The search of a bridegroom by Matali

नारद उवाच सुतोऽयं मातलि म शक्रस्य दयितः सुहृत्। शुचिः शीलगुणोपेतस्तेजस्वी वीर्यवान् बली॥
Narada said This is the charioteer, named Matali, the dear friend of Shakra, pious, of good behaviour, possessed of good qualities, energetic, mighty and strong, O Aryaka.

शक्रस्यायं सखा चैव मन्त्री सारथिरेव च। अल्पान्तरप्रभावश्च वासवेन रणे रणे॥
He is the friend of Shakra, as also his minister and his charioteer and in successive battles it been found that there is little difference between him and Vasava in point strength.

अश्यं हरिसहस्रेण युक्तं जैत्रं रथोत्तमम्। देवासुरेषु युद्धेषु मनसैव नियच्छति॥
He drives, by his will force alone, the excellent car accustomed to victory in wars between the gods and Asuras, yoked to a thousand steeds.

अनेन विजितानश्वैर्दो( जयति वासवः। अनेन बलभित् पूर्वं प्रहते प्रहरत्युत॥
Vasava gains victories in the sky by means of the horses trained by him and the vanquisher of Bala smotes who had previously been smitten by him,

अस्य कन्या वरारोहा रूपेणासदृशी भुवि। सत्यशीलगुणोपेता गुणकेशीति विश्रुता॥
He has got a daughter of beautiful hips and unequaled this world in this world for beauty, devoted to truth well-bred and possessed of accomplishments, known by the name of Gunakeshi.

तस्यास्य यत्नाच्चरतस्त्रैलोक्यममराते। सुमुखो भवत: पौत्रो रोचते दुहितुः पतिः॥
For her sake, he is searching carefully in the three worlds including the region of the gods, O illustrious one; and he selects Sumukha, your grandson, as the husband of his daughter.

यदि ते रोचते सम्यग् भुजगोत्तम मा चिरम्। क्रियतामार्यक क्षिप्रं बुद्धिः कन्यापरिग्रहे॥
If this suits you, O best of the serpents, then without delay, O Aryaka, make the necessary arrangement for the acceptance of his daughter.

यथा विष्णुकुले लक्ष्मीर्यथा स्वाहा विभावसोः। कुले तव तथैवास्तु गुणकेशी सुमध्यमा॥
As Lakshmi in the family of Vishnu, Svaha in that of Agni, may the slender-waist Gunakeshi be same to your family.

पौत्रस्यार्थं भवांस्तस्माद् गुणकेशी प्रतीच्छतु। सदृशी प्रतिरूपस्य वासवस्य शचीमिव॥
Therefore do you accept for your grandson Gunakeshi, who equals, in point of beauty, Sachi, the queen of Vasava.

पितृहीनमपि ह्येनं गुणतो वरयामहे। बहमानाच्च भवतस्तथैवैरावतस्य च॥
Though he is without a father, yet for his accomplishment, do we select him and for the great respect in which yourself and the Airavata race generally are held.

सुमुखस्य गुणैश्चैव शीलशौचदमादिभिः। अभिगम्य स्वं कन्यामयं दातुं समुद्यतः॥
Coming here attracted by the accomplishments, good manners, purity of life and self-control of Sumukha, he himself ready to offer his daughter.

कण्व उवाच मातलिस्तस्य सम्मानं कर्तुमर्हो भवानपि। स तु दीनः प्रहृष्टश्च प्राह नारदमार्यकः॥
And it is proper that you should greet Matali with due honors. He (Aryaka) too being sorry and delighted at the same time said to Narada,

क्रियमाणे तथा पौत्रे पुत्रे च निधनं गते। कथमिच्छामि देवर्षे गुणकेशी स्नुषां प्रति॥
At his grandson being elected (for marriage) and at the death of his son. Aryaka said-"How can I desire, O Rishi, Gunakeshi for my daughter-in-law.

आर्यक उवाच न मे नमैतद् बहुमतं महर्षे वचनं तव। सखा शक्रस्य संयुक्तः कस्यायं नेप्सितो भवेत्॥
These words of yours, O great Rishi, are not approved of by me. The cause is not want of respect for you; foe who would not desire a connection with the friend of Shaka?

कारणस्य तु दौर्बल्याच्चिन्तयामि महामुने। अस्य देहकरस्तात मम पुत्रो महाद्युते॥ भक्षितौ वैनतेयेन दुःखार्तास्तेन वै वयम्। पुनरेव च तेनोक्तं वैनतेयेन गच्छता। मासेनान्येन सुमुखं भक्षयिष्य इति प्रभो॥
But, O great Muni, we hesitate owing to the unstable character of the cause; the author of his being, my son of great luster, has been enter up by the son of Vinata and for that reason we are struck with grief; and when the son of Vinata was going away he again said-After a month I shall eat the other one of this race) Sumukha.

ध्रुवं तथा तद् भविता जानीमस्तस्य निश्चयम्। तेन हर्षः प्रणष्टो मे सुपर्णवचनेन वै॥
It will surely happen so for I know his determination and for this reason is my cheerfulness lost by the words Suparna (Garuda)."

कण्व उवाच मातलिस्त्वब्रवीदेनं बुद्धिरत्र कृता मया। जामातृभावेन वृतः सुमुखस्तव पुत्रजः॥
Kanva said Matali then said-"In this connection, a plan has been found by me; Sumukha born of your son is selected as my son-in-law.

सोऽयं मया च सहितो नारदेन च पन्नगः। त्रिलोकेशं सुरपतिं गत्वा पश्यतु वासवम्॥
Let this Naga therefore, accompanied by myself and Narada and going to the lord of the gods, the protector of the three worlds, see Vasava.

शेषेणैवास्य कार्यण प्रज्ञास्याम्यहमायुषः। सुपर्णस्य विधाते च प्रयतिष्यामि सत्तम॥
O best of your race, I shall try to foil the intentions of Suparna and as a last resource shall ascertain Sumukha's length of life.

सुमुखश्च मया सार्धं देवेशमभिगच्छतु। कार्यसंसाधनार्थाय स्वस्ति तेऽस्तु भुजंगम॥
Let Sumukha, along with myself, proceed to the lord of the gods for the attainment of this object and may you fare well, O serpent.

ततस्ते सुमुखं गृह्य सर्व एव महौजसः। ददृशुः शक्रमासीनं देवराजं महाद्युतिम्॥
Then all of them, endued with great energy taking Sumukha along with them, proceeded and saw the king of gods, Shakra of great effulgence seated.

संगत्या तत्र भगवान् विष्णुरासीच्चतुर्भुजः। ततस्तत् सर्वमाचख्यौ नारदो मातलिं प्रति॥
There in his company was the four armed Vishnu and there did Narada tell them all about Matali.

वैशम्पायन उवाच ततः पुरंदरं विष्णुरुवाच भुवनेश्वरम्। अमृतं दीयतामस्मै क्रियताममरैः समः॥
Vaishampayana said Then did Vishnu thus speak to Purandara, the lord of the universe-Give unto him nectar and make him equal to the immortals.

मातलि रदश्चैव सुमुखश्चैव वासव। लभन्तां भवतः कामात् काममेतं यथेप्सितम्॥
Let Matali Narada and Sumukha 0 Vasava, obtain through your pleasure (the fulfillment of) their desires which they cherish."

पुरंदरोऽथ संचिन्त्य वैनतेयपराक्रमम्। विष्णुमेवाब्रवीदेनं भवानेन ददात्विति॥
Then Purandara, considering the strength of the son of Vinata, said to Vishnu these words-'Let it be given by your exalted self.'

विष्णुरुवाच ईशस्त्वं सर्वलोकानां चराणामचराश्च ये। त्वया दत्तमदत्तं कः कर्तुमुत्सहते विभो॥
Vishnu said You are the ruler of all the worlds and of mobile beings as also of those that are immobile; what is given by you, who would dare offend, O lord.

प्रादाच्छक्रस्ततस्तस्मै पन्नगायायुरुत्तमम्। न त्वेनममृतप्राशं चकार बलवृत्रहा॥
Then did Shakra give to the serpent an excellent lease of life, but the slayer of Bala and Vritra did not make him drink nectar.

लब्ध्वा वरं तु सुमुखः सुमुखः सम्बभूव ह। कृतदारो यथाकामं जगाम च गृहान् प्रति॥
Having obtained the (desired) boon Sumukha became possessed of a really pretty face taken wife, went, according to his desire, towards his home.

नारदस्त्वार्यकश्चैव कृतकार्यों मुदा युतौ। अभिजग्मतुरभ्यर्च्य देवराजं महाद्युतिम्॥
Narada and Aryaka being pleased at their success went away after worshipping the king of the gods endued with great luster.