The parley between Damayanti and Sudeva

बृहदश्व उवाच हृतराज्ये नले भीमः सभार्ये च वनं गते। द्विजान् प्रस्थापयामास नलदर्शनकाझया।।।।
Brihadashva said : When Nala, deprived of his kingdom, turned himself to a servant with his wife, then king Bhima sent away Brahmanas, with the object of seeing Nala.

संदिदेश च तान् भीमो वसु दत्त्वा च पुष्कलम्। मृगयध्वं नलं चैव दमयन्तीं च मे सुताम्॥
Bhima, having given immense wealth to the Brahmanas, asked them to go in quest of Nala and his daughter, Damayanti.

अस्मिन् कर्मणि सम्पन्ने विज्ञाते निषधाधिपे। गवां सहस्रं दास्यामि यो वस्तावानयिष्यति॥ अग्रहारांश्च दास्यामि ग्राम नगरसम्मितम्। न चेच्छक्याविहानेतुं दमयन्ती नलोऽपि वा॥ ज्ञातमात्रेऽपि दास्यामि गवां दशशतं धनम्।
“To him, who will perform this deed, viz., learning the place where at the king of the Nishadhas does live now or bringing him hither with his wife, will I give a thousand kine, fields and a village like a city. Should he fail to bring hither Nala as well as Damayanti, his very knowledge of them would be rewarded by my giving him wealth in the shape of a ten thousand kine."

इत्युक्तास्ते ययुर्हष्टा ब्राह्मणाः सर्वतो दिशम्॥ पुरराष्ट्राणि चिन्वन्तो नैषधं सह भार्यया। नैव क्वापि प्रपश्यन्ति नलं वा भीमपुत्रिकाम्॥ ततश्चेदिपुरी रम्यां सुदेवो नाम वै द्विजः। विचिन्वानोऽथ वैदर्भीमपश्यद् राजवेश्मनि॥
Having been thus addressed, the Brahmanasa went out in all directions, searching for Nala and Damayanti in the various cities and provinces. But they could not see Nala or the daughter of Bhima anywhere. While at last a Brahmana, Sudeva by name, was searching in the city of the king of the Chedis, he saw the daughter of the king of the Vidarbhas, Damayanti.

पुण्याहवाचने राज्ञः सुनन्दासहितां स्थिताम्। मन्दं प्रख्यायमानेन रूपेणाप्रतिमेन ताम्॥ निबद्धां धूमजालेन प्रभामिव विभावसोः। तां समीक्ष्य विशालाक्षीमधिकं मलिनां कृशाम्। तर्कयामास भैमीति कारणैरुपपादयन्॥
She seated with Sunanda, in the house of that monarch, who at the time was repeating his prayers. She was faintly seen, on account of the great luminosity of her extraordinary beauty. Even as her splendour was like the blazing of a fire enveloped by smokes. Thus beholding that lady, with large eyes, colorless and weak, he, after arguing from various reasons, decided her to be the daughter of Bhima.

सुदेव उवाच यथेयं मे पुरा दृष्टा तथारूपेयमङ्गना। कृतार्थोऽस्म्यद्य दृष्ट्वेमा लोककान्तामिव श्रियम्॥
Sudeva said: As I saw the lady beforehand, she seems to be the self-same in appearance at present. This day I think myself blessed by the very sight of her, who is like Sree herself, delighting all the worlds.

पूर्णचन्द्रनिभां श्यामां चारुवृत्तपयोधराम्। वन्तीं प्रभया देवी सर्वा वितिमिरा दिशः॥
Also, the lady is like the full moon in splendour. She looks ever youthful, possessing a handsome breast; and dispelling darkness from all the directions by virtue of her effulgence.

चारुपद्मविशालाक्षी मन्मथस्य रतीमिव। इष्टां समस्तलोकस्य पूर्णचन्द्रप्रभामिव॥
She again looks even as Kama's Rati herself, having eyes as large as the handsome lotusleaves. She is the delight of all the worlds like the rays of the full moon.

विदर्भसरसस्तस्माद् दैवदोषादिवोद्धताम्। मलपङ्कानुलिप्ताङ्गी मृणालीमिव चोद्धृताम्॥ पौर्णमासीमिव निशां राहुग्रस्तनिशाकराम्। पतिशोकाकुलां दीनां शुष्कस्रोतां नदीमिव॥
Separated on account of her adverse fortune from that Vidarbha lake, she looks like the transplanted lotus-stalk, besmeared with mire. Or also, she looks like the night of the full moon, when that nocturnal god is swallowed up by Rahu. Repressed by sorrow for her, husband, she looks slender like the river with all its current dried up.

विध्वस्तपर्णकमलां वित्रासितविहंगमाम्। हस्तिहस्तपरामृष्टां व्याकुलामिव पद्मिनीम्॥
She looks (in her present condition) like a ravaged lake, with the leaves of its lotuses crushed by the trunks of elephants and with its birds all flying away from fear.

सुकुमारी सुजाताङ्गी रत्नगर्भगृहोचिताम्। दह्यमानामिवार्केण मृणालीमिव चोद्धृताम्॥
Possessed of slender constitution and handsome limbs and fit to dwell in a jewelled palace, she looks like a transplanted lotus-stalk burnt by the rays of the sun.

रूपौदार्यगुणोपेतां मण्डनार्हाममण्डिताम्। चन्द्रलेखामिव नवां व्योम्नि नीलाभ्रसंवृताम्॥
Endued with beauty and liberality and undecked in ornaments, although befitting thein, she looks like the crescent of the moon, newly appearing in heaven and enveloped with the dark clouds.

कामभोगैः प्रियीनां हीनां बन्धुजनेन च। देहं संधारयन्ती हि भर्तृदर्शनकाझ्या॥
Deprived of all the delightful objects of enjoyments and separated from friends and relatives, she lives a miserable life, cherishing the hope of beholding her husband again.

भर्ता नाम परं नार्या भूषणं भूषणैर्विना। एषा हि रहिता तेन शोभमाना न शोभते॥
The best ornament of a woman, who is without the ornaments, is (the accompaniment of) her husband. Destitute so such an ornament (as the husband), she does not shine, although she is beautiful.

दुष्करं कुरुतेऽत्यन्तं हीनो यदनया नलः। धारयत्यात्मनो देहं न शोकेनापि सीदति॥
Nala performs a very arduous task by holding his life without his dear wife and also without succumbing to sorrow.

इमामसितकेशान्तां शतपत्रायतेक्षणाम्। सुखाहाँ दुःखितां दृष्ट्वा ममापि व्यथते मनः॥
My heart aches to behold that maiden, possessing black hairs and eyes as large as the lotus leaves and afflicted with sorrow, although she is most deserving of prosperity.

कदा नु खलु दुःखस्य पारं यास्यति वै शुभा। भर्तुः समागमात् साध्वी रोहिणी शशिनो यथा॥
When, after sometime, the auspicious lady will surely have bridged over this ocean of woe, then she, devoted to her husband as ever, will, in company with her lord, look like Rohini in company with the Moon.

अस्या नूनं पुनर्लाभान्नैषधः प्रीतिमेष्यति। राजा राज्यपरिभ्रष्टः पुनर्लब्ध्वा च मेदिनीम्॥
Certainly the king of the Nishadhas will obtain great delight by regaining his wife, even as the monarch, deprived of his kingdom, does by recovering his lost territories.

तुल्यशीलवयोयुक्तां तुल्याभिजनसंवृताम्। नैषधोऽर्हति वैदर्भी तं चेयमसितेक्षणा॥
The king of the Nishadhas deserves the daughter of Vidharbha, who is like Nala in disposition, age and birth; as also the daughter of Vidharbha with black eyes is quite becoming to him.

युक्तं तस्याप्रमेयस्य वीर्यसत्त्ववतो मया। समाश्वासयितुं भार्यां पतिदर्शनलालसाम्॥
It is my duty to console the wife of that immensely powerful one who is gifted with prowess and goodness, as she is most anxious for beholding her lord.

अहमाश्वासयाम्येनां पूर्णचन्द्रनिभाननाम्। अदृष्टपूर्वां दुःखस्य दुःखाध्यिानतत्पराम्॥
I will (rather must) comfort the lady the splendour of whose face is like that of the full moon; and who is oppressed with such an woe that she had never experienced before, and also who is ever in fervid devotion for her husband.

बृहदश्व उवाच एवं विमृश्य विविधैः कारणैर्लक्षणैश्च ताम्। उपागम्य ततो भैमी सुदेवो ब्राह्मणोऽब्रवीत्॥ अहं सुदेवो वैदर्भि भ्रातुस्ते दयितः सखा। भीमस्य वचनाद् राज्ञस्त्वामन्वेष्टुमिहागतः॥
Brihadashva said: Thereupon the Brahmana, Sudeva by name, having recognised the daughter of Bhima by observing the various circumstances and signs of hers, advanced to her and addressed her thus, O the daughter of Vidharbha! I am Sudeva, the intimate friend of your brother. Enjoined by king Bhima, I have come here searching for yourself. came

कुशली ते पिता राज्ञि जननी भ्रातरश्च ते। आयुष्मन्तौ कुशलिनौ तत्रस्थौ दारकौ च तौ॥
O princess! your father is at peace, as also your mother and brothers. Those, your son and daughter, are enjoying length of days and living in peace.

त्वत्कृते बन्धुवर्गाश्च गतसत्त्वा इवासते। अन्वेष्टारो ब्राह्मणाश्च भ्रमन्ति शतशो महीम्॥
Your friends and relatives, though living, are like the dead on your account; and hundreds of Brahmanas are wandering about over the whole world in quest of you.

बृहदश्व उवाच अभिज्ञाय सुदेवं तं दमयन्ती युधिष्ठिर। पर्यपृच्छत तान् सर्वान् क्रमेण सुहृदः स्वकान्॥
Brihadashva said: O Yudhishthira! Damayanti to recognize Sudeva; and then asked him about all her friends and relatives in succession.

रुरोद च भृशं राजन् वैदर्भी शोककर्शिता। दृष्ट्वा सुदेवं सहसा भ्रातुरिष्टं द्विजोत्तमम्॥
O king! crushed with misery as she was, the daughter of the king of the Vidharbhas began to lament most bitterly at the unexpected sight of that best of the Brahmanas, Sudeva, who is the friend of her brother.

रुदतीं तामथो दृष्ट्वा सुनन्दा शोककर्शिता। सुदेवेन सहैकान्ते कथयन्तीं च भारत॥ जनित्र्यै कथयामास सैरन्ध्री रोदितीति च। ब्राह्मणेन सहागम्य तां वेद यदि मन्यसे॥
Thereupon, O Bharata! Sunanda, seeing her (Damayanti) conversing in private with a Brahmana and weeping most bitterly, was hard pressed with sorrow and informed her mother, saying: 'Sairindhri is most bitterly lamenting. Know this, if should you like.'

अथ चेदिपतेर्माता राज्ञश्चान्तःपुरात् तदा। जगाम यत्र सा बाला ब्राह्मणेन सहाभवत्॥
Thereafter the mother of the king of the Nishadhas, having left the inner apartments of the palace, repaired to the place where that lady (Damayanti) was waiting with the Brahmana.

ततः सुदेवमानाय्य राजमाता विशाम्यते। पप्रच्छ भार्या कस्येयं सुता वा कस्य भाविनी॥ कथं च नष्टा ज्ञातिभ्यो भर्तुर्वा वामलोचना। त्वया च विदिता विप्र कथमेवगंता सती॥
O the ruler of the earth! the Queen-mother summoned Sudeva before her and asked him, saying, 'whose wife is this lady? and whose daughter? and how this damsel, possessing handsome eyes has been separated from her husband as well as her relatives? O Brahmana! how have you come to know her, falling in this great distress?

एतदिच्छाम्यहं श्रोतुं त्वत्तः सर्वमशेषतः। तत्त्वेन हि ममाचक्ष्व पृच्छन्त्या देवरूपिणीम्॥
I desire to hear from you all about her in detail. Do you surely relate to me, as I am asking of that lady of celestials splendour.”

एवमुक्तस्तया राजन् सुदेवो द्विजसत्तमः। सुखोपविष्ट आचष्ट दमयन्त्या यथातथम्॥
O monarch! Sudeva, the foremost of the Brahmanas, thus addressed by the Queenmother, sat at his ease and began to relate the true account of Damayanti.