None: Chapter 51

The lamentation of Dhritarashtra

वैशम्पायन उवाच तेषां तच्चरितं श्रुत्वा मनुष्यातीतमद्भुतम्। चिन्ताशोकपरीतात्मा मन्युनाभिपरिप्लुतः॥ दीर्घमुष्णं च निःश्वस्यधृतराष्ट्रोऽम्बिकासुतः। अब्रवीत् संजयं सूतमामन्त्र्य पुरुषर्षभ॥
Vaishampayana said : The foremost of men, Dhritarashtra, the son of Ambika, having heard this most extraordinary and wonderful account (the mode of life of the Pandava king in the Kamyaka forest) became filled with grief and anxiety; and overwhelmed with melancholy and breathing hot and long he addressing his charioteer Sanjaya said,

न रात्रौ न दिवा सूत शान्ति प्राप्नोमि वै क्षणम्। संचिन्त्य दुर्नयं घोरमतीतं द्यूतजं हि तत्॥
“O charioteer, I do not enjoy a moment's rest either during the day or in the night, thinking of the terrible misconduct of my sons resulting from their past gambling;

तेषामसह्यवीर्याणां शौर्यधैर्यधृति पराम्। अन्योन्यमनुरागं च भ्रातृणामतिमानुषम्॥
And thinking of the heroism, patience superior fortitude and the extraordinary mutual love of those brothers of unbearable prowess.

देवपुत्रौ महाभागौ देवराजसमद्युती। नकुलः सहदेवश्च पाण्डवौ युद्धदुर्मदौ॥ दृढायुधौ दूरपातौ युद्धे च कृतनिश्चयौ। शीघ्रहस्तौ दृढक्रोधौ नित्ययुक्तौ तरस्विनौ॥ भीमार्जुनौ पुरोधाय यदा तौ रणमूर्धनि। स्थास्येते सिंहविक्रान्तावश्विनाविव दुःसहौ॥ न शेषमिह पश्यामि मम सैन्यस्य संजय। तौ ह्यप्रतिरथौ युद्धे देवपुत्रौ महारथौ॥
When the two Pandavas, Nakula and Sahadeva who are of divine origin, most exalted, equal to the king of the gods in splendour, invincible in battle, steady in management of weapons, able to shoot at a great distance indefatigable in battle, lighthanded, of inextinguishable wrath, persevering, of untiring activity, mighty as the lions, unbearable as the Ashvins themselves will come to the field of battle placing Bhima and Arjuna in the front, then I see, O Sanjaya, that my soldiers will be slain to a mass; and those mighty and matchless warriors of divine origin will not show mercy.

द्रौपद्यास्तं परिक्लेशं न ऑस्यते त्वमर्षिणौ। वृष्णयोऽथ महेष्वासाः पञ्चाला वा महौजसः॥ युधि सत्याभिसंधेन वासुदेवेन रक्षिताः। प्रधक्ष्यन्ति रणे पार्थाः पुत्राणां मम वाहिनीम्॥
As they are very angry at the insult upon Draupadi. And the most powerful warriors of the Vrishni race and the Panchalas of great strength and the sons of Pritha themselves guarded by Vasudeva of indomitable strength, will defeat my son's legions.

रामकृष्णप्रणीतानां वृष्णीनां सूतनन्दन। न शक्यः सहितुं वेगः सर्वैस्तैरपि संयुगे॥
O son of charioteer, my assembled forces are incapable of standing the push as given by the Vrishnis, when commanded by Rama and Krishna.

तेषां मध्ये महेष्वासो भीमो भीमपराक्रमः। शैक्यया वीरघातिन्या गदया विचरिष्यति॥ तथा गाण्डीवनिर्घोषं विस्फूर्जितमिवाशनेः। गदावेगं च भीमस्य नालं सोढुं नराधिपाः॥
The mighty-warrior Bhima of terrible prowess, armed with his uplifted mace, capable of crushing every hero, will rove about in their midst. The kings on my side will not be able to stand against the twang of Gandiva, as loud as the thunder of heaven and the push of the mace of Bhima.

ततोऽहं सुहृदां वाचो दुर्योधनवशानुगः। स्मरणीयाः स्मरिष्यामि मया या न कृताः पुरा॥
It is then that I, ever obedient to the counsels of Duryodhana, shall call to my memory the advices of my friends, which, I should have listened to beforehand.

संजय उवाच व्यतिक्रमोऽयं सुमहांस्त्वया राजन्नुपेक्षितः। समर्थेनापि यन्मोहात् पुत्रस्ते न निवारितः॥
Sanjaya said : O king, you did not care for this, your great fault was that though capable you did not prevent out of affection your son from doing what he had done.

श्रुत्वा हि निर्जितान् द्यूते पाण्डवान् मधुसूदनः। त्वरितः काम्यके पार्थान् समभावयदच्युतः॥
Having heard the defeat at dice of the Pandavas, the slayer of Madhu, that hero of imperishable fame, went at once to the forest of Kamyaka.

द्रुपदस्य तथा पुत्राधृष्टद्युम्नपुरोगमाः। विराटोधृष्टकेतुश्च केकयाश्च महारथाः॥
So also Dhristadyumna at the head of the sons of Drupada and Virata and Dhristaketu and those mighty warriors, the Kaikeyas.

तैश्च यत् कथितं राजन् दृष्ट्वा पार्थान् पराजितान् चारेण विदितं सर्वं तन्मयाऽऽवेदितं च ते॥
O king, I have learnt through the spies whatever they talked of after they had seen the sons of Pandu defeated at dice.

समागम्य वृतस्तत्र पाण्डवैर्मधुसूदनः। सारथ्ये फाल्गुनस्याजौ तथेत्याह च तान् हरिः॥
Having advanced towards the slayer of Madhu, the Pandavas appointed him to the charioteership of Falguni in battle; and Hari in response to their request said-"So be it."

अमर्षितो हि कृष्णोऽपि दृष्ट्वा पार्थांस्तथा गतान्। कृष्णाजिनोत्तरासंगानब्रवीच्च युधिष्ठिरम्॥
And Krishna, beholding the sons of Pritha, gone to the woods and dressed in the skins of black deer, became greatly annoyed and addressing Yudhishthira, said,

या सा समृद्धिः पार्थानामिन्द्रप्रस्थे बभूव ह। राजसूये मया दृष्टा नृपैरन्यैः सुदुर्लभा॥
“I beheld the prosperity of the sons of Pritha at Indraprastha, on the occasion of the Rajasuya sacrifice, which could not even painfully be obtained by other kings.

यत्र सर्वान् महीपालाञ्छस्त्रतेजोभयातिान्। सवङ्गाङ्गान् सपौण्ड्रोड्रान् सचोलद्रवाडिा-ध्रकान्॥ सागरानूपकांश्चैव ये च प्रान्ताभिवासिनः। सिंहलान् बर्बरान् म्लेच्छान् ये च लङ्कानिवासिनः।। पश्चिमानि च राष्ट्राणि शतशः सागरान्तिकान्। पह्नवान् दरदान् सर्वान् किरातान् यवनाञ्छकान्॥ हारहूणांश्च चीनांश्च तुषारान् सैन्धवांस्तथा। जागुडान् रामठान् मुण्डान् स्त्रीराज्यमथ तङ्गणान्॥ केकयान् मालवांश्चैव तथा काश्मीरकानपि। अद्राक्षमहमाहूतान् यज्ञे ते परिवेषकान्॥
At the Rajasuya I saw also all the kings those of the Bangas and Angas, Paundras and Odras, Cholas and Dravidas and Andhakas; and the rulers of several islands and the countries on the sea-coast and the kings of the frontier dominions i.e. the chiefs of the Sinhalas, the barbarians Mlechchhas, the aboriginal tribes of Lanka and hundreds of the kings of the west and the chiefs of the sea-coast principalities and all those of the Pahlavas and the Daradas. The various tribes of the Kiratas, the Yavanas, the Cakras, the Harahunas, the Chinas, the Thukharas, the Sindavas, the Jugudas, the Ramathas and the Mundas; and the natives of the kingdom of women, the Tanganas, the Kaikeyas, the Malavas and the inhabitants of Kashmira, who were greatly afflicted with the terror of your weapons, strength and who, having been present as you had invited them, performed various offices.

सा ते समृद्धिरात्ता चपला प्रतिसारिणी। आदाय जीवितं तेषामहरिष्यामि तामहम्॥
That prosperity, so very ephemeral was taken away by your enemies and now rests upon them, which I shall recover from them for you by depriving them of their very life.

रामेण सह कौरव्य भीमार्जुनयमैस्तथा। अक्रूरगदसाम्बैश्च प्रद्युम्नेनाहुकेन च।॥ धृष्टद्युम्नेन वीरेण शिशुपालात्मजेन च। दुर्योधनं रणे हत्वा सद्यः कर्णं च भारत॥ दुःशासनं सौबलेयं यश्चान्यः प्रतियोत्स्यते। ततस्त्वं हास्तिनपुरे भ्रातृभिः सहितो वसन्।॥ धार्तराष्ट्रीं श्रियं प्राप्य प्रशाधि पृथिवीमिमाम्।
O chief of the Kurus, I shall, with the help of Rama, Bhima and Arjuna and the twins and of Akrura, Gada and Samba and Pradyumna and Ahuka and also with the assistance of the heroic Dhristadyumna and the of Shishupala, kill Duryodhana and Karna in a day and so also Dushasana, Subala's son and all others who will stand against us in battle. And thereafter you shall, O Bharata, live in Hastinapur with your brothers and having in possession the prosperity that is now being enjoyed by the sons of Dhritarashtra, govern this earth."

अथैनमब्रवीद् राजा तस्मिन् वीरसमागमे॥ शृण्वत्स्वेतेषु वीरेषुधृष्टद्युम्नमुखेषु च।
Thereupon the king (Yudhishthira) spoke unto Krishna in the hearing of those heroes at the head of whom was Dhristadyumna whilst they were listening to him.

युधिष्ठिर उवाच प्रतिगृहणामि ते वाचमिमां सत्यां जनार्दन॥
Yudhishthira said : O Janardana, I accept these words of your to be true. son

अमित्रान् मे महाबाहो सानुबन्धान् हनिष्यसि। वर्षात् त्रयोदशादूर्ध्वं सत्यं मां कुरु केशव॥ प्रतिज्ञातो वने वासो राजमध्ये मया ह्ययम्।
O mighty-armed one, slay my enemies with their followers subsequent to the expiration of the thirteen years. O Keshava, swear this to me. I really promised in the assembly of the kings to live in the woods as I am now doing.

तद्धर्मराजवचनं प्रतिश्रुत्य सभासदः॥ धृष्टद्युम्नपुरोगास्ते शमयामासुरञ्जसा। केशवं मधुरैर्वाक्यैः कालयुक्तैरमर्षितम्॥
Sanjay Said: Hearing these words of the most righteous, Yudhishthira his courtiers headed by Dhristadyumna instantly pacified the indignant Keshava with sweet words most suitable to the occasion.

पाञ्चालीं प्राहुरक्लिष्टां वासुदेवस्य शृण्वतः। दुर्योधनस्तव क्रोधाद् देवि त्यक्ष्यति जीवितम्॥
They, (the courtiers) in the hearing of Vasudeva, said to the daughter of Panchala (Draupadi), “O lady, Duryodhana shall certainly give up his life on account of your wrath.

प्रतिजानीमहे सत्यं मा शुचो वरवर्णिनी। ये स्म तेऽक्षजितां कृष्णे दृष्ट्वा त्वां प्राहसंस्तदा मांसानि तेषां खादन्तो हरिष्यन्ति वृकद्विजाः॥
O fair-complexioned one, we make this promise unto you and therefore grieve no more. O Krishna, the flesh of those that laughed on beholding the victory at dice will be devoured by the wolves and birds.

पास्यन्ति रुधिरं तेषां गृध्रा गोमायवस्तथा। उत्तमाङ्गानि कर्षन्तो यैः कृष्टासि सभातले॥ तेषां द्रक्ष्यसि पाञ्चाली गात्राणि पृथिवीतले। क्रव्यादैः कृष्यमाणानि भक्ष्यमाणानि चासकृत्॥
They themselves will be mocked; and their blood will be drunk by the jackals and vultures. ( daughter of Panchala, you shall see the bodies of those that dragged you by the hair at once dragged and devoured by the carnivorous animals.

परिक्लिष्टासि यैस्तत्र यैश्चासि समुपेक्षिता। तेषामुत्कृत्तशिरसां भूमिः पास्यति शोणितम्॥
Krishna, the blood, of those with severed heads, by whom you were much aggrieved and neglected, will be drunk by the earth.”

एवं बहुविधा वाचस्त ऊचुर्भरतर्षभ। सर्वे तेजस्विनः शूराः सर्वे चाहतलक्षणाः॥ तेधर्मराजेन वृता वर्षादूर्ध्वं त्रयोदशात्। पुरस्कृत्योपयास्यन्ति वासुदेवं महारथाः॥
The foremost ones of the Bharata race uttered these and various other speeches (in order to console Draupadi). Yudhishthira made this request to those brave heroes who were all impressed with the marks of battle, that they should after the expiration of the thirteenth year (of life in the forest), come to the field (of battle) keeping Vasudeva at their head.

रामश्च कृष्णश्चधनंजयश्च प्रद्युम्नसाम्बौ युयुधानभीमौ। माद्रीसुतौ केकयराजपुत्राः पाञ्चालपुत्राः सह मत्स्यराज्ञा॥ एतान् सर्वान् लोकवीरानजेयान् महात्मनः सानुबन्धान ससैन्यान्। को जीवितार्थी समरेऽभ्युदीयात् क्रुद्धान् सिंहान् केसरिणो यथैव॥
Who is there that, desiring to have his existence in earth, will appear in the field of battle and encounter these most illustrious and invincible heroes (like the furious lions with erect manes) viz. Rama and Krishna and Dhananjaya, Pradyumna and Samba and Yuyudhana and Bhima and the sons of Madri and the Kaikeya and Panchala princes, attended by the king of Matsya, who will come to the battle with all their troops and attendants.

धृतराष्ट्र उवाच यन्माब्रवीद विदुरो द्यूतकाले त्वं पाण्डवाञ्जेष्यसि चेन्नरेन्द्र। ध्रुवं कुरूणामयमन्तकालो महाभयो भविता शोणितौघः॥
Dhritarashtra said: Vidura in the occasion of the past gambling told me this “O king, you shall surely defeat the Pandavas at dice; but certainly there will ensue a terrible bloodshed, resulting in the total destruction of the Kurus."

मन्ये तथा तद् भवितेति सूत यथा क्षत्ता प्राह वचः पुरा माम्। असंशयं भविता युद्धमेतद् गते काले पाण्डवानां यथोक्तम्॥
O charioteer, I think it is now almost certain what Vidura had told me of old, that undoubtedly you would happen, a most fearful battle with the Pandavas just after the expire of the said period of thirteen years.