The departure of Brihadashva

बृहदश्व उवाच प्रशान्ते तु पुरे हृष्टे सम्प्रवृत्ते महोत्सवे। महत्या सेनया राजा दमयन्तीमुपानयत्॥
Brihadashva said: When the great festivities began in the city which was full of joy, the king with a large army brought Damayanti (back to his capital).

दमयन्तीमपि पिता सत्कृत्य परवीरहा। प्रास्थापयदमेयात्मा भीमो भीमपराक्रमः॥
Her father, that slayer of hostile heroes Bhima of great prowess and of high soul, also having honoured her duly, sent Damayanti (tc her husband's palace).

अगतायां तु वैदर्त्यां सपुत्रायां नलो नृपः। वर्तयामास मुदितो देवराडिव नन्दने॥ तथा प्रकाशतां यातो जम्बुद्वीपे स राजसु। पुनः शशास तद् राज्यं प्रत्याहृत्य महायशाः॥
On the arrival of the Vidharbha princess accompanied by her son and daughter, king Nala passed his days in great happiness, like the chief of the celestials in the Nandana (garden). The greatly illustrious king, having regained his kingdom and becoming famous among the kings of the Jambudvipa, began once more to rule it.

ईजे च विविधैर्यज्ञैर्विधिवच्चाप्तदक्षिणैः। तथा त्वमपि राजेन्द्र ससुहृद् यक्ष्यसेऽचिरात्॥
He duly performed many sacrifices with large Dakshinas to the Brahmanas. O great king, you, too, with your relatives and friends, will soon perform many sacrifices.

दुःखमेतादृशं प्राप्तो नल: परपुरंजयः। देवनेन नरश्रेष्ठ सभार्यो भरतर्षभ।॥
foremost of meu, O best of the Bharata race that conqueror of the hostile cities, Nala, thus fell into great distress in consequence of his playing at dice.

एकाकिनैव सुपहन्नलेन पृथिवीपते। दुःखमासादितं घोरं प्राप्तश्चाभ्युदयः पुनः॥
O ruler of the earth, Nala alone suffered such great and terrible distress, but he regained his lost glory.

त्वं पुनर्धातृसहितः कृष्णाया चैव पाण्डव। रमसेऽस्मिन् महारण्येधर्ममेवानुचिन्तयन्॥
O son of Pandu, you, however, with Krishna (Draupadi) and your brothers, sport here in this great forest, with your heart fixed on virtue.

ब्राह्मणैश्च महाभागैर्वेदवेदाङ्गपारगैः। नित्यमन्वास्यसे राजंस्तत्र का परिदेवना॥
O king, what cause is there for your sorrow, when you are always mixing with the greatly exalted Brahmanas learned in the Vedas?

कर्कोटकस्य नागस्य दमयन्त्या नलस्य च। ऋतुपर्णस्य राजर्षेः कीर्तनं कलिनाशनम्॥
To recite the history of Naga Karkotaka, of Damayanti, of Nala and of the royal sage Rituparna, is destructive of evil (Kali).

इतिहासमिमं चापि कलिनाशनमच्युत। शक्यमाश्वसितुं श्रुत्वा त्वद्विधेन विशाम्यते॥
O undeteriorating one, O ruler of men, this history, which is destructive of evil (Kali), is capable of comforting persons like you, when they hear it.

अस्थिरत्वं च संचिन्त्य पुरुषार्थस्य नित्यदा। तस्योदये व्यये चापि न चिन्तयितुमर्हसि॥
Considering that human exertion is always futile, you should joy or grieve at prosperity or adversity.

श्रुत्वेतिहासं नृपते समाश्वसिहि मा शुचः। व्यसने त्वं महाराज न विषीदितुमर्हसि॥
O great king, hearing this history, be comforted. Do not grieve. You should not be aggrieved at calamity.

विषमावस्थिते दैवे पौरुषेऽफलतां गते। विषादयन्ति नात्मानं सत्त्वोपाश्रयिणो नराः॥
Reflecting on the caprice of fate and futileness of human exertions, men of selfpossession never allow themselves to be aggrieved.

ये चेदं कथयिष्यन्ति नलस्य चरितं महत्। श्रोष्यन्ति चाप्यभीक्ष्णं वै नालक्ष्मीस्तान् भजिष्यति।१५।।
Those who recite the great history of Nala and those who often hear it are never touched by calamity.

अर्थास्तस्योपपत्स्यन्तेधन्यतां च गमिष्यति। इतिहासमिमं श्रुत्वा पुराणं शश्वदुत्तमम्॥
He, who hears this excellent and old history, gets all his desires fulfilled and obtains wealth and

पुत्रान् पौत्रान् पशृंश्चापि लभते नृषु चावयताम्। आरोग्यप्रीतिमांश्चैव भविष्यति न संशयः॥
Sons, grandsons, animals, a high position, health and joy. There is no doubt in this.

भयात् त्रस्यसि यच्च त्वमाह्वयिष्यति मां पुनः। अक्षज्ञ इति तत् तेऽहं नाशयिष्यामि पार्थिव॥
O king, the fear, that you entertain that some one would again summon you to play, I shall dispel.

वेदाक्षहृदयं कृत्स्नमहं सत्यपराक्रम। उपपद्यस्व कौन्तेय प्रसन्नोऽहं ब्रवीमि ते॥
O greatly powerful hero, O son of Kunti, I am an expert in the science of dice. I am pleased with you; learn it from me, I shall tell it to you.

वैशम्पायन उवाच ततो हृष्टमना राजा वृहदश्वमुवाच ह। भगवन्नक्षहृदयं ज्ञातुमिच्छामि तत्त्वतः॥
Vaishampayana said : Thereupon with great joy the king (Yudhishthira) thus spoke to Brihadashva, “O exalted one. I desire to learn the science of dice from you."

ततोऽक्षहृदयं प्रादात् पाण्डवाय महात्मने। दत्त्वा चाश्वशिरोऽगच्छदुपस्प्रष्टुं महातपाः॥
Thereupon he taught the science to the illustrious son of Pandu. Having taught it, the great ascetic went to Asvasira to bathe.

बृहदश्वे गते पार्थमश्रौषीत् सव्यसाचिनम्। वर्तमानं तपस्युग्रे वायुभक्षं मनीषिणम्॥ ब्राह्मणेभ्यस्तपस्विभ्यः सम्पतझ्यस्ततस्ततः। तीर्थशैलवनेभ्यश्च समेतेभ्यो दृढव्रतः॥ इति पार्थो महावाहुर्दुरापं तप आस्थितः। न तथा दृष्टपूर्वोऽन्यः कश्चिदुग्रतपा इति॥
When Brihadashva had gone away, he (Yudhishthira) heard that the son of Pritha Savyasachi (Arjuna) was engaged in severe asceticism, living on air. He heard this from the greatly intelligent Brahmanas and ascetics who came to him from various directions and from places of pilgrimage, from mountains and forests. He heard that the mighty Partha (Arjuna) was engaged in such fearful asceticism that none else, before him, had done it.

यथाधनंजयः पार्थस्तपस्वी नियतव्रतः। मुनिरेकचरः श्रीमान्धर्मो विग्रहवानिव॥
He heard that Dhananjaya Partha (Arjuna) engaged in asceticism, observing vows of silence and deep in meditation, appeared like the blazing deity, Dharma.

तं श्रुत्वा पाण्डवो राजंस्तव्यमानं महावने। अन्वशोचत कौन्तेयः प्रियं वै भ्रातरं जयम्॥
O king, having heard that his beloved brother, the son of Kunti, Yaja (Arjuna) was thus undergoing asceticism in the great forest Yudhishthira began to grieve.

दह्यमानेन तु हृदा शरणार्थी महावने। ब्राह्मणान् विविधज्ञानान् पर्यपृच्छद् युधिष्ठिरः॥
Thus burning in grief, Yudhishthira sought consolation in the great forest and talked with the Brahmanas learned in all Shastras.