None: Chapter 43

The seeing of Indra-sabha

वैशम्पायन उवाच ददर्श स पुरी रम्यां सिद्धचारणसेविताम्। सर्वर्तुकुसुमैः पुण्यैः पादपैरुपशोभिताम्॥
Vaishampayana said : He saw the beautiful city resorted to by Siddhas and Charanas, filled with flowers of all seasons and adorned with sacred trees.

तत्र सौगन्धिकानां च पुष्पाणां पुण्यगन्धिनाम्। उद्वीज्यमानो मिश्रेण वायुना पुण्यगन्धिना॥ नन्दनं च वनं दिव्यमप्सरोगणसेवितम्। ददर्श दिव्यकुसुमैराह्वयद्भिरिव दुमैः॥
Here as if fanned by the fragrant breezes charged with the fragrance of sweet scented flowers and invited by the celestials flowers and trees he saw the celestials garden Nandana resorted to by the Apsaras.

नातप्ततपसा शक्यो द्रष्टुं नानाहिताग्निना। स लोकः पुण्यकर्तृणां नापि युद्धे पराडमुखैः॥
None but those who have gone through devout penances and poured libations on fire, could behold it; that region was for the performers of pious deeds and not for them who had turned their back on the field of battle.

नायज्वभिर्नावतिकैर्न वेदश्रुतिवर्जितैः। नानाप्लुताङ्गैस्तीर्थेषु यज्ञदानबहिष्कृतैः॥
(It was not to be seen) by them who had not celebrated sacrifices observed rigid penances or who had been divorced from the Vedas and Shrutis or who had not bathed in sacred waters who had not been distinguished for sacrifices and gifts.

नापि यज्ञहनैः क्षुद्रैर्द्रष्टुं शक्यः कथंचन। पानपैर्गुरुतल्पैश्च मांसादैर्वा दुरात्मभिः॥
Those, who had put obstacles in the performance of sacrifices, who were mean, who were addicted to drinking, who had violated the preceptor's bed, who had taken or or meat and who were wicked-minded, were not capable of seeing it.

स तद् दिव्यं वनं पश्यन् दिव्यगीतनिनादितम्। प्रविवेश महाबाहुः शक्रस्य दयितां पुरीम्॥
Beholding that celestials garden resounding with celestials music that mighty-armed hero entered the beloved city of Shakra.

तत्र देवविमानानि कामगानि सहस्रशः। संस्थितान्यभियातानि ददर्शायुतशस्तदा॥ संस्तूयमानो गन्धर्वैरप्सरोभिश्च पाण्डवः। पुष्पगन्धवहैः पुण्यैर्वायुभिश्चानुवीजितः॥
He beheld their thousands of celestials cars coursing at will stationed in their proper places and Ayutas of such moving every where. The son of Pandu was eulogised by Gandharvas and Apsaras and fanned by the delightful wind carrying the fragrance of flowers.

ततो देवाः सगन्धर्वाः सिद्धाश्च परमर्षयः। हृष्टाः सम्पूजयामासुः पार्थमक्लिष्टकारिणम्॥
Thereupon the celestials, accompanied by Gandharvas, Siddhas and great Rishis, delighted, adored the son of Pritha of unwearied actions.

आशीर्वादैः स्तूयमानो दिव्यवादिनि:स्वनैः। प्रतिपेदे महाबाहुः शङ्खदुन्दुभिनादितम्॥ नक्षत्रमार्ग विपुलं सुरवीथीति विश्रुतम्। इन्द्राज्ञया ययौ पार्थः स्तूयमानः समन्ततः॥
He (adored) by benedictions accompanied by the sounds of celestials music; the mighty-armed hero heard (on all sides) the music of conchs and drums. Eulogised on all sides and commanded by Indra, the son of Pritha went to that large and extensive starry way named Surabhithi (probably the milk way).

तत्र साध्यास्तथा विश्वे मरुतोऽथाश्चिनौ तथा। आदित्या वसवो रुद्रास्तथा ब्रह्मर्षयोऽमलाः॥ राजर्षयश्च बहवो दिलीपप्रमुखा मृपाः। तुम्बुरुर्नारदचैव गन्धर्वी च ह हाहुहूः॥
There he met with Sadhyas, Vishvas, the Maruts, the twin Ashvins, the Adityas, the was Vasus, the Rudras and the pure Brahmana saints. Many a royal saint, many kings headed by the king Dilipa, Tumbaru, Narada and the two Gandharvas named Haha and Huhu.

तान् स सर्वान् समागम्य विधिवत् कुरुनन्दनः। ततोऽपश्यद् देवराजं शतक्रतुमरिंदम्॥
Having duly saluted them all, that descendant of Kuru, the slayer of enemies, beheld the king of celestials, the performer of hundred sacrifices.

ततः पार्थो महाबाहुरवतीर्य रथोत्तमात्। ददर्श साक्षाद् देवेशं पितरं पाकशासनम्॥
Thereupon descending from the excellent car, the mighty-armed son of Pritha, saw his father, the king of gods and the chastiser of Paka.

पाण्डुरेणातपत्रेण हेमदण्डेन चारुणा। दिव्यगन्धाधिवासेन व्यजनेन विधूयता॥
A beautiful white umbrella having a golden staff, was held over his head; he was fanned by a chamara perfumed with celestials fragrance.

विश्वावसुप्रभृतिभिर्गन्धर्वैः स्तुतिवन्दनैः। स्तूयमानं द्विजावयैश्च ऋग्यजुः सामसम्भवैः॥
He was eulogised by many Gandharvas headed by Vishvavasu and others, by bards and singers and leading Brahmanas chanting Rig and Yaju hymns.

ततोऽभिगम्य कौन्तेयः शिरसाभ्यगमद् बली। स चैनं वृत्तपीनाभ्यां बाहुभ्यां प्रत्यगृहणत॥
Thereupon approaching him the powerful son of Kunti saluted him bending his head low; he (Indra) too embraced him with his round and plump arms.

ततः शक्रासने पुण्ये देवर्षिगणसेविते। शक्रः पाणौ गृहीत्वैनमुपावेशयदन्तिके॥
Taking him by hand Shakra made him sit on a portion of his own sacred seat resorted to by the celestials and Rishis.

मूर्ध्नि चैनमुपाघ्राय देवेन्द्रः परवीरहा। अङ्कमारोपयामास प्रश्रयावनतं तदा॥
Smelling his head bent low in humility, the king of gods, the slayer of hostile heroes, made him sit on his lap.

सहस्राक्षनियोगात् स पार्थः शक्रासनं गतः। अध्यक्रामदमेयात्मा द्वितीय इव वासवः॥
Seated on Shakra's seat, at the command of the thousand-eyed deity, the son of Pritha, of immeasurable prowess appeared like the second Vasava (Indra).

ततः प्रेम्णा वृत्रशत्रुरर्जुनस्य शुभं मुखम्। पस्पर्श पुण्यगन्धेन करेण परिसान्त्वयन्॥
Thereupon consoling him and out of affection, the enemy of Vritra touched the beautiful face of Arjuna with his perfumed hands.

प्रमार्जमानः शनकैर्बाहू चास्यायतौ शुभौ। ज्याशरक्षेपकठिनौ स्तम्भाविव हिरण्मयौ॥ वज्रग्रहणचिह्नन करेण परिसान्त्वयन्। मुहुर्मुहुर्वज्रधरो बाहू चास्फोटयच्छनैः॥
Patting and gently rubbing again and again with his own hands which bore the marks of the thunder-bolt the handsome and large arms of Arjuna like two golden columns and hard on account of drawing bow-string and arrows, the wielder of thunderbolt began to console him.

स्मयन्निव गुडाकेशं प्रेक्षमाणः सहस्रदृक्। हर्षेणोत्फुल्लनयनो न चातृप्यत वृत्रहा।॥
Seeing the smiling Gudakesha (Arjuna) the thousand-eyed deity, the slayer of Vritra, with his eyes expanded with delight, seemed not to be gratified.

एकासनोपविष्टौ तौ शोभयांचक्रतुः सभाम्। सूर्याचन्द्रमसौ व्योम चतुर्दश्यामिवोदितौ॥
Seated on one seat, they beautified the assembly like the sun and moon beautifying the sky on the fourteenth day of the dark fortnight.

तत्र स्म गाथा गायन्ति साम्ना परमवल्गुना। गन्धर्वास्तुम्बुरुश्रेष्ठाः कुशला गीतसामसु॥
Gandharvas headed by Tumbaru, skilled in music sacred and profane, sang hymns in sweet and melodious notes.

घृताची मेनका रम्भा पूर्वचित्तिः स्वयंप्रभा। उर्वशी मिश्रकेशी च दण्डगौरी वरूथिनी॥ गोपाली सहजन्या च कुम्भयोनिः प्रजागरा। चित्रसेना चित्रलेखा सहा च मधुरस्वरा॥ एताश्चान्याश्च ननृतुस्तत्र तत्र सहस्रशः। चित्तप्रसादने युक्ताः सिद्धानां पद्मलोचनाः॥ महाकटितटश्रोण्यः कम्पमानैः पयोधरैः। कटाक्षहावमाधुर्यैश्चेतोबुद्धिमनोहरैः॥
Ghritachi, Menaka, Rambha, Purvachithi, Sayamprabha, Urvashi, Misrakeshi, Dandagauri, Varuthini, Gopali, Sahajanya, Kumbhayoni, Prajagara, Chitrasena, Chitralekha, Saha, Saha, Madhurasvara, these and thousands of others having lotus-eyes, engaged in captivating the minds of the sages of accomplished piety, danced there. Having slim waists and fair, large hips they began to make various gestures shaking their breasts, casting their side-long looks and displaying other motions capable of captivating heart and mind of the spectators.