The returning of Rituparna to his own City

बृहदश्व उवाच अथ तां व्युषितो रात्रि नलो राजा स्वलंकृतः। वैदा सहितः काले ददर्श वसुधाधिपम्॥
Brihadashva said : The king Nala, having passed that night in peace, decked himself in gay ornaments; and, with Damayanti by his side, appeared before the king in due time.

ततोऽभिवादयामास प्रयतः श्वशुरं नलः। ततोऽनु दमयन्ती च ववन्दे पितरं शुभा॥
Thereupon Nala saluted his father-in-law; and, after him, blessed Damayanti also saluted her father.

तं भीमः प्रतिजग्राह पुत्रवत् परया मुदा। यथार्ह पूजयित्वा च समाश्वासयत प्रभुः॥ नलेन सहितां तत्र दमयन्ती पतिव्रताम्।
Illustrious Bhima received him as a son with the greatest delight; as also he offered him due respects and consoled him with his devoted wife in words suited to the occasion.

तामहणां नलो राजा प्रतिगृह्य यथाविधि॥ परिचर्यां स्वकां तस्मै यथावत् प्रत्यवेदयत्। ततो बभूव नगरे सुमहान् हर्षजः स्वनः॥ जनस्य सम्प्रहृष्टस्य नलं दृष्ट्वा तथाऽऽगतम्।
King Nala, on the other hand, acknowledged the honour according to rules and offered his proper services to him (father-in-law). The citizens felt great delight to see Nala returned. Thereupon there was a great uproar of joy in the city.

अशोभयच्च नगरं पताकाध्वजमालिनम्॥ सिक्ताः सुमृष्टपुष्पाढ्या राजमार्गाः स्वलंकृताः। द्वारि द्वारि च पौराणां पुष्पभङ्गः प्रकल्पितः॥
The city also was gorgeously decorated by hoisting flags, standards and floral wreaths. Moreover the streets of the town were well watered, and were decorated with the garlands of flowers and various other ornaments; as also flowers were piled at the doors of the houses.

अर्चितानि च सर्वाणि देवतायतनानि च। ऋतुपर्णोऽपि सुश्राव बाहुकच्छद्मिनं नलम्॥ दमयन्त्या समायुक्तं जहषे च नराधिपः। तमानाय्य नलं राजा क्षमयामास पार्थिवम्॥
The temples of gods, too, were adorned with flowers. While all this had happened, the foremost king Rituparna became highly gratified to hear that Nala, in the guise of Bahuka, was united with Damayanti. He then called Nala, the ruler of the earth, before him; and begged his pardon.

स च तं क्षमयामास हेतुभिर्बुद्धिसम्मितः। स सत्कृतो महीपालो नैषधं विस्मिताननः॥ उवाच वाक्यं तत्त्वज्ञो नैषधं वदतां वरः। दिष्ट्या समेतो दारैः स्वैर्भवानित्यभ्यनन्दत॥
He again, intelligent as he was, asked his forgiveness for reasons more than one. Thus regarded, the ruler of the earth, Rituparna, who was excellent in speech and acquainted with the real nature of things and who had his face struck with amazement, addressed the prince of the Nishadhas, saying, “That you, by recovering the company of your consort, have obtained greatest delight.

किंचित् तु नापराधं ते कृतवानस्मि नैषध। अज्ञातवासे वसतो मद्गृहे वसुधाधिप॥
O prince of the Nishadh..s, O lord of the earth, perhaps I had not donc any wrong to you, while you were living in my house in disguise.

यदिवाबुद्धिपूर्वाणि यदि बुद्ध्यापि कानिचित्। मया कृतान्यकार्याणि तानि त्वं क्षन्तुमर्हसि॥
If I have done any wrong to you, with or without my knowledge, pardon me for all this,”

नल उवाच न मेऽपराधं कृतवांस्त्वं स्वल्पमपि पार्थिव। कृतेऽपि च न मे कोपः क्षन्तव्यं हि मया तव॥
Nala said: O monarch, you have not done me the slightest wrong. Even if you have done any, you should be pardoned in every way; for it excited no worth in me.

पूर्वं ह्यपि सखा मेऽसि सम्बन्धी च जनाधिप। अत ऊर्ध्वं तु भूयस्त्वं प्रीतिमाहर्तुमर्हसि॥
O prince, formerly you had been my friend and relative; and hence that I should find enough of enjoyments in you. Indeed, I lived with you most happily with all my desires gratified.

सर्वकामैः सुविहितैः सुखमसम्युषितस्त्वयि। न तथा स्वगृहे राजन् यथा तव गृहे सदा॥
O king, I always lived in your house most happily, not even in my own house. This your knowledge about horses now rests with me.

इदं चैव हयज्ञानं त्वदीयं मयि तिष्ठति। तदुपाकर्तुमिच्छामि मन्यसे यदि पार्थिवा एवमुक्त्वा ददौ विद्यामृतुपर्णाय नैषधः॥
O monarch, if you like, I may give it to you.” Saying this, the prince of the Nishadhas made over that equestrian learning to king Rituparna.

स च तां प्रतिजग्राह विधिदृष्टेन कर्मणा। गृहीत्वा चाश्वहदयं राजन् भागासुरिर्नृपः॥ निषधाधिपतेश्चापि दत्त्वाक्षहृदयं नृपः। सूतमन्यमुपादाय ययौ स्वपुरमेव ह॥
O king, the royal son of Vangasura accepted that horse-learning, performing all the acts, as ordained by fate. And having thus received this horse-knowledge and also having made over his skill in the game at dice to the prince of the Nishadhas, he went to his own city, appointing another charioteer in the place of Bahuka.

ऋतुपर्णे गते राजन् नलो राजा विशाम्पते। नगरे कुण्डिने कालं नातिदीर्घमिवावसत्॥
O monarch, O lord of the earth, after Rituparna had thus gone away, prince Nala did not remain long in the city Kundina.