The principles of morality as explained by Vidura

विदुर उवाच ऊर्ध्वं प्राणा [त्क्रामन्ति यून: स्थविर आयति। प्रत्युत्थानाभिवादाभ्यां पुनस्तान् प्रतिपद्यते॥
Vidura said The heart of a young man soars high, when an old man comes (to his house). He gets it back after rising up and according him a suitable welcome.

पीठं दत्त्वा साधवेऽभ्यागताय आनीयाप: परिनिर्णिज्य पादौ। सुखं पृष्ट्वा प्रतिवेद्यात्मसंस्थां ततो दद्यादन्नमवेक्ष्य धीरः॥
A wise man should give good guest a seat, bring water and have his feet washed off. And he should ask him about his welfare and speak of his own matters; then again, he should offer him food after consideration (as to what food is best suitable.)

यस्योदकं मधुपर्कं च गां च न मन्त्रवित् प्रतिगृह्णाति गेहे। लोभाद् भयादथ कार्पण्यतो वा तस्यानर्थं जीवितमाहुरायः॥
He, whose water, honey, curds and kine, one versed in the Mantras (Brahmana) does not accept either owing to fear (on the part of the Brahmana) or to unwillingness and miserliness (on the part of the host), lives in vain; which the wise have declared.

चिकित्सकः शल्यकर्तावकीर्णी स्तनः क्रूरो मद्यपो भ्रूणहा च। सेनाजीवी श्रुतिविक्रायक्श्च भृशं प्रियोऽप्यतिथि!दकाहः। :॥
A physician, a manufacturer of arrows, one who has given up the of Brahmacharya before the proper time, a thief, a crooked-minded man, a drunkard Brahmana, one who kills the child in the womb, one who lives by serving in the army and a seller of holy books are exceedingly dear as guests, through they may be unworthy of the offer of water.

अविक्रयं लवणं पक्वमन्त्रं दधि क्षीरं मधु तैलं घृतं चा तिला मांसं फलमूलानि शाकं रक्तं वासः सर्वगन्धा गुणाश्च॥
Salt, cooked-food, curds, milk, honey, oil, clarified butter, sesame, flesh, fruits and roots, herbs and vegetables, red cloths, all sorts of perfumery and molasses must not be sold (by a Brahmana).

अरोषणो यः समलोष्ठाश्मकाञ्चनः प्रहीणशोको गतसन्धिविग्रहः। निन्दाप्रशंसोपरतः प्रियाप्रिये त्यजन्नुदासीनवदेष भिक्षुकः॥
He who does not yield to wrath, who values equally a piece of earth with stone or gold, who is not touched by grief who is indifferent to friendship or enmity, who cares not for praise or blame and who avoids what is agreeable and disagreeable like one who has renounced the world, is a Bhikshuka.

नीवारमूलेदशाकवृत्तिः सुसंयतात्माग्निकार्येषु चोद्यः। वने वसन्नतिथिष्वप्रमत्तो धुरन्धरः पुण्यकृदेष तापसः॥
The ascetic, who lives on rice growing wild and roots and vegetables, who has his soul under control, who is ever careful if his fire (that it may not be extinguished), who living in the forest is not indifferent to his guests, is considered to be holy and the foremost of his brotherhood.

अपकृत्य बुद्धिमतो दूरस्थोऽस्मीति नाश्वसेत्। दीर्थी बुद्धिमतोबाहू याभ्यां हिंसति हिंसितः॥
After doing harm to an intelligent man, one should not console himself by saying that he is at a distance. The intelligent man who has been injured has long arms to return the injury.

न विश्वसेदविश्वस्ते विश्वस्ते नातिविश्वसेत्। विश्वासाद् भयमुत्पन्नं मूलान्यपि निकृन्तति॥
One must not trust another who should not be trusted, nor put too much trust on one worthy of trust. The calamity born of such trust cuts down even the very roots.

अनीपुंर्गुप्तदाश्च संविभागी प्रियंवदः। श्लक्ष्णो मधुरवाक् स्त्रीणां न चासां वशगो भवेत्॥१०
One should live without showing envy, protect his wife, divide everything property and suitably, be of sweet speech and be mild and sweet in his address to his wife and yet be not her slave.

पूजनीया महाभागाः पुण्याश्च गृहदीप्तयः। स्त्रियः श्रियो गृहस्योक्तास्तस्माद् रक्ष्या विशेषतः॥
Worthy of worship, highly blessed, virtuous, forming the light of their homes-such are the wives, who are the visible embodiments of household felicity. It is therefore, they should be specially protected.

पितुरन्तःपुरं दद्यान्मातुर्दद्यान्महानसम्। गोषु चात्मसम दद्यात् स्वयमेव कृषि व्रजेत्॥
The supervision of the inner apartments should be entrusted to one's father, (that of) the kitchen should be entrusted to his mother, (that of) the cows should be entrusted to some body considered equal to himself; but the supervision of agriculture should be attended to by himself.

भृत्यैर्वाणिज्यचारं च पुत्रैः सेवेत च द्विजान्। अद्ध्योऽग्निर्ब्रह्मतः क्षत्रमश्मनो लोहमुस्थितम्॥
The guests who carry on commerce should be waited on by servants; but the quests of the twice-born caste by one's sons. Out of water has arisen fore; and out of Brahma, the Kshatriya; and out of stone, iron.

तेषां सर्वत्रगं तेज: स्वासु योनिषु शाम्यति। नित्यं सन्तः कुले जाताः पावकोपमतेजसः॥
The force of these extend to everything; but it is neutralized of what it is born. Those good people who are born in high families have always a spirit similar to fire.

क्षमावन्तो निराकाराः काष्ठेऽग्निरिव शेरते। यस्य मन्त्रं न जानन्ति बाहाचाभ्यन्तराश्च ये॥ स राजा सर्वतश्चक्षुश्चिरमैश्वर्यमश्नुते। करिष्यन् न प्रभाषेत कृतान्येव तु दर्शयेत्॥
Those born is high families are endued with a forgiving nature; and stay like fire in the wood without showing any outward symptoms. The king, whose intentions cannot be known by outsiders and even by his own officers and who has his eyes everywhere, enjoys long prosperity. One should not speak of what he wants to do, nor show what he has already done.

धर्मकामार्थकार्याणि तथा मन्त्रो न भिद्यते। गिरिपृष्ठमुपारुह्य प्रासादं वा रहोगतः॥
Let not the intention, to do acts to be done either for virtue, worldly good or gratifying desires, be made known to others. Having ascended the top of a mountain or the roof of a palace.

अरण्ये निःशलाके वा तत्र मन्त्रोऽभिधीयते। नासुहृत् परमं मन्त्रं भारतार्हति वेदितुम्॥
Or proceeding to a forest shorn of grass, one should think of his purposes. One who is not a friend, O Bharata, should not be made aware of important secrets.

अपण्डितो वापि सुहृत् पण्डितो वाप्यनात्मवान्। नापरीक्ष्य महीपालः कुर्यात् सचिवमात्मनः॥
Nor a friend who is not learned, nor a learned friend who has not his mind under control. a king should not appoint any body his own counselor without a trial.

अमात्ये ह्यर्थलिप्सा च मन्त्ररक्षणामेव च। कृतानि सर्वकार्याणि यस्य पारिषदा विदुः॥ धर्मे चार्थे च कामे च स राजा राजसत्तमः। गूढमन्त्रस्य नृपतेस्तस्य सिद्धिरसंशयम्॥
On the minister depend the desire for wealth (of the king) and the carrying out of his intentions. He, whose followers know all acts only after they are done or acts done for the sake of virtue, worldly good or gratification of desire, is the chief among kings, O king. The success of that king, whose intentions are not known is undoubted.

अप्रशस्तानि कार्याणि यो मोहादनुतिष्ठति। स तेषां विपरिभ्रंशाद् भ्रंश्यते जीवितादपि।॥
He who does uncommendable acts out of ignorance loses even his life, owing to the unexpected consequences of his acts.

कर्मणां तु प्रशस्तानामनुष्ठानं सुखावहम्। तेषामेवाननुष्ठानं पश्चात्तापकरं मतम्॥
The doing of acts that are commendable leads to happiness; the omission to do these acts causes injury afterwards, which is my opinion.

अनधीत्य यथा वेदान् न विप्रः श्राद्धमर्हति। एवमश्रुतषाङ्गण्यो न मन्त्रं श्रोतुमर्हति॥
As a Brahmana, without studying the Vedas, is unfit to officiate at a Shradha, so one who has not heard of the six means (for protecting a kingdom) is not fit to hear of the purposes (of a king).

स्थानवृद्धिक्षयज्ञस्य षाडण्यविदितात्मनः। अनवज्ञातशीलस्य स्वाधीना पृथिवी नृप॥
One, who knows about the increase, decrease and surplus of revenue in the kingdom, who knows the six means and himself, one whose conduct is never spoken ill of, has the world under his subjection.

अमोधक्रोधहर्षस्य स्वयं कृत्यान्ववेक्षिणः। आत्मप्रत्ययकोशस्य वसुदैव वसुन्धरा॥
He whose wrath and joy are unfailing (to produce some results), who himself superiors over what is to be done, who has his treasury under his own control, has the world under his subjection.

नाममात्रेण तुष्येत छत्रेण च महीपतिः। भृत्येभ्यो विसृजेदर्थान् नैकः सर्वहरो भवेत्॥
The lord of the earth should be satisfied with the name he earns and the umbrella (held over his head as a sign of royalty) and should divided the wealth among his servants and not be the sole possessor of everything.

ब्राह्मणं ब्राह्मणो वेद भर्ता वेद स्त्रियं तथा। अमात्यं नृपतिर्वेद राजा राजानमेव च॥
A Brahmana knows a Brahmana in the same way as the nusband knows the wife. A king knows his minister and a monarch knows a monarch.

न शत्रुर्वशमापन्नो मोक्तव्यो वध्यतां गतः। न्यग्भूत्वा पर्युपासीत वध्यं हन्याद् बले सति। अहताद्धि भयं तस्माज्जायते नचिरादिव॥
An enemy who deserves death should not be set liberty when under control. when one is weak, an enemy should be flattered though deserving of death; but he should be killed on the acquirement of strength. When not killed, dangers arise from him soon.

दैवतेषु प्रयत्नेन राजसु ब्राह्मणेषु च। नियन्तव्यः सदा क्रोधो वृद्धबालातुरेषु च।॥
The resentment against the gods, the king, the Brahmanas should ever be suppressed with an effort; as also that against old men, children and helpless person.

निरर्थं कलहं प्राज्ञो वर्जयेन्मूढसेवितम्। कीर्ति च लभते लोके न चानर्थेन युज्यते॥
A wise man should avoid unprofitable quarrels, to which fools alone are parties. By this one gains fame in this world and avoids misery.

प्रसादो निष्फलो यस्य क्रोधश्चापि निरर्थकः। न तं भर्तारमिच्छन्ति षण्डं पतिमिव स्त्रियः॥
Him whose favour is without consequence and whose wrath does no harm the people do not desire to have for a lord; even as women do not want to have an impotent man to be their husband.

न बुद्धिर्धनलाभाय न जाड्यसमृद्धये। लोकपर्यायवृत्तान्तं प्राज्ञो जानाति नेतरः॥
Intelligence is not for the acquirement of wealth; and laziness is not the cause of adversity. The wise man knows the history of the different conditions of man; but others do not.

विद्याशीलवयोवृद्धान् बुद्धिवृद्धांश्च भारत। धनाभिजातवृद्धांश्च नित्यं मूढोऽवमन्यते॥
Fools have ever made light of those who are learned, old in age, old in intelligence, superior in wealth in wealth and in birth, O Bharata.

अनार्यवृत्तमप्राज्ञमसूयकमधार्मिकम्। अनर्थाः क्षिप्रमायान्ति वाग्दुष्टं क्रोधनं तथा॥
Misery soon comes on him who leads a vicious life, who is wanting in wisdom, who is envious and sinful and who is wicked in speech and given to anger.

अविसंवादनं दानं समयस्याव्यतिक्रमः आवर्तयन्ति भूतानि सम्यकप्रणिहिता च वाक्॥
Absence of deceitfulness, gift, observance of the respect due to others, subjugate all creature, so does well conducted speech.

अविसंवादको दक्षः कृतज्ञो मतिमानृजुः। अपि संक्षीणकोशोऽपि लभते परिवारणम्॥
He, who has no deceit in him, who is skillful, grateful, intelligent and simple minded, gets friends even if his treasury has been drained off.

धृतिः शमो दमः शौचं कारुण्यं वागनिष्ठुरा। मित्राणां चानभिद्रोहः सप्तैताः समिधः श्रियः॥
Wisdom, calmness of mind, self-control, holiness, the reverse of harshness in speech and the intention never to injure one's friends, these seven are to prosperity, even as fuel to the fire.

असंविभागी दुष्टात्मा कृतघ्नो निरपत्रपः। तादृड्नराधिपो लोके वर्जनीयो नराधिप॥
Who does not give to others their dues, who is of a vicious soul and ungrateful and who has no sense of shame-such a wretch should, O king, be avoided in this world.

न च रात्रौ सुखं शेते ससर्प इव वेश्मनि। यः कोपयति निर्दोष सदोषोऽभ्यन्तरं जनम्॥
He cannot sleep at night in peace, like one having a serpent in the room; who, being a guilty person himself, provokes other people against one who is innocent.

येषु दुष्टेषु दोषः स्याद् योगक्षेमस्य भारत। सदा प्रसादनं तेषां देवतानामिवाचरेत्॥
Persons, who when tainted with a vice are capable to injuring others by depriving them of their possessions and removing the means of their livelihood, should ever be propitiated like the gods with promptitude.

येऽर्थाः स्त्रीषु समायुक्ताः प्रमत्तपतितेषु च। ये चानार्ये समासक्ताः सर्वे ते संशयं गताः॥
Those objects which depend for their obtainment on women, men whose mind has been distracted, men who have fallen from their original state of purity and those that depend on the vicious, are all doubtful of fulfillment.

यत्र स्त्री यत्र कितवो बालो यत्रानुशासिता। मज्जन्ति तेऽवशा राजन् नद्यामश्मप्लवा इव॥
Where a woman or where a child or where a wicked man is the guide, there, O king, persons (who make them guides) are as helpless as a stone in a river, which sinks.

प्रयोजनेषु ये सक्ता न विशेषेषु भारत। तानहं पण्डितान् मन्ये विशेषा हि प्रसङ्गिनः॥
Those that are capable of grasping the general principle of things, through they may be ignorant of details, are learned men. This is my opinion, O Bharata; for details are small matters.

यं प्रशंसन्ति कितवा यं प्रशंसन्ति चारणाः। यं प्रशंसन्ति बन्धक्यो न स जीवति मानवः॥
The man, whom deceitful persons praise, whom spies praise and whom immoral women praise, does not live (long).

हित्वा तान् परमेष्वासान् पाण्डवानमितौजसः। आहितं भारतैश्वर्यं त्वया दुर्योधने महत्॥
Having abandoned those mighty bowmen, the Pandavas of unlimited prowess, you have, O Bharata, entrusted a great lordship on Duryodhana.

तं द्रक्ष्यसि परिभ्रष्टं तस्मात् त्वमचिरादिव। ऐश्वर्यमदसम्मूढं बलिं लोकत्रयादिव॥
You shall soon see him fallen from that lordship, even as foolish Vali, who was proud of his power fallen from the three worlds.