The announcement of Virata's victory

वैशम्पायन उवाच एवमुक्ते तु सव्रीडः सुशर्माऽऽसीदधोमुखः। स मुक्तोऽभ्येत्य राजानमभिवाद्य प्रतस्थिवान्॥
Vaishampayana said Thus addressed Susharma was filled with shame and bent down his head. And liberated and bowing to the king he went away.

विसृज्य तु सुशर्माणं पाण्डवास्ते हतद्विषः। स्वबाहुबलसम्पन्ना ह्रीनिषेवा यतव्रताः॥ संग्रामशिरसो मध्ये तां रात्रिं सुखिनोऽवसन्। ततो विराटः कौन्तेयानतिमानुषविक्रमान्। अर्चयामास वित्तेन मानेन च महारथान्॥
Having released Susharma, the Pandavas, then enemies slain, endowed with the strength of arms, observant of vows, and modest, passed that night happily in the midst of the battle-field. Then Virata honoured, with wealth and respect, those mighty car-warriors, the of Kunti, who were gifted with superhuman prowess.

विराट उवाच यथैव मम रत्नानि युष्माकं तानि वै तथा। कार्यं कुरुत वै सर्वे यथाकामं यथासुखम्॥
sons Virata said All these my jewels are as much mine as yours; do you all work as you like and as may conduce to your happiness.

ददाम्यलंकृताः कन्या वसूनि विविधानि च। मनसश्चाप्यभिप्रेतं युद्धे शत्रुनिबर्हणाः॥
O repressors of foes in battle, I shall center upon you women adorned with ornaments, plentiful riches and other things that you may like.

युष्माकं विक्रमादद्य मुक्तोऽहं स्वस्तिमानिह। तस्माद् भवन्तो मत्स्यानामीश्वराः सर्व एव हि॥
By your prowess today I have been saved from peril. I am now crowned with victory. Do you all become the kings of Matsya's.

वैशम्पायन उवाच तथेतिवादिनं मत्स्यं कौरवेयाः पृथक् पृथक्। ऊचुः प्राढालयः सर्वे युधिष्ठिरपुरोगमाः॥
Vaishampayana said Those Kauravas, headed by Yudhishthira, with folded heads, said each severally to the king of the Matsya who had addressed them thus.

प्रतिनन्दाम ते वाक्यं सर्वं चैव विशाम्पते। एतेनैव प्रतीताः स्म यत् त्वं मुक्तोऽद्य शत्रुभिः॥
O king, we have been perfectly pleased with what you have said. It is a matter of gratification to us that you have been released from the enemies.

ततोऽब्रवीत् प्रीतमना मत्स्यराजो युधिष्ठिरम्। पुनरेव महाबाहुर्विराटो राजसत्तमः॥
Then the mighty armed, Virata, the king of Matsya's, the foremost of monarchs, again delightedly said to Yudhishthira.

एहि त्वामभिषेक्ष्यामि मत्स्यराजस्तु नो भवान्॥ मनसश्चाप्यभिप्रेतं यथेष्टं भुवि दुर्लभम्।
Come, I shall install you and be the king of us, the Matsya's. Whatever you desire in mind, any thing, even though rare on earth,

तत् तेऽहं सम्प्रदास्यामि सर्वमर्हति नो भवान्॥ रत्नानि गाः सुवर्णं च मणिमुक्तमथापि च।
I shall confer upon you all-jewels, kine, gold, pearls, jems and all; you deserve every thing.

वैयाघ्रपद्य विप्रेन्द्र सर्वथैव नमोऽस्तु ते॥ त्वत्कृते ह्यद्य पश्यामि राज्यं संतानमेव च।
I bow to you, it is for you that once more today I see my kingdom and children.

यतश्च जातसंरम्भो न च शत्रुवशं गतः॥ ततो युधिष्ठिरो मत्स्यं पुनरेवाभ्यभाषत।
Through you, afflicted with fear I did not pass into the hands of the enemies." Yudhishthira then again said to the king of Matsya's.

प्रतिनन्दामि ते वाक्यं मनोज्ञं मत्स्य भाषसे॥ आनृशंस्यपरो नित्यं सुसुखी सततं भव।
O king of Matsya, we highly relish the delightful words you have given vent to. Being humane towards all do you live happily ever and anon.

गच्छन्तु दूतास्त्वरितं नगरं तव पार्थिव।॥ सुहृदां प्रियमाख्यातुं घोषयन्तु च ते जयम्।
O king, let emissaries speedily go to your city, to communicate this pleasant tidings to your friends and announce your victory.

ततस्तद्वचनान्मत्स्यो दूतान् राजा समादिशत्।।१६ आचक्षध्वं पुरं गत्वा संग्रामविजयं मम।
At his words the king of Matsya's dispatched his emissaries, saying: “Going to my city do you announce my victory.

कुमार्यः समलंकृत्य पर्यागच्छन्तु मे पुरात्॥ वादित्राणि च सर्वाणि गणिकाश्च स्वलंकृताः।
Let damsels and courtezans, adorned with ornaments, come out of the city with various musical instruments.

एतां चाज्ञां ततः श्रुत्वा राज्ञा मत्स्येन नोदिताः। तामाज्ञां शिरसा कृत्वा प्रस्थिता हृष्टमानसाः॥
Hearing this his command and being thus addressed by the Matsya king, they, placing his command on their heads, delightedly went away.

ते गत्वा तत्र तां रात्रिमथ सूर्योदयं प्रति। विराटस्य पुराभ्याशे दूता जयमघोषयन्॥
Going to the city that very night they announced, at the hour of sun-rise, the victory of the king.