Contempt of Draupadi

कीचक उवाच स्वागतं ते सुकेशान्ते सुव्युष्टा रजनी मम। स्वामिनी त्वमनुप्राप्ता प्रकुरुष्व मम प्रियम्॥
Kichaka said O fair one of beautiful tresses with curls at the end, you are welcome; very luckily for me the night has passed. I have got you as the mistress of my house, pray do what is good to me,

सुवर्णमालाः कम्बूश्च कुण्डले परिहाटके। नानापत्तनजे शुभ्रे मणिरत्नं च शोभनम्॥
Let golden chains, couches, brilliant golden ear-rings of different countries, beautiful gems and jewels, silken garments and dcer skins be gathered for you.

आहरन्तु च वस्त्राणि कौशिकान्यजिनानि च। अस्ति मे शयनं दिव्यं त्वदर्थमुपक्लिपतम्। एहि तत्र मया सार्द्धं पिबस्व मधुमाधवीम्॥
I have a very fine bed prepared only for you; pray come there and drink with me the honeyed wine.

द्रौपद्युवाच अप्रैषीद् राजपुत्री मां सुराहारी तवान्तिकम्। पानमाहर मे क्षिप्रं पिपासा मेऽति चाब्रवीत्॥
Draupadi said The princess has sent me to you for taking away wine; give it to me quickly, she said to ine she has a great thirst.

कीचक उवाच अन्या भद्रे नयिष्यन्ति राजपुत्र्याः प्रतिश्रुतम्। इत्येतां दक्षिणे पाणौ सूतपुत्रः परामृशत्॥
Kichaka said O gentle one, others will take the wine that has been wromised to the princess, Saying this the Suta's son seized her by the right arm.

द्रौपद्युवाच यथैवाहं नाभिचरे कदाचित् पतीन् मदाद् वै मनसापि जातु। तेनैव सत्येन वशीकृतं त्वां द्रष्टास्मि पापं परिकृष्यमाणम्॥
Draupadi said As I have never acted faithlessly towards my husbands, even at heart through infatuation; by virtue of that truth, O sinful one, I shall behold you overpowered and completely hurled down on the ground.

वैशम्पायन उवाच स तामभिप्रेक्ष्य विशालनेत्रां जिघृक्षमाणः परिभर्सयन्तीम्। जग्राह तामुत्तरवस्त्रदेशे स कीचकस्तां सहसाऽऽक्षिपन्तीम्॥
Vaishampayana said Wishing thus to take hold of her Kichaka, seeing that large-eyed lady reproaching him in this wise, seized her by the end of her upper garment while she was about to run away.

प्रगृह्यमाणा तु महाजवेन मुहुर्विनिःश्वस्य च राजपुत्री। तया समाक्षिप्ततनुः स पापः पपात शाखीव निकृत्तमूलः॥
But seized with great force the princess of excellent limbs began to pant and unable to put up with it, she, with a frame trembling in wrath, hurled him hard on the ground. Being thus thrown down by her that sinful one fell to the ground like a tree whose root has been cut.

सा गृहीता विधुन्वाना भूमावाक्षिप्य कीचकम्। सभां शरणमागच्छद् यत्र राजा युधिष्ठिरः॥
Having thus thrown Kichaka down on the ground while seized by him she ran trembling to the court, where the king Yudhishthira was, to seek protection.

तां कीचकः प्रधावन्ती केशपाशे परामृशत्। अथैनां पश्यतो राज्ञः पातयित्वा पदावधीत्॥
Kichaka seized her by the locks while she was running with speed and struck her down by a kick in the very presence of the king.

तस्य योऽसौ तदार्केण राक्षसः संनियोजितः। स कीचकमपोवाह वातवेगेन भारत॥
0 Bharata, the Rakshasa that was appointed by the sun-god for her protection, gave a push to Kichaka with as much force as that of the wind.

स पपात तदा भूमौ रक्षोबलसमाहतः। विघूर्णमानो निश्चेष्टश्छिन्नमूल इव दुमः॥
Then he, completely overpowered by the Rakshasa might, fell down on the ground, reeling and motionless like a tree whose root has been cut.

तां चासीनौ ददृशतुर्भीमसेनयुधिष्ठिरौ। अमृष्यमाणौ कृष्णायाः कीचकेन पराभवन्॥
Both Bhimasena and Yudhishthira, who were seated there, beheld with unforgiving attitude, that outrage on Krishna committed by Kichaka.

तस्य भीमो वधं प्रेप्सुः कीचकस्य दुरात्मनः। दन्तैर्दन्तांस्तदा रोषान्निष्पिपेष महामनाः॥
Desiring the death of that wicked Kichaka the high-minded Bhima began to knash his teeth in wrath.

धूमच्छाया ह्यभजतां नेत्रे चोच्छ्रित श्मणी। सस्वेदा भृकुटी चोग्रा ललाटे समवर्तत॥
His eyes with their lashes upraised, assumed the aspect of smoky dark, and terrible wrinkles covered with sweat appeared on his forehead.

हस्तेन ममृजे चैव ललाटं परवीरहा। भूयश्च त्वरितः क्रुद्धः सहसोत्थातुमैच्छत॥
That slayer of hostile heroes rubbed his forehead with his hand and incensed with ire desired many times to rise up in haste.

अथावमृद्गादङ्गुष्ठमङ्गुष्ठेन युधिष्ठिरः। प्रबोधनभयाद् राजा भीमं तं प्रत्यषेधयत्॥
The king Yudhishthira, apprehending discovery, pressed his thumb with his own and commanded Bhima to desist.

तं मत्तमिव मातङ्गं वीक्षमाणं वनस्पतिम्। स तमावारयामास भीमसेनं युधिष्ठिरः॥
Yudhishthira forbade Bhimasena who looked like an infuriated elephant beholding a large tree.

आलोकयसि किं वृक्षं सूद दारुकृतेन वै। यदि ते दारुभिः कृत्यं बहिर्वक्षान्निगृह्यताम्॥
O cook, do you behold trees for fuel? If you are in need of faggots better gather them up from the trees abroad.

सा सभाद्वारमासाद्य रुदती मत्स्यमब्रवीत्। अवेक्षमाणा सुश्रोणी पतीस्तान् दीनचेतसः॥ आकारमभिरक्षन्ती प्रतिज्ञाधर्मसंहिता। दह्यमानेव रौद्रेण चक्षुषा दुपदात्मजा॥
The weeping daughter of Draupadi, endowed with excellent hips, approaching the entrance of the court and beholding her lords of melancholy mood, tenacious in keeping up the disguise observing the pledge they had already sworn, burning with flashing eyes, spoke to the king of the Matsya's.

येषां वैरी न स्वपिति षष्ठेऽपि विषये वसन्। तेषां मां मानिनीं भार्यां सूतपुत्रः पदावधीत्॥
The son of a Suta has kicked me the honored spouse of those whose enemies can never sleep even if they reside in regions of anchorites (what to speak of their living in a country of their own).

ये दधुर्न च याचेयुर्ब्रह्मण्याः सत्यवादिनः। तेषां मां मानिनी भार्यां सूतपुत्रः पदावधीत्॥
The son of a Suta has kicked me, the respected consort of those who are truthful, devoted to Brahmans and used to give away without asking any thing in gift.

येषां दुन्दुभिनिर्घोषो ज्याघोषः श्रूयतेऽनिशम्। तेषां मां मानिनीं भार्यां सूतपुत्रः पदावधीत्॥
The son of a Suta has kicked me the beloved wife of those, the sounds of whose drums and twangs of whose bow are constantly heard.

ये च तेजस्विनी दान्ता बलवन्तोऽतिमानिनः। तेषां मां मानिनीं भार्यां सूतपुत्रः पदावधीत्॥
The son of a Suta has kicked me the respected wife of those who are endowed with energy, and power of self-control, and who are exceedingly mighty and highly dignified.

सर्वलोकमिमं हन्युर्धर्मपाशसितास्तु ये। तेषां मां मानिनीं भार्यां सूतपुत्रः पदावधीत्॥
The son of a Suta has kicked me the honored wife of those who, if they had not been tied down by duty, could destroy the whole of this world.

शरणं ये प्रपन्नानां भवन्ति शरणार्थिनाम्। चरन्ति लोके प्रच्छन्नाः क्व नु तेऽद्य महारथाः॥
Alas where do those mighty warriors ramble in disguise today who grant refuge to those that come to solicit it.

कथं ते सूतपुत्रेण वध्यमानां प्रियां सतोम्। मर्षयन्ति यथा क्लीबा बलवन्तोऽमितौजसः॥
How do these inighty personages of exceeding energy quietly suffer, like eunuchs, their beloved and chaste wife to be thus outraged by the son of a Suta?

क्व नु तेषाममर्षश्च वीर्य तेजश्च वर्तते। न परीप्सन्ति ये भार्यां वध्यमानां दुरात्मना॥
Ah, where is their wrath, the prowess and the energy when they cannot protect their wife from being thus insulted by a wretch.

मयात्र शक्यं किं कर्तुं विराटे धर्मदूषके। यः पश्यन् मां मर्षयति वध्यमानामनागसम्॥
What can I do in the city of Virata, the defiler of virtue, who coolly allows my innocent self thus to be insulted although he sees it (with his own eyes).

न राजा राजवत् किंचित् समाचरति कीचके। दस्यूनामिव धर्मस्ते न हि संसदि शोभते॥
The king does not act like a king in the slightest degree towards Kichaka. O king, your conduct is like that of a robber and does not become the royal court.

नाहमेतेन युक्तं वै हन्तुं मत्स्य तवान्तिके। सभासदोऽत्र पश्यन्तु कीचकस्य व्यतिक्रमम्॥
O Matsya, it is highly unbecoming that I should thus be outraged by this villain in the very presence of yours. Let all the courtiers mark this laxity on the part of Kichaka.

कीचको न च धर्मज्ञो न च मत्स्यः कथंचन। सभासदोऽप्यधर्मज्ञा य एनं पर्युपासते।॥
Neither Kichaka is virtuous nor ever is Matsya. The courtiers who wait upon the king are also destitute of virtue.

वैशम्पायन उवाच एवंविधैर्वचोभिः सा तदा कृष्णाश्रुलोचना। उपलाभत राजानं मत्स्यानां वरवर्णिनी॥
Vaishampayana said With words like these the graceful Krishna, with eyes teeming with tears, rebuked the king of the Matsya.

विराट उवाच परोक्षं नाभिजानामि विग्रहं युवयोरहम्। अर्थतत्त्वमविज्ञाय किं नु स्यात् कौशलं मम॥
Virata said I do not know anything of your quarrel that happened out of our light. How can there be any justice on that score unless I go through the true version of the case.

वैशम्पायन उवाच ततस्तु सभ्या विज्ञाय कृष्णां भूयोऽभ्यपूजयन्। साधु साध्विति चाप्याहुः कीचकं च व्यगर्हयन्॥
Vaishampayana said Then the courtiers, hearing everything, praised Krishna and repeatedly exclaimed “well done well done,” and reproached Kichaka.

सभ्या ऊचुः यस्येयं चारुसर्वाङ्गी भार्या स्यादायतेक्षणा। परो लाभस्तु तस्य स्यान्न च शोचेत् कथंचन॥
The Courtiers said Surely the man, who has this lady of expansive eyes and of all-graceful limbs for his wife, possesses every thing that is valuable and shall occasion have to indulge in grief.

न हीदृशी मनुष्येषु सुलभा वरवर्णिनी। नारी सर्वानवद्याङ्गी देवीं मन्यामहे वयम्॥
Surely such a lady, of exceeding grace an perfectly faultless limbs, is hardly to be found among men. Indeed she seems in all wise to be a goddess to us.

वैशम्पायन उवाच एवं सम्पूजयन्तस्ते कृष्णां प्रेक्ष्य सभासदः। युधिष्ठिरस्य कोपात् तु ललाटे स्वेद आगमत्॥
Vaishampayana said While the courtiers, seeing Krishna, were praising her in this way, there came from ire the drops of perspiration on the forehead of Yudhishthira.

अथाब्रवीद् राजपुत्री कौरव्यो महिषीं प्रियाम्। गच्छ सैरन्ध्र मात्र स्थाः सुदेष्णाया निवेशनम्॥
Then the chief of the Kurus addressed the princess, his beloved consort, saying "O Sairandhri, do not stay here, go to the apartment of Sudeshna.

भर्तारमनुरुन्धन्त्यः क्लिश्यन्ते वीरपत्नयः। शुश्रूषया क्लिश्यमानाः पतिलोकं जयन्त्युत॥
The wives of heroes endure pain for the sake of their husbands; but undergoing trouble in waiting upon their lords they at last go to the regions where their husbands depart.

मन्ये न कालं क्रोधस्य पश्यन्ति पतयस्तव। तेन त्वां नाभिधावन्ति गन्धर्वाः सूर्यवर्चसः॥
Me-seems your Gandharva husbands of sun-like effulgence do not consider this as a befitting opportunity of giving vent to their spleen, and therefore do not run on to your succour.

अकालज्ञासि सैरन्ध्र शैलूषीव विरोदिषि। विघ्नं करोषि मत्स्यानां दीव्यतां राजसंसदि॥
O Sairandhri, you are ignorant of opportunity and therefore weep like an actress; you are causing annoyance in the court of the Matsya's while they are diverting themselves with gaming.

गच्छ सैरन्ध्र गन्धर्वाः करिष्यन्ति तव प्रियम्। व्यपनेष्यन्ति ते दुःखं येन ते विप्रियं कृतम्॥
Retire, O Sairandhri, the Gandharvas will do what is agreeable to you. They will dispel your sorrow and make away with him who has wronged you.

सैरभ्युवाच अतीव तेषां घृणिनामर्थेऽहं धर्मचारिणी। तस्य तस्यैव ते वध्या येषां ज्येष्ठोऽक्षदेविता॥
Sairandhri said I practise piety for their sake who are extremely kind. They, of whom the eldest is addicted to dice, are to be oppressed by all.

वैशम्पायन उवाच इत्युक्त्वा प्राद्रवत् कृष्णा सुदेष्णाया निवेशनम्। केशान् मुक्त्वा च सुश्रोणी संरम्भाल्लोहितेक्षणा।।४६
Vaishampayana said Having said this the fair Krishna with loosened hair and eyes reddened with wrath, rushed on towards the apartments of Sudeshna.

शुशुभे वदनं तस्या रुदत्याः सुचिरं तदा। मेघलेखाविनिर्मुक्तं दिवीव शशिमण्डलम्॥
On her having wept so long her countenance appeared like the lunar disc in the sky freed from the clouds.

सुदेष्णोवाच कस्त्वावधीद् वरारोहे कस्माद् रोदिषि शोभने। कस्याद्य न सुखं भद्रे केन ते विप्रियं कृतम्॥
Sudeshana said O beautiful one of excellent hips, who has slighted you, why do you weep. O gentle one, whose happiness will come to an end this day? Who has done wrong to you?

द्रौपद्युवाच कीचको मावधीत् तत्र सुराहारीं गतां तवा सभायां पश्यतो राज्ञो यथैव विजने वने॥
Draupadi said As I went to fetch wine for you Kichaka struck me in the court in the very presence of the king as if in the midst of a lonely forest.

सुदेष्णोवाच घातयामि सुकेशान्ते कीचकं यदि मन्यसे। योऽसौ त्वां कामसम्मत्तो दुर्लभामवमन्यते॥
Sudeshana said 50. O you of tresses with curly ends, if it be your will, I shall cause Kichaka to be slain, who maddened with lust, has insulted you utterly incapable of being won by him.

सैन्ध्युवाच अन्ये चैनं वधिष्यन्ति येषामागः करोति सः। मन्ये चैवाद्य सुव्यक्तं यमलोकं गमिष्यति॥
Sairandhri said Others whom he has wronged will slay him; I think he will certainly go this very day to the region of Yama (Death).