None: Chapter 161

The speech of Uluka

संजय उवाच सेनानिवेशं सम्प्राप्त: कैतव्यः पाण्डवस्य ह। समागत: पाण्डवेयैयुधिष्ठिरमभाषत॥
Sanjaya said The son, of the one proficient in the game of dice, having reached the encampment of the Pandavas, said to Yudhishthira who was seated with the other sons of Pandu.

अभिज्ञो दूतवाक्यानां यथोक्तं ब्रूवतो मम। दुर्योधनसमादेशं श्रुत्वा न क्रोद्भुमर्हसि॥
You very well know the nature of the words of envoys; therefore it is not proper that you should be angry with me who will only speak what Duryodhana has instructed me.

युधिष्ठिर उवाच उलूकं न भयं तेऽस्ति ब्रूहि त्वं विगतज्वरः। यन्मतं धार्तराष्ट्रस्य लुब्धस्यादीर्घदर्शिनः॥
Yudhishthira said O Uluka, you need have no fear; speak out without any fear of trouble, what opinion is held by the son of Dhritarashtra, actuated by avarice and having little foresight."

ततो द्युतिमतां मध्ये पाण्डवानां महात्मनाम्। सृञ्जयानां च मत्स्यानां कृष्णस्य च यशस्विनः॥
Then in the midst of those men of effulgence, those great-souled son of Pandu and the Srinjayas and the Matsya's and also the renowned Krishna,

दुपस्य सपुत्रस्य विराटस्य च संनिधौ। भूमिपानां च सर्वेषां मध्ये वाक्यं जगाद ह॥
And also of Drupada with his son and in the presence of Virata also and in the midst of those rulers of the earth he uttered these words.

उलूक उवाच इदं त्वामब्रवीद् राजा धार्तराष्ट्रो महामनाः। शृण्वतां कुरुवीराणां तन्निबोध युधिष्ठिर॥
Uluka said The royal son of Dhritarashtra, endued with a large mind, said this to you in the hearing, of the Kuru heroes; listen to them O Yudhishthira.

पराजितोऽसि द्यूतेन कृष्णा चानायिता सभाम्। शक्योऽमर्षो मनुष्येण कर्तुं पुरुषमानिना॥
You had been defeated at a game of dice, and Krishna had been dragged into the council, a man, who thinks himself to be a male, would be justified under these circumstances to show his wrath.

द्वादशैव तु वर्षाणि वने धिष्ण्याद् विवासितः। संवत्सरं विराटस्य दास्यमास्थाय चोषितः॥
For twelve years have you been exiled from your home into the woods, and for a whole year you lived as a slave under Virata.

अमर्षं राज्यहरणं वनवासं च पाण्डव। द्रौपद्याश्च परिक्लेशं संस्मरन् पुरुषो भव॥
Remembering, O son of Pandu, the pain of being exiled from your kingdom and of your residence in the forth and the trouble endued by Krishna, be a man.

अशक्तेन च यच्छप्तं भीमसेनेन पाण्डव। दुःशासनस्य रुधिरं पीयतां यदि शक्यते॥
O son of Pandu now let what had been said by O Bhimasena namely that he would drink the blood of Dushasana, be made good by him, if he can.

लोहाभिसारो निर्वृत्तः कुरुक्षेत्रमकर्दमम्। समः पन्था भृतास्तेऽश्वाः श्वो युध्यस्व सकेशवः॥
The deities, presiding over each weapon, have now been invoked. Kurukshetra is now free from mud, your horses are fat and sleek, your soldiers have been paid their dies, therefore do you fight, along with Keshava tomorrow.

असमागम्य भीष्मेण संयुगे किं विकत्यसे। आरुरुक्षुर्यथा मन्दः पर्वतं गन्धमादनम्॥ एवं कत्थसि कौन्तेय अकत्थन् पुरुषो भव। सूतपुत्रं सुदुर्धर्षं शल्यं च बलिनां वरम्॥ द्रोणं च बलिनां श्रेष्ठं शचीपतिसमं युधि। अजित्वा संयुगे पार्थ राज्यं कथमिहेच्छसि॥
Without encountering Bhishma in battle why do you boast? Like that fool who used to boast without ever ascending the Gandhamadana mountain, You too boast in the same way; O son of Kunti, show forth your manliness without boasting. The son of a Suta, excited with great wrath, and that foremost among persons endued with strength namely Shalya and Drona that foremost among men gifted with strength, who all in battle are equal to the Lord of Sachi himself, without defeating in battle all these, how do you desire the kingdom, O son of Pritha?

ब्राह्मे धनुषि चाचार्य वेदयोरन्तगं द्वयोः। युधि धुर्यमविक्षोभ्यमनीकचरमच्युतम्॥ द्रोणं महाद्युति पार्थ जेतुमिच्छसि तन्मृषा। न हि शुश्रुम वातेन मेरुमुन्मथितं गिरिम्॥
The one, who is the preceptor in the science of bowmanship as also in the Vedas he who has thoroughly studied these two, he that is foremost in battle and who can never be separated from his army, O son of Pritha, the desire you entertain of vanquishing in battle that Drona, is vain; I never heard that the Meru mountain was ever moved by the wind.

अलिनो वा वहेन्मेरु द्यौर्वापि निपतेन्महीम्। युगं वा परिवर्तेन यद्येवं स्याद् यथाऽऽत्य माम्॥ काक्षी प्राप्येममरिमर्दनम्। गजो वाजी रथो वाऽपि पुनः स्वस्ति गृहान् व्रजेत्॥ कथमाभ्यामभिध्यातः संस्पृष्टो दारुणेन वा। रणेः जीवन् विमुच्येत पदा भूमिमुपस्पृशन्॥
But even the wind may move the Meru mountain, the heaven may fall over the earth, the periods now reigning may change, if what you have told me ever happens. Who is there, the son of Pritha or any body else, who, having fought with this grinder of foes, would return home with life and in health, Who is there touching this earth with his foot who, after an encounter with these two and having his body brought in contract with the fierce arrows, would leave the field of battle alive?

किं दर्दुरः कूपशयो यथेमां न बुध्यसे राजचमूं समेताम्। दुराधर्षां देवचमूप्रकाशां गुप्तां नरेन्द्रस्त्रिदशैरिव द्याम्॥ काम्बोजशकैः खशैश्च। म्लेंच्छैः पुलिन्दैईविडान्ध्रकाश्च्यैः॥ नानाजनौघं युधि सम्प्रवृद्धं गाङ्गं यथा वेगमपारणीयम्। मां च स्थितं नागबलस्य मध्ये युयुत्ससे मन्द किमल्पबुद्धे॥
Why do you, like a frog living in a well, not understand the might of this vast army of assembled monarchs which is hard to be vanquished and which, shining as a celestial army, is protected by kings as heaven itself by the gods? Protected by the kings of the East, West, South, and North, of the Shalvas along with the Matsya's, the Kurus of the middle countries, the Mlecchas, the Pulindas, the Dravidas, the Andhras, and the Kanchis, Why do you wish to fight, o fool of little understanding, with me in the midst of this army of elephants, this army composed of various races and which in battle is as incapable of being crossed over as the waves of the Ganga.

इत्येवमुक्त्वा राजानं धर्मपुत्रं युधिष्ठिरम्। अभ्यावृत्य पुनर्जिष्णुमुलूकः प्रत्यभाषत॥
Saying this to the king Yudhishthira the son of Dharma Uluka again turned to the one accustomed to victories and said to him,

अकत्यमानो युध्यस्व कत्थसेऽर्जुन कि बहु। पर्यायात् सिद्धिरेतस्य नैतत् सिध्यति कत्यनात्॥
Fight and do not boast; why do you; O Arjuna, boast so much? One wins a battle by his method of fighting and he does not win in consequence of boats.

यदीदं कत्थनाल्लोके सिध्येत् कर्म धनंजय। सर्वे भवेयुः सिद्धार्थाः कत्थने को हिं दुर्गतः॥
If, O Dhananjaya, people in the world were to succeed owing to boasting then all would have their objects gained for who would be slow to boast.

जानामि ते वासुदेवं सहायं जानामि ते गाण्डिवं तालमात्रम्। जानाम्येतत् त्वादृशो नास्ति योद्धा जानानस्ते राज्यमेतद्धरामि॥
I know that Vasudeva is your ally, I know your Gandiva bow which is six cubits long. I know that there is no warriors equal to you, and knowing all this I deprive you of your kingdom.

न तु पर्यायधर्मेण राज्यं प्राप्नोति मानुषः। मनसैवानुकूलानि विधाता कुरुते वशे॥
Man does not obtain success in his desires simple as a matter of course, By mere will force does the Creator make unfavourable circumstances turn into favourable ones and get them under control.

त्रयोदश समा भुक्तं राज्यं विलपतस्तवा भूयश्चैव प्रशासिष्ये निहत्य त्वां सबान्धवम्॥
The kingdom has been enjoyed by me for thirteen years while you were weeping; and again shall I rule over it after slaying yourself along with your friends.

क्व तदा गाण्डिवं तेऽभूद् यत् त्वं दास पणैर्जितः। क्व तदा भीमसेनस्य बलमासीच्च फाल्गुन।॥
Where was your Gandiva bow when you were defeated at a game of dice and made a slave? And where again was the strength of Bhimasena, O Falguna?

सगदाद् भीमसेनाद् वा पार्थाद् वापि सगाण्डिवात्। न वै मोक्षस्तदा वोऽभूद् विना कृष्णामनिन्दिताम्॥
Without the help of that praise worthy Krishna you would not have been liberated at the time, though you had the help of Bhimasena with his mace and Falguna with his Gandiva.

सा वो दास्ये समापन्नान् मोक्षयामास पार्षती। अमानुष्यं समापन्नान् दासकर्मण्यवस्थितान्॥
She, the daughter of Prishata race, liberated you who had come by the condition of a slave, and were engaged in offices becoming only of the low and in working as slaves.

अवोचं यत् षण्ढतिलानहं वस्तथ्यमेव तत्। धृता हि वेणी पार्थेन विराटनगरे तदा।॥
What, I said then of you, namely, that you were like the seed of the sesame without the kernel, was indeed true for did not the son of Pritha (Arjuna) bear long hair when in the city of Virata?

सूदकर्मणि च श्रान्तं विराटस्य महानसे। भीमसेनेन कौन्तेय यच्च तन्मम पौरुषम्॥
The feelings of weariness, which O son of Kunti, were felt by Bhimasena in the palace of Virata, while engaged in the duties of a cook, are a proof of my manliness.

एवमेतत् सदा दण्डं क्षत्रियाः क्षत्रिये दधुः। वेणीं कृत्वा घण्ढवेषः कन्यां नर्तितवानसि॥
Wearing the disguise of an eunuch, and wearing long hair and with hips and waist bands were you engaged in teaching a girl dancing. Such is the punishment which Kshatriyas award to a Kshatriya who flies from battle.

न भयाद् वासुदेवस्य न चापि तव फाल्गुन। राज्यं प्रतिप्रदास्यामि युद्ध्यस्व सहकेशवः॥
Nor from fear of Vasudeva, nor form fear of you, O Falguna, shall I give you back the kingdom therefore do you fight along with Keshava.

न माया हीन्द्रजालं वा कुहका वाऽपि भीषणा। आत्तशस्त्रस्य मे युद्ध वहन्ति प्रतिगर्जनाः॥
Neither deception, nor illusion, nor the trick of a conjurer is frightful to one who has taken up arms for fight, these only tend to excite his anger.

वासुदेवसहस्रं वा फाल्गुनानां शतानि वा। आसाद्य माममोघेणुं द्रविष्यन्ति दिशो दश॥
A thousand Vasudevas, a hundred of Falgunas, having confronted me whose arms are never struck in vain, will fly away in all directions.

संयुगं गच्छ भीष्मेण भिन्धि वा शिरसा गिरिम्। तरेमं वा महागाधं बाहुभ्यां पुरुषोदधिम्॥
Go to fight with Bhishma, or rend asunder the mountain by your head or with the help only of your two arms cross the sea of vast expanse,

शारद्वतमहामीनं विविंशतिमहोरगम्। बृहदलमहोद्वेलं सौमदत्तितिमिङ्गिलम्॥
With the son of Sharadvata as the great finish, Brihadbala as the great crocodile and the son of Somadatta as the Timi fish.

भीष्मवेगमपर्यन्तं द्रोणग्राहदुरासदम्। कर्णशल्यझषावर्त काम्बोजवडवामुखम्॥
With Bhishma as the current which cannot be crossed, with Drona as the alligator which cannot be approached with Karna and Shalya, as a swarm of small fishes, and Kamboja as the mouth giving out flames.

दुःशासनौघं शलशल्यमत्स्यं सुषेणचित्रायुधनागनक्रम् जयद्रथाद्रिं पुरुमित्रगाधं दुर्मर्षणोदं शकुनिप्रपातम्॥
Dusshasana is like water-flow in which Shala and Shalya are fishes. Sushena is serpent and Chitrayudha is crocodile, while Jayadratha is mountain, Purumitra is its depth, Durmarshana is water and Shakuni is its falls.

शस्त्रौघमक्षय्यमपिप्रवृद्धं यदावगाह्य श्रमनष्टचेताः। स्तदा मनस्ते परितापमेष्यति॥
Many types of weapons are like waterflows of the soldier's sea, which is endless and enlarged. Entering into this, you will grieve, loosing your consciousness on destruction of your relatives.

तदा मनस्ते त्रिदिवादिवाशुचे निवर्तिना पार्थमहीप्रशासनात्। प्रशाम्य राज्यं हि सुदुर्लभ त्वया बुभूषितः स्वर्ग इवातपस्विना॥
O Partha! As the mind of an impious man retires from heaven, you will retire from your ruling power. Keep quite, it is very difficult to gain the kingdom for you like a man wants heaven without any penance.