Story of Galava

नारद उवाच हर्यश्वस्त्वब्रवीद् राजा विचिन्त्य बहुधा ततः। दीर्घमुष्णं च निःश्वस्य प्रजाहेतोर्नृपोत्तमः॥
Narada said The king Haryashva, the best among rulers of men, having thought in his mind for a long time, said having drawn a long and hot sigh about the birth of a son.

उन्नतेषूनता षट्सु सूक्ष्मा सूक्ष्मेषु पञ्चसु। गम्भीरा त्रिषु गम्भीरेष्वियं रक्ता च पञ्चसु॥
“Those six limbs that ought to be elevated are elevated (in this girl) and the seven ought to be slender are so; the three that ought to be deep are deep and the five that ought to be red are red.

बहुदेवासुरालोका बहुगन्धर्वदर्शना। बहुलक्षणसम्पन्ना बहुप्रसवधारिणी॥
She is fit be looked at by many gods, Asuras and men and by many Gandharvas and she is endued with many auspicious signs and capable of bringing forth many children.

समर्थेयं जनयितुं चक्रवर्तिनमात्मजम्। ब्रूहि शुल्कं द्विजश्रेष्ठ समीक्ष्य विभवं मम॥
I am competent to beget on her a son who will be an emperor; speak about the dowry, O foremost the twice born, having paid due regard to the state of my wealth.

गालव उवाच एकतः श्यामकर्णानां शतान्यष्टौ प्रयच्छ मे। हयानां चन्द्रशुभ्राणां देशजानां वपुष्मताम्॥
Galava said Give me eight hundred horses, white as the moon, born in this country, and with plump bodies, cach having one ear black.

ततस्तव भवित्रीयं पुत्राणां जननी शुभा। अरणीव हुताशानां योनिरायतलोचना॥
Then will this blessed maiden with large eyes, be the mother of your children as the fire stick is mother of fire.

नारद उवाच एतच्छ्रुत्वा वचो राजा हर्यश्वः काममोहितः। उवाच गालव दीनो राजर्षिर्ऋषिसत्तमम्॥
Narada said The king Haryashva, that royal sage, hearing these words, senseless with passion, said sorrowfully to that best among the Rishis.

द्वे मे शते संनिहिते हयानां यद्विधास्तव। एष्टव्याः शतशस्त्वन्ये चरन्ति मम वाजिनः॥
“The kind of horses that you require, two hundred only I have; got; hundreds of other breeds of horses, all worthy of sacrifice, are roaming about (in my kingdom)

सोऽहमेकमपत्यं वै जनयिष्यामि गालव। अस्यामेतं भवान् काम सम्पादयतु मे वरम्॥
Such being the case, I shall beget but one child on this damsel, O Galava; kindly act up to this request of mine."

एतच्छ्रुत्वा तु सा कन्या गालवं वाक्यमब्रवीत्। मम दत्तो वरः कश्चित् केनचिद् ब्रह्मवादिना॥
Hearing these words, the damsel said to Galava: “A boon has granted to me by a certain being conversant with Brahma,

प्रसूत्यन्ते प्रसूत्यन्ते कन्यैव त्वं भविष्यसि। स त्वं ददस्व मां राज्ञे प्रतिगृह्य हयोत्तमान्॥
That after giving birth to each child I shall again be a virgin; therefore do you offer me to this king accepting these best of horses.

नृपेभ्यो हि चतुर्थ्यस्ते पूर्णान्यष्टौ शतानि मे। भविष्यन्ति तथा पुत्रा मम चत्वार एव च।॥
By going to four kings in succession you will get the full complement of eight hundred (horse) and I too shall have four sons.

क्रियतामुपसंहारो गुर्वर्थं द्विजसत्तम। एषा तावन्मम प्रज्ञा यथा वा मन्यसे द्विज॥
Give me up therefore in order that you may be able to redeem the pledge made to your spiritual guide; so do I think with my humble wisdom and you can you can as you like.

एवमुक्तस्तु स मुनिः कन्यया गालवस्तदा। हर्यश्वं पृथिवीपालमिदं वचनमब्रवीत्॥
was The Muni Galava, being thus addressed by that said these words to the lord of the earth, Haryashva.

इयं कन्या नरश्रेष्ठ हर्यश्व प्रतिगृह्यताम्। चतुर्भागेन शुल्कस्य जनयस्वैकमात्मजम्॥
Accept this maiden, O Haryashva, O foremost among men, by the offer of a fourth part of her dowry and beget on her but one child."

प्रतिगृह्य स तां कन्यां गालवं प्रतिनन्द्य च। समये देशकाले च लब्धवान् सुतमीप्सितम्॥
He, having accepted that girl and having pleased Galava, got the wished for son at the proper time and place.

ततो वसुमना नाम वसुभ्यो वसुमत्तरः। वसुप्रख्यो नरपतिः स बभूव वसुप्रदः॥
The prince thereafter named Vasumanas who in wealth was richest and lived to be a king as wealthy as one of the Vasus himself and a giver of wealth.

अथ काले पुनर्धीमान् गालवः प्रत्युपस्थितः। उपसंगम्य चोवाच हर्यश्वं प्रीतमानसम्॥
In proper time, the wise Galava again presented himself there and having approached Haryashva said to him whose desire had been satisfied.

जातो नृप सुतस्तेऽयं बालो भास्करसंनिभः। कालो गन्तुं नरश्रेष्ठ भिक्षार्थमपरं नृपम्॥
"O ruler of men, you have begotten this son, a boy similar to the sun in effulgence and it is time for me to go another ruler of men to ask for alms."

हर्यश्वः सत्यवचने स्थितः स्थित्वा च पौरुषे। दुर्लभत्वाद्धयानां च प्रददौ माधवीं पुनः॥
Haryashva, who was ever ready to abide by his words and who made manliness the basis of his action, gave back Madhvi as he could not procure all the horses himself.

माधवी च पुनर्दीप्तां परित्यज्य नृपश्रियम्। कुमारी कामतो भूत्वा गालवं पृष्ठतोऽन्वयात्॥
Madhvi, too abandoning that effulgent royal propriety, become a maiden again of her own will and followed Galava.

त्वय्येव तावत् तिष्ठन्तु हया इत्युक्तवान् द्विजः। प्रययौ कन्यया सार्धं दिवोदासं प्रजेश्वरम्॥
"Let the horse remain with you for the present, in company with the maiden, to Divodasa, the ruler of men.