None: Chapter 41

The departure of Indra and other deities

वैशम्पायन उवाच तस्य सम्पश्यतस्त्वेव पिनाकी वृषभध्वजः। जगामादर्शनं भानुलॊकस्येवास्तमीयिवान्॥
Vaishampayana said : The wielder of Pinaka, having the bull for his emblem, then disappeared before the gazing son of Pandu like the sun setting in the sight of the world.

ततोऽर्जुनः परं चक्रे विस्मयं परवीरहा। मया साक्षान्महादेवो दृष्ट इत्येव भारत॥
O descendant of Bharata, thereupon Arjuna, the slayer of hostile heroes, wondered much at it, saying, "O I have seen the great god of gods.

धन्योऽस्म्यनुगृहीतोऽस्मि यन्मया त्र्यम्बको हरः। पिनाकी वरदो रूपी दृष्टः स्पृष्टश च पाणिना॥
Fortunate and favoured am I for I have both seen and touched with my hand the three-eyed Hara, the wielder of Pinaka in his boon giving form.

कृतार्थं चावगच्छामि परमात्मानमाहवे। शत्रूश्च विजितान् सर्वान् निर्वृत्तं च प्रयोजनम्॥
I consider myself greatly blessed; I have already vanquished all my enemies in battle and my object has been accomplished.”

इत्येवं चिन्तयानस्य पार्थस्यामिततेजसः। ततो वैदूर्यवर्णाभो भासयन् सर्वतो दिशः। यादोगणवृतः श्रीमानाजगाम जलेश्वरः॥
While Partha, of incomparable prowess, was thus meditating, there came the effulgent lord of waters, brilliant like Vaidurya, dazzling all the quarters and accompanied by aquatic animals.

नागैर्नदैर्नदीभिश्च दैत्यैः साध्यैश्च दैवतैः। वरुणो यादसां भर्ता वशी तं देशमागमत्॥
Accompanied by rivers both male and female, Nagas, Daityas, Siddhas and inferior deities, the self-possessed Varuna, the lord of waters, arrived there.

अथ जाम्बूनदवपुर्विमानेन महार्चिषा। कुबेरः समनुप्राप्तो यक्षैरनुगतः प्रभुः॥
There came also the lord Kubera, having a body resembling pure gold, seated on a highly splendid car and accompanied by numberless Yakshas.

विद्योतयन्निवाकाशमद्भुतोपमदर्शनः। धनानामीश्वरः श्रीमानर्जुनं द्रष्टुमागतः॥
The effulgent lord of wealth, most wonderfully beautiful, came there to see Arjuna illuminating the the sky with his effulgence.

तथालोकान्तकृच्छ्रीमान् यमः साक्षात् प्रतापवान् मर्त्यमूर्तिधरैः सार्धं पितृभिर्लोकभावनैः॥
As also (came) the graceful and powerful Yama, the destroyer of the worlds accompanied by the lords of creations, the manes, both embodied and disembodied.

दण्डपाणिरचिन्त्यात्मा सर्वभूतविनाशकृत्। वैवस्वतोधर्मराजो विमानेनावभासयन्॥ त्री ल्लोकान् गुह्यकांश्चैव गन्धर्वांश्च सपन्नगान्। द्वितीय इव मार्तण्डो युगान्ते समुपस्थिते॥
The god of justice, the son of Vivasvat, whose soul cannot be meditated upon and who is the destroyer of all creatures, came there in his chariot, mace in hand, lighting the three worlds, with the regions of Guhyakas, Gandharvas and the Nagas like a second sun at the end of a Yuga.

ते भानुमन्ति चित्राणि शिखराणि महागिरेः। समास्थायार्जुनं तत्र ददृशस्तपसान्वितम्॥
They beheld there from the shinning and variegated summits of the mountains Arjuna engaged in devout penances.

ततो मुहूर्ताद् भगवानरावतशिरोगतः। आजगाम सहेन्द्राण्या शक्रः सुरगणैर्वृतः॥
Immediately came there also the great Shakra accompanied by his queen, seated on the back of Airavata and encircled by all the celestials.

पाण्डुरेणातपत्रेण ध्रियमाणेन मूर्धनि। शुशुभे तारकाराजः सितमभ्रमिव स्थितः॥
And the white umbrella being held over his head he shone like the moon in the midst of fleecy clouds.

संस्तूयमानो गन्धर्वैर्ऋषिभिश्च तपोधनैः। शृङ्गं गिरेः समासाद्य तस्थौ सूर्य इवोदितः॥
Eulogised by Gandharvas and greatly ascetic Rishis, he, attaining to a summit of a mountain, stood there like the rising sun.

अथ मेघस्वनोधीमान् व्याजहार शुभां गिरम्। यमः परमधर्मज्ञो दक्षिणां दिशमास्थितः॥
Thereupon the highly intelligent and pious Yama, having voice deep as the muttering of clouds, who was stationed on the southern (summit) gave vent to the following auspicious words.

अर्जुनार्जुन पश्यास्माल्लोकपालान् समागतान्। दृष्टिं ते वितरामोऽद्य भवानर्हति दर्शनम्॥ पूर्वर्षिरमितात्मा त्वं नरो नाम महाबलः। नियोगाद् ब्रह्मणस्तात मर्त्यतां समुपागतः॥
"Behold, O Arjuna, all the protectors of the world have come here; we will give you vision for you are worthy of seeing us. You were in your former life a highly powerful Rishi of immeasurable mental caliber named Nara; by the behest of Brahma, O son, you have been born as a mortal.

त्वया च वसुसम्भूतो महावीर्यः पितामहः। भीष्मः परमधर्मात्मा संसाध्यश्च रणेऽनघ॥ क्षत्रं चाग्निसमस्पर्श भारद्वाजेन रक्षितम्। दानवाश्च महावीर्या ये मनुष्यत्वमागताः॥ निवातकवचाश्चैव दानवाः कुरुनन्दन। पितुर्ममांशु देवस्य सर्वलोकप्रतापिनः॥ कर्णश्च सुमहावीर्यस्त्वया वध्योधनंजय।
O sinless one, by you shall be vanquished in battle the highly virtuous and powerful grandsire Bhishma, born of Vasus. (You shall also defeat) Kshatriyas of fiery energy protected by the son of Baradvaja as also the highly powerful Danavas who have been born among men. The Danavas named Nivatakavachas, O descendant of Kuru; and the highly powerful Karna, who is a portion of my father who lights all the regions, shall be slain by you.

अंशाच क्षितिसम्प्राप्ता देवदानवरक्षसाम्॥ त्वया निपातिता युद्धे स्वकर्मफलनिर्जिताम्। गतिं प्राप्स्यन्ति कौन्तेय यथास्वमरिकर्षण॥
O Dhananjaya; the portions of the celestials, Danavas and Rakshasas who have been born on earth. Shall be slain by you in battle; O son of Kunti, O slayer of foes, they shall attain to regions as destined by their acts.

अक्षया तव कीर्तिश्च लोके स्थास्यति फाल्गुन। त्वया साक्षान्महादेवस्तोषितो हि महामृधे॥
O Falguni; your game shall remain eternal on the earth; you have pleased Mahadeva himself in encounter.

लध्वी वसुमती चापि कर्तव्या विष्णुना सह। गृहाणास्त्रं महाबाहो दण्डमप्रतिवारणम्। अनेनास्त्रेण सुमहत् त्वं हि कर्म करिष्यसि॥
The earth shall be lightened of her burden by you along with Vishnu; O large-armed hero, accept this weapon of mine-this mace, incapable of being baffled and with it you will accomplish great deeds.

वैशम्पायन उवाच प्रतिजग्राह तत् पार्थो विधिवत् कुरुनन्दनः। समन्त्रं सोपचारं च समोक्षविनिवर्तनम्॥
O descendant of Kuru, the son of Pritha received that weapon duly along with Mantras and rites and the means of hurling and withdrawing it.

ततो जलधरश्यामो वरुणो यादसां पतिः। पश्चिमो दिशमास्थाय गिरमुच्चारयन् प्रभुः॥
Thereupon stationed in the western quarter, Varuna, the lord of waters and yellow as the clouds gave vent to the following words.

पार्थ क्षत्रियमुख्यस्त्वं क्षत्रधर्मे व्यवस्थितः। पश्य मां पृथुताम्राक्ष वरुणोऽस्मि जलेश्वरः॥
"O Partha, you are the foremost of Kshatriyas and observe the duties of the Kshatriyas; behold me, O you having coppery eyes, I am Varuna, the lord of waters.

मया समुद्यतान् पाशान् वारुणानविारितान्। प्रतिगृहणेष्व कौन्तेय सरहस्यनिवर्तनम्॥
When discharged by me my nooses are incapable of being resisted; accept from me, O son of Kunti, these Varuni weapons, along with the means of discharging and withdrawing them.

एभिस्तदा मया वीर संग्रामे तारकामये। दैतेयानां सहस्राणि संयतानि महात्मनाम्॥
O hero, in the battle on account of Taraka, with these (weapons) thousands of powerful Daityas were bound by me.

तस्मदिमान् महासत्त्व मत्प्रसादसमुत्थितान्। गृहाण न हि ते मुच्येदन्तकोऽप्याततायिनः॥
O you of great energy, accept all these from me, as given to you out of favour; even if Death be your enemy he will not be able to escape from you.

अनेन त्वं यदास्त्रेण संग्रामे विचरिष्यसि। तदा निःक्षत्रिया भूमिर्भविष्यति न संशयः॥
When armed with this you will range in the battle-field, forsooth the earth shall be devoid of Kshatriyas.

वैशम्पायन उवाच ततः कैलासनिलयोधनाध्यक्षोऽभ्यभाषत। दत्तेष्वस्त्रेषु दिव्येषु वरुणेन यमेन च॥ प्रीतोऽहमपि ते प्राज्ञ पाण्डवेय महाबल। त्वया सह समागम्य अजितेन तथैव च॥
Vaishampayana said : After the celestials weapons had been given away by both Varuna and Yama, the lord of wealth having his abode on the summit of Kailasa thus said, “O wise and highly powerful son of Pandu, I am pleased with you; and meeting with you is tantamount to that with Ajita.

सव्यसाचिन् महाबाहो पूर्वदेव सनातन। सहास्माभिर्भवाञ्छ्रान्तः पुराकल्पेषु नित्यशः॥ दर्शनात् ते त्विदं दिव्यं प्रदिशामि नरर्षभ। अमनुष्यान् महाबाहो दुर्जयानपि जेष्यसि॥
O you who hold the bow with your left hand, O mighty-armed one, O you who were a god before, O eternal one, in the days of yore you were always tired with devout penances along with us. O best of men, I shall grant you celestials vision, by which, O mighty-armed hero, you shall conquer the invincible Daityas and Danavas.

मत्तश्चैव भवानाशु गृहणात्वस्त्रमनुत्तमम्। अनेन त्वमनीकानिधार्तराष्ट्रस्यधक्ष्यसि॥
Take from me immediately an excellent weapon by which you shall be able to burn done the soldiers of the son of Dhritarashtra.

तदिदं प्रतिगृहणीष्व अन्तर्धानं प्रियं मम। ओजस्तेजोद्युतिकरं प्रस्वायनमरातिनुत्॥
Take this favourite weapon of mine called Antardhana; this effulgent, mighty and powerful weapon is capable of sending the enemy to sleep.

महात्मना शङ्करेण त्रिपुरं निहतं यदा। तदैतदस्त्रं निर्मुक्तं येन दग्धा महासुराः॥
When Tripura was slain by the high-souled Shankara this weapon was discharged by which many a mighty Asura were consumed.

त्वदर्थमुद्यतं चेदं मया सत्यपराक्रम। त्वम)धारणे चास्य मेरुप्रतिमगौरव॥
O you of invincible prowess, this has been taken up by me to give you; O you gifted with the dignity of Meru, you are capable of holding this weapon." son

ततोऽर्जुनो महाबाहुर्विधिवत् कुरुनन्दनः। कौबेरमधिजग्राह दिव्यमस्त्रं महाबलः॥
Thereupon the mighty-armed and the highly powerful descendant of Kuru, Arjuna duly received that celestials weapon of Kubera.

ततोऽब्रवीद् देवराजः पार्थमक्लिष्टकारिणम्। सान्त्वयश्लक्ष्णया वाचा मेघदुन्दुभिनि:स्वनः॥
Thereupon consoling, Pritha's of unwearied action, in sweet words, the king of the celestials, having a voice like the sound of clouds of kettle-drum, said,

कुन्तीमातर्महाबाहो त्वमीशान: पुरातनः। परां सिद्धिमनुप्राप्तः साक्षाद् देवगतिं गतः॥
"O mighty-armed son of Kunti, you are the ancient Ishana; you have already attained to the highest success and dignity of a god.

देवकार्यं तु सुमहत् त्वया कार्यमरिंदम आरोढव्यस्त्वया स्वर्गः सज्जीभव महाद्युते॥
O subduer of enemies, you of great effulgence, a great work for gods should be performed by you; you are to ascend heaven, prepare yourself.

रथो मातलिसंयुक्त आगन्ता त्वत्कृते महीम्। तत्र तेऽहं प्रदास्यामि दिव्यान्यस्त्राणि कौरव॥
The car, having Matali as its charioteer, shall come down to the earth for you; O Kaurava, I shall give you these celestials weapons."

तान् दृष्ट्वा लोकपालांस्तु समेतान् गिरिमूर्धनि। जगाम विस्मयंधीमान् कुन्ती पुत्रोधनंजयः॥
Beholding all the protectors of the world assembled on the summit of the mountain, the intelligent son of Kunti, Dhananjaya, was amazed.

ततोऽर्जुनो महातेजा लोकपालान् समागतान्। पूजयामास विधिवद् वाग्भिरद्भिः फलैरपि॥
Thereupon the highly effulgent Arjuna duly worshipped the assembled protectors with words, water and fruits.

ततः प्रतिययुर्देवाः प्रतिमान्यधनंजयम्। यथागतेन विबुधाः सर्वे काममनोजवाः॥
Honouring Dhananjaya in return the celestials went back; all the deities capable of coursing at will went back from where they came.

ततोऽर्जुनो मुदं लेभे लब्धास्त्रः पुरुषर्षभः। कृतार्थमथ चात्मानं स मेने पूर्णमानसम्॥
Thereupon having obtained that weapon that best of men, Arjuna attained to delight; he then considered himself blessed and as having his desire fulfilled.