperor Matsya left you alone in the city.

त्वया परिषदो मध्ये श्लाघते स नराधिपः। पुत्रो ममानुरूपश्च शूरश्चेति कुलोद्वहः॥
The king speaks highly of you in the court: My son, after me, is heroic and the supporter (of the prestige) of the race.

इष्वस्त्रे निपुणो योधः सदा वीरश्च मे सुतः। तस्य तत् सत्यमेवास्तु मनुष्येन्द्रस्य भाषितम्॥
My son is a heroic warrior, and an expert in the use of shafts. Make good these words of the Emperor.

आवर्तय कुरूढिात्वा पशून् पशुमतां वर। निर्दहैषामनीकानि भीमेन शरतेजसा॥
O you the foremost of those who own cattle, having discomfited the Kurus, do you bring back the animals, consume their soldiers with the dreadful prowess of your shafts,

धनुश्च्युतै रुक्मपुङ्खैः शरैः संनतपर्वभिः। द्विषतां भिन्ध्यनीकानि गजानामिव युथपः॥
Crush down the enemics' life, with straight shafts feathered in gold discharged off your bow like an elephant chief rushing at a herd.

पाशोपधानां ज्यातन्त्री चापदण्डां महास्वनाम्। शरवर्णां धनुर्वीणां शत्रुमध्ये प्रवादय॥
Your bow is like a Vina, the two ends being like ivory pillows; the string is the main chord, the staff is the finger board and the arrows represent the time. Strike this Vina of a bow in the midst of the enemies.

श्वेता रजतसंकाशा रथे युज्यन्तु ते हयाः। ध्वजं च सिंहं सौवर्णमुच्छ्रयन्तु तव प्रभो॥
Let your horses, white as silver, be yoked to the cars and let your flag, having the emblem of a golden lion, he hoisted up, O lord.

रुक्मपुङ्खाः प्रसन्नाया मुक्ता हस्तवता त्वया। छादयन्तु शराः सूर्यं राज्ञां मार्गनिरोधकाः॥
Let your sharp arrows, feathered in gold, discharged by your powerful arms, stand in the way of these kings and overshadow the sun.

रणे जित्वा कुरून् सर्वान् वज्रपाणिरिवासुरान्। यशो महदवाप्य त्वं प्रविशेदं पुरं पुनः॥
Defeating all the Kurus in battle like the holder of Vajra the Asuras and acquiring great fame, return to your city.

त्वं हि राष्ट्रस्य परमा गतिर्मत्स्यपतेः सुतः। यथा हि पाण्डुपुत्राणामर्जुनो जयतां वरः॥
You are the greatest support of the kingdom, the son of Matsya king, like Arjuna, the foremost of the victors amongst the sons of Pandu.

एवमेव गतिर्नूनं भवान् विषयवासिनाम्। गतिमन्तो वयं त्वद्य सर्वे विषयवासिनः॥
Even like him you are forsooth the refuge of those who live in this country; we all look upon you as our protector.

वैशम्पायन उवाच स्त्रीमध्य उक्तस्तेनासौ तद् वाक्यमभयंकरम्। अन्त:पुरे श्लाघमान इदं वचनमब्रवीत्॥
Vaishampayana said Being thus addressed by him in the midst of females with fearless words in the inner apartment he gave went to the following praiseworthy words.