Dialogue between Draupadi and Bhima

द्रौपद्युवाच अशोच्यत्वं कुतस्तस्य यस्या भर्ता युधिष्ठिरः। जानन् सर्वाणि दुःखानि किं मां त्वं परिपृच्छसि॥
Draupadi said Whence can there be a freedom of grief to her who has Yudhishthira for her husband? Knowing all my griefs do you ask me?

यन्मां दासीप्रवादेन प्रातिकामी तदानयत्। सभापरिषदो मध्ये तन्मां दहति भारत।।२
The grief, when Pratikami dragged me in the court in the midst of the courtiers calling me a slave, burns me still, C Bharata,

पार्थिवस्य सुता नाम का नु जीवति मादृशी। अनुभूयेदृशं दुःखमन्यत्र द्रौपदी प्रभो॥
What other princess like me, would live enduring such a hard misery?

वनवासगतायाश्च सैन्धवेन दुरात्मना। परामर्शो द्वितीयो वै सोढुमुत्सहते तु का॥
Who else except me has so much energy as to suffer the insult offered by the wicked prince of Sindhu during our stay in the forest?

मत्स्यराजसमक्षं तु तस्य धूर्तस्य पश्यतः। कीचकेन परामृष्टा का नु जीवति मादृशी॥
Who else like me, can live having been kicked by Kichaka in the very presence of the wicked king of the Matsya's?

एवं बहुविधैः क्लेशैः क्लिश्यमानां च भारत। न मां जानासि कौन्तेय किं फलं जीवितेन मे॥
O Bharata, of what use is the life to me, when you, O son of Kunti, do not think of me, who have been afflicted with various woes like these?

योऽयं राज्ञो विराटस्य कीचको नाम भारत। सेनानी: पुरुषव्याघ्रः श्यालः परमदुर्मतिः॥ स मां सैरन्ध्रवेषेण वसन्ती राजवेश्मनि। नित्यमेवाह दुष्टात्मा भार्या मम भवेति वै॥
O Bharata, the most wicked-minded one of vile nature, known by the name Kichaka, who is the leader of his forces, addresses we, everyday, O best men, while living in the royal palace in the guise of a Sairandhri, saying "do you become my wife."

तेनोपमन्त्र्यमाणाया वधाहेण सपत्नहन्। कालेनेव फलं पक्वं हृदयं मे विदीर्यते॥
O slayer of foes, thus addressed by him deserving destruction, my heart is bursting like a fruit ripened in due time.

भ्रातरं च विगर्हस्व ज्येष्ठं दुर्दूतदेविनम्। यस्यास्मि कर्मणा प्राप्ता दुःखमेतदनन्तकम्॥
You should pass censure on your eldest brother who is sorely addicted to the despicable game of dice, through whose act alone I have received this endless woe.

को हि राज्यं परित्यज्य सर्वस्वं चात्मना सह। प्रव्रज्यायैव दीव्येत विना दुर्दूतदेविनम्॥
Who else, except him, addicted sore to gambling, would play, renouncing kingdom and every thing including his self, in order to lead a life in the forest?

यदि निष्कसहस्रेण यच्चान्यत् सारवद् धनम्। सायम्प्रातरदेविष्यदपि संवत्सरान् बहून्॥ रुक्मं हिरण्यं वासांसि यानं युग्यमजाविकम्। अश्वाश्वतरसङ्घांश्च न जातु क्षयमावहेत्॥
If he had played morning and evening for many years together pawning Nishkas by thousands and other treasures of value, still his silver and gold robes and cars, teams and goats, and sheep and horses and mules would have hardly suffered any diminution.

सोऽयं द्यूतप्रवादेन श्रियः प्रत्यवरोपितः। तूष्णीमास्ते यथा मूढः स्वानि कर्माणि चिन्तयन्।।१४।
But deprived of fortune by rivalry of dice he now holds silence like a fool meditating over his own misdeeds.

दश नागसहस्राणि हयानां हेममालिनाम्। यं यान्तमनुयान्तीह सोऽयं द्यूतेन जीवति॥
It is he, who while going out, was followed by ten thousand elephants, adorned with golden garlands, and he now supports himself by gambling at dice.

रथाः शतसहस्राणि नृपाणाममितौजसाम्। उपासन्त महाराजमिन्द्रप्रस्थे युधिष्ठिरम्॥ शतं दासीसहस्राणां यस्य नित्यं महानसे। पात्रीहस्तं दिवारात्रमतिथीन् भोजयन्त्युत॥ एष निकसहस्राणि प्रदाय ददतां वरः। द्यूतजेन ह्यनर्थेन महता समुपाश्रितः॥
That great king, Yudhishthira, the best of the charitable, whom the kings by hundreds of thousands endowed with unparalleled power worshipped at the city of Indraprastha, at whose kitchen a hundred thousand maids, with plate in hand used to feed every day, day and night, numbers of guests, and who used to give away in charity a thousand nishkas, is also overpowered by great calamity caused by gambling.

एवं हि स्वरसम्पन्ना बहवः सूतमागधाः। सायम्प्रातरुपातिष्ठन् सुमृष्टमणिकुण्डलः॥
Many bards and eulogists gifted with musical voice, and decked with bright ear-rings beset with gems, worshipped him morning and evening.

सहस्रमृषयो यस्य नित्यमासन् सभासदः। तपःश्रुतोपसम्पन्नाः सर्वकामैरुपस्थिताः॥ अष्टाशीतिसहस्राणि स्नातका गृहमेधिनः। त्रिंशद्दासीक एकैको यान् बिभर्ति युधिष्ठिरः॥ अप्रतिग्राहिणां चैव यतीनामूर्ध्वरेतसाम्। दश चापि सहस्राणि सोऽयमास्ते नरेश्वरः॥
That Yudhishthira, who had a number of sages versed in the Vedas, gifted with ascetic merit, and having all their wishes complied with, as his daily courtiers, and who maintained eighty-eight thousands of wedded snatakas, to each of whom there were assigned maids thirty in number, as well as ten thousand yatis abstaining from accepting any thing in shape of gift and having their vital seed totally drawn up, that lord of men lives in such a plight.

आनृशंस्यमनुक्रोशं संविभागस्तथैव च। यस्मिन्नेतानि सर्वाणि सोऽयमास्ते नरेश्वरः॥
That lord of men, who is free from cruelty, full of compassion and used to give every one his legitimate due, is, inspite of all these excellent attributes, destined to live in such a guise.

अन्धान् वृद्धांस्तथानाथान् बालान् राष्ट्रेषु दुर्गतान्। बिभर्ति विविधान् राजा धृतिमान् सत्यविक्रमः। संविभागमना नित्यमानृशंस्याद् युधिष्ठिरः॥ स एष निरयं प्राप्तो मत्स्यस्य परिचारकः। सभायां देविता राज्ञः कङ्को ब्रूते युधिष्ठिरः॥
That very monarch Yudhishthira, who is forbearing, of unfailing prowess, and having a mind bent on giving every one his legitimate due, and in consequence of his not indulging in to a harmful feeling, maintained daily, in his kingdom, the blind, the old, the helpless, the orphans of various kinds and many others in such distress. That Yudhishthira, NOW becoming a servant of the king of the Matsya's, and a gambler in his court, and calling himself by the name Kanka, has surely attained the misery of hell.

इन्द्रप्रस्थे निवसतः समये यस्य पार्थिवाः। आसन् बलिभृतः सर्वे सोऽद्यान्यै तिमिच्छति॥
Alas! even he begs for his subsistence at another's hands whom residing at Indraprastha, all the kings of earth used to pay tributes.

पार्थिवाः पृथिवीपाला यस्यासन् वशवर्तिनः। स वशे विवशो राजा परेषामद्य वर्तते॥
Alas! even that king, who had all the kings of earth in subjection, has lost his liberty and lives in subjection to others.

प्रताप्य पृथिवीं सर्वां रश्मिमानिव तेजसा। सोऽयं राज्ञो विराटस्य सभास्तारो युधिष्ठिरः॥
Having dazzled, like the sun, the whole of this earth with his power, even that king Yudhishthira remains as a courtier of king Virata.

यमुपासन्त राजानः सभायामृषिभिः सह। तमुपासीनमद्यान्यं पश्य पाण्डव पाण्डवम्॥
O Pritha's son, behold that Pandava today waiting upon another, who was waited upon in court by the kings with sages.

सदस्यं यमुपासीनं परस्य प्रियवादिनम्। दृष्ट्वा युधिष्ठिरं कोपो वर्धते मामसंशयम्॥
Beholding Yudhishthira as a courtier sitting beside another and uttering eulogistic speeches, who is there that is not positively afflicted with grief.

अतदर्ह महाप्राज्ञं जीवितार्थेऽभिसंस्थितम्। दृष्ट्वा कस्य न दुःखं स्याद् धर्मात्मानं युधिष्ठिरम्॥
Beholding that virtuous Yudhishthira of great wisdom, undeserving of such a plight and serving another for maintenance who is there that is not overtaken by grief.

उपास्ते स्म सभायां यं कृत्स्ना वीर वसुन्धरा। तमुपासीनमप्यन्यं पश्य भारत भारतम्॥
0 Bharata, behold that Bharata, who was worshipped by all the heroes of earth in court, even he is now serving another for subsistence.

एवं बहुविधैर्दुःखैः पीड्यमानामनाथवत्। शोकसागरमध्यस्थां किं मां भीम न पश्यसि॥
O Bhima, why do you not look at me who am stationed in the midst of the sea of sorrow and afflicted like a helpless one, with various woes.