None: Chapter 49

The lamentation of Dhritarashtra

संजय उवाच यदेतत् कथितं राजंस्त्वया दुर्योधनं प्रति। सर्वमेतद् यथात्त्वं नैतन्मिथ्या महीपते।।शा
Sanjaya said : O king, what you have said as regards, Duryodhana is true. O ruler of earth, nothing what you have said is untrue.

मन्युना हि समाविष्टाः पाण्डवास्ते महौजसः। दृष्ट्वा कृष्णां सभां नीतांधर्मपत्नी यशस्विनीम्॥ दुःशासनस्य ता वाचः श्रुत्वा ते दारुणोदयाः। कर्णस्य च महाराज जुगुप्सन्तीति मे मतिः॥
The immeasurably effulgent Pandavas were filled with wrath seeing their illustrious wedded wife, Krishna, brought into the Sabha. O great king, hearing the cruel words of Dushashana and Karna, they have become so angry that I believe they would not forgive.

श्रुतं हि मे महाराज यथा पार्थेन संयुगे। एकादशतनुः स्थाणुर्धनुषा परितोषितः॥
O great king, I have heard how Arjuna has gratified in battle by means of his bow the god of gods, Sthanu of eleven forms.

कैरातं वेषमास्थाय योधयामास फाल्गुनम्। जिज्ञासुः सर्वदेवेशः कपर्दी भगवान् स्वयम्॥
The exalted lord of all the gods, Kapardin (Shiva) himself, having assumed the disguise of a Kirata, fought with Falguni (Arjuna) to test his prowess.

तत्रैनं लोकपालास्ते दर्शयामासुरर्जुनम्। अस्त्रहेतोः पराक्रान्तं तपसा कौरवर्षभम्॥
It was then that the Lokapalas appeared before that hero of undeterioating ascetic prowess in order to give away their weapons to that chief of the Kuru race.

नैतदुत्सहते चान्यो लब्धुमन्यत्र फाल्गुनात्। साक्षाद् दर्शनमेतेषामीश्वराणां नरो भुवि।॥
What other man, on earth except Falguni canı ever attempt to get a sight of these gods in their own real forms?

महेश्वरेण यो राजन् न जीर्णो ह्यष्टमूर्तिना। कस्तमुत्सहते वीरो युद्धे जरयितुं पुमान्॥
O king, who is there who will be able to weaken that hero who was not weakened by Maheswara (Shiva) himself with eight forms?

आसादितमिदं घोरं तुमुलं लोमहर्षणम्। द्रौपदी परिकर्षद्भिः कोपयद्धिश्च पाण्डवान्॥
Having dragged Draupadi (into the Sabha) and thus provoked the Pandavas, your sons have brought upon themselves this terrible, fearful and hair-stirring calamity.

यत् तु प्रस्फुरमाणौष्ठौ भीमः प्राह वचोऽर्थवत्। दृष्ट्वा दुर्योधनेनोरू द्रौपद्या दर्शितावुभौ॥
Seeing Duryodhana in the act of displaying his both thighs to Draupadi. Bhima, with quivering lips, spoke these words.

ऊरू भेत्स्यामि ते पाप गदया भीमवेगया। त्रयोदशानां वर्षाणामन्ते दुर्दूतदेविनः॥
"O sinful wretch, as you are a great gambler, I will smash with the fearfully forcible maces, your these two thighs on the expiration of the thirteenth year."

सर्वे प्रहरतां श्रेष्ठाः सर्वे चामिततेजसः। सर्वे सर्वास्त्रविद्वांस देवैरपि सुदुर्जयाः॥
All (the Pandavas) are the foremost of smiters, all immeasurably effulgent, all skilled in every weapon, all invincible even before the celestials.

पन्ये मन्यु समुद्भूताः पुत्राणां तव संयुगे। अन्तं पार्थाः करिष्यन्ति भार्यामर्षसमन्विताः॥
I am sure, the sons of Pritha, angry as they are at the insult offered to their wedded wife, will kill all your sons in battle.

धृतराष्ट्र उवाच किं कृतं सूत कर्णेन वदता परुषं वचः। पर्याप्तं वैरमेतावद् यत् कृष्णा सा सभां गता॥
Dhritarashtra said: O charioteer, what (great) mischief has been done by Karna by his uttering cruel words? Was it not enmity to the extreme by bringing Krishna (Draupadi) to the assembly-hall?

अपीदानीं मम सुतास्तिष्ठेरन् मन्दचेतसः। येषां भ्राता गुरुज्येष्ठो विनये नावतिष्ठते॥
How can my wicked minded sons live when their eldest brother and superior does not walk in the path of righteousness?

ममापि वचनं सूत न शुश्रूषति मन्दभाक्। दृष्ट्वा मां चक्षुषा हीनं निर्विचेष्टमचेतसम्॥
O Suta, seeing me blind and incapable of taking any active steps, my wicked son considers me a fool and does not listen to what I say. are

ये चास्य सचिवा मन्दाः कर्णसौबलकादयः। ते तस्य भूयसो दोषान् वर्धयन्ति विचेतसः॥
Those wretches also, who his counsellors, namely, Karna, the son of Subala (Shakuni) and others, always encourage him in his course of vice; he is incapable of understanding things.

स्वैरमुक्ता ह्यपि शरा: पार्थेनामिततेजसा। निर्दहेयुर्मम सुतान् किं पुनर्मन्युनेरिताः॥
The arrows, that the immeasurably powerful Arjuna shoots in playfulness are able to consume all my sons, what to speak of his those arrows which are shot by him in anger!

पार्थबाहुबलोत्सृष्टा महाचापविनिःसृताः। दिव्यास्त्रमन्त्रमुदिताः सादयेयुः सुरानपि॥
The arrows, pulled by the strength of Arjuna's arms and shot from his bows and also inspired with mantras which convert them to celestials weapons, can chastise even the celestials.

यस्य मन्त्री च गोप्ता च सुहच्चैव जनार्दनः। हरिस्त्रैलोक्यनाथः स किं नु तस्य न निर्जितम्॥
What is there which is unconquerable by him who has for his protector, counsellor and friend, the Lord of the three worlds, Hari, Janardana (Krishna).

इदं हि सुमहच्चित्रमर्जुनस्येह संजय। महादेवेन बाहुभ्यां यत् समेत इति श्रुति॥ प्रत्यक्षं सर्वलोकस्य खाण्डवे यत् कृतं पुरा। फाल्गुनेन सहायार्थे वह्नर्दामोदरेण च॥
O Sanjaya, this is most wonderful in Arjuna as we have heard that he clasped Mahadeva (Shiva) with his arms. That act also which Falguni (Arjuna) did of old aided by Damodara (Krishna) in order to help Agni to consume the Khandava (forest) was witnessed by all the world.

सर्वथा न हि मे पुत्राः सहामात्याः ससौबलाः। क्रुद्ध पार्थे च भीमे च वासुदेवे च सात्वते॥
When these Bhima, Partha (Arjuna) and Vasudeva (Krishna) of the Satvata race are angry, my sons with their friends and the son of Subala are surely not at all capable to fight with them.