The principles of morality explained by Vidura

धृतराष्ट्र उवाच जाग्रतो दह्यमानस्य यत् कार्यमनुपश्यसि। तद् ब्रूहि त्वं हि नस्तात धर्मार्थकुशलो ह्यसि॥
Dhritarashtra said Tell me what you think ought to be done by a sleepless man and burning (with anxiety); you alone among us, are accomplished, both in the codes of morality and policy.

त्वं मां यथावदं विदुर प्रशाधिं प्रज्ञापूर्वं सर्वमजातशत्रोः। यन्मन्यसे पथ्यमदीनसत्त्व श्रेयस्करं ब्रूहि तद् वै कुरूणाम्॥
Tell me, O Vidura, as suits the occasion, after exercising your wisdom, all that you consider to be beneficial for Ajatashatru; tell speak also what conduces to the good of the Kurus.

पापाशङ्की पापमेवानुपश्यन् पृच्छामि त्वां व्याकुलेनात्मनाहम्। न्मनीषितं सर्वमजातशत्रोः॥
Committing sin and looking back on my misdeeds, I ask you with anxious heart, O wise one, all that is the mind of Ajatashatru.

विदुर उवाच शुभं वा यदि वा पापं द्वेष्यं वा यदि वा प्रियम्। अपृष्टस्तस्य तद् ब्रूयाद् यस्य नेच्छेत् पराभवम्॥
Vidura said Good or bad, agreeable or disagreeable should one speak out, though unasked, to one whose downfall he dose not wish.

तस्माद् वक्ष्यामि ते राजन् हितं यत् स्यात् कुरून् प्रति। वचः श्रेयस्करं धयं ब्रुवतस्तन्निबोध मे॥
Therefore shall I say to you, O king, what is good for the Kurus, listen to me, (while I am) speaking words that are conducive to your interests and consistent with morality.

मिथ्योपेतानि कर्माणि सिद्धेयुर्यानि भारत। अनुपायप्रयुक्तानि मा स्म तेषु मनः कृथाः॥
The misdeeds, that are attainable only by dishonest means, do not set your mind on, O Bharata.

तथैव योगविहितं यत्तु तु कर्म न सिध्यति। उपाययुक्तं मेधावी न तत्र ग्लपयेन्मनः॥
If an object cannot be attained, O king, even with-proper means, an intelligent man dose not distress his mind about it.

अनुबन्धानपेक्षेत सानुबन्धेषु कर्मसु। सम्प्रधार्य च कुर्वीत न वेगेन समाचरेत्॥
The reasons of an act and its result should be carefully considered before it is done without due deliberation.

अनुबन्धं च सम्प्रेक्ष्य विपाकं चैव कर्मणाम्। उत्थानमात्मनश्चैव धीरः कुर्वीत वा न वा॥
A wise man dose or dose not do an act after reflecting on the reasons of act and its results if done, as also the energy of his own self.

यः प्रमाणं न जानाति स्थाने वृद्धौ तथा क्षये। कोशे जनपदे दण्डे न स राज्येऽवतिष्ठते॥
One (a king) who dose not know the measure of his territory, population and punishment, continue in (the enjoyment of) his kingdom.

यस्त्वेतनि प्रमाणानि यथोक्तान्यनुपश्यति। युक्तो धर्मार्थवोर्ज्ञाने स राज्यमधिगच्छति॥
He who knows these prescribed in books) is versed in the sciene of morality and earthly good and retains his kingdom.

न राज्यं प्राप्तमित्येव वर्तितव्यमसाम्प्रतम्। श्रियं ह्यविनयो हन्ति जरा रूपमिवोत्तम्॥
One (a king) should not live a haughty life considering that he was already obtained a kingdom, for haughtiness destroys kingly prosperity, as old age (destroys) good appearance. measures as

भक्ष्योत्तमप्रतिच्छन्नं मत्स्यो बडिशमायसम्। लोभाभिपाति ग्रसते नानुबन्धमवेक्षते॥
A fish out of greediness dose not think about the result of an action and swallows up the iron hook concealed in a dainty morsel.

यच्छक्यं ग्रसितुं चस्यं चस्तं परिणमेच्च यत्। हितं च परिणामे यत् तदाद्यं भूतिमिच्छता॥
One who desire prosperity, should swallow only that which can be swallowed and which, being swallowed, can be digested and may contribute to benefit in the end.

वनस्पतेरपक्वानि फलानि प्रचिनोति यः। स नाप्नोति रसं तेभ्यो बीजं चास्य विनश्यति॥
He who plucks unripe fruits from tress, dose not get juice out of it; and moreover he destroys the seed.

यस्तु पक्वमुपादत्ते काले परिणतं फलम्। फलाद् रसं स लभते बीजाच्चैव फलं पुनः॥
And he, who gets ripe fruit in the proper season, gets the juice of the fruits well as other fruits reproduced from the seeds.

यथा मधु समादत्ते रक्षन् पुष्पाणि षट्पदः। तद्वदर्थान् मनुष्येभ्य आदद्यादविहिंसया॥
As the bees suck honey without injuring the flowers, so should wealth be taken from men (by king) without injuring them.

पुष्पं पुष्पं विचिन्वीत मूलच्छेदं न कारयेत्। मालाकार इवारामे न यथाऽङ्गारकारकः॥
Carefully plucking the flowers, one should not hurt the roots of the plants, like a maker of garlands in garden in a garden and not like a seller of charcoal.

केन्नु मे स्यादिदं कृत्वा किनु मे स्यादकुर्वतः। इति कर्माणि संचिन्त्य कुर्याद् वा पुरुषो न वा॥
Having carefully considered what will befall me after doing an act or not doing it, a man should do things or not do them.

अनारभ्या भवन्त्याः केचिन्नित्यं तथागताः। कृतः पुरुषकारो हि भवेद् येषु निरर्थकः॥
Acts should not be commenced, which cannot be done for certain and which, if commenced, render the exertions of a man fruitless.

प्रसादो निष्फलो यस्य क्रोधश्चापि निरर्थकः। न तं भर्तारमिच्छन्ति षण्डं पतिमिव स्त्रियः॥
Whose favour is useless and whose ire is impotent, the people do not wish that sort of man for a lord; as a woman dose not wise an impotent man to be her husband.

कांश्चिदर्थान् नरः प्राज्ञोलघुमूलान् महाफलान्। क्षिप्रमारभते कर्तुं न विघ्नयति तादृशान्॥
A wise man dose not wait, but quickly commences doing such acts, as involve little labour but produce great results.

ऋजु पश्यति यः सर्वं चक्षुषानुपिबन्निव। आसीनमपि तूष्णीकमनुरज्यन्ति तं प्रजाः॥
He (the king) who looks affectionately, as if drinking with his eyes, on all, though only sitting without any exertion-can inspire affection in all his subjects.

सुपुष्पितः स्यादफल: फलित: स्याद् दुरारुहः। अपक्तः पक्वसंकाशो न तु शीर्येत कर्हिचित्॥
If a tree is full of blossoms though the king look affectionately on this let it not be fruitful; and if it is fruitful let the tree be inaccessible; and if the fruits are unripe let them appear as ripe. A king, who acts thus, is never weakened.

चक्षुषा मनसा वाचा कर्मणा च चतुर्विधम्। प्रसादयति यो लोकं लोकोऽनुप्रसीदति॥
Society favours him, who pleases all in four ways viz., by the eyes, by the mind, by words and by the act.

यस्मात् त्रस्यन्ति भूतानि मृगव्याधान्मृगा इव। सागरान्तामपि महीं लब्वा स परिहीयते॥
He, whom all creatures dread as deer fear the hunter, loses it in the end even after acquiring the earth (for his kingdom) having the sea round it.

पितृपैतामहं राज्यं प्राप्तवान् स्वेन कर्मणा। वायुरभ्रमिवासाद्य भ्रंशयत्यनये स्थितः॥
He (the king), who is addicted to unfairness, destroys by his own acts the kingdom inherited from his father and grandfather; even as the wind scatters away the clothing them.

धर्ममाचरतो राज्ञः सद्धिश्चरितमादितः। वसुधा वसुसम्पूर्णा वर्धते भूतिवर्धिनी॥
The earth full of wealth increases the worldly prosperity of the king who practices virtue followed by good men from the ancient time.

अथ संत्यजतो धर्ममधर्मं चानुतिष्ठतः। प्रतिसंवेष्टते भूमिरग्नौ चर्माहितं यथा।॥
Again, the territories, that of king who leaving virtue practices unrighteousness, contract like a piece of leather thrown into the fire.

य एव यत्नः क्रियते परराष्ट्रविमर्दने। स एव यत्नः कर्तव्यः स्वराष्ट्रपरिपालने॥
The care, that is bestowed on despoiling another of his kingdom, should be spent in protecting one's own kingdom.

धर्मेण राज्यं विन्देत धर्मेण परिपालयेत्। धर्ममूलां श्रियं प्राप्य न जहाति न हीयते॥
By means of virtue should a kingdom be attained; and by means of virtue should it be governed. The kingly prosperity, that has virtue for its basis, is never lost, nor it flies away.

अप्युन्मत्तात् प्रलपतो बालाच्च परिजल्पतः। सर्वतः सारमादद्यादश्मभ्य इव काञ्चनम्॥
Enlightenment should be sought for from everything-even from the leavings of a lunatic and the prattles of a child, as gold from stones.

सुव्याहृतानि सूक्तानि सुकृतानि ततस्ततः। संचिन्वन् धीर आसीत शिलाहारी शिलं यथा।॥
A wise man should live, picking out good manners, good sayings and good deeds, even as one given up to the Shila mode of life picks grains of corn from the field.

गन्धेन गावः पश्यन्ति वेदैः पश्यन्ति ब्राह्मणाः। चारैः पश्यन्ति राजानश्चक्षुर्ष्यामितरे जनाः॥
King see by means of smell, Brahmanas see by means of the Vedas, kings see by means of scouts and other people through eyes.

भूयांसं लभते क्लेशं या गौर्भवति दुर्दुहा। अथ या सुदुहा राजन् नैव तां वितुदन्त्यपि॥
The cow that is difficult to milk gets great trouble; but one that is easy to milk, O king, gets nothing.

यदतप्तं प्रणमति न तत् संतापयन्त्यपि। यच्च स्वयं नतं दारु न तत् सन्तापयन्त्यपि॥
That which bends without being heated is not heated at all; the wood that bends of itself is never heated.

एतयोपमया धीरः संनमेत बलीयसे। इन्द्राय स प्रणमते नमते यो बलीयसे॥
Following this example, a wise man should bend to one stronger than himself and he who bends before the stronger bows down to Indra himself.

पर्जन्यनाथाः पशवो राजानो मन्त्रिवान्धवाः। पतयो बान्धवाः स्त्रीणां ब्राह्मणा वेदबान्धवाः॥
Creatures depend on clouds; kings have the counsellors for their friends; husbands are the friends of women and the Brahmanas have the Vedas for their friends.

सत्येन रक्ष्यते धर्मो विद्या योगेन रक्ष्यते। मृजया रक्ष्यते रूपं कुलं वृत्तेन रक्ष्यते॥
Virtue is preserved by truthfulness; learning is preserved by exercise; beauty is preserved by toilet; and noble birth is preserved by good manners.

मानेन रक्ष्यते धान्यमश्वान् रक्षत्यनुक्रमः। अभीक्ष्णदर्शनं गाश्च स्त्रियो रक्ष्याः कुचैलतः।। :॥
Corn is preserves by measure exercise preserves steeds; strict and constant supervision preserves horses; and women is preserved by ragged garments.

न कुलं वृत्तहीनस्य प्रमाणमिति मे मतिः। अन्तेष्वपि हि जातानां वृत्तमेव विशिष्यते॥
It is my opinion that noble birth in one who is not of good behaviours dose not mean virtue; and that good manners in one born low should command respect.

य ईर्षुः परवित्तेषु रूपे वीर्ये कुलान्वये। सुखसौभाग्यसत्कारे तस्य व्याधिरनन्तकः॥
He who is envious of other people's wealth, beauty, prowess, good birth, happiness, luck and reward, suffers a disease which has no cure.

अकार्यकरणाद् भीतः कार्याणां च विवर्जनात्। अकाले मन्त्रभेदाच्च येन मायेन्न तत् पिबेत्॥
He by whom is feared the doing of improper acts or the omission of proper acts or the premature disclosure of his intentions, should not drink that which inebriates.

विद्यामदो धनमदस्तृतीयोऽभिजनो मदः। मदा एतेऽवलिप्तानामेत एव सतां दमाः॥
Pride of learning, pride of wealth, pride of connections the pride in these the good people should restrain.

तावन तस्य सुकृतं किंचित्कार्ये कदाचन। मन्यन्ते सन्तमात्मानमसन्तमपि विश्रुतम्॥
Bad people, asked by honest ones to do something for them, consider themselves as honest after doing very doing very little of that, even though they are well-known to be dishonest.

गतिरात्मवतां सन्तः सन्त एवं सतां गतिः। असतां च गतिः सन्तो न त्वसन्तः सतां गतिः॥
The righteous are their own refuge and that of other righteous men. The righteous, too are the refuge of the unrighteous; and the unrighteous are never the refuge of the righteous.

जिता सभा वस्त्रवता मिष्टाशा गोमता जिता। अध्वा जितो यानवता सर्वं शीलवता जितम्॥
In (a debate in) an assembly, he who is well dressed, comes off victorious, he who is owner of king triumphs over the desire to eat sweets; and the road is triumphed over by one who has conveyances; and everything is subjugated by one of good behaviour.

शीलं प्रधानं पुरुषे तद् यस्येह प्रणश्यति। न तस्य जीवितेनार्थो न धनेन न बन्धुभिः॥
Good manner is the prime thing in a man; and he that has not got it in this life gains nothing by life, by wealth or by friends.

आढ्यानां मांसपरमं मध्यानां गोरसोत्तरम्। तैलोत्तरं दरिद्राणां भोजनं भरतर्षभ॥
O bull of the race of Bharata, flesh is the chief food of the rich, milk that of the middle classes and oil that of the poor.

सम्पन्नतरमेवान्नं दरिद्रा भुञ्जते सदा। क्षुत् स्वादुतां जनयति सा चाढ्येषु सुदुर्लभा॥
The poor however ever take the most delicious food; for hunger imparts sweetness of taste to it; it (hunger) is ever rare among the opulent.

प्रायेण श्रीमतां लोके भोक्तुं शक्तिर्न विद्यते। जीर्यन्त्यपि हि काष्ठानि दरिद्राणां महीपते॥
In this, world the opulent mostly have no capacity, for eating, whiled O Lord of the earth, pieces of wood are digested by the poor.

अवृत्तिर्भयमन्त्यानां मध्यानां मरणाद् भयम्। उत्तमानां तु मानामवमानात् परं भयम्॥
Loss of livelihood is feared by men of the lower classes; death is feared by the middle classes and insult is greatly feared by good men.

ऐश्वर्यमदपापिष्ठा मदाः पानमदादयः। ऐश्वर्यमदमत्तो हि नापतित्वा विबुध्यते॥
The devils who are proud of their wealth are worse than those intoxicated with wine; for he, who is intoxicated with the pride of wealth, is not brought to his senses unless he meet with the reverse.

इन्द्रियैरिन्द्रियार्थेषु वर्तमानैरनिग्रहैः। तैरयं ताप्यते लोको नक्षत्राणि चहैरिवा॥
This world is affected by the senses directed to their own objects without any control in the same was as stars (are affected by the planets).

यो जितः पञ्चवर्गेण सहजेनात्मकर्षिणा। आपदस्तस्य वर्धन्ते शुक्लपक्ष इवोडुराट्॥
In the life of one, who is subjugated by the five senses in their natural state ever impelling him towards action, calamities ever increase like the moon after the new moon.

अविजित्य य आत्मानममात्यान् विजिगीषते। अमित्रान् वाजितामात्यः सोऽवशः परिहीयते॥
He who desires to bring his advisers under control without controlling himself, who desires to control his enemies without controlling his advisers, at last yields, deprived of strength.

आत्मानमेव प्रथमं द्वेष्यरूपेण यो जयेत्। ततोऽमात्यानमित्रांश्च न मोघं विजिगीषते॥
He, therefore, who brings himself first under control thinking that his senses are his prime enemies, in the end subjugates as a matter of certainty, his advisers and his enemies.

वश्येन्द्रियं जितात्मानं धृतदण्डं विकारिषु। परीक्ष्य कारिणं धीरमत्यन्तं धीरमत्यन्तं श्रीनिषेवते।।५८
Great prosperity comes up on him who has controlled his senses or subjugated himself and who can hold the rod (of punishment) against all offenders without partiality and who acts with circumspection and who is patient.

त्रात्मा नियन्तेन्द्रियाण्यस्य चाश्वाः। र्दान्तः सुखं याति रथीव धीरः॥
The body of a man, O king, is like the car; the soul, the driver; and the senses, the horses, Drawn by those excellent steeds when well trained, he that is wise and patient performs the journey in peace.

एतान्यनिगृहीतानि व्यापादयितुमप्यलम्। अविधेया इवादान्ता हयाः पथि कुसारथिम्॥
These (the senses) when untrained lead one to destruction; in the same way the untrained horses lead the unskillful drivers (to destruction.)

अनर्थमर्थतः पश्यन्नर्थ चैवाप्यनर्थतः। इन्द्रियैरजितैर्बाल: सुदुः :खं मन्यते सुखम्॥
The inexperienced man, who wants to select evil from good and good from evil with the aid of his senses which he has not mastered, considers great misery to be happiness.

धर्मार्थो यः परित्यज्य स्यादिन्द्रियवशानुगः। श्रीप्राणधनदारेभ्यः क्षिप्रं स परिहीयते॥
He, who having forsaken both virtue and worldly gains, the follows, the lead of his senses, very soon comes to lose prosperity, life wealth and wife.

अर्थानामीश्वरो यः स्यादिन्द्रियाणामनीश्वरः। इन्द्रियाणामनैश्वर्यादैश्वर्याद् भ्रश्यते हि सः॥
The lord of riches, who is a slave of his senses, loses his riches through his want of control over the senses.

आत्मनाऽऽत्मानमन्विच्छेन्मनोबुद्धीन्द्रियैर्यतैः। आत्मा ह्येवात्मनो बन्धुरात्मैव रिपुरात्मनः॥
A man should try to see and know nimself by mastering his mind, intelligence and senses; for, he himself is his own friend and himself is his enemy.

बन्धुरात्माऽऽत्मनस्तस्य येनैवात्माऽऽत्मना जितः। स एव नियतो बन्धुः स एव नियतो रिपुः॥
He, by whom self has been subjugated by self and has himself for his friend; for himself is ever his friend and himself is ever his enemy.

क्षुद्राक्षेणेव जालेन झपावपिहितावुरू। कामश्च राजन् क्रोधश्च तौ प्रज्ञानं विलुम्पतः॥
In the same way, as a big fish breaks through a net of thin chords, so, O king, desire and anger cast wisdom in the shade.

समवेक्ष्येह धर्मार्थो सम्भारान् योऽधिगच्छति। स वै सम्भृतसम्भारः सततः सुखमेधते॥
He, who having paid due regard to virtue and worldly gains seeks the acquirement of success, gets what he wants and ever is in happiness.

यः पञ्चाभ्यन्तराञ्छत्रूनविजित्य मनोमयान्। जिगीषति रिपूनन्यान् रिपवोऽभिभवन्ति तम्॥
He, who without subjugating the five enemies within that have their origin in the mind, desires to subdue other enemies, is vanquished by these enemies.

दृश्यन्ते हि महात्मानो बध्यमानाः स्वकर्मभिः। इन्द्रियाणामनीशत्वाद् राजानो राज्यविभ्रमैः॥
Instances are seen in which noble hearted kings, out of lust of territory, are destroyed by acts sorely through the want of control over their senses.

स्तुल्यो दण्डः स्पृशते मिश्रभावात्। शुष्केणार्दै दह्यते मिश्रभावात् तस्मात् पापैः सह सन्धिं न कुर्यात्॥
Equal punishment overtakes the sinless with the sinful, when these two constantly associate; even as the wet fuel burns with the dry. Therefore friendship should not be established with the sinful.

निजानुत्पततः शत्रून् पञ्च पञ्चप्रयोजनान्। यो मोहान निगृह्णाति तमापद् ग्रसते नरम्॥
Misery overtakes the man, who dose not subdue his five soaring foes out of ignorance which have five different objects.

अनसूयाऽऽर्जवं शौचं संतोषः प्रियवादिता। दमः सत्यमनायासो न भवन्ति दुरात्मनाम्॥
Guilelessness, simplicity, sanctity. contentment, sweetness of speech, self-control, truthfulness and steadiness are never the attributes of the wicked.

आत्मज्ञानमनायासीत्ततिक्षा धर्मनित्यता। वाक् चैव गुप्ता दानं च नैतान्यन्त्येषु भारत॥
Spiritual knowledge steadiness, patience, constancy in virtue, secret counsels and charity-these are not to be found in men of the lower, Odescendant of Bharata.

आक्रोशपरिवादाभ्यां विहिंसन्त्यबुधा वुधान्। वक्ता पापमुपादत्ते क्षममाणो विमुच्यते॥
The ignorant seek to injure the wise by malice back-biting; and the speaker takes upon himself the load of his (wise man's) sins, which he (the wise man) casts off by forgiving the ignorant.

हिंसा बलमसाधूनां राज्ञां दण्डविधिर्बलम्। शुश्रूषा तु बलं स्त्रीणां क्षमा गुणवतां बलम्॥
Malice is the strength of the unrighteous; the penal code is the strength of the kings; ministration to the sick is the strength of women; and forgiveness is the strength of the virtuous.

वाक्संयमो हि नृपते सुदुष्करतमो मतः। अर्थवच्च विचित्रं च न शक्यं बहु भाषितुम्॥
The control over speech, O lord of men, is thought to be most difficult; and it is not possible to speak much full of meaning in an entertaining way.

अभ्यावहति कल्याणं विविधं वाक् सुभाषिता। सैव दुर्भाषिता राजन्ननायोपपद्यते॥
Words spoken sweetly bring on several of the blessings; and the same (words) spoken harshly, O king generate evils.

रोहते सायकैर्विद्धं वनं परशुना हतम्। वाचा दुरुक्तं बीभत्सं न संरोहति वाक्क्षतम्॥
A forest, pierced by arrows or cut down by scythes, grows again; but the heart pierced with words, harsh and rude, never recovers.

कर्णिनालीकनाराचान् निर्हरन्ति शरीरतः। वाक्शल्यस्तु न निर्हर्तुं शक्यो हृदिशयोहिसः॥
Arrows and darts can be extracted from the body; but the darts of words cannot be extracted from the depth of the heart.

वाक्सायका वदनानिष्पतन्ति यैराहतः शोचति रात्र्यहानि। परस्य नामर्मसु ते पतन्ति तान् पण्डितो नावसृजेत् परेभ्यः॥
Arrows of words are shot from the mouth, wounded by which one grieves night and day; for they touch the innermost recesses of the hearts of others? Therefore a wise man should not fling on others.

यस्मै देवाः प्रयच्छन्ति पुरुषाय पराभवम्। बुद्धि तस्यापकर्षन्ति सोऽवाचीनानि पश्यति॥
That man, to whom defeat has been sent by the gods, has his senses lost; and, therefore, he does stoop to mean acts.

बुद्धौ कलुषभूतायां विनाशे प्रत्युपस्थिते। अनयो नयसंकाशो हृदयानापसर्पति॥
On intellect becoming dim and on the approach of ruin, wrong, in the disguise of right, dose not remove from the mind.

सेयं बुद्धिः परीता ते पुत्राणां भरतर्षभ। पाण्डवानां विरोधेन न चैनानवबुध्यसे॥
The dim intellect has overpowered your son, O bull of Bharata race; same now you do not clearly see it owing to your enmity against the Pandavas.

राजा लक्षणसम्पन्नस्त्रैलोक्यस्यापि यो भवेत्। शिष्यस्ते शासिता सोऽस्तु धृतराष्ट्रा युधिष्ठिरः॥
A king with auspicious marks and the ruler of the three worlds, Yudhishthira waits on your commands, O Dhritarashtra; let him be the ruler of the earth.

अतीत्य सर्वान् पुत्रांस्ते भागधेयपुरस्कृतः। तेजसा प्रज्ञया चैव युक्तो धर्मार्थतत्त्ववित्॥ अनुक्रोशादानृशंस्याद् योऽसौ धर्मभृतां वरः। गौरवात् तव राजेन्द्र बहून् क्लेशांस्तितिक्षति॥
Endue with good qualities; he is, to the exclusion of all your sons, the fore-most among your heirs; he is endued with energy and wisdom and versed both in the codes of morality and earthly good. Out of kindness and simplicity that chief among virtuous men has patiently borne many a trouble in order to uphold your story.