Description of Pulastya Tirtha

पुलस्त्य उवाच ततो गच्छेन्महाराजधर्मतीर्थमनुत्तमम्। यत्रधर्मो महाभागस्तप्तवानुत्तमं तपः॥
Pulastya said : O great king, one should then go to the excellent Tirtha, called Dharma where the greatly exalted Dharma performed excellent asceticism.

तेन तीर्थं कृतं पुण्यं स्वेन नाम्ना च विश्रुतम्। तत्र स्नात्वा नरो राजन्धर्मशीलः समाहितः॥ आसप्तमं कुलं चैव पुनीते नात्र संशयः।
It is for this reason he made the place a sacred Tirtha and made it known after his own name. O king, bathing there a virtuous-man with subdued soul purifies without doubt his ancestors seven generations upwards and downwards.

ततो गच्छेत राजेन्द्र ज्ञानपावनमुत्तमम्॥ अग्निष्टोममवाप्नोति मुनिलोकं च गच्छति।
O king of kings, one should then go to the excellent Gyanapavana (going there) one obtains the fruits of Agnishtoma and goes to the region of Munis.

सौगन्धिकवनं राजंस्ततो गच्छेत मानवः॥
O king, a man should then go to Saugandikvana.

तत्र ब्रह्मादयो देवा ऋषयश्च तपोधनाः। सिद्धचारणगन्धर्वाः किंनराश्च महोरगाः॥
There live Brahma and other celestials, the Rishis, the ascetics, the Siddhas, the Charanas, the Gandharvas, the Kinnaras and the great Nagas.

तद् वनं प्रविशन्नेव सर्वपापैः प्रमुच्यते। ततश्चापि सरिच्छ्रेष्ठा नदीनामुत्तमा नदी॥ प्लक्षादेवी स्रता राजन् महापुण्या सरस्वती। तत्राभिषेकं कुर्वीत वल्मीकान्निःसृते जले॥
As soon as one enters that forest all sins are destroyed. There flows that best of streams, that foremost river of all rivers, that sacred goddess, O king, which is known (there) by the name of Plaksha Devi; bathing there in the water issuing forth from the bill.

अर्चयित्वा पितृन् देवानश्वमेधफलं लभेत्। ईशानाध्युषितं नाम तत्र तीर्थं सुदुर्लभम्॥
And worshipping the Pitris and the celestials, one obtains the fruits of Ashvamedha sacrifice. There is a a very inaccessible Tirtha, called Ishanadhyushita.

घट्सु शम्यानिपातेषु वल्मीकादिति निश्चयः। कपिलानां सहस्रं च वाजिमेधं च विन्दति॥ तत्र स्नात्वा नरव्याघ्र दृष्टमेतत् पुरातनैः।
Lying from the anthill at the distance of six throws of a Shamya (wooden sacrificial stick). O foremost of men, it is seen in the Puranas that as soon as one bathes in it, one obtains the iruits of giving away one thousand Kapila kine and also those of Ashvamedha sacrifice.

सुगन्धां शतकुम्भां च पञ्चयज्ञां च भारत॥ अभिगम्य नरश्रेष्ठ स्वर्गलोके महीयते।
O descendant of Bharata, next are the Tirthas called Sugandha, Shatakumbha and Panchayajna.

त्रिशूलखातं तत्रैव तीर्थमासाद्य भारत॥ तत्राभिषेकं कुर्वीत पितृदेवार्चने रतः। गाणपत्यं च लभते देहं त्यक्त्वा न संशयः॥
One going there, O king, becomes adored in the celestials region. O descendant of Bharata, going there to the Tirtha called Trishulakhata and bathing there and worshipping the Pitris and the celestials, there is no doubt one obtains the state of Ganapatya after giving up his body.

ततो गच्छेत राजेन्द्र देव्याः स्थानं सुदुर्लभम्। शाकम्भरीति विख्याता त्रिषु लोकेषु विश्रुता॥
O king of kings, one should then go to the excellent celestials region which is known all over the three worlds by the name of Shakambhari.

दिव्यं वर्षसहस्रं हि शाकेन किल सुव्रता। आहारं सा कृतवती मासि मासि नराधिप॥ ऋषयोऽभ्यागतास्तत्र देव्या भक्त्या तपोधनाः। आतिथ्यं च कृतं तेषां शाकेन किल भारत॥
O ruler of men, for one thousand celestials years, that lady of excellent vows lived month after month on herbs. Many ascetic ladies who were devoted to that goddess came there. O descendant of Bharata, they were all entertained by her with herbs.

ततः शाकम्भरीत्येव नाम तस्याः प्रतिष्ठितम्। शाकम्भरी समासाद्य ब्रह्मचारी समाहितः॥ त्रिरात्रमुषितः शाकं भक्षयित्वा नरः शुचिः। शाकाहारस्य यत् किंचिद् वर्षेञदशभिः कृतम्॥ तत् फलं तस्य भवति देव्याश्छन्देन भारत।
O descendant of Bharata, it is for this she was given the name of Shakambhari. Going to Shakambhari with rapt attention and with Brahmacharya life and living in purity three nights there on herbs alone, the merit of living on herbs for twelve years a man obtains at the will of the goddess.

ततो गच्छेत् सुवर्णाख्यं त्रिषु लोकेषु विश्रुतम्॥ तत्र विष्णुः प्रसादार्थं रुद्रमाराधयत् पुरा। वरांश्च सुबहल्लेभे दैवतेषु सुदुर्लभान्॥
Then one should go to the Tirtha called Suvarna, celebrated all over the three worlds. There Vishnu in the days of yore worshipped Rudra in order to get his grace. He obtained many boons difficult to be got by even the celestials.

उक्तश्च त्रिपुरघ्नेन परितुष्टेन भारत। अपि च त्वं प्रियतरो लोके कृष्ण भविष्यसि॥ त्वन्मुखं च जगत् सर्वं भविष्यति न संशयः। तत्राभिगम्य राजेन्द्र पूजयित्वा वृषध्वजम्॥ अश्वमेधमवाप्नोति गाणपत्यं च विन्दति। धूमावतीं ततो गच्छेत् त्रिरात्रोपोषितो नरः॥ मनसा प्रार्थितान् कामाँल्लभते नात्र संशयः।
O descendant of Bharata, having been thus gratified, the destroyer of Tripura said, “O Krishna, you shall certainly be very beloved on earth. There is no doubt you will be the foremost being in the universe." O king of kings, going there and worshipping Vrishadhvaja (Shiva). One obtains the fruits of Ashvamedha (sacrifice) and acquires the state of Ganapatya. Then one should go to Dhumavati and fasting there for three nights, a man obtains without doubt all the desires that he entertains in his mind.

देव्यास्तु दक्षिणार्धेन रथावर्तो नराधिप॥ तत्रारोहेतधर्मज्ञ श्रद्दधानो जितेन्द्रियः। महादेवप्रसादाद्धि गच्छेत परमां गतिम्॥
O ruler of men, in the southern side of this Tirtha, belonging to this Tirtha, there exists a Tirtha called Rathavarta. O virtuous man, one should go there with reverential mood and with passions all subdued. He then obtains through the grace of Mahadeva the highest state.

प्रदक्षिणमुपावृत्य गच्छेत भरतर्षभ। धारां नाम महाप्राज्ञः सर्वपापप्रमोचनीम्॥
O best of the Bharata race, O greatly wise one, walking round it, one should, go to the Tirtha called Dhara which destroys all sins.

तत्र स्नात्वा नरव्याघ्र न शोचति नराधिप।
O foremost of men, O king, bathing there, one becomes freed from fall sorrow.

ततो गच्छेतधर्मज्ञ नमस्कृत्य महागिरिम्॥ स्वर्गद्वारेण यत् तुल्यं गङ्गाद्वारं न संशयः। तत्राभिषेकं कुर्वीत कोटितीर्थे समाहितः॥
O virtuous one, one should then go, after bowing to the great mountain. To the source of the Ganges which is certainly like the gate of heaven. There one should with controlled soul bathe in the Tirtha called Koti.

पुण्डरीकमवाप्नोति कुलं चैव समुद्धरेत्। उष्यैकां रजनीं तत्र गोसहस्रफलं लभेत्॥
He then obtains the fruits of Pundarika sacrifice and saves his own race. Living there for one night, one obtains the fruits of giving away one thousand kine.

सप्तगङ्गे त्रिगङ्गे च शक्रावर्ते च तर्पयन्। देवान् पितॄश्च विधिवत् पुण्ये लोके महीयते॥
Offering oblations according to the ordinance to the Pitris and the celestials at Saptaganga, Triganga and Shakravarta, one becomes adored in the regions of the virtuous.

ततः कनखले स्नात्वा त्रिरात्रोपोषितो नरः। अश्वमेधमवाप्नोति स्वर्गलोकं च गच्छति॥
Then bathing in Kanakhala and fasting there for three nights one obtains the fruits of Ashvamedha and goes to the celestials region.

कपिलावटं ततो गच्छेत् तीर्थसेवी नराधिप। उपोष्य रजनीं तत्र गोसहस्रफलं लभेत्॥
O ruler of men, then the pilgrim should go to Kapilavata; and fasting there for one night, one obtains the fruits of giving away one thousand kine.

नागराजस्य राजेन्द्र कपिलस्य महात्मनः। तीर्थं कुरुवरश्रेष्ठ सर्वलोकेषु विश्रुतम्॥
O king of kings, O best of the Kurus, one should then go to the illustrious Kapila, the king of the Nagas who is celebrated all over the three worlds.

तत्राभिषेकं कुर्वीत नागतीर्थे नराधिप। कपिलानां सहस्रस्य फलं विन्दति मानवः॥
O ruler of men, bathing in the Naga-Tirtha, a man obtains the fruits of giving away one thousand Kapila kine.

ततो ललितकं गच्छेच्छान्तनोस्तीर्थमुत्तमम्। तत्र स्नात्वा नरो राजन् न दुर्गतिमवाप्नुयात्॥
Then one should go to the Tirtha of Shantanu, called Lalitaka. O king, bathing there a man never meets with calamity.

गङ्गायमुनयोर्मध्ये स्नाति यः संगमे नरः। दशाश्वमेधानाप्नोति कुलं चैव समुद्धरेत्॥
The man, who bathes at the confluence of the Ganga and the Yamuna, obtains the fruits of ten Ashvamedha sacrifice and saves his own race.

ततो गच्छेत राजेन्द्र सुगंधां लोकविश्रुताम्। सर्वपापविशुद्धात्मा ब्रह्मलोके महीयते॥
O king of kings, one should then go to Sugandhaka celebrated all over the world. His soul being purified and his sins all destroyed cile becomes adored in the region of Brahma.

रुद्रावर्तं ततो गच्छेत् तीर्थसेवी नराधिप। तत्र स्नात्वा नरो राजन् स्वर्गलोकं च गच्छति॥
O ruler of men, then the pilgrim should go to the Rudravarta. O king, bathing there one goes to the celestials region.

गङ्गायाश्च नरश्रेष्ठ सरस्वत्याश्च संगमे। स्नात्वाश्वमेधं प्राप्नोति स्वर्गलोकं च गच्छति॥
O foremost of men, bathing at the confluence of the Ganges and the Sarasvati one obtains the fruits of Ashvamedha and goes to the celestials region.

भद्रकर्णेश्वरं गत्वा देवमर्च्य यथाविधि। न दुर्गतिमवाप्नोति नाकपृष्ठे च पूज्यते॥
Going to Bhadrakarneshvara and worshipping the celestials according to proper rites, one never meets with any calamity; and becomes adored in the celestials region.

ततः कुब्जाम्रकं गच्छेत् तीर्थसेवी नराधिप। गोसहस्रमवाप्नोति स्वर्गलोकं च गच्छति॥
O ruler of men, one should then go to Kubjamraka; one then obtains the fruits of giving away one thousand kine and goes to the celestials region.

अरुन्धतीवटं गच्छेत् तीर्थसेवी नराधिप। सामुद्रकमुपस्पृश्य ब्रह्मचारी समाहितः॥ अश्वमेधमवाप्नोति त्रिरात्रोपोषितो नरः। गोसहस्रफलं विद्यात् कुलं चैव समुद्धरेत्॥
O ruler of men, then the pilgrim should go to Arundhantivata. Bathing at Samudrava with concentrated soul and with Brahmacharya life and fasting there for three nights, a man obtains the fruits of Ashvamedha sacrifice. He obtains the fruits of giving away one thousand kine and saves his own race.

ब्रह्मावर्तं ततो गच्छेद् ब्रह्मचारी समाहितः। अश्वमेधमवाप्नोति सोमलोकं च गच्छति॥
One should then go with concentrated mind and with Brahmacharya life to Brahmavarta. He obtains the fruits of Ashvamedha and goes to the region of Soma.

यमुनाप्रभवं गत्वा समुपस्पृश्य यामुनम्। अश्वमेधफलं लब्ध्वा स्वर्गलोके महीयते॥
Going to Yamunaprabhva he who bathes in the Yamuna obtains the fruits of Ashvamedha and becomes adored in the celestials region.

दर्वीसंक्रमणं प्राप्य तीर्थं त्रैलोक्यपूजितम्। अश्वमेधमवाप्नोति स्वर्गलोकं च गच्छति॥
Then going to the Tirtha called Darvisankramana which is adored by all the three worlds, one obtains the fruits of Ashvamedha and goes to the celestials region.

सिन्धोश्च प्रभवं गत्वा सिद्धगन्धर्वसेवितम्। तत्रोष्य रजनीः पञ्च विन्देद् बहुसुवर्णकम्॥
Going to Sindhu which is frequented by the Siddhas and the Gandharvas and living there for five nights, one obtains the fruits of giving away much gold.

अथ वेदी समासाद्य नरः परमदुर्गमाम्। अश्वमेधमवाप्नोति स्वर्गलोकं च गच्छति॥
Then going to the very inaccessible Vedi, one obtains the fruits of Ashvamedha and goes to the celestials region.

ऋषिकुल्यां समासाद्य वासिष्ठं चैव भारत। वासिष्ठी समतिक्रम्य सर्वे वर्णा द्विजातयः॥
O descendant of Bharata, going to Rishikulya and Vasishtha and by visiting Vasishtha, all the other orders attain to Brahmanhood.

ऋषिकुल्या समासाद्य नरः स्नात्वा विकल्मषः। देवान् पितॄश्चार्चयित्वा ऋषिलोकं प्रपद्यते॥
Going to Rishikulya, the man who bathes there becomes freed from all his sins and by worshipping there the Pitris and the celestials, he goes to the region of the Rishis.

यदि तत्र वसेन्मासं शाकाहारो नराधिप। भृगुतुङ्गं समासाद्य वाजिमेधफलं लभेत्॥
O ruler of men, if one lives there for a month subsisting on herbs (he too goes to the Rishi's land). Going then to Bhrigutunga, one obtains the fruits of Ashvamedha (sacrifice).

गत्वा वीरप्रमोक्षं च सर्वपापैः प्रमुच्यते। कृत्तिकामघयोश्चैव तीर्थमासाद्य भारत॥ अग्निष्टोमातिरात्राभ्यां फलमाप्नोति मानवः। तत्र संध्यां समासाद्य विद्यातीर्थमनुत्तमम्॥ उपस्पृश्य च वै विद्यां यत्र तत्रोपपद्यते। महाश्रमे वसेद् रात्रिं सर्वपापप्रमोचने॥ एककालं निराहारो लोकानावसते शुभान्।
Going to Virapramoksha one is cleansed of all his sins. O descendant of Bharata, going then to the Tirtha, called Kirtika and Magha, a man obtains the fruits of Agnishtoma and Atiratha (sacrifices). Then going to the excellent Tirtha called Vidya in the evening. He who bathes there obtain every kind of knowledge. Then one should live one night at Mahasrama, which is capable of destroying all sins. By taking a single meal there a man obtains many blessed regions.

षष्ठकालोपवासेन मासमुष्य महालये॥ सर्वपापविशुद्धात्मा विन्देद् बहुसुवर्णकम्। दशापरान् दश पूर्वान् नरानुद्धरते कुलम्॥
Fasting there for six days and living there for a month at Mahalaya, his soul being purified and all his sins destroyed, one obtains the fruits of giving away much gold and saves ten preceding and ten succeeding generations of his race.

अथ वेतसिकां गत्वा पितामहनिषेविताम्। अश्वमेधमवाप्नोति गच्छेदौशनसीं गतिम्॥
Then going to Vetasika frequented by the Grandsire obtains the fruits of Ashvamedha and acquires the state of Ganas.

अथ सुन्दरिकातीर्थं प्राप्य सिद्धनिषेवितम्। रूपस्य भागी भवति दृष्टमेतत् पुरातनैः॥
Then going to the Tirtha called Sundarika, frequented by the Siddhas, it is seen in the Puranas, one obtains personal beauty. one

ततो वै ब्राह्मणीं गत्वा ब्रह्मचारी जितेन्द्रियः। पावर्णेन यानेन ब्रह्मलोकं प्रपद्यते॥
Then going to Brahmani with one's passions controlled and with Brahmacharya life, one goes to the region of Brahma on a lotus coloured car.

ततस्तु नैमिषं गच्छेत् पुण्यं सिद्धनिषेवितम्। तत्र नित्यं निवसति ब्रह्मा देवगणैः सह॥
Then one should go to the sacred Naimisha, frequented by the Siddhas, where Brahma with the celestials always dwells.

नैमिषं मृगयानस्य पापस्यार्धं प्रणश्यति। प्रविष्टमात्रस्तु नरः सर्वपापैः प्रमुच्यते॥
Only by wishing to go to Naimisha, half of one's sins is destroyed. As soon as a man enters it, he is cleansed of all his sins.

तत्र मासं वसेद्धीरो नैमिषे तीर्थतत्परः। पृथिव्यां यानि तीर्थानि तानि तीर्थानि नैमिषे॥
O descendant of Bharata, the heroic pilgrim should live in Naimisha for one month; for all the Tirthas are in Naimisha.

कृताभिषेकस्तत्रैव नियतो नियताशनः। गवां मेधस्य यज्ञस्य फलं प्राप्नोति भारत॥
O descendant of Bharata, bathing there with regulated diet and subdued soul, one obtains the fruits of many sacrifices.

पुनात्यासप्तमं चैव कुलं भरतसत्तम। यस्त्यजेन्नैमिषे प्राणानुपवासपरायणः॥ स मोदेत् सर्वलोकेषु एवमाहुर्मनीषिणः। नित्यं मेध्यं च पुण्यं च नैमिषं नृपसत्तम॥
O best of the Bharata race, he sanctifies his race for seven generations upwards and downwards. He who gives up his life in Naimisha by fasting. The wise men say, sports in the celestials region. O foremost of kings, Naimisha is ever sacred and holy.

गङ्गोद्भेदं समासाद्य त्रिरात्रोपोषितो नरः। वाजपेयमवाप्नोति ब्रह्मभूतो भवेत् सदा॥
Going to Gangodbheda and fasting there for three nights, a man obtains fruits of Vajapeya and becomes like Brahma himself.

सरस्वतीं समासाद्य तर्पयेत् पितृदेवताः। सारस्वतेषु लोकेषु मोदते नात्र संशयः॥
Going to the Sarasvati, he who offers libations to the Pitris and the celestials, no doubt sports in the regions of Sarasvati.

ततश्च बाहुदां गच्छेद् ब्रह्मचारी समाहितः। तत्रोष्य राजनीमेकां स्वर्गलोके महीयते॥ देवसत्रस्य यज्ञस्य फलं प्राप्नोति कौरवा
Then one should with Brahmacharya life go to Bahuda. Living there for one night, one becomes adored in celestials region. O descendant of Kuru, he obtains the fruits of the Devasatra sacrifice.

ततः क्षीरवतीं गच्छेत् पुण्यां पुण्यतरैर्वृताम्॥ पितृदेवार्चनपरो वाजपेयमवाप्नुयात्।
Then one should go to the holy Kshiravati surrounded by holier beings. Worshipping there the Pitris and the celestials one obtains the fruits of Vajapeya (sacrifice).

विमलाशोकमासाद्य ब्रह्मचारी समाहितः॥ तत्रोष्य रजनीमेकां स्वर्गलोके महीयते।
Then going to Vimalashoka lake with concentrated mind and with Brahmacharya life and living there for one night, one becomes adored in the celestials region.

गोप्रतारं ततो गच्छेत् सरय्वास्तीर्थमुत्तमम्॥ यत्र रामो गत: स्वर्गं सभृत्यबलवाहनः। स च वीरो महाराज तस्य तीर्थस्य तेजसा॥
One should then go to Gopratara, the excellent Tirtha in the Sarayu. Where Rama went to heaven with all his servants, soldiers and beasts of burden. By giving up one's body, O king, he obtains the great effulgence of the Tirtha.

रामस्य च प्रसादेन व्यवसायाच्च भारत। तस्मिंस्तीर्थे नरः स्नात्वा गोप्रतारे नराधिप॥ सर्वपापविशुद्धात्मा स्वर्गलोके महीयते।
O descendant of Bharata, through the grace of Rama and through one's own virtuous deeds. O ruler of men, the man who bathes in that Tirtha called Gopratara, his body being purified and his sins being destroyed, becomes adored in the celestials region.

रामतीर्थे नरः स्नात्वा गोमत्यां कुरुनन्दन॥ अश्वमेधमवाप्नोति पुनाति च कुलं नरः।
O descendant of Kuru, bathing in the Rama Tirtha in the Gomati, a man, obtains the fruits of Ashvamedha sacrifice and sanctifies his own race.

शतसाहस्रकं तीर्थं तत्रैव भरतर्षभ॥ तत्रोपस्पर्शनं कृत्वा नियतो नियताशनः। गोसहस्रफलं पुण्यं प्राप्नोति भरतर्षभ॥
O best of the Bharata race, there is a Tirtha called Satasahasraka. Bathing there with regulated diet and subdued soul. O best of the Bharata race, one obtains the fruits of giving away one thousand kine.

ततो गच्छेत राजेन्द्र भर्तृस्थानमुत्तमम्। अश्वमेधस्य यज्ञस्य फलं प्राप्नोति मानवः॥
O king, one should then go to Bhatri Tirtha, a man obtains the fruits of Ashvamedha sacrifice.

कोटितीर्थे नरः स्नात्वा अर्चयित्वा गुहं नृप। गोसहस्रफलं विद्यात् तेजस्वी च भवेन्नरः॥
O king, bathing in the Koti Tirtha and worshipping Guha, a man obtains the fruits of giving away one thousand kine and becomes effulgent.

ततो वाराणसीं गत्वा अर्चयित्वा वृषध्वजम्। कपिलाह्रदे नरः स्नात्वा राजसूयमवाप्नुयात्॥
Then going to Varanasi and worshipping Vrishadhvaja (Shiva) and then bathing in the Kapalihrada a man obtains the fruits of Rajasuya sacrifice.

अविमुक्तं समासाद्य तीर्थसेवी कुरूद्वह। दर्शनाद् देवदेवस्य मुच्यते ब्रह्महत्यया॥ प्राणानुत्सृज्य तत्रैव मोक्षं प्राप्नोति मानवः।
O perpetuator of the Kuru race, going to Avimukta, the pilgrim is cleansed of even the sin of killing a Brahmana as soon as he sees the god of gods (Shiva). A man who gives up his life there obtains final salvation.

मार्कण्डेयस्य राजेन्द्र तीर्थमासाद्य दुर्लभम्॥ गोमतीगङ्गयोश्चैव संगमे लोकविश्रुते। अग्निष्टोममवाप्नोति कुलं चैव समुद्धरेत्॥
O king of kings, then going to the inaccessible Tirtha of Markandeya situated at the confluence of the Gomati and the Ganges, ever celebrated over the world, one obtains the fruits of Agnishtoma (sacrifice) and saves his race.

ततो गयां समासाद्य ब्रह्मचारी समाहितः। अश्वमेधमवाप्नोति कुलं चैव समुद्धरेत्॥
Then going to Gaya with concentrated mind and with Brahmacharya life, one obtains the fruits of Ashvamedha and also saves his race.

तत्राक्षयवटो नाम त्रिषु लोकेषु विश्रुतः। तत्र दत्तं पितृभ्यस्तु भवत्यक्षयमुच्यते॥
There is the Tirtha called Aksayavata, celebrated all over the three worlds. Whatever is offered there to the Pitris is said to become inexhaustible.

महानद्यामुपस्पृश्य तर्पयेत् पितृदेवताः। अक्षयान् प्राप्नुयाल्लोकान् कुलं चैव समुद्धरेत्॥
Bathing in the Mahanadi and offering their oblations to the Pitris and the celestials, one obtains eternal region and also saves his race.

ततो ब्रह्मसरो गत्वाधर्मारण्योपशोभितम्। ब्रह्मलोकमवाप्नोति प्रभातामेव शर्वरीम्॥
Then going to Brahmasara adorned with the woods of Dharma, one goes to the region of Brahma as soon as the night is gone.

ब्रह्मणा तत्र सरसि यूपश्रेष्ठः समुच्छ्रितः। यूपं प्रदक्षिणं कृत्वा वाजपेयफलं लभेत्॥
A best sacrificial pillar was built on that lake by Brahma. He who walks round that pillar obtains the fruits of Vajapeya (sacrifice).

ततो गच्छेत राजेन्द्रधेनुकं लोकविश्रुतम्। एकरात्रोषितो राजन् प्रयच्छेत् तिलधेनुकाम्॥ सर्वपापविशुद्धात्मा सोमलोकं व्रजेध्रुवम्।
O king of kings, one should go to Dhenuka celebrated over the world. O king, living there one night and giving away sesamum and kine. His soul being purified and his sins being all destroyed, a man certainly goes to the region of Soma.

तत्र चिह्न महद् राजन्नद्यापि सुमहद् भृशम्॥ कपिलायाः सवत्सायाश्चरन्त्याः पर्वते कृतम्। सवत्सायाः पदानि स्म दृश्यन्तेऽद्यापि भारत॥
O king, there is still to be seen a greatly wonderful mark. The Kapilas with their calves used to roam over that mountain. O descendant of Bharata, the hoof-marks of Kapilas with their calves are to be seen there even up to date.

तेषूपस्पृश्य राजेन्द्र पदेषु नृपसत्तम। यत् किंचिदशुभं कर्म तत् प्रणश्यति भारत॥
O king of kings, O foremost of monarchs, bathing in these hoof-marks, O descendants of Bharata, whatever sin is committed is all destroyed.

ततो गृध्रवटं गच्छेत् स्थानं देवस्यधीमतः। स्नायीत भस्मना तत्र अभिगम्य वृषध्वजम्॥
Then one should go to Gridhravata which is the region of the god, the wielder of trident. Going to Vrishadhvaja (Shiva), one should rub his body with ashes.

ब्राह्मणेन भवेच्चीर्णं व्रतं द्वादशवार्षिकम्। इतरेषां तु वर्णानां सर्वपापं प्रणश्यति॥
If he is a Brahmana, he will obtain the fruit of observing twelve years vows and if he is of other castes, all his sins will be destroyed.

उद्यन्तं च ततो गच्छेत् पर्वतं गीतनादितम्। सावित्र्यास्तु पदं तत्र दृश्यते भरतर्षभ॥
O best of the Bharata race, one should then go to Udyanta mountain resounding with melodious notes. The foot-prints of Savitri are still to be seen there.

तत्र संध्यामुपासीत ब्राह्मणः संशितव्रतः। तेन ह्युपास्ता भवति संध्या द्वादशवार्षिकी॥
The Brahmana of rigid vows who recites his Sandhya (prayers) there but once obtains the merit of reciting Sandhya for twelve years.

योनिद्वारं च तत्रैव विश्रुतं भरतर्षभ। तत्राभिगम्य मुच्येत पुरुषो योनिसंकटात्॥
O best of the Bharata race, there is the Tirtha known by the name of Yonidvara. Going there a man is freed from the pain of rebirth.

कृष्णशुल्कावुभौ पक्षौ गयायां यो वसेन्नरः। पुनात्यासप्तमं राजन् कुलं नास्त्यत्र संशयः॥
O king, the man who lives at Gaya during both the white and the black fortnight, no doubt sanctifies the seven generations of his race upwards and downwards.

एष्टव्या बहवः पुत्रा यद्येकोऽपि गयां व्रजेत्। यजेत वाश्वमेधेन नीलं वा वृषमुत्सृजेत्॥
One should desire for many sons, so that one may go to Gaya or perform Ashvamedha or offer a Nila bull.

ततः फल्गुं व्रजेद् राजस्तीर्थसेवी नराधिय। अश्वमेधमवाप्नोति सिद्धिं च महतीं व्रजेत्॥
O king, O ruler of men, the pilgrim should then go to Falgu; he obtains the fruits of Ashvamedha (sacrifice) and attains to great success.

ततो गच्छेत राजेन्द्रधर्मप्रस्थं समाहितः। तत्रधर्मो महाराज नित्यमास्ते युधिष्ठिर॥
O king of kings, one should then go with concentrated mind to Dharmaprastha. O great king ever steady in war, Dharma is always present there.

तत्र कूपोदकं कृत्वा तेन स्नातः शुचिस्तथा। पितॄन् देवांस्तु संतर्प्य मुक्तपापो दिवं व्रजेत्॥
Drinking there the water of the well and purifying one's self there by a bath and also offering oblations to the Pitris and the celestials, one, being cleansed of his sins, goes to heaven.

मतङ्गस्याश्रमस्तत्र महर्षे वितात्मनः। तं प्रविश्याश्रमं श्रीमच्छ्रमशोकविनाशनम्॥ गवामयनयज्ञस्य फलं प्राप्नोति मानवः। धर्म तत्राभिसंस्पृश्य वाजिमेधमवाप्नुयात्॥
There is the hermitage of Matanga the Rishi of controlled passions. By entering that charming hermitage which is capable of destroying all grief's and sorrows. A man obtains the the fruits of the Gavamayana (sacrifice). By touching (the image of) Dharma there, one obtains the fruits of Ashvamedha sacrifice.

ततो गच्छेत राजेन्द्र ब्रह्मस्थानमनुत्तमम्। तत्राभिगम्य राजेन्द्र ब्रह्माणं पुरुषर्षभ॥ राजसूयाश्वमेधाभ्यां फलं विन्दति मानवः।
O king of kings, one should then go to the excellent region of Brahma. O king, going there by that foremost of Purushas, Brahma. A man obtains the fruits of Rajasuya and Ashvamedha sacrifices.

ततो राजगृहं गच्छेत् तीर्थसेवी नराधिप॥ उपस्पृश्य ततस्तत्र कक्षीवानिव मोदते। यक्षिण्या नैत्यकं तत्र प्राश्नीत पुरुषः शुचिः॥ यक्षिण्यास्तु प्रसादेन मुच्यते ब्रह्महत्यया।
O ruler of men, the pilgrim should then go to Rajagriha. Bathing there one rejoices (in heaven) like (the Rishi) Kakshivan. A man with purity should take there the offerings daily made to Yakshini. Through the favour of Yakshini one is cleansed of the sin of even killing a Brahmana.

मणिनागं ततो गत्वा गोसहस्रफलं लभेत्॥
There going to Maninaga one obtains the fruits of giving away one thousand kine.

तैर्थिकं भुञ्जते यस्तु मणिनागस्य भारत्। दष्टस्याशीविषेणापि न तस्य क्रमते विषम्॥ तत्रोष्य रजनीमेकां गोसहस्रफलं लभेत्।
O descendant of Bharata, he who eats anything belonging to that Tirtha does not die even if he is bitten by a venomous snake. Living there for one night, the fruits of giving away one thousand kine.

ततो गच्छेत ब्रह्मौतमस्य वनं प्रियम्॥ अहल्याया ह्रदे स्नात्वा व्रजेत परमां गतिम्। अभिगम्याश्रमं राजन् विन्दते श्रियमात्मनः॥
Then one should go to the charming forest of the Brahmarshi Gautama. Bathing in the lake Ahalya one attains to most excellent state; attaining to Sree, O king, one obtains best prosperity.

तत्रोदपानधर्मज्ञ त्रिषु लोकेषु विश्रुतम्। तत्राभिषेकं कृत्वा तु वाजिमेधमवाप्नुयात्॥
O virtuous man, there is a well celebrated all over the three worlds. Bathing there one obtains the fruits of Vajapeya (sacrifice).

जनकस्य तु राजर्षेः कूपस्त्रिदशपूजितः। तत्राभिषेकं कृत्वा तु विष्णुलोकमवाप्नुयात्॥
There is (another) well sacred to the royal sage Janaka worshipped by the celestials. Bathing there one goes to the region of Vishnu.

ततो विनशनं गच्छेत् सर्वपापप्रमोचनम्। वाजपेयमवाप्नोति सोमलोकं च गच्छति॥
Then one should go to Vinashana which destroys all sins. He obtains the fruits of Vajapeya (sacrifice) and goes to the region of Soma.

गण्डकी तु समासाद्य सर्वतीर्थजलोद्भवाम्। वाजपेयमवाप्नोति सूर्यलोकं च गच्छति॥
Going then to Gandaki which was produced by the water of all Tirthas, one obtains the fruits of Vajapeya (sacrifice) and goes to the region of Surya.

ततो विशल्यामासाद्य नदीं त्रैलोक्यविश्रुताम्। अग्निष्टोममवाप्नोति स्वर्गलोकं च गच्छति॥
Then going to the river Vishalya, celebrated over the three worlds, one obtains the fruits of Agnishtoma sacrifice and goes to the celestials region.

ततोऽधिवॉधर्मज्ञ समाविश्य तपोवनम्। गुह्यकेशु महाराज मोदते नात्र संशयः॥
O virtuous man, than going to the forest of the ascetics called Adhivanga. O great king, one rejoices without doubt among the Guhyakas.

कम्पनां तु समासाद्य नदी सिद्धनिषेविताम्। पुण्डरीकमवाप्नोति स्वर्गलोकं च गच्छति॥
Then going to the river named Kampana frequented by the Siddhas one obtains the fruits of Pundarika sacrifice and goes to the celestials region.

अथ माहेश्वरीधारां समासाद्यधराधिप। अश्वमेधमवाप्नोति कुलं चैव समुद्धरेत्॥
O ruler of earth, then going to the stream, called Maheshvari, one obtains the fruits of Ashvarmedha (sacrifice) and saves his own race.

दिवौकसां पुष्करिणीं समासाद्य नराधिप। न दुर्गतिमवाप्नोति वाजिमेधं च विन्दति॥
O ruler of men, going to the tank, of the celestials, one never meets with any calamity; he obtains the fruits of Ashvamedha sacrifice.

अथ सोमपदं गच्छेद् ब्रह्मचारी समाहितः। माहेश्वरपदे स्नात्वा वाजिमेधफलं लभेत्॥
Then one should go with concentrated mind and with Brahmacharya life to Somapada. Bathing in Maheshvara pada, one obtains the fruits of Ashvamedha sacrifice.

तत्र कोटिस्तु तीर्थानां विश्रुता भरतर्षभ। कूर्मरूपेण राजेन्द्र ह्यसुरेण दुरात्मना॥ ह्रियमाणा हृता राजन् विष्णुना प्रभविष्णुना। तत्राभिषेकं कुर्वीत तीर्थकोट्यां युधिष्ठिर॥ पुण्डरीकमवाप्नोति विष्णुलोकं च गच्छति।
O best of the Bharata race, it is well-known there is in that Tirtha, ten millions of Tirthas. O king of kings, a wicked-minded Asura in the form of a tortoise, was stealing it away, when, O king, it was recovered from hiin by Vishnu. O hero steady in war, bathing in that Tirtha. One obtains the fruits of Pundarika (sacrifice) and goes to the region of Vishnu.

ततो गच्छेत राजेन्द्र स्थानं नारायणस्य च॥ सदा संनिहितो यत्र विष्णुर्वसति पारत। यत्र ब्रह्मादयो देवा ऋषयश्च तपोधनाः॥ आदित्य वसवो रुद्रा जनार्दनमुपासते। शालग्रम इति ख्यातो विष्णुरद्भुतकर्मकः॥
O king of kings, one should then go to the region of Narayana, O descendant of Bharata, near which Vishnu always dwells. There Brahma and other celestials, the ascetic Rishis, the Adityas, the Vasus and the Rudras adore Janardana (Krishna). (In that Tirtha) Vishnu of wonderful deeds has become known Shaligrama.

अभिगम्य त्रिलोकेशं वरदं विष्णुमव्ययम्। अश्वमेधमवाप्नोति विष्णुलोकं च गच्छति॥
Going to the lord of the three worlds, the giver of boons, the eternal Vishnu, one obtains as the fruits of Ashvamedha and goes to the region of Vishnu,

तत्रोदपानधर्मज्ञ सर्वपापप्रमोचनम्। समुद्रास्तत्र चत्वारः कूपे संनिहिताः सदा॥
O virtuous man, there is a well which is capable of destroying all sins; in that well four seas always dwell.

तत्रोपस्पृश्य राजेन्द्र न दुर्गतिमवाप्नुयात्। अभिगम्य महादेवं वरदं रुद्रमव्ययम्॥ विराजति यथा सोमो मेधैर्मुक्तो नराधिप। जातिस्मरमुपस्पृश्य शुचिः प्रयतमानसः॥
O king of kings, bathing in it, one does not meet with any calamity; going to the giver of boons, the great god, the eternal Rudra, where, O king, he always dwells, one shines like the moon emerged from the clouds. Bathing in Jatismara with subdued mind and with purity.

जातिस्मरत्वमाप्नोति स्नात्वा तत्र न संशयः। माहेश्वरपुरं गत्वा अर्चयित्वा वृषध्वजम्॥ ईप्सिताल्लभते कामानुपवासान्न संशयः। ततस्तु वामनं गत्वा सर्वपापप्रमोचनम्॥ अभिगम्य हरिं देवं न दुर्गतिमवाप्नुयात। कुशिकास्वाश्रमं गच्छेत् सर्वपापप्रमोचनम्॥
One obtains without doubt the recollections of his former life by his bath there. Going to Maheshvarpura and worshipping Vrishadhvaja (Shiva). One obtains without doubt the fulfillment of his desire by fasting (in that Tirtha). Then going to Vamana which destroys all sins and going to the deity Hari one never meets with any calamity. Then one should go to the hermitage called Kushika, which is capable of destroying all sins.

कौशिकी तत्र गच्छेत महापापप्रणाशिनीम्। राजसूयस्य यज्ञस्य फलं प्राप्नोति मानवः॥
Then going there to Kaushiki which destroys the greatest of sins, a man obtains the fruits of Rajasuya sacrifice.

ततो गच्छेत राजेन्द्र चम्पकारण्यमुत्तमम्। तत्रोष्य रजनीमेकां गोसहस्रफलं लभेत्॥
O king of kings, one should then go to the excellent forest called Champaka. Living there for one night one obtains the fruits of giving away one thousand kine.

अथ ज्येष्ठिमासाद्य तीर्थं परमदुर्लभम्। तत्रोष्य रजनीमेकां गोसहस्रफलं लभेत्॥
Then going to the inaccessible Tirtha, called Jyeshthila and living there for one night one obtains the fruits of giving away one thousand kine.

तत्र विश्वेश्वरं दृष्ट्वा देव्या सह महाद्युतिम्। मित्रावरुणयोर्लोकानाप्नोति पुरुषर्षभ॥ त्रिरात्रोपोषितस्तत्र अग्निष्टोमफलं लभेत्।
O foremost of men, seeing there the lord of the universe with his goddess of great effulgence, one goes to to the region of Mitravaruna. Fasting there for three nights one obtains the fruits of Agnishtoma sacrifice.

कन्यासंवेद्यमासाद्य नियतो नियताशनः॥ मनोः प्रजापतेर्लोकानाप्नोति पुरुषर्षभ। कन्यायां ये प्रयच्छन्ति दानमण्वपि भारत॥ तदक्षय्यमिति प्राहुर्ऋषयः संशितव्रताः।
Going to Kanyasamveda with regulated diet and subdued soul. O foremost of men, one goes to the region of Manu, the lord of creation. O descendant of Bharata, whatever is given away (in charity) at (the Tirtha, named) Kanya, the Rishis of rigid vows say, becomes everlasting.

निश्चीरां च समासाद्य त्रिषु लोकेषु विश्रुताम्॥ अश्वमेधमवाप्नोति विष्णुलोकं च गच्छति। ये त दानं प्रयच्छन्ति निश्चीरासंगमे नराः॥ ते यान्ति नरशार्दूल शक्रलोकमनामयम्। तत्राश्रमो वसिष्ठस्य त्रिषु लोकेषु विश्रुतः॥
Going to Nischira which is celebrated all over the three worlds, one obtains the fruits of Ashvamedha sacrifice and goes to the region of Vishnu. The man, who gives away in charity at the confluence of Nischira. O foremost of men, goes to the blessed region of Brahma. There is the hermitage of Vasishtha, celebrated all over the world.

तत्राभिषेकं कुर्वाणो वाजपेयमवाप्नुयात्। देवकूटं समासाद्य ब्रह्मर्षिगणसेवितम्॥ अश्वमेधमवाप्नोति कुलं चैव समुद्धरेत्।
Bathing there one obtains the fruits of Vajapeya sacrifice. Going to Devakuta, frequented by the celestials Rishis, one obtains the fruit of Ashvamedha (sacrifice) and saves his race.

ततो गच्छेत राजेन्द्र कौशिकस्य मुनेह्रदम्॥ यत्र सिद्धि परां प्राप्तो विश्वामित्रोऽथ कौशिकः। तत्र मासं वसेद् वीर कौशिक्यां भरतर्षभ॥
O king of kings, one should then go to the lake of the Rishi Kaushika, where in days of yore Kaushika's son Vishvamitra obtained success (in asceticism). O best of the Bharata race, the hero who lives at Kaushika for one month.

अश्वमेधस्य यत् पुण्यं तन्मासेनाधिगच्छति। सर्वतीर्थवरे चैव यो वसेत महाह्रदे॥ न दुर्गतिमवाणोति विन्देद् बहु सुवर्णकम्।
Obtains in one month without doubt the virtue which is the fruit of Ashvamedha (sacrifice). He who lives in that foremost of all Tirthas, called Mahahrada. Never meets with any calamity and obtains the fruits of giving away much gold.

कुमारमभिगम्याथ वीराश्रमनिवासिनम्॥ अश्वमेधमवाप्नोति नरो नास्त्यत्र संशयः।
Seeing Kumara (Kartikeya) who lives in Virasrama, a man obtains without doubt the fruits of Ashvamedha sacrifice.

अग्निधारां समासाद्य त्रिषु लोकेषु विश्रुताम्॥ तत्राभिषेकं कुर्वाणो ह्यग्निष्टोममवाप्नुयात्।
Going then to Agnidhara, celebrated all over the three worlds and bathing there, one obtains the fruits of Agnishtoma sacrifice.

अधिगम्य महादेवं वरदं विष्णुमव्ययम्॥
Going to the great god, the giver of boons, the eternal Vishnu,

पितामहसरो गत्वा शैलराजसमीपतः। तत्राभिषेकं कुर्वाणो ह्यग्निष्टोममवाप्नुयात्॥
And going to the tank, sacred to the Grandsire (Brahma) (situate) near the king of mountains and bathing there, one obtains the fruits of Agnishtoma sacrifice.

पितामहस्य सरसः प्रस्रुता लोकपावनी। कुमारधारा तत्रैव त्रिषु लोकेषु विश्रुता॥
Issuing from the Grandsire's tank, that holds the sanctifying (stream) Kumaradhara celebrated all over the three worlds.

यत्र स्नात्वा कृतार्थोऽस्मीत्यात्मानमवगच्छति। षष्ठकालोपवासेन मुच्यते ब्रह्महत्यया॥
And bathing there one considers in his mind that all his desires are fulfilled. Fasting for six days, one is cleansed of the sin of even killing a Brahmana.

ततो गच्छेतधर्मज्ञ तीर्थसेवनतत्परः। शिखरं वै महादेव्या गौर्यास्त्रैलोक्यविश्रुतम्॥
O virtuous man, the pilgrim should then go to the peak of the great goddess Gauri, celebrated all over the world.

समारुह्य नरश्रेष्ठ स्तनकुण्डेषु संविशेत्। स्तनकुण्डमुपस्पृश्य वाजपेयफलं लभेत्॥
O foremost of men, ascending it one should go to Stanakunda Bathing in Stanakunda, one obtains the fruits of Vajapeya (sacrifice).

तत्राभिषेकं कुर्वाणः पितृदेवार्चने रतः। हयमेधमवाप्नोति शक्रलोकं च गच्छति॥
Bathing there and worshipping the Pitris and the celestials one obtains the fruits of Ashvamedha (sacrifice) and goes to the region of Sakra (Indra).

ताम्रारुणं समासाद्य ब्रह्मचारी समाहितः। अश्वमेधमवाप्नोति ब्रह्मलोकं च गच्छति॥
Then going to the well, called Tamraruna, frequented by the celestials, O ruler of men, one obtains the virtue that is the fruit of a mansacrifice.

नन्दिन्यां च समासाद्य कूपं देवनिषेवितम्। नरमेधस्य यत् पुण्यं तदाप्नोति नराधिप॥
O best of kings! then going to the well of celestials in the Nandini tirtha, one gets the fruit equal to the Naramedha sacrifice.

कालिकासंगमे स्नात्वा कौशिक्यरुणयोर्गतः। त्रिरात्रोपोषितो राजन् सर्वपापैः प्रमुच्यते॥
Bathing at the confluence of the Kalika and the Kaushika and the Aruna and fasting there for three nights, a learned man is cleared of all his sins.

उर्वशीतीर्थमासाद्य ततः सोमाश्रमं बुधः। कुम्भकर्णाश्रमं गत्वा पूज्यते भुवि मानवः॥
Going to the Tirtha called Urvashi and then to Somasrama and bathing at Kumbhakarnasrama a wise man becomes adored on earth.

कोकामुखमुपस्पृश्य ब्रह्मचारी यतव्रतः। जातिस्मरत्वमाप्नोति दृष्टमेतत् पुरातनैः॥
Bathing in Kokamukha with Brahmacharya life and well observed vows, it is seen in the Puranas, one obtains the recollection of his former births.

प्राड्नदीं च समासाद्य कृतात्मा भवति द्विजः। सर्वपापविशुद्धात्मा शक्रलोकं च गच्छति॥
Going to Prangnadi, a twice-born becomes successful in his wishes and his soul being purified and sins being all destroyed he goes to the region of Shakra (Indra).

ऋषभद्वीपमासाद्य मेध्यं क्रौञ्चनिषूदनम्। सरस्वत्यामुपस्पृश्य विमानस्थो विराजते॥
Going then to the island called Rishabha and Kraunchanishudana which destroys all sins and bathing in the Sarasvati one blazes forth in heaven.

औद्दालकं महाराज तीर्थं मुनिनिषेवितम्। तत्राभिषेकं कृत्वा वै सर्वपापैः प्रमुच्यते॥
O great king, bathing then in the Tirtha, called Auddalaka, frequented by the Rishis one is cleansed of all his sins.

धर्मतीर्थं समासाद्य पुण्यं ब्रह्मर्षिसेवितम्। वाजपेयमवाप्नोति विमानस्थश्च पूज्यते॥
Going then to the sacred Dharma Tirtha, frequented by the Brahmarshis, one obtains the fruits of Vajapeya (sacrifice) and becomes adored in heaven.