TIRTHA YATRA: Chapter 83

Description of Pulastya Tirtha

पुलस्त्य उवाच ततो गच्छेत राजेन्द्र कुरुक्षेत्रमभिष्टुतम्। पापेभ्यो यत्र मुच्यन्ते दर्शनात् सर्वजन्तवः॥
Pulastya said: O king of kings, one should then go to Kurukshetra, adored by all and at the sight of which sins of all creatures are destroyed.

कुरुक्षेत्रं गमिष्यामि कुरुक्षेत्रे वसाम्यहम्। य एवं सततं ब्रूयात् सर्वपापैः प्रमुच्यते॥
He who always says, “I shall go to Kurukshetra, I shall live in Kurukshetra" is cleansed off all his sins.

पांसवोऽपि कुरुक्षेत्रे वायुना समुदीरिताः। अपि दुष्कृतकर्माणं नयन्ति परमां गतिम्॥
The very dust of Kurukshetra carried by the wind leads even the man of sinful deeds to the highest state.

दक्षिणेन सरस्वत्या दृषद्वत्युत्तरेण च। ये वसन्ति कुरुक्षेत्रे ते वसन्ति त्रिविष्टपे॥
He who lives in Kurukshetra which is situated south of the Sarasvati and the north of the Drishadvati (really) lives in heaven.

तत्र मासं वसेद्धीरः सरस्वत्यां युधिष्ठिर। यत्र ब्रह्मादयो देवा ऋषयः सिद्धचारणाः॥
O hero ever stcady in battle and should live there for a month where flows the Sarasvati. Brahma and other celestials, the Rishis, the Siddhas, the Charans.

गन्धर्वाप्सरसो यक्षाः पन्नगाश्च महीपते। ब्रह्मक्षेत्रं महापुण्यमभिगच्छन्ति भारत॥
The Gandharvas, the Apsaras the Yakshas, the Nagas, O ruler of earth, O descendant of Bharata, all often go to that greatly sacred Brahmakshetra.

मनसाप्यभिकामस्य कुरुक्षेत्रं युधिष्ठिर। पापानि विप्रणश्यन्ति ब्रह्मलोकं च गच्छति॥
O hero steady in battle, even the sins of him who only mentally desires to go to Kurukshetra are all destroyed; and he goes to the region of Brahma.

गत्वा हि श्रद्धया युक्तः कुरुक्षेत्रं कुरूद्वह। फलं प्राप्नोति च तदा राजसूयाश्वमेधयोः॥
O perpetuator of the Kuru race, he who goes to Kurukshetra with due respect, obtains the fruits of Rajasuya and Ashvamedha sacrifices,

ततो मङ्खनकं नाम द्वारपालं महाबलम्। यक्षं समभिवाद्यैव गोसहस्रफलं लभेत्॥
Then saluting the greatly powerful gatekeeper, the Yaksha, Mankanaka, one obtains the fruits of giving away one thousand kine.

ततो गच्छेतधर्मज्ञ विष्णो: स्थानमनुत्तमम्। सततं नाम राजेन्द्र यत्र संनिहितो हरिः॥
O virtuous man, O king of kings, one should then go to the excellent region of Vishnu, called Satata, where Hari is always present.

तत्र स्नात्वा च नत्वा च त्रिलोकप्रभवं हरिम्। अश्वमेधमवाप्नोति विष्णुलोकं च गच्छति॥ ततः पारिप्लवं गच्छेत् तीर्थं त्रैलोक्यविश्रुतम्। अग्निष्टोमातिरात्राभ्यां फलं प्राप्नोति भारत॥
Bathing there and bowing to Hari, the creator of the three worlds, one obtains the fruits of Ashvamedha sacrifice and goes to the region of Vishnu. Then one should go to the Tirtha named Pariplava, celebrated all over the three worlds. O descendant of Bharata, he obtains greater fruits than those of the Agnishtoma and Atiratha (sacrifices).

पृथिवीतीर्थमासाद्य गोसहस्रफलं लभेत्। ततः शालूकिनी गत्वा तीर्थसेवी नराधिप।॥ दशाश्वमेधे स्नात्वा च तदेव फलमाप्नुयात्। सर्पदेवीं समासाद्य नागानां तीर्थमुत्तमम्॥ अग्निष्टोममवाप्नोति नागलोकं च विन्दति। ततो गच्छेतधर्मज्ञ द्वारपालं तरन्तुकम्॥ तत्रोष्य रजनीमेकां गोसहस्रफलं लभेत्। ततः पञ्चनदं गत्वा नियतो नियताशनः॥ कोटितीर्थमुपस्पृश्य हयमेधफलं लभेत्। अश्विनोस्तीर्थमासाद्य रूपवानभिजायते॥
Then going to the Tirtha, called Prithivi one obtains the fruits of giving away one thousand kine. O ruler of men, going to the Salukini, the pilgrim, bathing there in the Dasashvamedha obtains the fruits of ten Ashvamedha sacrifice. Then going to the excellent Tirtha of the Nagas, called Sarpadevi. One obtains fruits of the Agnishtoma (sacrifice) and goes to the region of the Nagas. O virtuous man, one should then go to the gate-keeper, Tarantuka. Living there for only one night, one obtains the fruits of giving away one thousand kine. Then going to the five rivers with regulated diet and subdued soul and bathing in the Koti Tirtha, one obtains the fruits of Ashvamedha sacrifice. Going to the Tirtha called Ashvins one acquires personal beauty.

ततो गच्छेतधर्मज्ञ वाराहं तीर्थमुत्तमम्। विष्णुर्वाराहरूपेण पूर्वं यत्र स्थितोऽभवत्॥ तत्र स्नात्वा नरश्रेष्ठ अग्निष्टोमफलं लभेत्।
O virtuous man, one should then go to the excellent Tirtha, called Varaha, where Vishnu formerly in his boar form lived. O foremost of men, bathing there one obtains the fruits of Agnishtoma.

ततो जयन्त्यां राजेन्द्र सोमतीर्थं समाविशेत्॥ स्नात्वा फलमवाप्नोति राजसूयस्य मानवः।
O king of kings, one should then go to the Soma Tirtha, situated in Jayanti, Bathing in it a man obtains the fruits of the Rajasuya sacrifice.

एकहंसे नरः स्नात्वाः गोसहस्रफलं लभेत्॥ कृताशौचं समासाद्य तीर्थसेवी नराधिप। पुण्डरीकमवाप्नोति कृतशौतो भवेच्च सः॥
Bathing in Ekahansa a man obtains the fruits of giving away one thousand kine. O ruler of men, going to Kritashocha, the pilgrim obtains the lotus-eyed deity (Vishnu) and becomes pure in soul.

ततो मुञ्जवटं नाम स्थाणोः स्थानं महात्मनः। उपोष्य रजनीमेकां गाणपत्यमवाप्नुयात्॥
Then going to the region of the illustrious Sihanu (Shiva, called Manjabata and living there for one night, one acquires the state of Ganapathya.

तत्रैव च महाराज यक्षिणी लोकविश्रुताम्। स्नात्वाभिगम्य राजेन्द्र सर्वान् कामानवाप्नुयात्॥
O great king, there is the celebrated Tirtha called Yakshini; O king of kings, going and bathing in that Tirtha one's all desires are fulfilled.

कुरुक्षेत्रस्य तद् द्वारं विश्रुतं भरतर्षभ। प्रदक्षिणमुपावृत्य तीर्थसेवी समाहितः॥ सम्मितं पुष्कराणां च स्नात्वार्य पितृदेवताः। जामदग्न्येन रामेण कृतं तत् सुमहात्मना॥ कृतकृत्यो भवेद् राजन्नश्वमेधं च विन्दति। ततो रामह्रदान गच्छेत् तीर्थसेवी समाहितः॥
O best of the Bharata race, it is known as the gate of Kurukshetra. The pilgrim with subdued soul should walk round it. It was created by the illustrious son of Jamadagni, Rama. It is equal to the Pushkara. O king, bathing in it and worshipping the Pitris and the celestials, he becomes successful in everything and obtains the fruits of Ashvamedha sacrifice. Then the pilgrim should go with subdued soul to Ramahrada.

तत्र रामेण राजेन्द्र तरसा दीप्ततेजसा। क्षत्रमुत्साद्य वीरेण ह्रदाः पञ्च निवेशिताः॥
O king of kings, the greatly effulgent and heroic Rama, exterminating the Kastrayas dug five lakes.

पूरयित्वा नरव्याघ्र रुधिरेणेति विश्रुतम्। पितरस्तर्पिताः सर्वे तथैव प्रपितामहाः॥
foremost of men, we have heard that he filled them with their blood. He offered that (blood) as oblations to all his sires and grandsires.

ततस्ते पितर: प्रीता राममूचुर्नराधिप।
O ruler of men, thereupon the Pitris, being passed with him, thus spoke to Rama.

पितर ऊचुः राम राम महाभाग प्रीताः स्म तव भार्गव॥ अनया पितृभक्त्या च विक्रमेण च ते विभो। वरं वृणीष्व भद्रं ते किमिच्छसि महाद्युते॥
The Pitris said: O greatly exalted Rama, O Rama, O descendant of Bhrigu, we are pleased. O lord, with your filial piety and with your great prowess. O greatly effulgent one, be blessed. Ask the boon you desire to get.

पुलस्त्य उवाच एवमुक्तः स राजेन्द्र रामः प्रहरतां वरः। अब्रवीत् प्राञ्जलिर्वाक्यं पितॄन् स गगने स्थितान्॥ भवन्तो यदि मे प्रीता यद्यनुचाह्यता मयि। पितृप्रसादमिच्छेयं तप आप्यायनं पुनः॥
Pulastya said : O king, having been thus addressed, that foremost of smiters, Rama, thus spoke with joined hands to the Pitris who were in the sky. If you are pleased with me and if I have deserved your favour, I desire to get this favour from the Pitris that I may again derive pleasure in asceticism.

यच्च रोषाभिभूतेन क्षत्रमुत्सादितं मया। ततश्च पापान्मुच्येयं युष्माकं तेजसाप्यहम्॥ ह्रदाश्च तीर्थभूता मे भवेयुर्भुवि विश्रुताः।
With your power let the sin I have incurred by exterminating the Kashtriyas from wrath be all destroyed. Let also my these lakes becomes Tirthas, celebrated all over the earth.

एतच्छ्रुत्वा शुभं वाक्यं रामस्य पितरस्तदा॥ प्रत्यूचुः परमप्रीता राम हर्षसमन्विताः। तपस्ते वर्धतां भूयः पितृभक्त्या विशेषतः॥
Having heard these blessed words of Rama, the Pitris. Becoming highly pleased and filled with joy, thus replied to Rama, “Let your asceticism increase for your great filial piety.

यच्च रोषाभिभूतेन क्षत्रमुत्सादितं त्वया। ततश्च पापान्मुक्तस्त्वं पतितास्ते स्वकर्मभिः॥
You have exterminated the Kashtriyas from wrath, but you are already freed from that sin, for they have fallen for their own (mis) deeds.

ह्रदाश्च तव तीर्थत्वं गमिष्यन्ति न संशयः। ह्रदेषु तेषु यः स्नात्वा पितृन् संतर्पयिष्यति॥ पितरस्तस्य वै प्रीता दास्यन्ति भुवि दुर्लभम्। ईप्सितं च मन:कामं स्वर्गलोकं च शाश्वतम्॥
Without the least doubt your these lakes w. be Tirthas, he who will bathe in these lakes and offer oblations to the Pitris. Will make his Pitris pleased with him. They will grant him the desired objects so difficult to be obtained in this world and lead him to the celestials region."

एवं दत्त्वा वरान् राजन् रामस्य पितरस्तदा। आमन्त्र्य भार्गवं प्रीत्या तत्रैवान्तर्हितास्ततः॥
O king, having granted this boon, the Pitris saluted Rama, the descendant of Bhrigu and disappeared then and there.

एवं रामहदाः पुण्या भार्गवस्य महात्मनः। स्नात्वा हृदेषु रामस्य ब्रह्मचारी शुभवतः॥ राममभ्यर्च्य राजेन्द्र लभेद् बहुसुवर्णकम्। वंशमूलकमासाद्य तीर्थसेवी कुरूद्वह॥
It was thus the lakes of the illustrious descendant of Bhrigu became sacred. Leading the life of a Brahmachari and observing sacred vows, if one bathes in these lakes of Rama and worships Rama, O king of kings, he obtains the fruits of giving away much wealth. O perpetuator of the Kuru race, going to Vanshamulaka, the pilgrim.

स्ववंशमुद्धरेद् राजन् स्नात्वा वै वंशमूलके। कायशोधनमासाद्य तीर्थं भरतसत्तम॥ शरीरशुद्धिः स्नातस्य तस्मिंस्तीर्थे न संशयः। शुद्धदेहच संयाति शुभाँल्लोकाननुत्तमान्॥
Saves his own race by bathing in Vanshamulaka. O best of the Bharata race, going to Kayashodhana and bathing in that Tirtha one purifies his body without the least doubt. Acquiring a purified body, one goes to the excellent regions of bliss.

ततो गच्छेतधर्मज्ञ तीर्थं त्रैलोक्यविश्रुतम्। लोका यत्रोद्धताः पूर्वं विष्णुना प्रभविष्णुना॥ लोकोद्धारं समासाद्य तीर्थं त्रैलोक्यपूजितम्। स्नात्वा तीर्थवरे राजैल्लोकानुद्धरते स्वकान्॥
O virtuous man, one should then go to that Tirtha, called Lokodvara which is celebrated all over the three worlds and where greatly effulgent Vishnu had formerly created the world. O king, going to the Lokodvara Tirtha, celebrated over the three worlds and bathing in that foremost of Tirthas one acquires many worlds for himself.

श्रीतीर्थं च समामाद्य स्नात्वा नियतमानसः। अर्चयित्वा पितॄन् देवान् विन्दते श्रियमुत्तमाम्॥
Going with subdued mind to the Tirtha called Sri and bathing in it and worshipping the Pitris and the celestials there, one obtains great affluence.

कपिलातीर्थमासाद्य ब्रह्मचारी समाहितः। तत्र स्नात्वार्चयित्वा च पितृन् स्वान् दैवतान्यपि॥ कपिलानां सहस्रस्य फलं विन्दति मानवः।
Leading the life of a Brahmachari and having one's soul subdued, he who goes to the Tirtha, called Kapila and bathes in it and worships the Pitris and the celestials, that man, obtains the fruit of giving away one thousand Kapila kine.

सूर्यतीर्थं समासाद्य स्नात्वा नियमानसः॥ अर्चयित्वा पितॄन् देवानुपवासपरायणः। अग्निष्टोममवाप्नोति सूर्यलोकं च गच्छति॥
Going with subdued soul to the Tirtha, called Surya and bathing in it. And worshipping the Pitris and the celestials with fasting, one obtains the fruits of Agnishtoma and goes to he region of Surya.

गवां भवनमासाद्य तीर्थसेवी यथाक्रमम्। तत्राभिषेकं कुर्वाणो गोसहस्रफलं लभेत्॥
Going in due order to the Gobhavana and bathing in it, the pilgrim obtains the fruits of giving away one thousand kine.

शङ्खिनीतीर्थमासाद्य तीर्थसेवी कुरूद्वह। देव्यास्तीर्थे नरः स्नात्वा लभते रूपमुत्तमम्॥
O perpetuator of the Kuru race, going to Tirth called Shankhini and bathing in the Divitirtha man acquires great prowess.

ततो गच्छेत राजेन्द्र द्वारपालमरन्तुकम्। तच्च तीर्थं सरस्वत्यां यक्षेन्द्रस्य महात्मनः॥ तत्र स्नात्वा नरो राजन्नग्निष्टोमफलं लभेत्।
O king of kings, one should then go to the gatc-keeper, Arantuka, which is in the Sarasvati and which belongs to the illustrious chief of the Yakshas (Kubera). O king, bathing one in it, a man obtains the fruits of Agnishtoma (sacrifice).

ततो गच्छेत राजेन्द्र ब्रह्मावर्तं नरोत्तमः॥ ब्रह्मावर्ते नरः स्नात्वा ब्रह्मलोकमवाप्नुयात्।
O virtuous king, one should then go to Brahmavarta. Bathing in the Brahmavarta a man, obtains the regions of Brahma.

ततो गच्छेत राजेन्द्र सुतीर्थकमनुत्तमम्॥ तत्र संनिहिता नित्यं पितरो दैवतैः सह। तत्राभिषेकं कुर्वीत पितृदेवार्चने रतः॥ अश्वमेधमवाप्नोति पितृलोकं च गच्छति।
O king of kings, one should then go to the excellent Tirthas called Su. There the Pitris are always present with the celestials. Bathing there and worshipping the Pitris and the celestials, obtains thc fruits of Ashvamedha (sacrifice) and goes to the region of Brahma.

ततोऽम्बुमत्यांधर्मज्ञ सुतीर्थकमनुत्तमम्॥
O virtuous man, it is therefore that Sutirtha situated in Ambumati is so very excellent.

काशीश्वरस्य तीर्थेषु स्नात्वा भरतसत्तम। सर्वव्याधिविनिर्मुक्तो ब्रह्मलोके महीयते॥
O best of the Bharata race, bathing in the Tirtha of Kashishvara, one is freed from all diseases; and he is adored in the region of Brahma.

मातृतीर्थं च तत्रैव यत्र स्नातस्य भारत। प्रजा विवर्धते राजन्नतन्वीं श्रियमश्नुते॥
O descendant of Bharata, O king, there is also Matri Tirtha, bathing in which one obtains large progeny and great prosperity.

ततः सीतवनं गच्छेन्नियतो नियताशनः। तीर्थं तत्र महाराज महदन्यत्र दुर्लभम्॥
O great king, one should then go with regulated diet and subdued soul to Sitavana. There is one thing there which is not to be seen anywhere else.

पुनाति गमनादेव दृष्टमेकं नराधिप। केशानभ्युक्ष्य वै तस्मिन् पूतो भवति भारत॥
O ruler of men, man obtains virtue by only going there. O descendant of Bharata, shaving there one's hair, a man becomes sanctified.

तीर्थं तत्र महाराज श्वाविल्लोमापहं स्मृतम्। यत्र विप्रा नरव्याघ्र विद्वांसस्तीर्थतत्पराः॥ प्रीतिं गच्छन्ति परमां स्नात्वा भरतसत्तम। वाविल्लोमापनयने तीर्थे भरतसत्तम॥ प्राणायामैर्निर्हरन्ति स्वलोमानि द्विजोत्तमाः। पूतात्मानश्च राजेन्द्र प्रयान्ति परमां गतिम्॥
O great king, in that spot there is a Tirtha called Shvaillomapaha. O foremost of men, learned Brahmanas who always visit Tirthas. Get great pleasure by bathing in it. O best of the Bharata race, shaving their heads at the Shvaillomapaha Tirtha, the excellent Brahmanas acquire holiness by Pranayama; and becoming pure-souled they obtain the highest state.

दशाश्वमेधिकं चैव तस्मिंस्तीर्थे महीपते। तत्र स्नात्वा नरव्याघ्र गच्छेत परमां गतिम्॥
O ruler of earth, O foremost of men, there is in that spot another Tirtha called Dashashvamedha. Bathing in it, one obtains the highest state.

ततो गच्छेत राजेन्द्र मानुषं लोकविश्रुतम्। यत्र कृष्णमृगा राजन् व्याधेन शरपीडितः॥ विगाह्य तस्मिन् सरसि मानुषत्वमुपागताः। तस्पिस्तीर्थे नरः स्नात्वा ब्रह्मचारी समाहितः॥
O king of kings, one should then go to Manusha, celebrated all over the world, O king, where some black deer, pierced by the arrows of a hunter. Jumped into its water and were transformed into human beings. Bathing in that Tirtha with leading the life of a Brahmachari and having one's soul subdued.

सर्वपापविशुद्धात्मा स्वर्गलोके महीयते। मानुषस्य तु पूर्वेण क्रोशमात्रे महीपते॥ आपगा नाम विख्याता नदी सिद्धनिषेविता। श्यामाकं भोजने तत्र यः प्रयच्छन्ति मानवः॥ देवान् पितृन् समुद्दिश्य तस्यधर्मफलं महत्। एकस्मिन् भोजिते विप्रे कोटिर्भवति भोजिता॥
One is freed from all sins; and becoming pure souled he is adored in the region of Brahma. O ruler of men, in the east of Manusha, only a kosa from it. There is a celebrated river named Apaga which is ever frequented by the Siddhas. The man who offers there Shyamaka food. To the celestials and the Pitris secures great virtuous merit. One Brahmana svd there is equal to million of Brahmanas fed.

तत्र स्नात्वार्चयित्वा च पितॄन् वै दैवतानि च। उषित्वा रजनीमेकामग्निष्टोमफलं लभेत्॥
Bathing in it and worshipping the Pitris and the celestials and living there only for a night, one obtains the fruit of Agnishtoma (sacrifice).

ततो गच्छेत राजेन्द्र ब्रह्मणः स्थानमुत्तमम्। ब्रह्मोदुम्बरमित्येव प्रकाशं भुवि भारत॥
O king of kings, O descendant of Bharata, one should then go to that excellent region of Brahma which is celebrated on earth by the name of Brahmodumbara.

तत्र सप्तर्षिकुण्डेषु स्नातस्य नरपुङ्गव। केदारे चैव राजेन्द्र कपिलस्य महात्मनः॥ ब्रह्माणमधिगम्याथ शुचिः प्रयतमानसः। सर्वपापविशुद्धात्मा ब्रह्मलोकं प्रपद्यते॥ कपिलस्य च केदारं समासाद्य सुदुर्लभम्। अन्तर्धानमवाप्नोति तपसा दग्धकिल्बिषः॥
O foremost of men, bathing in the lakes of the seven Rishis and also in the Kedara of the high-souled Kapila. With pure mind and subdued soul and going to Brahma, one's all sins are destroyed; and his soul being made pure, he goes to the region of Brahma. Going the inaccessible (Tirtha) Kedara of Kapisthala and having his sins all burnt by asceticism, obtains the power of disappearance at will.

ततो गच्छेत राजेन्द्र सरकं लोकविश्रुतम्। कृष्णपक्षे चतुर्दश्यामभिगम्य वृषध्वजम्॥ लभेत सर्वकामान् हि स्वर्गलोकं च गच्छति।
O king of kings, one should then go to Saraka, celebrated over the three worlds. Seeing there Vrishadhvaja (Mahadeva) on the fourteenth day of the black fortnight. One obtains all that he desires and goes to the celestials region. to one

तिस्रः कोट्यस्तु तीर्थानां सरके कुरुनन्दन॥
O descendant of Kuru, thirty millions of Tirthas are in Saraka.

रुद्रकोट्यां तथा कूपे ह्रदेषु च महीपते। इलास्पदं च तत्रैव तीर्थं भरतसत्तम॥ तत्र स्नात्वार्चयित्वा च दैवतानि पितृनथ। न दुर्गतिमवाप्नोति वाजपेयं च विन्दति॥
And in Rudrakoti and also in the wells and lakes that are there. O ruler of earth, O best of the Bharata race, there is also the Tirtha called Ilaspada. Bathing in it and worshipping there the Pitris and the celestials, one does not meet with any calamity. He obtains the fruits of Vajapeya (sacrifice).

किंदाने च नरः स्नात्वा किंजप्ये च महीपते। अप्रमेयमवाणोति दानं जप्यं च भारत॥
O ruler of earth, O descendant of Bharata, bathing in Kindana and Kinjapya, one obtains the fruits of measureless gifts and of infinite recitation of prayers.

कलश्यां वार्युपस्पृश्य श्रद्दधानो जितेन्द्रियः। अग्निष्टोमस्य यज्ञस्य फलं प्राप्नोति मानवः॥
Bathing in Kalasa with devotion and with one's passions subdued, a man obtains the fruits of Agnishtoma sacrifice.

सरकस्य तु पूर्वेण नारदस्य महात्मनः। तीर्थं कुरुकुलश्रेष्ठ अम्बाजन्मेति विश्रुतम्॥
O best of the Kurus, in the east of Saraka is the sacred Tirtha of the illustrious Narada, known by the name of Ambajanma.

तत्र तीर्थे नरः स्नात्वा प्राणानुत्सृज्य भारत। नारदेनाभ्यनुज्ञातो लोकान् प्राप्नोत्यनुत्तमान्॥
O descendant of Bharata, a man, bathing in that Tirtha, obtains excellent regions (after death) at the command of Narada.

शुक्लपक्षे दशम्यां च पुण्डीरकं समाविशेत्। तत्र स्नात्वा नरो राजन् पुण्डरीकफलं लभेत्॥
O king, one should go on the tenth of the white fortnight to Pundarika. Bathing there, a man obtains the fruits of Pundarika sacrifice.

ततस्त्रिविष्टपं गच्छेत् त्रिषु लोकेषु विश्रुतम्। तत्र वैतरणी पुण्या नदी पापप्रणाशिनी॥
One should then go to Trivistapa, celebrated all over the three worlds. There flows the sacred and the sin-destroying Vaitarani river.

तत्र स्नात्वार्चयित्वा च शूलपाणिं वृषध्वजम्। सर्वपापविशुद्धात्मा गच्छेत परमां गतिम्॥
Bathing in it and worshipping there the wielder of trident, Vrishadhvaja (Shiva), one obtains the highest state, all his sins being destroyed and his soul being purified.

ततो गच्छेत राजेन्द्र फलकीवनमुत्तमम्। तत्र देवाः सदा राजन् फलकीवनमाश्रिताः॥ तपश्चरन्ति विपुलं बहु वर्षसहस्रकम्। दृषद्वत्यां नरः स्नात्वा तर्पयित्वा च देवताः॥ अग्निष्टोमातिरात्राभ्यां फलं विन्दति भारत। तीर्थे च सर्वदेवानां स्नात्वा भरतसत्तम॥ गोसहस्रस्य राजेन्द्र फलं विन्दति मानवः। पाणिखाते नरः स्नात्वा तर्पयित्वा च देवताः॥ अग्निष्टोमातिरात्राभ्यां फलं विन्दति भारत। राजसूयमवाप्नोति ऋषिलोकं च विन्दति॥
O king of kings, one should then go to the excellent Tirtha of Falaki. O king, there the celestials are always present in Falakivana. And they undergo there great asceticism for many years together. Bathing then in the Drishadvati and worshipping the celestials, a man obtains fruits superior to those of both the Agnishtoma and Atiratha (sacrifices). O descendant of Bharata, bathing in the Tirtha called Sarvadeva a man obtains the fruits of giving away one thousand kine. O king of kings, Bathing in the Panikhata and worshipping there the celestials, a mano descendant of Bharata, obtains fruits superior to those of Agnishtoma and Atiratha. He also obtains the fruits of Rajasuya and goes to the region of the Rishis.

ततो गच्छेत राजेन्द्र मिश्रकं तीर्थमुत्तमम्। तत्र तीर्थानि राजेन्द्र मिश्रितानि महात्मना॥ व्यासेन नृपशार्दूल द्विजार्थमिति नः श्रुतम्। सर्वतीर्थेषु स स्नाति मिश्रके स्नाति यो नरः॥
virtuous man, one should then go to the excellent Tirtha, called Mishraka. O king of kings, in that Tirtha of the illustrious Mishrita. It has been heard by us that the Vyasa for the sake of the Brahmans mixed up all the Tirthas. The man who bathes in Mishraka bathes in all the Tirthas.

ततो व्यासवनं गच्छेत्रियतो नियताशनः। मनोजवे नरः स्नात्वा गोसहस्रफलं लभेत्॥
One should then go with regulated diet and subdued soul to Vyasavana. Bathing there in the Mancjava one obtains the fruits of giving away one thousand kine.

गत्वा मधुवटीं चैव देव्यास्तीर्थे नरः शुचिः। तत्र स्नात्वार्चयित्वा च पितॄन् देवांश्च पूरुषः॥ स देव्या समनुज्ञातो गोसहस्रफलं लभेत्।
Going to the Devi Tirtha in Madhuvati, the man who bathes with purity and worships the Pitris and the celestials. Obtains at the command of the celestials the fruit of giving away one thousand kine.

कौशिक्याः संगमे यस्तु दृषद्वत्याश्च भारत॥ स्नाति वै नियताहारः सर्वपापैः प्रमुच्यते।
O descendant of Bharata, he who at the confluence of the Kaushiki and the Drishadvati bathes with regulated diet is freed from all sins.

ततो व्यासस्थली नाम तत्र व्यासेनधीमता॥ पुत्रशोकाभितप्तेन देहत्यागे कृता मतिः। ततो देवैस्तु राजेन्द्र पुनरुत्थापितस्तदा॥ अभिगत्वा स्थलीं तस्य गोसहस्रफलं लभेत्।
One should then go to the Tirtha named Vyasasthali where the wise Vyasa. Afflicted as he was with the grief for the death of his son, determined to give up his being and where, O king of kings, he was cheered up by the celestials. Going to (Vyasa) sthali one obtains the fruits of giving away one thousand kine.

किंदत्तं कूपमासाद्य तिलप्रस्थं प्रदाय च॥ गच्छेत परमां सिद्धिमृणैर्मुक्तः कुरूद्वह। वेदीतीर्थे नरः स्नात्वा गोसहस्रफलं लभेत्॥
Going to the well, called Kindatta, he who throws into it one Prastha of sesamum, O perpetuator of the Kuru race, obtains the highest success and he is freed from all his debts. Bathing in the Vedi Tirtha,, one obtains the fruit of giving away one thousand kine.

अहश्च सुदिनं चैव द्वे तीर्थे लोकविश्रुते। तयोः स्नात्वा नरव्याघ्र सूर्यलोकमवाप्नुयात्॥१००।
There are two celebrated Tirthas called Ahan and Sudina. O foremost of men, bathing there one goes to the regions of Surya.

मृगधूमं ततो गच्छेत् त्रिषु लोकेषु विश्रुतम्। तत्राभिषेकं कुर्वीत गङ्गायां नृपसत्तम॥
One should then go to Mrigadhuma, celebrated all over the there worlds. O best of kings, one should bathe there in the Ganges.

अर्चयित्वा महादेवमश्वमेधफलं लभेत्। देव्यास्तीर्थे नरः स्नात्वा गोसहस्रफलं लभेत्॥
Worshipping there Mahadeva, one obtains the fruits of Ashvamedha. Bathing in the Devi Tirtha, a man obtains the fruits of giving away one thousand kine.

ततो वामनकं गच्छेत् त्रिषु लोकेषु विश्रुतम्। तत्र विष्णुपदे स्नात्वा अर्चयित्वा च वामनम्॥ सर्वपापविशुद्धात्मा विष्णुलोकं स गच्छति। कुलम्पुने नरः स्नात्वा पुनाति स्वकुलं ततः॥
One should then go to Vamanaka, celebrated over the three worlds. Bathing there in the Vishnupada and worshipping Vamana. One, being free from all his sins and his soul being purified goes to the region of Vishnu. Bathing in the Kulampuna one purifies his own race.

पवनस्य ह्रदे स्नात्वा मरुतां तीर्थमुत्तमम्। तत्र स्नात्वा नरव्याघ्र विष्णुलोके महीयते॥
Going to the lake of Pavana, which is a excellent Tirtha called Maruta and bathing there, O foremost of men, one is adored in the regions of Vayu.

अमराणां ह्रदे स्नात्वा समभ्यामराधिपम्। अमराणां प्रभावेण स्वर्गलोके महीयते॥
Bathing in the lake of the immortals and worshipping the lord of the immortals, one is adored in the celestials region through the prowess of the immortals.

शालिहोत्रस्य तीर्थे च शालिसूर्ये यथाविधि। स्नात्वा नरवरश्रेष्ठ गोसहस्रफलं लभेत्॥
Bathing according to the ordinance in the Shalisurya of Shalihotra, O king of kings, one obtains the fruits of giving away one thousand kine.

श्रीकुझं च सरस्वत्यास्तीर्थं भरतसत्तम। तत्र स्नात्वा नरश्रेष्ठ अग्निष्टोमफलं लभेत्॥
O best of the Bharata race, bathing in the Tirtha called Srikunja in the Sarasvati, one obtains the fruits of Agnishtoma sacrifice.

ततो नैमिषकुझं च समासाद्य कुरूद्वह। ऋषयः किल राजेन्द्र नैमिषेयास्तपस्विनः॥ तीर्थयात्रां पुरस्कृत्य कुरक्षेत्रं गताः पुरा। ततः कुञ्जः सरस्वत्याः कृतो भरतसत्तम॥
O perpetuator of the Kuru race, then going to the Naimishakunja, the ascetic Rishis had in the days of yore left Naimisha. And going to a visit of Tirthas, they went to Kurukshetra. O best of the Bharata race, there on the banks of the Sarasvati, a grove was made.

ऋषीणामवकाशः स्याद् यथा तुष्टिकरो महान्। तस्मिन् कुञ्जे नरः स्नात्वा अग्निष्टोमफलं लभेत्।१११।।
It served as a resting place for them and it was very delightful to all of them. Bathing in that Kunja, a man obtains the fruits of Agnishtoma sacrifice.

ततो गच्छेतधर्मज्ञ कन्यातीर्थमनुत्तमम्। कन्यातीर्थे नरः स्नात्वा गोसहस्रफलं लभेत्॥
O virtuous man, one should then go to the excellent Tirtha, called Kanya. Bathing in the Kanya Tirtha a man obtains the fruits of giving away one thousand kine.

ततो गच्छेत राजेन्द्र ब्रह्मणस्तीर्थमुत्तमम्। तत्र वर्णावरः स्नात्वा ब्राह्मण्यं लभते नरः॥ ब्राह्मणश्च विशुद्धात्मा गच्छेत परमां गतिम्।
O king of kings, one should then go to the excellent Tirtha, called Brahma. Bathing there, the other three orders obtain the states of Brahmana. And if a Brahman bathes there, he becomes pure-souled and obtains the highest refuge.

ततो गच्छेन्नरश्रेष्ठ सोमतीर्थमनुत्तमम्॥ तत्र स्नात्वा नरो राजन् सोमलोकमवाप्नुयात्।
O foremost of men, one should then go to the excellent Tirtha, called Soma. O king, bathing there, a man goes to the regions of Soma.

सप्तसारस्वतं तीर्थं ततो गच्छेन्नराधिप॥ यत्र मङ्कणकः सिद्धो महर्षिर्लोकविश्रुतः। पुरा मङ्कणको राजन् कुशाचेणेति नः श्रुतम्॥ क्षतः किल करे राजंस्तस्य शाकरसोऽस्रवत्। स वै शाकरसं दृष्ट्वा हर्षाविष्टः प्रनृत्तवान्॥
O ruler of men, one should then go to the Tirtha, called Sapta-Sarasvata. Where the celebrated great Rishi Mankanaka obtained success in asticism. O king, we have heard that in the days of yore Mankanaka cut his hand with kusha grass and from his that wound vegetable juice flowed out (instead of blood). O king, seeing that vegetable juice, he began to dance in joy.

ततस्तस्मिन् प्रनृत्ते तु स्थावरं जंगमं च यत्। प्रनृत्तमुभयं वीर तेजसा तस्य मोहितम्॥
When he thus began to dance, all the mobile and immobile creatures began to dance.

ब्रह्मादिभिः सुरै राजऋषिभिश्च तपोधनैः। विज्ञप्तो वै महादेव ऋषेरथ नराधिप॥
O ruler of men, O king, then Brahma and other celestials and the ascetic Rishis all went to Mahadeva and represented to him all about the Rishi.

नायं नृत्येद् यथा देव तथा त्वं कर्तुमर्हसि। तं प्रनृत्तं समासाद्य हर्षाविष्टेन चेतसा। सुराणां हितकामार्थमृषि देवोऽभ्यभाषत॥
(They said), “O deity, you should do that by which the Rishi may not dance." Coming to the dancing Rishi who was senseless in joy, the deity thus spoke to him in order to do good to the celestials.

भो भो महर्षेधर्मज्ञ किमर्थं नृत्यते भवान्। हर्षस्थानं किमर्थं वा तवाद्य मुनिपुङ्गव॥
Shiva said: O great Rishi, O virtuous man, why are you dancing? O foremost of Rishis, why are you so much delighted?

ऋषिरुवाच तपस्विनोधर्मपथे स्थितस्य द्विजसत्तम। किं न पश्यसि मे ब्रह्मन् कराच्छाकरसं स्रुतम्॥ यं दृष्ट्वा सम्प्रनृत्तोऽहं हर्षेण महतान्वितः।
The Rishis said: O foremost of Brahmanas, I am an ascetic ever steady in the path of virtue. O Brahmana, do you not see that vegetable-juice is flowing from the wound of my hand? Seeing which i am dancing in great joy.

तं प्रहस्याब्रवीद् देव ऋषि रागेण मोहितम्॥
To that Rishi who was blinded by emotion, the deity smilingly thus spoke,

अहं तु विस्मयं विप्र न गच्छामीति पश्य माम्। एवमुक्त्वा नरश्रेष्ठ महादेवेनधीमता॥ अङ्गुल्यचेण राजेन्द्र स्वाङ्गुष्ठस्ताडितोऽनघ। ततो भस्म क्षताद् राजन् निर्गतं हिमसंनिभम्॥
"O Brahmana, I am not at all astonished. Behold me." O foremost of men, O sinless king, having thus addressed him, Mahadeva pressed his thumb by the tip of his own finger. O king, then from that wound came out ashes white as snow.

तद् दृष्ट्वा वीडितो राजन् स मुनिः पादयोर्गतः। नान्यद् देवात् परं मेने रुद्रात् परतरं महत्॥
O king, seeing this the Rishi became filled with shame and fell at his feet. Believing that there was nothing better and greater than the Rudra, (he thus adored him).

सुरासुरस्य जगतो गतिस्त्यमसि शूलधृक्। त्वया सर्वमिदं सृष्टं त्रैलोक्यं सचराचरम्॥
“O wielder of trident, you are the refuge of the celestials and the Asuras, may of the whole universe. You have created the three worlds with their mobile and immobile creatures.

त्वमेव सर्वान् चससि पुनरेव युगक्षये। देवैरपि न शक्यस्त्वं परिज्ञातुं कुतो मया॥
It is you again who swallow everything at the end of the Yuga. You are incapable of being known by the celestials, what to speak of me!

त्वयि सर्वे प्रदृश्यन्ते सुरा ब्रह्मादयोऽनघ। सर्वस्त्वमसि लोकानां कर्ता कारयिता च ह॥
O sinless one, the celestials with Brahma are displayed in you. You are everything, the creator himself and the ordainer of the world,

त्वत्प्रसादात् सुराः सर्वे मोदन्तीहाकुतोभयाः। एवं स्तुत्वा महादेवभूषिर्वचनमब्रवीत्॥
It is through your favour that the celestials sport without anxiety or fear.” Having thus adored Mahadeva, the Rishi thus spoke to him;

त्वत्प्रसादान् महादेव तपो मे न क्षरेत वै। ततो देवः प्रहृष्टात्मा ब्रह्मर्षिमिदमब्रवीत्॥
“O god of gods, grant me your grace, so that my asceticism may not diminish.” Thereupon the deity, becoming glad in heart, thus spoke to that Brahmana Rishi,

तपस्ते वर्धतां विप्र मत्प्रसादात् सहस्रधा। आश्रमे चेह वत्स्यामि त्वया सह महामुने॥
“O Brahmana, let your asceticism increase thousand-fold through my grace. O great Rishi, I shall live with you in your hermitage.

सप्तसारस्वते स्नात्वा अर्चयिष्यन्ति ये तु माम्। न तेषां दुर्लभं किंचिदिहलोके परत्र च॥
Bathing in Sapta-Sarasvata, those that will worship me will obtain everything however difficult to get here and hereafter.

सारस्वतं च ते लोकं गमिष्यन्ति न संशयः। एवमुक्त्वा महादेवस्तत्रैवान्तरधीयत॥
They will, without doubt, attain to the Sarasvata region.” Having said this, Mahadeva disappeared then and there.

ततस्त्वौशनसं गच्छेत् त्रिषु लोकेषु विश्रुतम्। यत्र ब्रह्मादयो देवा ऋषयश्च तपोधनाः॥
One should then go to Asanasha, celebrated all over the world, where Brahma and other celestials and ascetic Rishis.

कार्तिकेयश्च भगवांस्त्रिसंध्यं किल भारत। सांनिध्यमकरोन्नित्यं भार्गवप्रियकाम्यया॥
And the illustrious Kartikeya, O descendant of Bharata, impelled by the desire to do good to the descendant of Bhrigu, are ever present during the three Sandhyas.

कपालमोचनं तीर्थं सर्वपापप्रमोचनम्। तत्र स्नात्वा नरव्याघ्र सर्वपापैः प्रमुच्यते॥
O foremost of men, bathing in the Tirtha called Kapalamochana which cleanses off one's sins, one is freed from all his sins.

अग्नितीर्थं ततो गच्छेत् तत्र स्नात्वा नरर्षभ। अग्निलोकमवाप्नोति कुलं चैव समुद्धरेत्॥
O best of men, one should then go to the Tirtha called Agni. Bathing there, one goes to the region of Agni and saves his own race.

विश्वामित्रस्य तत्रैव तीर्थं भरतसत्तम। तत्र स्नात्वा नरश्रेष्ठ ब्राह्मण्यमधिगच्छति॥
O best of the Bharata race, there is a Tirtha of Vishvamitra. O best of men, bathing there, one obtains the status of a Brahmana.

ब्रह्मयोनि समासाद्य शुचिः प्रयतमानसः। तत्र स्नात्वा नरव्याघ्र ब्रह्मलोकं प्रपद्यते॥ पुनात्यासप्तमं चैव कुलं नास्त्यत्र संशयः।
Going to the Brahmayoni with purity and with subdued soul and, O best of men, bathing there one goes to the region of Brahma. There is no doubt that, he thus sanctifies his seven generations upwards and downwards.

ततो गच्छेत् राजेन्द्र तीर्थं त्रैलोक्यविश्रुतम्॥ पृथूदकमिति ख्यातं कार्तिककेयस्य वै नृप। तत्राभिषेकं कुर्वीत पितृदेवार्चने रतः॥
O king of kings, one should then go to the Tirtha, celebrated all over the world, which is known by the name of Prithudaka belonging to Kartikeya. O king, by bathing there and worshipping the Pitris and the celestials.

अज्ञानाज्ज्ञानतो वापि स्त्रिया वा पुरुषेण वा। यत् किंचिदशुभं कर्म कृतं मानुषबुद्धिना॥ तत् सर्वं नश्यते तत्र स्नातमात्रस्य भारत। अश्वमेधफलं चास्य स्वर्गलोकं च गच्छति॥
Whatever bad acts one, whether a man or a woman, has committed willingly unwittingly, impelled by human motives. O descendant of Bharata, are all destroyed. He obtains the fruits of Ashvamedha (sacrifice) and also goes to heaven. or

पुण्यमाहुः कुरुक्षेत्रं कुरुक्षेत्रात् सरस्वती। सरस्वत्याश्च तीर्थानि तीर्थेभ्यश्च पृथूदकम्॥
The learned men say that Kurukshetra is holy, holier than Kurukshetra is the Sarasvati, holier than the Sarasvati are all the Tirthas put together and holier than all the Tirthas is the Prithudaka.

उत्तमं सर्वतीर्थानां यस्त्यजेदात्मनस्तनुम्। पृथूदके जप्यपरो नैव श्वो मरणं तपेत्॥
He, who by the recitation of prayers casts off his body at Prithadaka which is the best of all the Tirthas, becomes an immortal.

गीतं सनत्कुमारेण व्यासेन च महात्मना। एवं स नियतं राजन्नभिगच्छेत् पृथूदकम्॥
It has been sung by Sanatkumara and the illustrious Vyasa. O king, it is in the Vedas also, that one should go to the Prithudaka with subdued soul.

पृथूदकात् तीर्थतमं नान्यत् तीर्थं कुरूद्वह। तन्मेध्यं तत् पवित्रं च पावनं च न संशयः॥
O perpetuator of the Kuru race, no Tirtha is superior to Prithudaka. There is no doubt that, that Tirtha is purifying, holy and sindestroying.

तत्र स्नात्वा दिवं यान्ति येऽपि पापकृतो नराः। पृथूदके नरश्रेष्ठ एवमाहुर्मनीषिणः॥
O foremost of men, O best of the Bharata race, bathing in the Prithudaka (even) sinful men go to heaven. Thus say all wise men.

मधुस्रवं च तत्रैव तीर्थं भरतसत्तम। तत्र स्नात्वा नरो राजन् गोसहस्रफलं लभेत्॥
O best of the Bharata race, O king, there is another Tirtha called Madhusrava. Bathing there, a man obtains the fruits of giving away one thousand kine.

ततो गच्छेत राजेन्द्र तीर्थं मेध्यं यथाक्रमम्। सरस्वत्यरुणायाश्च संगमं लोकविश्रुतम्॥
O king of kings, one should then go in due order to the celebrated and sacred Tirtha where the Sarasvati and the Aruna are united together.

त्रिरात्रोपोषितः स्नात्वा मुच्यते ब्रह्महत्यया। अग्निष्टोमातिरात्राभ्यां फलं विन्दति मानवः॥ आसप्तमं कुलं चैव पुनाति भरतर्षभ।
The man who bathes there fasting for three nights, is cleansed of even the sin of killing a Brahmana. He obtains the fruits greater than those of Agnishtoma and the Atiratha (sacrifices). O best of the Bharata race, he saves his ancestors seven generations upwards and downwards.

अर्धकीलं च तत्रैव तीर्थं कुरुकुलोद्वह॥ विप्राणामनुकम्पार्थं दर्भिणा निर्मितं पुरा। व्रतोपनयनाभ्यां चाप्युपवासेन वाप्युत॥ क्रियामन्त्रैश्च संयुक्तो ब्राह्मणः स्यान्न संशयः। क्रियामन्त्रविहीनोऽपि तत्र स्नात्वा नरर्षभा चीर्णव्रतो भवेद् विद्वान् दृष्टमेतत् पुरातनैः॥
O perpetuator of the Kuru race, there is another Tirtha, called Ardhakila. Darbhi created it in the days of yore from compassion for the Brahmans. By vows, by taking the sacred thread, by lasts. By rites and by Mantras, one certainly becomes a Brahman. ) foremost of inen, it has been seen by the ancients that by bathing there, men learned and are endued with the fruits of observing the VOWS.

समुद्राश्चापि चत्वारः समानीताश्च दर्भिणा। तेषु सातो नरश्रेष्ठ न दुर्गतिमवाप्नुयात्॥ फलानि गोसहस्राणां चतुर्णां विन्दते च सः।
O foremost of men, Darbhi had brought there also the four oceans. Bathing in them one does not meet with any calamity. He obtains the fruits of giving away one thousand kine.

ततो गच्छेतधर्मज्ञ तीर्थं शतसहस्रकम्॥ साहस्रकं च तत्रैव द्वे तीर्थे लोकविश्रुते। उभयोहि नरः स्नात्वा गोसहस्रफलं लभेत्॥ दानं वाप्युपवासो वा सहस्रगुणितं भवेत्।
O virtuous man, one should then go to the two celebrated Tirtha called Sata-Sahasrakam and Sahasraha. Bathing in them one obtains the fruits of giving away one thousand kine. Fasts and gifts there multiply themselves thousandfold.

ततो गच्छेत राजेन्द्र रेणुकातीर्थमुत्तमम्॥ तीर्थाभिषेकं कुर्वीत पितृदेवार्चने रतः। सर्वपापविशुद्धात्मा अग्निष्टोमफलं लभेत्॥
O king of kings, one should then go to the excellent Tirtha called Renuka. Bathing there and being engaged there in worshipping the celestials and the Pitris, one becomes puresouled. His sins being all destroyed, he obtains the fruits of Agnishtoma.

विमोचनमुपस्पृश्य जितमन्युर्जितेन्द्रियः। प्रतिग्रहकृतैर्दोषैः सर्वैः स परिमुच्यते॥
Bathing there in the Tirtha called Vimochana with passions and senses subdued, one is cleansed of all his sins derived from receiving gifts.

ततः पञ्चवटीं गत्वा ब्रह्मचारी जितेन्द्रियः। पुण्येन महता युक्तः सतां लोके महीयते॥
Then going to Panchavati with passions controlled and with Brahmacharya life, one becomes greatly virtuous and is adored in the region of the virtuous.

यत्र योगेश्वरः स्थाणुः स्वयमेव वृषध्वजः। तमर्चयित्वा देवेशं गमनादेव सिध्यति॥
There the lord of Yoga, Vrishdhvaja, Sthanu himself is always is present. Going there he who worships the lord of the celestials obtains success.

तैजसं वारुणं तीर्थं दीप्यमानं स्वतेजसा। यत्र ब्रह्मादिभिर्देवैर्ऋषिभिश्च तपोधनैः॥ सैनापत्येन देवानामभिषिक्तो गुहस्तदा। तैजसस्य तु पूर्वेण कुरुतीर्थं कुरूद्वह॥
One should then go to the Tirtha, called Taijasa, belonging to Varuna blazing in its own effulgence. There Brahma and the other celestials installed Guha in the command of the celestials army. O perpetuator of the Kuru race, in the east of Taijasa, there is a Tirtha called Kuru.

कुरुतीर्थे नरः स्नात्वा ब्रह्मचारी जितेन्द्रियः। सर्वपापविशुद्धात्मा ब्रह्मलोकं प्रपद्यते॥
Bathing in the Kuru-Tirtha with passions controlled and with life of a Brahmachari, his soul being purified and his sins being all destroyed, one goes to the region of Brahma.

स्वर्गद्वारं ततो गच्छेन्नियतो नियताशनः। स्वर्गलोकमवाप्नोति ब्रह्मलोकं च गच्छति॥
One should then go with regulated diet and subdued soul to Svarga-dvara. He obtains the fruits of giving away one thousand kine and goes to the region of Brahma.

ततो गच्छेदनरकं तीर्थसेवी नराधिप। तत्र स्नात्वा नरो राजन् न दुर्गतिमवाप्नुयात्॥ तत्र ब्रह्मा स्वयं नित्यं देवैः सह महीपते। अन्वास्ते पुरुषव्याघ्र नारायणपुरोगमैः॥
O ruler of men, then the pilgrim should go to Anaraka. O king, bathing there one never meets with any difficulty. O ruler of earth, O foremost of men, there Brahma himself accompanied by the celestials with Narayana at their head is always present.

सांनिध्यं तत्र राजेन्द्र रुद्रपल्याः कुरूद्वह। अभिगम्य च तां देवीं न दुर्गतिमवाप्नुयात्॥
O king of kings, O perpetuator of the Kuru race, the wife of Rudra is also present there. He who beholds that goddess never meets with any calamity.

तत्रैव च महाराज विश्वेश्वरमुमापतिम्। अभिगम्य महादेवं मुच्यते सर्वकिल्बिषैः॥
O king, there is (an image) of the husband of Uma, the lord of the universe. He who sees that great god is cleansed of all his sins.

नारायण चाभिगम्य पद्मनाभमरिदम। राजमानो महाराज विष्णुलोकं च गच्छति॥ तीर्थेषु सर्वदेवानां स्नातः स पुरुषर्षभ। सर्वदुःखैः परित्यक्तो द्योतते शशिवन्नरः॥
O chastiser of foes, O great king, seeing the lotus-navelled Narayana, one blazes forth and goes to the region of Vishnu. O foremost of men! having taken bath in tirths of celestials men become free from all grieves and endued with enlightenment like the moon.

ततः स्वस्तिपुरं गच्छेत् तीर्थसेवी नराधिप। प्रदक्षिणमुपावृत्य गोसहस्रफलं लभेत्॥
O king, then the pilgrim should go to the Tirtha, called Sashtipura. Walking round it, he obtains the fruits of giving away one thousand kine.

पावनं तीर्थमासाद्य तर्पयेत् पितृदेवताः। अग्निष्टोमस्य यज्ञस्य फलं प्राप्नोति भारत॥
O descendant of Bharata, going to the Tirtha, called Pavana and worshipping the Pitris and the celestials, one obtains the fruits of Agnishtoma sacrifice.

गङ्गाह्रदश्च ततैव कूपश्च भरतर्षभ। तिस्रः कोट्यस्तु तीर्थानां तस्मिन् कूपे महीपते॥
O best of the Bharata race, O ruler of earth, there is Gangahrada and another well (Tirtha); in that well thirty millions of Tirthas are present.

तत्र स्नात्वा नरो राजन् स्वर्गलोकं प्रपद्यते। आफगायां नरः स्नात्वा अर्चयित्वा महेश्वरम्॥ गाणपत्यमवाप्नोति कुलं चैव समुद्धरेत्।
O king, bathing there, a man goes to the celestials region. Bathing in Apaga and worshipping Maheshvara. A man obtains the state of Ganapatya and saves his race.

ततः स्थाणुवटं गच्छेत् त्रिषु लोकेषु विश्रुतम्॥ तत्रा स्नात्वा स्थितो रात्रि रुद्रलोकमवाप्नुयात्।
One should then go to the Tirtha called Sthanuvata, celebrated all over the three worlds. Bathing there a man goes to the celestials region.

बदरीपाचनं गच्छेद् वसिष्ठस्याश्रमं ततः॥ बदरी भक्षयेत् तत्र त्रिरात्रोपोषितो नरः। सम्यग् द्वादशवर्षाणि बदरी भक्षयेत् तु यः॥ त्रिरात्रोपोषितस्तेन भवेत् तुल्यो नराधिप। रुद्रमार्ग समासाद्य तीर्थसेवी नराधिप॥ अहोरात्रोपवासेन शक्रलोके महीयते।
O king, One should then go Badaripachana, the herinitage of Vasishtha. A man, fasting there for three nights, should eat Badari (Jujubes). He who lives on Badari for twelve years. And, O ruler of men, he who fasts there for three nights, obtains equal merits. O king, going to Rudra-marga, the pilgrim is adored in the region of Indra by fasting one day and night. to

एकरात्रं समासाद्य एकरात्रोषितो नरः॥ नियतः सत्यवादी च ब्रह्मलोके महीयते।
Going to Ikaratra, he who lives there for one night with regulated vows and truthfulness, becomes adored in the region of Brahma.

ततो गच्छेत राजेन्द्र तीर्थं त्रैलोक्यविश्रुतम्॥ आदित्यस्याश्रमो यत्र तेजोराशेर्महात्मनः। तस्मिंस्तीर्थे नरः स्नात्वा पूजयित्वा विभावसुम्॥ आदित्यलोकं व्रजति कुलं चैव समुद्धरेत्।
Where there is the hermitage of Aditya, the illustrious deity of great effulgence, (there is also another Tirtha). Bathing in it and worshipping there the god of light a man, goes to the region of Soma and saves his race.

सोमतीर्थे नरः स्नात्वा तीर्थसेवी नराधिप॥ सोमलोकमवाप्नोति नरो नास्त्यत्र संशयः।
O ruler of men, bathing in the Soma Tirtha, the pilgrim goes to the region of Soma without any doubt.

ततो गच्छेतधर्मज्ञ दधीचस्य महात्मनः॥ तीर्थं पुण्यतमं राजन् पावनं लोकविश्रुतम्। यत्र सारस्वतो यातः सोऽङ्गिरास्तपसो निधिः॥
O virtuous man, one should then go to the illustrious Dadhichi's sacred Tirtha called Pavana, celebrated all over the world. Here was born that ocean of asceticism, Angiras, of the Sarasvata race.

तस्मिंस्तीर्थे नरः स्नात्वा वाजिमेधफलं लभेत्। सारस्वतीं गतिं चैव लभते नात्र संशयः॥
Bathing in that Tirtha, a man obtains the fruits of Ashvamedha sacrifice and he without any doubt obtains the region of Sarasvati.

ततः कन्याश्रमं गच्छेन्नियतो ब्रह्मचर्यवान्। त्रिरात्रोपोषितो राजन् नियतो नियताशनः॥ लभेत् कन्याशतं दिव्यं स्वर्गलोकं च गच्छति।
One should then go with regulated vows and with the life of Brahmacharya to Kanyasrama. O king, living there three nights with regulated diet and subdued soul. One obtains one hundred celestials damsels and goes to the region of Brahma.

ततो गच्छेतधर्मज्ञ तीर्थं संनिहतीमपि॥
O virtuous one, one should then go to the Tirtha called Sannihati.

तत्र ब्रह्मादयो देवा ऋषयश्च तपोधनाः। मासि मासि समायान्ति पुण्येन महतान्विताः॥
Brahma and other celestials and ascetic Rishis go there every month and earn great virtue.

संनिहत्यामुपस्पृश्य राहुग्रस्ते दिवाकरे। अश्वमेधशतं तेन तत्रेष्टं शाश्वतं भवेत्॥
Bathing in Sannihati during a solar eclipse, one obtains the fruits of Ashvamedha sacrifice and of other sacrifices that are everlasting.

पृथिव्यां यानि तीर्थानि अन्तरिक्षचराणि च। नद्यो ह्रदास्तडागाश्च सर्वप्रस्रवणानि च॥ उदपानानि वाप्यश्च तीर्थान्यायतनानि च। नि:संशयममावास्यां समेष्यन्ति नराधिप॥ मासि मासि नरव्याघ्र संनिहत्यां च संशयः। तीर्थसंनिहनादेव संनिहत्येति विश्रुता॥
Whatever Tirtha exists on earth or in the sky, all the rivers, lakes, ponds, springs, large and small tanks and all other Tirtha sacred to particular gods, O ruler of men, all come here without doubt on the day of new moon, And they certainly mix with Sannihati every month. It is therefore that this Tirtha is known by the name of Sannihati.

तत्र स्नात्वा च पीत्वा च स्वर्गलोके महीयते। अमावस्यां तु तत्रैव राहुग्रस्ते दिवाकरे॥ यः श्राद्धं कुरुते मर्त्यस्तस्य पुण्यफलं शृणु। अश्वमेधसहस्रस्य सम्यगिष्टस्य यत् फलम्॥ स्नात एव समाप्नोति कृत्वा श्राद्धं च मानवः। यत् किंचिद् दुष्कृतं कर्म स्त्रिया वा पुरुषेण वा।१९८॥ स्नातमात्रस्य तत् सर्वं नश्यते नात्र संशयः। पावर्णेन यानेन ब्रह्मलोकं प्रपद्यते॥
He who bathes there and drinks its water is adored in the celestials region. In a solar ecclipse on the new moon. He who performs Sraddha ceremony here after having bathed obtains the fruits of the performance of one thousand horse-sacrifices. Whatever sins a man or a woman commits are without doubt all destroyed as soon as one bathes and performs Sraddha ceremony in this Tirtha. He also goes to the region of Brahma on a lotus coloured car.

अभिवाद्य ततो यक्षं द्वारपालं मचक्रुकम्। कोटितीर्थमुपस्पृश्य लभेद् बहुसुवर्णकम्॥
Bathing then in Koti Tirtha after having worshipped the Yaksha door-keeper, Machakruka, one obtains the fruits of giving away gold in abundance.

गङ्गाह्रदश्च तत्रैव तीर्थं भरतसत्तम। तत्र स्नायीतधर्मज्ञ ब्रह्मचारी समाहितः॥ राजसूयाश्वमेधाभ्यां फलं विन्दति मानवः।
O best of the Bharata race, there is a Tirtha called Gangahrada. O virtuous man, bathing there with subdued soul and with Brahmacharya life, a man obtains the fruits of Rajasuya and Ashavamedha sacrifice.

पृथिव्यां नैमिषं तीर्थमन्तरिक्षे च पुष्करम्॥ त्रयाणामपि लोकानां कुरुक्षेत्रं विशिष्यते। पांसवोऽपि कुरुक्षेत्राद् वायुना समुदीरिताः॥ अपि दुष्कृतकर्माणं नयन्ति परमां गतिम्। दक्षिणेन सरस्वत्या उत्तरेण दृषद्वतीम्॥ ये वसन्ति कुरुक्षेत्रे ते वसन्ति त्रिविष्टपे।
On earth the Tirtha called Naimisha and in the sky the Tirtha called Pushkara (are great). But in all the three worlds Kurukshetra is the greatest. Even the dust of Kurukshetra carried by wind takes away the sinful men to the highest state. In the north (of it) flows the Drishadvati and in the south the Sarasvati.

कुरुक्षेत्रे गमिष्यामि कुरुक्षेत्रे वसाम्यहम्॥ अप्येकां वाचमुत्सृज्य सर्वपापैः प्रमुच्यते।
He who lives in this region really lives in heaven. "I will go to Kurukshetra, I will live in Kurukshetra,” he who utters these words even once becomes cleansed of all his sins.

ब्रह्मवेदी कुरुक्षेत्रं पुण्यं ब्रह्मर्षिसेवितम्॥ तस्मिन् वसन्ति ये मा न ते शोच्याः कथंचन।२०७॥
The sacred Kurukshetra which is adored by the celestials is considered the sacrificial altar of the gods. Those mortals that live there have nothing to make them miserable at any time.

तरन्तुकारन्तुकयोर्यदन्तरं रामह्रदानां च मचक्रुकस्य च। एतत् कुरुक्षेत्रसमन्तपञ्चक पितामहस्योत्तरवेदिरुच्यते॥
The region that lies between Tarnatuka and Arantuka and the lakes of Rama and Machakruka is (called Kurukshetra). It is also called Samantapanchaka. It is said to be the northern sacrificial altar of the Grandsire (Brahma).