Fight between Rama and Bhishma

भीष्म उवाच तमहं स्मयन्निव रणे प्रत्यभाष व्यवस्थितम्। भूमिष्ठं नोत्सहे योद्धं भवन्तं रथमास्थितः॥
Bhishma said Laughingly I said to him who stood there for battle: Myself riding on a chariot I do not venture to fight with you who are on the ground.

आरोह स्यन्दनं वीर कवचं च महाभुजा बधान समरे राम यदि यो« मयेच्छसि॥
Mount on a chariot, O hero, and adjust your coat of mail, O you of long arms if, O Rama, you desire to fight with me.

ततो मामब्रवीद् रामः स्मयमानो रणाजिरे। रथो मे मेदिनी भीष्म वाहा वेदाः सदश्ववत्॥
Then did Rama say to me laughingly in the field of battle: "The earth is chariot, O Bhishma, and the Vedas carry me like good horses.

सूतश्च मातरिश्वा वै कवचं वेदमातरः। सुसंवीतो रणे ताभिर्योत्स्येऽहं कुरुनन्दन॥
The wind is my driver, and the mothers of the Vedas (Gayatri, Savitri and Sarasvati) constitute my coat of mail. Well protected by these, in battle, I shall fight, O you delighter of the Kurus."

एवं ब्रुवाणो गान्धारे रामो मां सत्यविक्रमः। शरवातेन महता सर्वतः प्रत्यवारयत्॥
Saying thus, O son of Gandhari, Rama of true prowess covered me on all sides with a thick shower of arrows.

ततोऽपश्यं जामदग्न्यं रथमध्ये व्यवस्थितम्। सर्वायुधवरे श्रीमत्यद्भुतोपमदर्शने॥
Then did I see the son of Jamadagni seated on a car holding all the principal weapons, endued with beauty and appearing wonderful to the sight.

मनसा विहते पुण्ये विस्तीर्णे नगरोपमे। दिव्याश्चयुजि संनद्धे काञ्चनेन विभूषिते॥
The car was created by his will force and was like a holy and spacious city with celestial horses yoked to it and well protected and ornamented with gold.

कवचेन महाबाहो सोमार्ककृतलक्ष्मणा। धनुर्धरो बद्धतूणो बद्धगोधाङ्गलित्रवान्॥
He was also clad in a coat of mail, O you of long arms, looking like the sun and moon, wielding a bow furnished with a quiver and with his fingers protected by gloves.

सारथ्यं कृतवांस्त्र युयुत्सोरकृतव्रणः। सखा वेदविदत्यन्तं दयितो भार्गवस्य ह॥
Akritavrana, desirous of fighting, performed the office of the charioteer in that battle. He was the dear friend of that descendant Bhrigu and very well versed in Vedas.

आह्वयानः स मां युद्धे मनो हर्षयतीव मे। पुनः पुनरभिक्रोशन्नभियाहीति भार्गवः॥
When he challenged me to fight my heart was very much pleased. The descendant of Bhrigu said to me again and again "come, come.”

तमादित्यमिवोद्यन्तमनाधृष्यं महाबलम्। क्षत्रियान्तकरं राममेकमेकः समासदम्॥
Then did I approach him who was blazing like the sun, incapable of being vanquished and endued with great strength. Alone I approached Rama, the exterminator of the Kshatriya race.

ततोऽहं बाणपातेषु त्रिषु वाहान् निगृह्य वै। अवतीर्यं धनुय॑स्य पदातिर्ऋषिसत्तमम्॥
After receiving three showers of arrows I stopped my horses and dismounting and putting aside my bow, I went on foot to that best among the Rishis.

अभ्यागच्छं तदा राममर्चिष्यन् द्विजसत्तमम्। अभिवाद्य चैनं विधिवदब्रुवं वाक्यमुत्तमम्॥
And coming before him I worshipped Rama the best among the twice born and after saluting him addressed him suitably in these excellent words.

योत्स्ये त्वया रणे राम सदृशेनाधिकेन वा। गुरुणा धर्मशीलेन जयमाशास्व मे विभो॥
Whether you are equal to me or superior I shall fight with you, my lord, though you are my virtuous preceptor. Bless me that I may obtain victory.

राम उवाच एवमेतत् कुरुश्रेष्ठ कर्तव्य भूतिमिच्छता! धर्मो ह्येष महाबाहो विशिष्टैः सह युध्यताम्॥
Rama said O foremost among the Kurus, such should be done by one who desires prosperity. It is virtuous, O you of long arms, to fight with those that are well known.

शपेयं त्वां न चेदेवमागच्छेथा विशाम्पते। युध्यस्व त्वं रणे यत्तो धैर्यमालम्ब्य कौरव॥
If, O lord of the universe, you had not thus come to me I would have cursed you; fight you in battle with patience, O son of Kuru.

न तु ते जयमाशासे त्वां विजेतुमहं स्थितः। गच्छ युध्यस्व धर्मेण प्रीतोऽस्मि चरितेन ते॥
I cannot bless you for victory, for I myself am standing here to vanquish you Go, fight fairly, I am pleased with your conduct.

ततोऽहं तं नमस्कृत्य रथमारुह्य सत्वरः। प्राध्यापयं रणे शङ्ख पुनर्हेमपरिष्कृतम्॥
Then did I, after saluting him, quickly mount my chariot and again blew loudly my conch in the field of battle, a conch set with gold.

ततो युद्धं समभवन्मम तस्य च भारत। दिवसान् सुबहून् राजन् परस्परजिगीषया।॥
Then did the fight take place between myself and him, O Bharata for a great many days, O king, during which each was desirous of vanquishing the other.

स मे तस्मिन् रणे पूर्वं प्राहरत् कङ्कपत्रिभिः। षष्ट्या शतैश्च नवभिः शराणां नतपर्वणाम्॥
In the battle, he first struck me with straight arrows with wings of vulture to the number of six hundred and nine.

चत्वारस्तेन मे वाहाः सूतश्चैव विशाम्पते। पर्तिरुद्धास्तथैवाहं समरे दंशितः स्थितः॥
By that shower, my four horses as also my chariot, O lord of the universe, completely covered; but clad in a coat of mail, I myself remained calm.

नमस्कृत्य च देवेभ्यो ब्राह्मणेभ्यो विशेषतः। तमहं स्मयन्निव रणे प्रत्यभाषं व्यवस्थितम्॥
Bowing to the gods and especially to the Brahmanas I laughingly said to him who was standing there for battle. were

ते आचार्यता मानिता मे निर्मर्यादे ह्यपि त्वयि। भूयश्च शृणु मे ब्रह्मन् सम्पदं धर्मसंग्रह।॥
I have shown sufficient respect to yourself as a preceptor, though you have paid little regard to me. Listen again, O Brahmana, to what should be done if you want to acquire virtue.

ये ते वेदाः शरीरस्था ब्राह्मण्यं यच्च ते महत्। तपश्च महत् तप्तं न तेभ्यः प्रहराम्यहम्॥
The Vedas that are in your body and the great spirit of Brahma that is there and the great asceticism practiced by you, I do not strike at.

प्रहरे क्षत्रधर्मस्य यं राम त्वं समाश्रितः। ब्राह्मणः क्षत्रियत्वं हि याति शस्त्रसमुद्यमात्॥
I shall strike at your Kshatriya-hood since, O Rama, you have adopted the life of a Kshatriya; a Brahmana becomes a Kshatriya owing to his taking up arms.

पश्य मे धनुषो वीर्यं पश्य बाह्वोर्बलं मम। एष ते कार्मुकं वीर छिनधि निशितेषुणा॥
Behold now the strength of my bow; and behold the might of my arms. O hero, I shall cut asunder this bow of yours by my arrows.

तस्याहं निशितं मल्लं चिक्षेप भरतर्षभ। तेनास्य धनुषः कोटि छित्त्वा भूमावपातयम्॥
Then did I hurl towards him a broad headed arrow and by it his bow broke into a million pieces and fell to the ground.

तथैव च पृषत्कानां शतानि नतपर्वणाम्। चिक्षेप कङ्कपत्राणां जामदग्न्यरथं प्रति॥
In the same way, I shot a hundred arrows furnished with the wings of a vulture on the son of Jamadagni.

काये विषक्तास्तु तदा वायुना समुदीरिताः। चेलुः क्षरन्तो रुधिरं नागा इव च ते शराः॥
Piercing through his body and carried along by the wind the arrows sped along dropping blood and acting like serpents.

क्षतजोक्षितसर्वाङ्गः क्षरन् स रुधिरं रणे। बभौ रामस्तदा राजन् मेरुातुमिवोत्सृजन्॥
Rama, then with all his body wondered and covered all over with blood, shone in battle like a mountain dropping melted metal.

हेमन्तान्तेऽशोक एव रक्तस्तबकमण्डितः। बभौ रामस्तथा राजन् प्रफुल्ल इव किंशुकः॥
He looked like the Ashoka tree, at the end of winter, covered with bunches of red flowers or, O king, like the Kinshuka tree when laden with flowers.

ततोऽन्यद् धनुरादाय रामः क्रोधसमन्वितः। हेमपुङ्कान् सुनिशिताशरांस्तान् हि ववर्ष सः॥
Then did Rama, wrathfully taking up another bow, shoot forth arrows well sharpened and furnished with golden wings.

ते समासाद्य मां रौद्रा बहुधा मर्मभेदिनः। अकम्पयन् महावेगाः सर्पानलविषोपमाः॥
Those fierce arrows, which were like flames and poisonous serpents coming from several sides, caused me to tremble at their great force and pierced my very vitals.

तमहं समवष्टभ्य पुनरात्मानमाहवे। शतसंख्यैः शरैः क्रुद्धस्तदा राममवाकिरम्॥
Then did I, with wrath, shoot on Rama arrows, hundred in number after summoning all my patience and addressing myself to battle.

स तैरग्न्यर्कसंकाशैः शरैराशीविषोपमैः। शितैरभ्यर्दितो रामो मन्दचेता इवाभवत्॥
Rama, struck with those arrows which were like fire or the sun and like poisonous snakes, became like one senseless.

ततोऽहं कृपयाऽऽविष्टो विष्टभ्यात्मानमात्मना। धिग्धिगित्यब्रुवं युद्धं क्षत्रधर्मं च भारत॥
Then was I filled with pity and stopped of my own will and said: "Fie, fie on battle and on Kshatriya practices." O Bharata.

असकृच्चाब्रुवं राजन् शोकवेगपरिप्लुतः। अहो बत कृतं पापं मयेदं क्षत्रधर्मणा॥
Being filled with grief I said, “I am a vicious man and what sins have been committed by me for observing the duties of a Kshatriya. one

गुरुर्द्विजातिधर्मात्मा यदेवं पीडितः शरैः। ततो न प्राहरं भूयो जामदग्न्याय भारत॥
For I have hurt with my arrows my preceptor who is a Brahmana of a virtuous soul. After that O Bharata I did not strike at Jamadagni's son.

अथावताप्य पृथिवीं पूषा दिवससंक्षये। जगामास्तं सहस्रांशुस्ततो युद्धमुपारमत्॥
At this time, at the end of day, the sun of a thousand rays after heating the earth, went to his rooms and the fight too closed for the day.