None: Chapter 46

Urvashi's curse

वैशम्पायन उवाच ततो विसृज्य गन्धर्वं कृतकृत्यं शुचिस्मिता। उर्वशी चाकरोत् स्नानं पार्थदर्शनलालसा॥
Vaishampayana said : Having sent away the Gandharva successful (in his mission), the smiling Urvashi, moved by the desire of possessing Partha (Arjuna), bathed.

स्नानालंकरणैर्हद्यैर्गन्धमाल्यैश्च सुप्रभैः। धनंजयस्य रूपेण शरैर्मन्मथचोदितैः॥
After the both she adorned herself with charming and greatly splendid ornaments and sweet scented garlands. Her heart was pierced by the arrows of the god of love on account of the beauty and grace of Dhananjaya (Arjuna).

अतिविद्धेन मनसा मन्मथेन प्रदीपिता। दिव्यास्तरणसंस्तीर्णे विस्तीर्णे शयनोत्तमे॥ चित्तसंकल्पभावेन सुचित्तानन्यमानसा। मनोरथेन सम्प्राप्तं रमन्त्येनं हि फाल्गुनम्॥
Being greatly pierced by (the arrows of the) god of love and being excited by him, she withdrew her mind from any other object; and with her imagination highly inflamed, she mentally sported with him (Arjuna) on a wide and excellent bed laid over with celestials sheets.

निर्गस्य चन्द्रोदयने विगाढे रजनीमुखे। प्रस्थिता सा पृथुश्रोणी पार्थस्य भवनं प्रति॥
Starting at the time when the moon rose and the twilight deepened, that lady of high hips went towards the abode of Partha (Arjuna).

मृदुकुञ्चितदीर्घेण कुमुदोत्करधारिणा। केशहस्तेन ललना जगामाथ विराजती॥
That lady went looking extremely beautiful, with her crisp, soft and long veni (braids of hair) adorned with bunches of flowers.

भ्रक्षेपालापमाधुपैः कान्त्या सौम्यतया पे च। शशिनं वक्त्रचन्द्रेण साऽऽह्वयन्तीव गच्छति॥
With her beauty, grace and the charm of the motions of her eye-brows, with her soft accents and moon-like face, she walked on defying the moon.

दिव्याङ्गरागौ सुमुखो दिव्यचन्दनरूषितौ। गच्छन्त्या हाररुचिरौ स्तनौ तस्या ववल्गतुः॥
As she proceeded along, her two welldevoted and finely tapering breasts, adorned with a golden chain and celestials unguent and also with fragrant sandal paste, began to tremble.

स्तनोद्वहनसंक्षोभान्नम्यमाना पदे पदे। त्रिवलीदामचित्रेण मध्येमातीवशोभिना।॥
In consequence of the weight of her two breasts, she had to slightly stoop forward at every step; it displayed the beauty of her waist lined with the three-folds.

अधो भूधरविस्तीर्णं नितम्बोन्नतपीवरम्। मन्मथायतनं शुभं रसनादामभूषितम्॥ ऋषीणामपि दिव्यानां मनोव्याघातकारणम्। सूक्ष्मवस्त्रधरं रेजे जघनं निरवद्यवत्॥
He fair, high, round and matchless hip which was wide as two hillocks, which was the charming abode of the god of love, which was decked with the chains of gold and which was capable of shaking the saint-ship of the celestials Rishis, being covered with thin attire, looked highly beautiful.

गूढगुल्फधरौ पादौ ताम्रायततलाङ्गुली। कूर्मपृष्ठोन्नतौ चापि शोभेते किङ्किणीकिणौ॥
Her feet, with beautiful ankles, with flat soles and bright copper-colored toes high and carved like the back of a tortoise, looked extremely charming with the ornaments with rows of little bells.

सीधुपानेन चाल्पनं तुष्ट्याथ मदनेन च। विलासनैश्च विविधैः प्रेक्षणीयतराभवत्॥
Exhilarated with the little liquor she had drunk and excited also by desire she moved in many attitudes and looked more beautiful than ever.

सिद्धचारणगन्धर्वैः सा प्रयाता विलासिनी। बह्वाश्चर्येऽपि वै स्वर्गे दर्शनीयतमाकृतिः॥
Not withstanding there were many wonderful sights in heaven the Siddhas, the Charanas and the Gandharvas considered her to be the most beautiful object as that beautiful lady went on.

सुसूक्ष्मणोत्तरीयेण मेघवर्णेन राजता। तनुरभ्रावृता व्याम्नि चन्द्रलेखेव गच्छति॥
The upper half of her body being clad in an attire of fine texture and of cloud colour, she looked like the digit of the moon moving on in the sky covered over by the (passing) fleecy clouds.

ततः प्राप्ता क्षणेनैव मन:पवनगामिनी। भवनं पाण्डुपुत्रस्य फाल्गुनस्य शुचिस्मिता॥
That lady of the speed of mind or the wind, that beauty of charming siniles reached the abode of the son of Pandu Falguni (Arjuna) in a moment.

तत्र द्वारमनुप्राप्ता द्वारस्थेश्व निवेदिता। अर्जुनस्य नरश्रेष्ठ उर्वशी शुभलोचना॥
O foremost of men, having arrived at the gate (of Arjuna's abode), Urvashi of charming eyes sent words (to Arjuna) through the gatekeeper.

उपातिष्ठत तद् वेश्म निर्मलं सुमनोहरम्। स शङ्कितमना राजन् प्रत्युद्गच्छत तां निशि॥
O king, she entered that brilliant and charming house. Seeing her at night, Arjuna with fear-stricken heart went forward to receive her.

दृष्ट्वैव चोर्वशी पार्थो लज्जासंवृतलोचनः। तदाभिवादनं कृत्वा गुरुपूजां प्रयुक्तवान्॥
Seeing Urvashi, Partha closed his eyes form modesty. Then saluting her, he offered her the worship usually offered to a superior.

अर्जुन उवाच अभिवादये त्वां शिरसा प्रवराप्सरसां वरे। किमाज्ञापयसे देवि प्रेष्यस्तेऽहमुपस्थितः॥
Arjuna said : O foremost of all the foremost of Apsaras, I salute you by bowing my head. O celestials lady, what is your command? I wait upon you as a servant.

फाल्गुनस्य वचः श्रुत्वा गतसंज्ञा तदोर्वशी। गन्धर्ववचनं सर्वं श्रावयामास तं तदा॥
Vaishampayana said : Having heard the words of Falguni (Arjuna) Urvashi became deprived of her senses. She then told him all that was told to her by the Gandharva (Chitrasena).

उर्वश्युवाच यथा ते चित्रसेनेन कथितं मनुजोत्तम। तत् तेऽहं सम्प्रवक्ष्यामि यथा चाहमिहागता॥
Urvashi said: O best of men, I shall tell you all that was told to me by Chitrasena and the reason why I have come here.

उपस्थाने महेन्द्रस्य वर्तमाने मनोरमे। तवागमनतो वृत्ते स्वर्गस्य परमोत्सवे॥ रुद्राणां चैव सांनिध्यमादित्यानां च सर्वशः। समागमेऽश्विनोश्चैव वसूनां च नरोत्तम॥ महर्षीणां च संघेषु राजर्षिप्रवरेषु च। सिद्धचारणयक्षेषु महोरगगणेषु च॥ उपविष्टेषु सर्वेषु स्थानमानप्रभावतः। ऋद्ध्या प्रज्वलमानेषु अग्निसोमार्कवर्मसु॥ वीणासु वाद्यमानासु गन्धर्वैः शक्रनन्दन। दिव्ये मनोरमे गेये प्रवृत्ते पृथुलोचन॥ सर्वाप्सरःसु मुख्यासु प्रनृत्तासु कुरूद्वह। त्वं किलानिमिषः पार्थ मामेकां तत्र दृष्टवान्।॥
On account of your coming here, Mahendra had convened a large and charming assembly in which great festivities of heaven were held. O best of men, there came all the Rudras, the Adityas. A large member of great Rishis, also royal sages, the Siddhas, the Charanas, the Yakshas and the great Nagas. When all those (celestials) as effulgent as the fire or the sun or the moon took their seats according to their rank, honour and prowess. The Gandharvas, O son of Shakra (Indra), O large-eyed hero, began to play on the Vinas and to sing the charming songs of celestials melody. O perpetuator of the Kuru race, the chief Apsaras also began to dance. O Partha, you had looked at me only once with a steadfast gaze.

तत्र वावभृथे तस्मिन्नुपस्थाने दिवौकसाम्। तव पित्राभ्यनुज्ञाता गताः स्वं स्वं गृहं सुराः॥ तथैवाप्सरसः सर्वा विशिष्टाः स्वगृहं गताः। अपि चान्याश्च शत्रुघ्न तव पित्रा विसर्जिताः।॥
When that assembly of the celestials broke, the celestials at the command of your father (Indra) went away to their respective homes. O slayer of foes, the chief Apsaras also and other too at the command of your father went away to their own abodes.

ततः शक्रेण संदिष्टश्चित्रसेनो ममान्तिकम्। प्राप्तः कमलपत्राक्ष स च मामब्रवीदथ॥
O lotus-eyed one, therefore at the command of Shakra. (Indra), Chitrasena came to me; and arriving at my house, he then thus spoke to me.

त्वत्कृतेऽहं सुरेशेन प्रेषितो वरवर्णिनि। प्रियं कुरु महेन्द्रस्य मम चैवात्मनश्च ह॥
O charming lady, I have been sent to you by the chief of the celestials. Do the favourite work of Mahendra and of myself and also of yourself.

शक्रतुल्यं रणे शूरं सदौदार्यगुणान्वितम्। पार्थ प्रार्थय सुश्रोणि त्वमित्येवं तदाब्रवीत्॥
O lady of fair hips, desire (to possess) him who is as heroic in battle as Indra and who is always endued with the virtue of magnanimity.” He thus spoke to me.

ततोऽहं समनुज्ञाता तेन पित्रा च तेऽनघ। तवान्तिकमनुप्राप्ता शुश्रूषितुमरिदम्॥
O sinless one, thus commanded by him and also by your father, O chastiser of foes, I have come to wait upon you.

त्वद्गुणाकृष्टचित्ताहमनङ्गवशमागता। चिराभिलषितो वीर ममाप्येष मनोरथः॥
O hero, my heart has been fascinated with your virtues. I am under the influence of the god of love. This is my wish and I have cherished it for ever.

वैशम्पायन उवाच तां तथा ब्रुवतीं श्रुत्वा भृशं लज्जाऽऽवृतोऽर्जुनः उवाच कर्णौ हस्ताभ्यां पिधाय त्रिदशालये॥
Vaishampayana said : Hearing her speak there in that heaven in this way, Arjuna was filled with great shame. He shut his ears with his hands and said.

दुःश्रुतं मेऽस्तु सुभगे यन्मां वदसि भाविनि। गुरुदारैः समाना मे निश्चयेन वरानने॥
Arjuna said : O blessed lady, O charming featured one, it is not proper for me to hear what you have said to me. You are considered by me as the wife of my superior.

यथा कुन्ती महाभागा यथेन्द्राणी शची मम। तथा त्वमपि कल्याणी नात्र कार्या विचारणा॥
As the illustrious Kunti is to me, as the wife of Indra, Sachi, is to me. O blessed lady, so are you to me. There is no doubt about it.

यच्चेक्षितासि विस्पष्टं विशेषेण मया शुभे। तच्च कारणपूर्वं हि शृणु सत्यं शुचिस्मिते॥
O blessed one, O lady of charming smiles, I did gaze specially at you is true. By there was a reason for it. I shall truly tell it to you, hear.

इयं पौरववंशस्य जननी मुदितेति ह। त्वामहं दृष्टवांस्तत्र विज्ञायोत्फुल्ललोचनः॥ न मामर्हसि कल्याणि अन्यथाध्यातुमप्सरः। गुरोर्गुरुतरा मे त्वं मम त्वं वंशवर्धिनी॥
I gazed at you with wide expanded eyes in delight, thinking, “This is the mother of the Puru dynasty." O blessed one, O Apsara, you should not entertain any other feeling towards me, for you are superior to my superior, you are perpetuator of my race.

उर्वश्युवाच अनावृताश्च सर्वाः स्म देवराजाभिनन्दन। गुरुस्थाने न मां वीर नियोक्तुं त्वमिहार्हसि॥
Urvashi said: O son of the celestials king, O hero, we (Apsaras) are free and unfettered in our choice. You should not therefore place me in the position of our superior.

पूरोर्वशे हि ये पुत्रा नप्तारो वा त्विहागताः। तपसा रमयन्त्यस्मान्न च तेषां व्यतिक्रमः॥ तत् प्रसीद न मामात विसर्जयितुमर्हसि। हृच्छयेन च संतप्तं भक्तां च भज मानद॥
The sons and grandsons of the Puru dynasty, who have come her from their asceticism, all sport with us; and they do not incur any sin by doing it. Therefore be favourable towards me. You ought not send me away. O giver of proper respect, I am burning with desire. I am devoted to you, therefore accept me.

अर्जुन उवाच शृणु सत्यं वरारोहे यत् त्वां वक्ष्याम्यनिन्दिते। शृण्वन्तु मे दिशश्चैव विदिशश्च सदेवताः॥
Arjuna said: O beautiful lady, beauty of faultless features, hear what I truly tell you and also let the four directions and the four transverse directions and also the celestials hear.

यथा कुन्ती च माद्री च शची चैव ममानघे। तथा च वंशजननी त्वं हि मेऽद्य गरीयसी॥
O sinless one, as Kunti, Madri and Sachi is to me, so are you to me, an object of respect, the mother of our race.

गच्छ मूर्धा प्रपन्नोऽस्मि पादौ ते वरवर्णिनि। त्वं हि मातृवत् पूज्या रक्ष्योऽहं पुत्रवत् त्वया॥
O beautiful complexioned one, go away, I bow my head to you, I prostrate myself at your feet. You are worthy of my worship as my mother. Protect me as your son.

वैशम्पायन उवाच एवमुक्ता तु पार्थेन उर्वशी क्रोधमूर्च्छिता। वेपन्ती भृकुटीवक्रा शशापाथधनंजयम्॥
Vaishampayana said : Having been thus addressed by Partha, Urvashi lost her senses out of anger. Trembling in anger and contracting her brows, she thus cursed Dhananjaya (Arjuna).

उर्वश्युवाच तव पित्राभ्यनुज्ञातां स्वयं च गृहमागताम्। यस्मान्मां नाभिनन्देथाः कामबाणवशंगताम्॥ तस्मात् त्वं नर्तनः पार्थ स्त्रीमध्ये मानवर्जितः। अपुमानिति विख्यातः षण्ढवद् विचरिष्यसि॥
Urvashi said: As you insult a woman who come to you at the command of your father and at her own desire, (a woman) who is pierced with the arrows of the god of love. O Partha, you shall have to live among women, losing all respect becoming a dancer and being deprived of manhood.

एवं दत्त्वार्जुने शापं स्फुरदोष्ठी श्वसन्त्यथ। पुन: प्रत्यागता क्षिप्रमुर्वशी गृहमात्मनः॥
Vaishampayana said : Having thus cursed Arjuna, with her lips quivered and her breaths heavily drawn, Urvashi speedily returned to her own abode.

ततोऽर्जुनस्त्वरमाणश्चित्रसेनमरिंदमः। सम्प्राप्य रजनीवृत्तं तदुर्वश्या यथातथम्॥ निवेदयामास तदा चित्रसेनाय पाण्डवः। तत्र चैवं यथावृत्तं शापं चैव पुनः पुनः॥
Thereupon that chastiser of foes Arjuna soon went to Chitrasena. Having got him, the son of Pandu (Arjuna) told him all that had happened in the night and also what had happened between himself and Urvashi, especially mentioning ihe curse again and again.

अवेदयच्च शक्रस्य चित्रसेनोऽपि सर्वशः। तत आनाय्य तनयं विविक्ते हरिवाहनः॥ सान्त्वयित्वा शुभैर्वाक्यैः स्मयमानोऽभ्यभाषत। सुपुत्राद्य पृथा तात त्वया पुत्रेण सत्तम॥
Chitrasena also told everything to Shakra (Indra). Then Harivahana (Indra), calling his son in private. And consoling him in sweet words, thus smilingly spoke to him, "O excellent man, O child, having obtained you, Pritha (Kunti) has today became a true mother.

ऋषयोऽपि हिधैर्येण जिता वै ते महाभुजा यत् तु दत्तवती शापमुर्वशी तव मानद॥ स चापि तेऽर्थकृत् तात साधकश्च भविष्यति॥ अज्ञातवासो वस्तव्यो भवद्भिर्भूतलेऽनघ। वर्षे त्रयोदशे वीर तत्र त्वं क्षपयिष्यसि॥
O mighty-armed hero, O giver of proper respects, you have defeated even the Rishis by your patience. Urvashi's curse will be to your good. O child, it will come very much to your use. O sinless one, O hero, you shall have to pass on earth the thirteenth year (of your exile) disguised and undiscovered. It will then the curse will be much to your benefit.

तेन नर्तनवेषेण अपुंस्त्वेन तथैव च। वर्षमेकं विहृत्यैव ततः पुंस्त्वमवाप्स्यसि॥
Having passed one year as a dancer without manhood, you shall again regain your power.

एवमुक्तस्तु शक्रेण फाल्गुनः परवीरहा। मुदं परमिकां लेभे न च शापं व्यचिन्तयत्॥
Having been thus addressed by Shakra (Indra), that slayer of hostile heroes, Falguni, became exceedingly glad and ceased to think of the curse.

चित्रसेनेन सहितो गन्धर्वेण यशस्विना। रेमे स स्वर्गभवने पाण्डुपुत्रोधनंजयः॥
The son of Pandu, Dhananjaya, sported in his celestials abode with the illustrious Gandharva Chitrasena.

इदं यः शृणुयाद् वृत्तं नित्यं पाण्डुसुतस्य वै। न तस्य कामः कामेषु पापकेषु प्रवर्तते॥
The desires of the man, who often hears this history of the son of Pandu (Arjuna), never runs after lustful ends.

इदममरवरात्मजस्य घोरं शुचि चरितं विनिशम्य फाल्गुनस्य। स्त्रिदिवगता विरमन्ति मानवेन्द्राः॥
Those foremost of men, who listen to this history of greatly pure conduct of Falgunii (Arjuna), becoming freed from pride, arrogance, wrath an other faults, ascend to heaven and they (merrily) sport there.