In Damayanti's meeting with the caravan

बृहदश्व उवाच सा निहत्य मृगव्याधं प्रतस्थे कमलेक्षणा। वनं प्रतिभयं शून्यं झिल्लिकागणनादितम्॥
Brihadashva said: Thus having slain the huntsman she, of eyes resembling lotus leaves, entered deeper and deeper into that desolate and dreadful forest, echoing with the jingling of crickets.

सिंहद्वीपिरुरुव्याघ्रमहिषर्क्षगणैर्युतम्। नानापक्षिगणाकीर्णं म्लेच्छतस्करसेवितम्॥
That forest full of lions, leopards, Rurus tigers, buffaloes, bear and deer; swarming with various kinds of birds; inhabited by robbers and low hybrid tribes.

शालवेणुधवाश्वत्थतिन्दुकेगदकिंशुकैः। अर्जुनारिष्टसंछन्नं स्यन्दनैश्च सशाल्मलैः॥ जम्ब्वाम्रलोध्रखदिरसालवेत्रसमाकुलम्। पद्मकामलकप्लक्षकदम्बोदुम्बरावृतम्॥ बदरीबिल्वसंछन्नं न्यग्रोधैश्च समाकुलम्। प्रियालतालखर्जूरहरीतकबिभीतकैः॥
Containing Salas bamboos, Dhabas, Asavathas. Tindukas Ingudas Kinsukas, Arjunas, Aristhas Sundanas together with Salmalas; abounding in Tumbus, mango trees, Lodras the catechu, the cane and Salas; overgrown with Padmakas, Amlakas, Plakhas, Kadamvas, Uduinvaras; covered with Badaris, Vilvas and banians, Piyalas, palms, date-trees, Haritakis and Vivitakas.

नानाधानुशतैर्नद्धान् विविधानपि चाचलान्। निकुञ्जान् परिसंघुष्टान् दरीश्चाद्भुतदर्शनाः॥
She (Damayanti) saw, many mountains containing mines of different kinds of metals, groves singing with the notes of birds; many valleys of beautiful sight.

नदीः सरांसि वापीश्च विविधांश्च मृगद्विजान्। सा बहून् भीमरूपांश्च पिशाचोरगराक्षसान्॥ पल्वलानि तडागानि गिरिकूटानि सर्वशः। सरितो निर्झराश्चैव ददर्शाद्भुतदर्शनान्॥
Many rivers, lakes, expanses of water and various kinds of birds and beasts; large number of serpents, Rakshasas and goblins of frightful figures; and pools, tanks, mountain-peaks on all sides; and streams and cataracts of picturesque appearance.

यूथशो ददृशे चात्र विदर्भाधिपनन्दिनी। महिषांश्च वराहांश्च ऋक्षांश्च वनपन्नगान्॥ तेजसा यशसा लक्ष्म्या स्थित्या च परया युता। वैदर्भी विचरत्येका नलमन्वेषती तदा॥
There the daughter of the king of the Vidharbhas, saw, herd after herd, of buffaloes, boars and bears and numberless wild snakes. Possessed of energy, glory, beauty and high dignity, the princess of the Vidharbhas then began to roam alone in that wilderness, in quest of Nala.

नाबिभ्यत् सा नृपसुता भैमी तत्राथ कस्यचित्। दारुणामटवीं प्राप्य भर्तृव्यसनपीडिता॥
Afflicted at her husband's calamity and having entered into that fearful forest, that princess, the daughter of Bhima, was not afraid of anything.

विदर्भतनया राजन् विललाप सुदुःखिता। भर्तृशोकपरीताङ्गी शिलातलमथाश्रिता॥
O King! the royal daughter of the king of the Vidharbhas, seating herself down on the surface of a stone, greatly aggrieved and with her limbs trembling with sorrow for her husband, thus lamented.

दमयन्त्युवाच व्यूढोरस्क महाबाहो नैषधानां जनाधिप। क्व नु राजन् गतोऽस्यद्य विसृज्यविजने वने॥ अश्वमेधादिभिर्वीर क्रतुभिर्भूरिदक्षिणैः। कथमिष्ट्वा नरव्याघ्र मयि मिथ्या प्रवर्तसे॥
Damayanti said “O you of expanded breast! O you of long arms! O protector of the Nishadha people! O king! whither have you gone today forsaking me in this desolate wilderness? O hero! O foremost of men! it does not behove you, who have performed the horse-sacrifice and various other sacrifices accompanied by profuse Dakshinas, to play false with myself.

यत् त्वयोक्तं नरश्रेष्ठ तत् समक्षं महाद्युते। स्मर्तुमर्हसि कल्याणा वचनं पार्थिवर्षभ॥
O foremost of men! O auspicious one! O your of blazing lustre! O excellent of kings! you ought to remember the words you did utter in my presence.

यच्चोक्तं विहगैर्हसैः समीपे तव भूभिप। मत्समक्षं यदुक्तं च तदवेक्षितुमर्हसि॥
O ruler of earth! you ought also to remember what the sky-ranging swans said before you and also what they declared before me.

चत्वार एकतो वेदाः साङ्गोपाङ्गाः सविस्तराः। स्वधीता मनुजव्याघ्र सत्यमेकं किलैकतः॥
O foremost of men! surely the performance of one single promise on one side, weighs equal with the study of the four Vedas in all their extent and the Angas and Upangas taken together, on the other.

तस्मादर्हसि शत्रुघ्न सत्यं कर्तुं नरेश्वर। उक्तवानसि यद् वीर मत्सकाशे पुरा वचः॥
"Therefore, O slayer of your adversaries! O lord of men! O brave one! you ought to fulfill your promise, that you did make before, in my presence.

हा वीर नल नामाहं नष्टा किल तवानघा अस्यामटव्यां घोरायां किं मां न प्रतिभाषसे॥
Alas O hero! O Nala! verily am I done for in this wood, although I belong to you. O sinless one! wherefore do you not answer me lost in this dreary forest?

कर्षयत्येष मां रौद्रो व्यात्तास्यो दारुणाकृतिः। अरण्यराट् क्षुधाविष्टः किं मां न त्रातुमर्हसि॥
This fearful sylvan sovereign, of expanded jaws and frightful figure and oppressed with hunger, is distressing me. Do it not befit you to save me?

न मे त्वदन्या काचिद्धि प्रियास्तीत्यब्रवीः सदा। तामृतां कुरु कल्याण पुरोक्तां भारती नृप॥
You did always use to say, 'Except yourself, there is none dear unto me' O auspicious one! O king! prove the truth of that assertion you did make previously.

उन्मत्तां विलपन्ती मां भार्यामिष्टां नराधिप। ईप्सितामीप्सितोऽसि त्वं किं मां न प्रतिभाषसे॥
O ruler of men! wherefore do you not answer me, your dear wife, raft of reason and bewailing you, although you love her and are loved in return?

कृशां दीनां विवर्णां च मलिनां वसुधाधिय। वस्त्रार्धप्रावृतामेकां विलपन्तीमनाथवत॥ यूथभ्रष्टामिवैकां मां हरिणीं पृथुलोचन। न मानयसि मामार्य रुदन्तीमरिकर्शन॥
O monarch! O respected one, O repressor of your enemies! wherefore do you not behold me, O large-eyed one, lean, emaciated, distressed, discolored desolate, bewailing like one helpless, weeping, covered with one piece of cloth and resembling a lovely does strayed out of the herd.

महाराज महारण्ये अहमेकाकिनी सती। दमयन्त्यभिभाषे त्वां किं मां न प्रतिभाषसे।॥
O mighty monarch! in this vast wilderness I, your best-loved Damayanti, now forlorn and forsaken, am calling out your name; why do you not answer me?

कुलशीलोपसम्पन्न चारुसर्वाङ्गशोभन। नाद्य त्वां प्रतिपश्यामि गिरावस्मिन् नरोत्तम॥
O foremost of men! I do not find you, this day, on this mountain, who are possessed of a noble lineage and an excellent) character and shapely limbs enhancing your personal beauty.

वने चास्मिन् महाघोरे सिंहव्याघ्रनिषेविते। शयानमुपविष्टं वा स्थितं वा निषधाधिय॥ प्रस्थितं वा नरश्रेष्ठ मम शोकविवर्धन। कं नु पृच्छामि दुःखार्ता त्वदर्थे शोककर्शिता॥
O ruler of the Nishadhas! O foremost of men! ( you who are adding to my grief in this fearful wilderness infested by lions and tigers, of whom shall I, woeful and distressed with grief on your account, enquire whether you are sitting or lying down or staying or gone?

कच्चिद् दृष्टस्त्वयारण्ये संगत्येह नलो नृपः। को नु मे वाथ प्रष्टव्यो वनेऽस्मिन् प्रस्थितं नलम्॥
Whom shall I ask, 'Have you seen king Nala ranging in these woods? Of whom shall I enquire about the royal Nala lost in this wilderness?

अभिरूपं महात्मानं परव्यूहविनाशनम्। यमन्वेषसि राजानं नलं पद्मनिभेक्षणम्॥ अयं स इति कस्याद्य श्रोष्यामि मधुरां गिरम्।
From whose lips shall I this day hear these honeyed words viz. 'That graceful and highsouled king Nala of eyes resembling lotus leaves, the slayer of hostile troops, in quest of whom you are wandering in this forest, is staying even here.'

अरण्यराडयं श्रीमांश्चतुर्दष्ट्रो महाहनुः॥ शार्दूलोऽभिमुखोऽभ्येति व्रजाम्येनमशङ्किता। भवान् मृगाणामधिपस्त्वमस्मिन् कानने प्रभुः॥
Yonder come the handsome sovereign of the forests, the tiger having four teeth and protruding jaws. Even unto him shall I repair fearlessly. You are the lord of beasts. You are the king of this forest.

विदर्भराजतनयां दमयन्तीति विद्धि माम्। निषधाधिपतेर्भार्यां नलस्यामित्रघातिनः॥
Damayanti said : Know me for Damayanti, the daughter of the king of the Vidharbhas and the wife of Nala the king of the Nishadhas and the slayer of his foes.

पतिमन्वेषतीमेकां कृपणां शोककर्शिताम्। आश्वासय मृगेन्द्रेह यदि दृष्टस्त्वया नलः॥
O lord of animals! console me-who am, alone seeking my husband, distressed and woestricken-with the news of Nala if you have at all seen him.

अथवा त्वं वनपते नलं यदि न शंससि। मां खादय मृगश्रेष्ठ दुःखादस्माद् विमोचय॥
O lord of this forest! on the other hand, if you know nothing of Nala, then, O foremost of animals, devour me up and thereby relieve me from this misery.'

श्रुत्वारण्ये विलपितं न मामाश्वासयत्ययम्। यात्येतां स्वादुसलिलामापगां सागरंगमाम्॥
Hearing me bewailing in this wilderness, this forest king himself, is wending towards the rivulet containing tasteful water that is rolling towards the sea.

इमं शिलोच्चयं पुण्यं शृङ्गैर्बहुभिरुच्छ्रितैः। विराजद्भिरिवानेकै कवणमनोरमैः॥
I shall now for the tidings of the kings, ask yonder king of mountains, adorned with various beautiful and many hued peaks reaching the skies.

नानाधातुसमाकीर्णं विविधोपलभूषितम्। अस्यारण्यस्य महतः केतुभूतमिवोत्थितम्॥
Containing heaps of sacred rocks; replete with many kinds of metals; decked with diverse pieces of stones; flowing like streamer over this wide wilderness.

सिंहशार्दूलमातङ्गवराह‘मृगायुतम्। पतत्रिभिर्बहुविधैः समन्तादनुनादितम्॥
Haunted by lions, tigers, elephants, boars, bears and deers; ringing on all sides with the notes of various kinds of birds.

किंशुकाशोकबकुलपुन्नागैरुपशोभितम्। कर्णिकारधवप्लक्षैः सुपुष्पैरुपशोभितम्॥
The mountain graced with Kinsukas, Asokas, Bakulas and Tannagas; beautified with, Karnikaras Dhabas and Plakshas bearing blossoms.

सरिद्भिः सविहङ्गाभिः शिखरैश्च समाकुलम्। गिरिराजमिमं तावत् पृच्छामि नृपतिं प्रति॥
The mountain abounding in rivers infested by water fowls; and decorated with crested summits. Now I ask about king Nala from the king of mountain.

भगवनचलश्रेष्ठ दिव्यदर्शन विश्रुत्। शरण्य बहुकल्याण नमस्तेऽस्तु महीधर॥
Damayanti said : O mighty and foremost of mountains! O you of picturesque appearance! O highly famous hill! O you shelter (of the distressed)! O highly blessed hill! O you pillar of the Earth! I salute you.

प्रणमाम्यभिगम्याहं राजपुत्रीं निबोध माम्। राज्ञः स्नुषां राजभार्यां दमयन्तीति विश्रुताम्॥
Approaching I bow down unto you. Know me for a kings' daughter, a king's daughter-inlaw, a king's wife and for Damayanti by name.

राजा विदर्भाधिपति: पिता मम महारथः। भीमो नाम क्षितिपतिश्चातुर्वर्ण्यस्य रक्षिता॥
The royal Bhima, the ruler of the Vidharbhas, the great warrior, the lord of the Earth and the protector of the four different orders, is my sire.

राजसूयाश्वमेधानां क्रतूनां दक्षिणावताम्। आहर्ता पार्थिवश्रेष्ठः पृथुचार्वञ्चितेक्षणः॥ ब्रह्मण्यः साधुवृत्तश्च सत्यवागनसूयकः। शीलवान् वीर्यसम्पन्नः पृथुश्रीधर्मविच्छुचिः॥ सम्यग् गोप्ता विदर्भाणां निर्जितारिगणः प्रभुः। तस्य मां विद्धि तनयां भगवंस्त्वामुपस्थिताम्॥
That foremnost of the descendants of Prithu, performed the Rajasuya sacrifice and the horse-sacrifice accompanied by profuse Dakshinas. Possessing large and beautiful eyes graced with arching brows, well-versed in the Vedas, of pious nature, true-speaking, free from jealously, of good character, endued with prowess, of immense prosperity, acquainted with all morality and pure, that lord defeating all his adversaries completely protect the people of Vidharbha. O mighty one! know me to be his daughter thus approaching you.

निषधेषु महाराजः श्वशुरो मे नरोत्तमः। गृहीतनामा विख्यातो वीरसेन इति स्म ह॥
My father-in-law, the foremost of men, was the illustrious sovereign ruling over the Nishadhas. He was known under the name of Virasena and was of high renown.

तस्य राज्ञः सुतो वीरः श्रीमान् सत्यपराक्रमः। क्रमप्राप्तं पितुः स्वं यो राज्यं समनुशास्ति ह॥ नलो नामारिहा श्यामः पुण्यश्लोक इति श्रुतः। ब्रह्मण्यो वेदविद् वाग्मी पुण्यकृत् सोमपोऽग्निमान्।। यष्टा दाता च योद्धा च सम्यक् चैव प्रशासिता। तस्य मामबलां श्रेष्ठां विद्धि भार्यामिहागताम्॥ त्यक्तश्रियं भर्तृहीनामनाथां व्यसनान्विताम्। अन्वेषमाणां भर्तारं त्वं मां पर्वतसत्तम॥
The son of this king, a mighty warrior, possessed of prosperity and of infallible prowess, who govern well the kingdom that he had inherited from his father, is known under the name of Nala of holy fame, of complexion like molten gold. He is respectful towards Brahmanas, versed in the Vedas, eloquent and performer of meritorious deeds; he is used to the drinking of Soma and the worship of Fire; he celebrates sacrifices, is immensely charitable and heroic and a just chastiser (of sinful) men. Know me for his principal consort now helpless and come unto you. O excellent of mountains! devoid of prosperity, deprived of the company of my husband, helpless and distressed with affliction, in quest of my lord I have approached you.

समुल्लिखद्भिरेतैर्हि त्वया शृङ्गशतैर्नृपः। कच्चिद् दृष्टोऽचलश्रेष्ठ वनेऽस्मिन् दारुणेनलः॥
O foremost of mountains! by means of your hundred peaks reaching the skies, have you seen anywhere in this dreary wilderness the royal Nala?

गजेन्द्रविक्रमोधीमान् दीर्घबाहुरमर्षणः। विक्रान्तः सत्त्ववान् वीरो भर्ता मम महायशाः॥ निषधानामधिपतिः कच्चिद् दृष्टस्त्वया नलः। विपलतीं किमेकां मां पर्वतश्रेष्ठ विह्वलाम्॥
Have you anywhere seen the heroic and unconquerable Nala, my husband, the ruler of the Nishadhas, with the gait of an elephant of great intelligence, having long arms, of illustrious renown, endued with prowess and possessed of energy? O best of mountains! seeing me desolate and lamenting and fainting (with grief) wherefore do you not console me by speaking to me as your own afflicted daughter.

गिरानाश्वासयस्यद्य स्वां सुतामिव दुःखिताम्। वीर विक्रान्तधर्मज्ञ सत्यसंध महीपते॥
O hero! O you of great prowess! O you versed in righteousness! O veracious one! O lord of the earth! if you are present in this forest then, O king! show yourself unto me?

यद्यस्यस्मिन् वने राजन् दर्शयात्मानमात्मना। कदा सुस्निग्धगम्भीरां जीमूतस्वनसंनिभाम्॥ श्रोष्यामि नैषधस्याहं वाचं ताममृतोपमाम्। वैदर्भीत्येव विस्पष्टां शुभां राज्ञो महात्मनः॥ आम्नायसारिणीमृद्धां मम शोकविनाशिनीम्। भीतामाश्वासयत मां नृपतेधर्मवत्सल॥
When shall I again hear the words of the royal and high-souled Nala, sweet and sonorous and resembling the rumbling of clouds and delicious like nectar and calling me the “princess of the Vidharbhas" with distinct and holy accents and spoken according to the precepts of the Vedas and eloquent and soothing all my grief. O king! O righteous one, it behoove you to comfort me, who am greatly terror-stricken."

इति सा तं गिरिश्रेष्ठमुक्त्वा पार्थिवनन्दिनी। दमयन्ती ततो भूयो जगाम दिशमुत्तराम्॥
Having spoken in the above manner to the foremost of mountains, the princess Damayanti again roamed towards the northern quarters.

सा गत्वा तीनहोरात्रान् ददर्श परमाङ्गना। तापसारण्यमतुलं दिव्यकाननशोभितम्॥ वसिष्ठभृग्वत्रिसमैस्तापसैरुपशोभितम्। नियतैः संयताहारैर्दमशौचसमन्वितैः॥ अब्भक्षैर्वायुभक्षैश्च पत्राहारैस्तथैव च। जितेन्द्रियैर्महाभागैः स्वर्गमार्गदिदृक्षुभिः॥ वल्कलाजिनसंवीतैर्मुनिभिः संयतेन्द्रियैः। तापसाध्युषितं रम्यं ददर्शाश्रममण्डलम्॥ नानामृगगणैर्जुष्टं शाखामृगगणायुतम्। तापसैः समुपेतं च सा दृष्ट्वैव समाश्वसत्॥
That supremely beautiful damsel, after having wandered for three whole days and nights, saw an incomparable woody retreat of ascetics, furnished with beautiful gardens, inhabited by anchorites, like Vasishtha, Bhrigu and Atri, self-governed and abstemious, performing the ten prescribed purifactory rites; some living on water, some on air and some on (fallen) leaves, with passions under thorough control, of eminent parts, secking the way to Heaven, wearing barks of trees and skins of deer and with senses held in check. She saw that charming hermitage inhabited by the ascetics and abounding in various species of animals and swarming with monkeys and graced by the presence of hermits and she was comforted (with the sight).

सुभूः सुकेशी सुश्रोणी सुकुचा सुद्विजानना। वर्चस्विनी सुप्रतिष्ठा स्वसितायतलोचना॥ सा विवेशाश्रमपदं वीरसेनसुतप्रिया। योषिद्रत्नं महाभागा दमयन्ती तपस्विनी॥
That dear-loved spouse of the son of Virasena; that best of damsels, the pitiable Damayanti of eminent parts, of black and large eyes, of beaming splendour and pure fame, having long tresses, a dainty waist, heaving breasts, graceful eye-brows and a face adorned with pearly teeth, then entered into that asylum of ascetics.

साभिवाद्य तपोवृद्धान् विनयावनता स्थिता। स्वागतं त इति प्रोक्ता तैः सर्वैस्ताप्रसोत्तमैः॥
She, saluting those sages grown old in the practice of austerities, stood in an attitude of humility. In that forest she was offered 'welcome' by those ascetics.

पूजां चास्या यथान्यायं कृत्वा तत्र तपोधनाः। आस्यतामित्यथोचुस्ते ब्रूहि किं करवामहे॥
Then those ascetics, offering due adoration unto her, said, 'Sit yourself down and speak what shall we do for you?”

तानुवाच वरारोहा कच्चिद् भगवतामिह। तपःस्वग्निषुधर्मेषु मृगपक्षिषु चानघाः॥ कुशलं वो महाभागाः स्वधर्माचरणेषु च। तैरुक्ता कुशलं भद्रे सर्वत्रेति यशस्विनि॥
That damsel of delicate loins replied unto them saying, 'O sinless ones! O you of eminent parts! is everything progressing well regarding your rigid austerities, (sacrificial). Fires, your righteousness, the religious rites of your own sect and the birds and beasts of this herinitage?” And they answered her saying, 'O illustrious lady! O blessed one! prosperity attend us in every respect.

ब्रूहि सर्वानवद्याङ्गि का त्वं किं च चिकीर्षसि। दृष्ट्वैव ते परं रूपं द्युतिं च परमामिह॥ विस्मयो नः समुत्पन्न: समाश्वसिहि मा शुचः। अस्यारण्यस्य देवी त्वमुताहोऽस्य महीभृतः॥
O you of faultless limbs! tell us who are you and what do you scek? We are amazed seeing your great beauty and your extreme splendour. Be consoled and do not grieve. O faultless one! O blessed one! say whether you are the presiding deity of this forest or of this mountain or of this rivulet? Speak the truth!”

अस्याश्च नद्याः कल्याणि वद सत्यमनिन्दिते। साव्रवीत् तानृपीन् नाहमरण्यस्यास्य देवता॥ न चाप्यस्य गिरेविप्रा नैव नद्याश्च देवता। मानुषीं मां विजानीत यूयं सर्वे तपोधनाः॥
She said unto the sages, “O twice-born ones! neither am I the deity of this forest, nor the goddess of this mountain, nor of this river. Know me for a daughter of human beings, O you sages of ascetic wealth! I am relating my history in detail, do you listen attentively to me.

विस्तरेणाभिधास्यामि तन्मे शृणुत सर्वशः। विदर्भेषु महीपालो भीमो नाम महीपतिः॥
The ruler of the carth, Bhima by name, is the sovercign of the Vidharbhas, O foremost of twice-born ones! know me for his daughter.

तस्य मां तनयां सर्वे जानीत द्विजसत्तमाः। निषधाधिपतिर्धीमान् नलो नाम महायशाः॥
The heroic, the ever-victorious (in battle), the learned lord of the Nishadhas, Nala by name, of illustrious fame, great intelligence and the ruler of men, is my husband.

वीरः संचामजिद् विद्वान् मम भर्ता विशाम्पतिः। देवताभ्यर्चनपरो द्विजातिजनवत्सलः॥ गोप्ता निषधवंशस्य महातेजा महाबलः। सत्यवान्धर्मवित् प्राज्ञः सत्यसंधोऽरिमर्दनः॥ ब्रह्मण्यो दैवतरपरः श्रीमान् परपुरंजयः। नलो नाम नृपश्रेष्ठो देवराजसमद्युतिः॥ मम भर्ता विशालाक्षः पूर्णेन्दुवदनोऽरिहा। आहर्ता क्रतुमुख्यानां वेदवेदाङ्गपारगः॥
That foremost of kings named Nala, of splendour like unto that of the lord of the celestials, of large eyes and of face resembling the full moon, the destroyer of his foes, the worshipper of the gods, devoted to the Vedas, of great prosperity, the captor of his enemies' towns, the repressor of his foes, that veracious and wise being, acquainted with all religions, of truthful promise, of eminent energy and great prowess, the protector of the race of the Nishadhas, occupied in the adoration of the celestials, kind towards the regenerate ones is my husband. He is the celebrator of principal sacrifices and is versed in the Vedas and their branches and the slayer of his adversaries in battle. He resemble in lustre the sun and the moon.

सपत्नानां मृधे हन्ता रविसोमसमप्रभः। स कैश्चिनिकृतिप्रज्ञैरनार्यैरकृतात्मभिः॥ आहूय पृथिवीपालः सत्यधर्मपरायणः। देवने कुशलैर्जिर्हितं राज्यं वसूनि च॥
This king devoted to truthfulness and ruler of the earth, was one day challenged to play a game at dice, by some mean-minded, vile and deceitful men of uncultivated soul and skillful in gambling. He was defeated and lost his wealth and kingdom.

तस्य मामवगच्छध्वं भार्यां राजर्षभस्य वै। दमयन्तीति विख्यातां भर्तुर्दर्शनलालसाम्॥
Know me to be the consort of that foremost of kings, famous under the name of Damayanti and anxious to enjoy a sight of my missing husband.

सा वनानि गिरीश्चैव सरांसि सरितस्तथा। पल्वलानि च सर्वाणि तथारण्यानि सर्वशः॥ अन्वेषमाणा भर्तारं नलं रणविशारदम्। महात्मानं कृतास्त्रं च विचरामीह दुःखिता॥
I am wandering through the length and breadth of this wood, over mountains, among rivers, lakes, tanks and expanses of water and forests, with a sorrowful heart, in quest of my lord Nala, versed in the tactics of war, skilled in the use of weapons and of high soul.

कच्चिद् भगवतां रम्यं तपोवनमिदं नृपः। भवेत् प्राप्तो नलो नाम निषधानां जनाधिपः॥ यत्कृतेऽहमिदं ब्रह्मन् प्रपन्ना भृशदारुणम्। वनं प्रतिभयं घोरं शार्दूलमृगसेवितम्॥
Has the royal Nala, the ruler of the Nishadha people, for whom, O Brahmanas! afflicted, I am roaming in this dreadful and deep wilderness, full of terrible things and infested by tigers and other beasts of prey-visited this charming hermitage of your almighty selves!

यदि कैश्चिदहोरात्रैर्न द्रक्ष्यामि नलं नृपम्। आत्मानं श्रेयसा योक्ष्ये देहस्यास्य विमोचनात्॥
If within a few days and nights I do not see king Nala, I will secure my own welfare by renouncing this body.

को नु मे जीवितेनार्थस्तमृते पुरुषर्षभम्। कथं भविष्याम्यद्याहं भर्तृशोकाभिपीडिता॥
What is the use of my life, separated as I have been, from that foremost of men? How shall I live today, afflicted with sorrow for my husband?"

तथा विलपतीमेकामरण्ये भीमनन्दिनीम्। दमयन्तीमथोचुस्ते तापसा: सत्यदर्शिनः॥
Those truth-seeing ascetics then said unto the forlorn Damayanti, the daughter of Bhima, who had been bewailing for her lord in the forest.

उदर्कस्तव कल्याणि कल्याणो भविता शुभे। वयं पश्याम तपसा क्षिप्रं द्रक्ष्यसि नैषधम्॥
"O auspicious and blessed one! you shall attain to happiness in future. We see by our power of asceticism, that ere long you shall see Naishadha.

निषधानामधिपति नलं रिपुनिपातिनम्। भैमिधर्मभृतां श्रेष्ठं द्रक्ष्यसे विगतज्वरम्॥ विमुक्तं सर्वपापेभ्यः सर्वरत्नसमन्वितम्। तदेव नगरं श्रेष्ठं प्रशासतमरिंदमम्॥ द्विषतां भयकर्तारं सुहृदां शोकनाशनम्। पतिं द्रक्ष्यसि कल्याणि कल्याणाभिजनं नृपम्॥
O daughter of king Bhima! you shall meet Nala, the Ruler of the Naishadhas, the slayer of his foes and the foremost of those who protect righteousness, with his fever of misery subsided. O blessed one! you shall see your royal husband purged of all sins, adorned with diverse kings' of gems, ruling the self-same excellent of towns, the subduer of his foes, the terror of his enemies, the destroyer of the grief of his friends and crowned with all blessings."

एवमुक्त्वा नलस्येष्टां महिषी पार्थिवात्मजाम्। अन्तर्हितास्तापसास्ते साग्निहोत्राश्रमास्तथा॥
Having thus spoken to that daughter of a king, the dear-loved queen of Nala, the ascetics, with their sacrificial fires and with the asylum itself, disappeared from sight.

सा दृष्ट्वा महदाश्चर्यं विस्मिता ह्यभवत् तदा। दमयन्त्यनवद्याङ्गी वीरसेननृपस्नुषा॥
Seeing this wondrous phenomenon, Damayanti of faultless shape and limbs and the daughter-in-law of king Virasena became greatly amazed.

किं नु स्वपो मया दृष्टः कोऽयं विधिरिहाभवत्। क्व नु ते तापसा: सर्वे क्व तदाश्रममण्डलम्॥
Did I dream a dream! what an event have occurred even now? Where are all those ascetics and where is that asylum (gone).

क्व सा पुण्यजला रम्या नदी द्विजनिषेविता। क्व नु ते ह नगा हृद्याः फलपुष्पोपशोभिताः॥
Where is that enchanting rivulet of holy waters, inhabited by water-fowls of various species? Where again are those delightful trees adorned with flowers and fruits?

ध्यात्वा चिरं भीमसुता दमयन्ती शुचिस्मिता। भर्तृशोकपरा दीना विवर्णवदनाभवत्॥१००।
Thus thinking for a while, Damayanti of pure smiles, the daughter of Bhima, indulging in grief for her husband and miserable, grew pale-faced.

सा गत्वाथापरां भूमि बाष्पसंदिग्धया गिरा। विललापाश्रुपूर्णाक्षी दृष्ट्वाशोकतरुं ततः॥ ।
Thereafter wandering to another part of the forest and beholding there an Ashoka tree, she began to lament, her voice choked with the vapour of grief and her eyes overflowing with tears.

उपगम्य तरुश्रेष्ठमशोकं पुष्पितं वने। पल्लवापीडितं हृद्यं विहङ्गैरनुनादितम्॥
She in that forest approached that foremost of trees, the Ashoka, bedecked with flowers, charming, loaded with thick foliage and echoing all round with the notes of birds.

अहो बतायमगमः श्रीमानस्मिन् वनान्तरे। आपीडैर्बहुभिर्भाति श्रीमान् पर्वतराडिव॥
Oh! this charming tree in the heart of this wilderness ornamented with fruits and flowers, is shining like a glorious king of mountains.

विशोकां कुरु मां क्षिप्रमशोक प्रियदर्शन। वीतशोकभयाबाधं कच्चित् त्वं दृष्टवान् नृपम्॥
"O Ashoka (this tree is fabled to discard the grief of those, who have a view of it)! do you speedily relieve me from my grief, O you of graceful appearance! Have you anywhere in this forest seen king Nala, freed from all grief and fear and unobstructed by any hindrance?

नलं नामारिदमनं दमयन्त्याः प्रियं पतिम्। निघधानामधिपतिं दृष्टवानसि मे प्रियम्॥ एकवस्त्रार्धसंवीतं सुकुमारतनुत्वचम्। व्यसनेनार्दितं वीरमरण्यमिदमागतम्॥
Have you seen the dear-loved husband of Damayanti, my best beloved one, by name Nala, the king of the Nishadhas, the subduer of his foes, wearing half a piece of cloth, of delicate body and skin and that warrior who, crushed under calamity, has repaired into this forest?

यथा विशोका गच्छेयमशोकनग तत् कुरु। सत्यनामा भवाशोक अशोकः शोकनाशनः॥
O Ashoka tree! so manage that I may go away from you relieved from all grief. O Ashoka! vindicate your denomination of Ashoka, which mean the destroyer of grief?"

एवं साशोकवृक्षं तमार्ता वै परिगम्य ह। जगाम दारुणतरं देशं भैमी वराङ्गना॥
That excellent of damsels the afflicted daughter of Bhima, then three-times going round the Ashoka tree, entered a more dreary part of the wilderness.

सा ददर्श नगान् नैकान् नैकाश्च सरितस्तथा। नैकांश्च पर्वतान् रम्यान् नैकांश्च मृगपक्षिणः॥
She beheld many trees and many streams, many charming mountains and various kinds of birds and beasts.

कन्दरांश्च नितम्बांश्च नदीश्चाद्भुतदर्शनाः। ददर्श तान् भीमसुता पतिमन्वेषती तदा॥
That daughter of Bhima saw, when roaming in quest of her husband, many caverns and ridges and rivulets of amazing sight.

गत्वा प्रकृष्टमध्वानं दमयन्ती शुचिस्मिता। ददर्शाथ महासार्थं हस्त्यश्वरथसंकुलम्॥ उत्तरन्तं नदी रम्यां प्रसन्नसलिलां शुभाम्। सुशीततोयां विस्तीर्णां ह्रदिनीं वेतसैर्वृताम्॥ प्रो ष्टां क्रौञ्चकुररैश्च क्रवाकोपकूजिताम्। कूर्मचाहझषाकीर्णां विपुलद्वीपशोभिताम्॥
After Damayanti of pure smiles had proceeded a long way, she saw a large caravan of trades together with their horses cars and elephants landing on the banks of a broad, lovely, charming and delightful river, containing cool and clear water, covered with cane-bushes, resounding with cries of cranes and ospreys and ringing with the notes of the Chacrabaka and abounding in tortoises, alligators and fishes and adorned with a large number of small islands.

सा दृष्ट्वैव महासार्थं नलपत्नी यशस्विनी। उपसर्प्य वरारोहा जनमध्यं विवेश ह॥ उन्मत्तरूपा शोकार्ता तथा वस्त्रार्धसंवृता। कृशा विवर्णा मलिना पांसुध्वस्तशिरोरुहा॥
As soon as the illustrious and delicatewaisted spouse of Nala, roving like an insane person, afflicted with grief, wearing half a piece of cloth, lean, discoloured and pale and with hair soiled with dust saw this great caravan, she approached it and entered into the midst of its people.

तां दृष्ट्वा तत्र मनुजाः केचिद् भीताः प्रदुद्रुवुः। केचिच्चिन्तापरा जग्मुः केचित् तत्र विचुक्रुशुः॥
Seeing her in their midst, some people of the caravan began to fly in fear, some became greatly anxious and some began to cry aloud.

प्रहसन्ति स्म तां केचिदभ्यसूयन्ति चापरे। अकुर्वत दयां केचित् पप्रच्छुश्चापि भारत॥
Some laughed at her, some began to hate her. Some showed kindness towards her and some, O Bharata, questioned her in the following manner.

कासि कस्यासि कल्याणि किं वा मृगवसे वने। त्वां दृष्ट्वा व्यथिताः स्मेह कच्चित् त्वमसि मानुषी।
'O blessed one! who are you and whom do you belong to? What seek you in this forest? Seeing you among us we are greatly anxious! Are you human?

वद सत्यं वनस्यास्य पर्वतस्याथवा दिशः। देवता त्वं हि कल्याणि त्वां वयं शरणं गताः॥
O blessed one! speak the truth, as to whether you are the deity presiding over this forest or the goddess of this mountain or of the cardinal quarters? We seek your shelter.

यक्षी वा राक्षसी वा त्वमुताहोऽसि वराङ्गना। सर्वथा कुरु नः स्वस्ति रक्ष वास्माननिन्दिते॥ यथायं सर्वथा सार्थः क्षेमी शीघ्रमितो व्रजेत्। तथा विधत्स्व कल्याणि यथा श्रेयो हि नो भवेत्।।
Be you a female Yaksha or a female Rakshasa or a heavenly damsel, do good unto us and O blaimeless one! protect us completely. O blessed one! do you so ordain that, ere long, this caravan may start from this place attended with prosperity in every direction, as also that poor personal property may be secured.

तथोक्ता तेन सार्थेन दमयन्ती नृपात्मजा। प्रत्युवाच ततः साध्वी भर्तृव्यसनपीडिता॥
Thus spoken to by the men of the caravan, the princess Damayanti, devoted to her husband and greatly oppressed with sorrow replied to them thus..

सार्थवाहं च सार्थं च जना ये चात्र केचन। युवस्थविरबालाश्च सार्थस्य च पुरोगमाः॥ मानुषीं मां विजानीत मनुजाधिपतेः सुताम्। नृपस्नुषां राजभार्यां भर्तृदर्शनलालसाम्॥
"O leader of the caravan, You traders, You men that belong to this caravan! You youths, you guides of this caravan! Know me for a female human being, a daughter of a royal parent, a daughter-in-law of a sovereign, spouse of a king and as one cager to have a sight of her husband.

विदर्भराण्मम पिता भर्ता राजा च नैषधः। नलो नाम महाभागस्तं मृग्याम्यपराजितम्॥
The sovereign of Vidharbhas is my father, the illustrious Ruler of the Nishadhas is my husband, known under the name of Nala. Even now I am wandering in quest of that unconquerable one.

यदि जानीत नृपतिं क्षिप्रं शंसत मे प्रियम्। नलं पुरुषशार्दूलममित्रगणसूदनम्॥
Tell me without delay if you have seen my beloved husband, king Nala, the foremost of men and the slayer of his enemies."

तामुवाचानवद्याङ्गीं सार्थस्य महतः प्रभुः। सार्थवाहः शुचिर्नाम शृणु कल्याणि मद्वचः॥
Thereupon the lord of that great caravan, the leader of it, by name Suchi, said unto that damsel of faultless limbs. "O blessed one! listen to my words."

अहं सार्थस्य नेता वै सार्थवाहः शुचिस्मिते। मनुष्यं नलनामानं न पश्यामि यशस्विनि॥
O you of pure smiles, I am a merchant and the guide of this caravan. O renowned lady, I have not seen any man bearing the name of Nala.

कुञ्जरद्वीपिमहिषशार्दूलर्भमृगानपि। पश्याम्यस्मिन् वने कृत्स्ने ह्यमनुष्यनिषेविते॥
In this extensive wilderness, uninhabited by men, I see only elephants, leopards and buffaloes, as also tigers birds and other animals.

ऋते त्वां मानुषी मर्यं न पश्यामि महावने। तथा नो यक्षराडद्य मणिभद्रः प्रसीदतु॥
Save and except yourself I do not find any mortal in this terrible forest. So, may Manibhadra, the king of the Yakshas, be propitious on us this day!

साब्रवीद् वणिज: सर्वान् सार्थवाहं च तं ततः। क्व नु यास्यति सार्थोऽयमेतदाख्यातुमर्हसि॥
Thereupon she asked the merchants and the leader of the caravan, “You ought to tell me wither the caravan is going.'

सार्थवाह उवाच सार्थोऽयं चेदिराजस्य सुबाहोः सत्यदर्शिन: क्षिप्रं जनपदं गन्ता लाभाय मनुजात्मजे॥
The leader of the Caravan said: O daughter of the foremost of men! for purposes of profit this caravan is going in haste 1O the rerritory of Subahu the truth-seeing king of the Chedis.