The words of Yudhishthira

संजय उवाच आमन्त्रये त्वां नरदेवदेव गच्छाम्यहं पाण्डव स्वस्ति तेऽस्तु। दुच्चारितं मे मनसोऽभिषङ्गात्॥
Sanjaya said After bidding you adieu, O god among men, shall I go awayo lord, O son of Pandu, may it be well with you. Has any objectionable language been uttered by me, in the heat of the moment.

जनार्दनं भीमसेनार्जुनौ च माद्रीसुतौ सात्यकिं चेकितानम्। आमन्त्र्य गच्छामि शिवं सुखः वः सौम्येन मां पश्यत चक्षुषा नृपाः॥
After bidding adieu also to Janardana, Bhimasena, Arjuna, the two sons of Madri, Satyaki and Chekitana, shall I go away. May happiness and prosperity be yours. May the king look upon us with an eye of good will.

युधिष्ठिर उवाच अनुज्ञातः संजय स्वस्ति गच्छ न नः स्मरस्यप्रियं जातु विद्वन्। विद्मश्च त्वां ते च वयं च सर्वे शुद्धात्मानं मध्यगतं सभास्थम्॥
Yudhishthira said Perinitted by ourselves, go away 0 Sanjaya, May you fare well. Do not, O learned man, think ill of us. They and ourselves all know you to be a pure-souled man, in the midst of (their) court.

आप्तो दूतः संजय सुप्रियोऽसि कल्याणवाक् शीलवांस्तृप्तिमांश्च। न मुह्येस्त्वं संजय जातु मत्या न च क्रुद्ध्येरुच्यमानो दुरुक्तैः॥
As an enjoy sent (by them) O Sanjaya, you have made yourself dear to us and you are of peaceful speech, well behaved and satisfy every body. You are not ill disposed towards us and through spoken to harshly you are never angry.

न मर्मगां जादु वक्तासि रूक्षां नोपश्रुतिं कटुकां नोत मुक्ताम्। मेतां वाचं तव जानीम सूत॥
You are not a speaker of cutting and rude words, nor of harsh or false words. We are aware that your words are based on the principles of virtue, pregnant with meaning and humane, O Suta.

त्वमेव नः प्रियतमोऽसि दूत इहागच्छेद् विदुरो वा द्वितीयः। अभीक्ष्णदृष्टोऽसि पुरा हि नस्त्वं धनंजयस्यात्मसमः सखाऽसि॥
You are our favorite; Vidura is the only other envoy that can come here. In former days you were often seen by us and you are our friend like Dhananjaya.

इतो गत्वा संजय क्षिप्रमेव उपातिष्ठेथा ब्राह्मणान् ये तदर्हाः। विशुद्धवीर्याश्चरणोपपन्नाः कुले जाताः सर्वधर्मोपपन्नाः॥
Departing from here, O Sanjaya, you should speedily wait on these Brahmanas, who are endued with the practice of pure energy, born in high family and endued with all the virtues.

स्वाध्यायिनो ब्राह्मणा भिक्षवश्च तपस्विनो ये च नित्या वनेषु। स्तथेतरेषां कुशलं वदेथाः॥
And those Brahmanas who are devoted to study and devotees living on arms and those who always dwell in the forests. Greeting all these on my behalf, you should enquire the health of these old people and of others as well.

स्तथाऽऽचार्यानृत्विजो ये च तस्य। तैश्च त्वं तात सहितैर्यथार्ह संगच्छेथाः कुशलेनैव सूत॥
You should also meet the priest of Dhritarashtra and all his preceptors and Ritvijas and ask them about their health O Suta.

अश्रोत्रिया ये च वसन्ति वृद्धा मनस्विनः शीलबलोपपन्नाः। आशंसन्तोऽस्माकमनुस्मरन्तो यथाशक्ति धर्ममात्रां चरन्तः॥
And those, who though not of good blood, are aged, spirited, endued with behaviour and strength, who remember and expect us and practise the slightest virtue, according to their means.

श्लाघस्व मां कुशलिनं स्म तेभ्यो ह्यनामयं तात पृच्छेर्जघन्यम्। ये जीवन्ति व्यवहारेण राष्ट्र ये पालयन्तो निवसन्ति राष्ट्रे॥
Inform them of my good health and enquire of them about theirs, as also those who live in the kingdom carrying on the traders and those who live in the kingdom maintaining it (by filling offices of the state).

आचार्य इष्टो नयगो विधेयो वेदानभीप्सन् ब्रह्मचर्यं चचार। योऽस्त्रं चतुष्पात् पुनरेव चक्रे द्रोणः प्रसन्नोऽभिवाद्यस्त्वयाऽसौ॥
Our preceptor Drona, who is well versed in the code of morality and who practised the Brahmacharya life wishing for a knowledge of the Vedas and who made the four Padas (viz., mantra, upachara, prayoga and sanhara) his weapon, should be pleased by you after being duly greeted.

अधीतविद्यश्चरणोपपन्नो योऽस्त्रं चतुष्पात् पुनरेव चक्रे। गन्धर्वपुत्रप्रतिम तरस्विनं तमश्वत्थामानं कुशलं स्म पृच्छेः॥
You should also enquire about the health of Ashvathama who is endued with the practice of studying and who has read the Vedas and also again has made the four Pandas his weapon and who is strong as the son of a Gandharva.

शारद्वतस्यावसथं स्म गत्वा महारथस्यात्मविदां वरस्या त्वं मामभीक्ष्णं परिकीर्तयन् वै कृपस्य पादौ संजय पाणिना स्पृशेः॥
Going to the residence of the son of Sharadvata, of mighty prowess and the chief among those who have a knowledge of self, you should again and again greet him on my behalf and touch the feet of Kripa, O Sanjaya, with your hands.

यस्मिशौर्यमानृशंस्य तपश्च प्रज्ञा शीलं श्रुतिसत्त्वे धृतिश्च। पादौ गृहीत्वा कुरुसत्तमस्य भीष्मस्य मां तत्र निवेदयेथाः॥
You should also, touching the feet of that chief among the Kurus, Bhishma in whom are centered heroism, humility, devotion, wisdom, good behaviour, great learning, goodness and prowess, submit my proposals to him.

प्रज्ञाचक्षुर्यः प्रणेता कुरूणां बहुश्रुतो वृद्धसेवी मनीषी। तस्मै राज्ञे स्थविरायाभिवाद्य आचक्षीथाः संजय मामरोगम्॥
Saluting the aged king too, who sees by the eyes of wisdom, is the leader of the Kurus, of great learning, who waits upon the old and wise, you should tell him that I am without any disease.

ज्येष्ठः पुत्रो धृतराष्ट्रस्य मन्दो मूर्खः शठः संजय पापशीलः। प्रशास्ता वै पृथिवीं येन सर्वां सुयोधनं कुशलं तात पृच्छेः॥
You should also enquire, about the health of Suyodhana, the eldest son of Dhritarashtra, who is dull-headed, ignorant wicked and addicted to vice and, by whom, O Sanjaya, all this world is being ruled over.

स्तथाशीलः संजय सोऽपि शश्वत्। महेष्वासः शूरतमः कुरूणां दुःशासनः कुशलं तात वाच्यः॥
You should also enquire, about the health of his younger brother Dushasana, who is dullheaded and of the same behavior (as his elder brother) and who is a great bow man and one of the best heroes among the Kurus.

यस्य कामो वर्तते नित्यमेव नान्यः शमाद् भारतानामिति स्म। स बाह्निकानामृषभो मनीषी त्वंयाभिवाद्यः संजय साधुशीलः॥
The one who has no other wish except that there should be peace among the Bharata race, the best among the Balhika's, a wise and honest man, should also be saluted by you.

गुणैरनेकैः प्रवरैश्च युक्तो विज्ञानवान् नैव च निष्ठुरो यः। स्नेहादमर्षं सहते सदैव स सोमदत्तः पूजनीयो मतो मे॥
In my opinion Somadatta too should be saluted by you who is endued with many good qualities, wise and merciful and who always subdues his anger towards the Kurus out of affection for them.

अर्हत्तमः कुरुषु सौमदत्तिः स नो भ्राता संजय मत्सखा च। महेष्वासो रथिनामुत्तमोऽर्हः सहामात्यः कुशलं तस्य पृच्छेः॥
The most venerable among the Kurus is the son of Somadatta; he is our brother, 0 Sanjaya and my friend as well. He is a good bowman a car-warrior as well and with his counselor, worthy of the highest respect. You should enquire about his health.

ये चैवान्ये कुरुमुख्या युवानः पुत्रा: पौत्रा भ्रातरश्चैव ये नः। यं यमेषां मन्यसे येन योग्यं तत् तत् प्रोच्यानामयं सूत वाच्याः॥
Those others, who are high among the Kurus and young and those who are as sons, grand-sons and brothers to us, should also be asked, O Suta, regarding their health, in terms which you consider suitable for each.

ये राजानः पाण्डवायोधनाय समानीता धार्तराष्ट्रण केचित्। वशातयः शाल्वकाः केकयाश्च तथाम्बष्ठा ये त्रिगर्ताश्च मुख्याः॥
Those kings who have been brought together by the son of Dhritarashtra for fighting with the Pandavas, the Vashati, the Shalvakas, the Kaikeyas, the Ambasthan and the chief among the Trigartas.

स्तथा प्रतीच्याः पर्वतीयाश्च सर्वे। स्तेषां सर्वेषां कुशलं सूत पृच्छेः॥
Those that have come from the east and the north, from the south and the west and all those heroes that have come from the hilly districts, you should ask O Suta, regarding their welfare; (and specially) those among them that are human and endued with good behaviour.

हस्त्यारोहा रथिन: सादिनश्च पदातयश्चार्यसङ्घाः महान्तः। मनामयं परिपृच्छेः समग्रान्॥
Of those who ride on elephants and chariots and horses and those who fight on foot, of that assemblage of great and honorable men after informing my welfare, you should ask regarding their health collectively.

तथा राज्ञो ह्यर्थयुक्तानमात्यान् दौवारिकान् ये च सेनां नयन्ति। मर्थांश्च ये महतश्चिन्तयन्ति॥
In the same way you should enquire about them that are the financial ministers of the king and the door-keepers and those that lead the army and those that calculate the revenue and expenditure and the great men who ever think about the welfare of the kingdom,

वृन्दारकं कुरुमध्येष्वमूढ़ महाप्रज्ञं सर्वधर्मोपपन्नम्। न तस्य युद्धं रोचते वै कदाचिद् वैश्यापुत्रं कुशलं तात पृच्छेः॥
You should also enquire about the health of the son of Dhritarashtra by his Vaishya wife, who is the best among the Kurus and one among them, not a fool, of great wisdom and endued with all virtues. By no means is he inclined to fight.

श्छन्नोपधः साधुदेवी मताक्षः। यो दुर्जयो देवस्थेन संख्ये स चित्रसेनः कुशलं तात वाच्यः॥
The one who has no rival in the tricks of dice, whose tricks cannot be detected, who plays dice and who can handle the dice cleverly, who is hard to defeat in the game, viz., Chitrasena, should also be asked concerning his health.

गान्धारराजः शकुनिः पर्वतीयो निकर्तने योऽद्वितीयोऽक्षदेवी। मानं कुर्वन् धार्तराष्ट्रस्य सूत मिथ्याबुद्धेः कुशलं तात पृच्छेः॥
The, king of Gandhara, Shakuni, who comes from the hills and who too is unrivaled in the tricks of the dice and who contributes to the honour of the son Dhritarashtra, of false intelligence, should, () Suta, be asked concerning his health.

यः पाण्डवानेकरथेन वीरः समुत्सहत्यप्रधृष्यान् विजेतुम्। यो मुह्यतां मोहयिताद्वितीयो वैकर्तनः कुशलं तस्य पृच्छेः॥
The heroes, who above from his car, excepts to defeat the sons of Pandu who are hard to vanquish, the one who is without a rival in de-fooling the fools (sons of Dhritarashtra) viz., (Karna) the son of Vaikartana should also be asked concerning his health.

स एव भक्तः स गुरुः स भर्ता स वै पिता स च माता सुहृच्च। अगाधबुद्धिर्विदुरो दीर्घदर्शी स नो मन्त्री कुशलं तं स्म पृच्छेः॥
He who is devoted to our interests, who is our preceptor and lord, who is our father, mother and friend, Vidura of immeasurable wisdom and of good foresight, he who is our adviser, should also be asked concerning his health.

वृद्धाः स्त्रियो याश्च गुणोपपन्ना ज्ञायन्ते न: संजय मातरस्ताः। ताभिः सर्वाभिः सहिताभिः समेत्य स्त्रीभिर्वृद्धाभिरभिवादं वदेथाः॥
The aged ladies and those among them who being endued with good qualities are regarded by us, O Sanjaya, as our mothers,. should be greeted when they are all together.

कच्चित् पुत्रा जीवपुत्राः सुसम्यम् वर्तन्ते वो वृत्तिमनृशंसरूपाः। दजातशत्रुः कुशली सपुत्रः॥
“O you with living sons, do your sons treat you properly" saying this, O Sanjaya, afterwards tell them that he who has created no enemies is doing well with his sons.

या नो भार्याः संजय वेत्थ तत्र तासां सर्वासां कुशलं तात पृच्छेः। सुसंगुप्ताः सुरभयोऽनवद्या: कच्चिद् गृहानावसथाप्रमत्ताः॥
Those who are like our wives, O Sanjaya, should all be asked regarding their health and address them thus-"Are your leading careful lives in your houses, well protected and with fragrant fame and unblamable conduct?

कच्चिद् वृत्तिं श्वशुरेषु भद्राः कल्याणी वर्तध्वमनृशंसरूपाम्। स्तथा वृत्तिमात्मनः स्थापयध्वम्॥
O gentle ladies, is your treatment towards your fathers-in-law gentle and considerate? You should secure for yourself such behaviour as will make your husbands kind towards you."

या नः स्नुषाः संजय वेत्थ तत्र प्राप्ताः कुलेभ्यश्च गुणोपपन्नाः। प्रजावत्यो ब्रूहि समेत्य ताच युधिष्ठिरो वोऽभ्यवदत् प्रसन्नः॥
Going to those who are like our daughtersin-law, endued with good qualities who have been brought there from good families and with issues, tell them that Yudhishthira who is well disposed towards them sends his greetings.

कन्याः स्वजेथाः सदनेषु संजय अनामयं मद्वचनेन पृष्ट्वा। कल्याणाः वः सन्तु पतयोऽनकूला यूयं पतीनां भवतानुकूलाः॥
The daughters of your house, O Sanjaya, should be embraced by you and after asking them about their health on my behalf you should thus address them O blessed ones, may your husbands be favorably disposed towards you and may you be favorably disposed towards your husband.

अलंकृता वस्त्रवत्यः सुगन्धा अबीभत्साः सुखिता भोगवत्यः। लघु यासां दर्शनं वाक् च लध्वी वेशस्त्रियः कुशलं तात पृच्छेः॥
You should also, enquire about the health of these ladies who wear ornaments and good cloths on their person, use perfumery, live without any fear, are made happy and in the enjoyment of comforts and whose looks are mild and speech is low.

दास्यः स्युर्या ये च दासाः कुरूणां तदाश्रया बहवः कुब्जखञ्जाः। ऽप्यनामयं परिपृच्छेर्जघन्यम्॥
The maid-servants and the male servants and the many hunch-backed and lame men who have been sheltered by them too should after being informed of my welfare be asked regarding their health and spoken to in these terms.

कच्चिद् वृत्ति वर्तते वै पुराणी कच्चिद् भोगान् धार्तराष्ट्रो ददाति। अङ्गहीनान् कृपणान् वामनान् वा यानानृशंस्यो धृतराष्ट्रो बिभति॥ अन्धांश्च सर्वान् स्थविरांस्तथैव हस्त्याजीवा बहवो येऽत्र सन्ति। ऽप्यनामयं परिपृच्छेर्जघन्यम्॥
Does the son of Dhritarashtra continue the stipend granted you in old and does he allow you comforts. Those persons of defective limbs, idiots and dwarfs whom the humane Dhritarashtra supports and the many blind persons and decrepit ones and those who live by their hands (having no legs) that are there should be first told of my welfare and then asked about theirs.

मा भैष्ट दुःखेन कुजीवितेन नूनं कृतं परलोकेषु पापम्। निगृह्य शत्रून् सुहृदोऽनुगृह्या वासोभिरनेन च वो भरिष्ये॥
Do not be sorry for this uncomfortable life; sins must surely have been committed by you in the life before; after destroying my enemies I shall support them with food and clothes and favour my friends.

सन्त्येव मे ब्राह्मणेभ्यः कृतानि भावीन्यथो नो बत वर्तयन्ति। तान् पश्यामि युक्तरूपांस्तथैव तामेव सिद्धिं श्रावयेथा नृपं तम्॥
Ask the king (Duryodhana) if the stipends made by me to Brahmanas are the same (as before); I shall see them properly rewarded and attain to their objects.

मात्मन्येव प्रयतन्तेऽथ मूढाः। ह्यस्मद्वाक्यात् कुशलं तात पृच्छेः॥
And those weak persons who have no body to protect them and those that are vainly striving to earn bread for themselves and also those that are ignorant and imbecile should also be asked, regarding their health on my behalf.

ये चाप्यन्ते संश्रिता धार्तराष्ट्रान् नानादिग्भ्योऽभ्यागताः सूतपुत्र। दृष्ट्वा तांश्चैवार्हतश्चापि सर्वान् सम्पृच्छेथाः कुशलं चाव्ययं च॥
Those also, that have taken refuge with the sons of Dhritarashtra, coming from different directions, should be asked concerning their health.

एवं सर्वानागताभ्यागतांश्च राज्ञो दूतान् सर्वदिग्भ्योऽभ्युपेतान्। पृष्ट्वा सर्वान् कुशलं तांश्च सूत पश्चादहं कुशली तेषु वाच्यः॥
In the same way all the ambassadors, of the king (Dhritarashtra) who have come there from all directions, should first be asked about their health and afterwards they should be told that I am doing well.

न हीदृशाः सन्त्यपरे पृथिव्यां ये योधका धार्तराष्ट्रेण लब्धाः। धर्मस्तु नित्यो मम धर्म एव महाबलः शत्रुनिबर्हणाय॥
There is not in the world anything equal to the warriors that have been gained by the son of Dhritarashtra on his side. Virtue is even on my side and virtue is my great strength for the destruction of my enemies.

इदं पुनर्वचनं धार्तराष्ट्र सुयोधनं संजय श्रावयेथाः। यस्ते शरीरे हृदयं दुनोति कामः कुरूनसपत्नोऽनुशिष्याम्॥ त्रैवंविधाः स्याम यथा प्रियं ते। ददस्व वा शक्रपुरी ममैव युध्यस्व वा भारतमुख्य वीर॥
You should, O Sanjaya, make Suyodhana, the son of Dhritarashtra hear these words "The desire which is tormenting your heart, to rule the Kurus without any rival, has no justification for it. We shall do nothing that will not be agreeable to you. Either give me back the city of Indra or fight, you chief hero among the race of Bharata."