The colloquy between the Rishis and Shiva

जनमेजय उवाच भगवञ्छ्रोतुमिच्छामि पार्थस्याक्लिष्टकर्मणः। विस्तरेण कथामेतां यथास्त्राण्युपलब्धवान्॥
Janamejaya said : O exalted onc, I desire to hear in detail the account of the acquisition of weapons by Partha (Arjuna) of spotless deeds.

यथा च पुरुषव्याघ्रो दीर्घबाहुर्धनंजयः। वनं प्रविष्टस्तेजस्वी निर्मनुष्यमभीतवत्॥
How did that foremost of men, the mightyarmed and the greatly energetic Dhananjaya enter that solitary forest without having felt (any) fear?

किं च तेन कृतं तत्र वसता ब्रह्मवित्तम। कथं च भगवान् स्थाणुर्देवराजश्च तोषितः॥
O foremost of all men, learned in the Vedas, what did he do when he lived there? O exalted one, how did he gratify Sthanu (Shiva) and the chief of the celestials (Indra)?

एतदिच्छाभ्यहं श्रोतुं त्वत्प्रसादाद् द्विजोत्तम। त्वं हि सर्वज्ञ दिव्यं च मानुषं चैव वेत्थ ह॥
O best of the twice-born, I desire to hear all this through your favour. O omniscient one, you are acquainted with everything regarding men and gods.

अत्यद्भुततमं ब्रह्मन् रोमहर्षणमर्जुनः। भवेन सह संग्रमं चकाराप्रतिम किल॥ पुरा प्रहरतां श्रेष्ठः संग्रमेष्वपराजितः। यच्छ्रुत्वा नरसिंहानां दैन्यहर्षातिविस्मयात्॥ शूराणामपि पार्थानां हृदयानि चकम्पिरे। यद् यच्च कृतवानन्यत् पार्थस्तदखिलं वद॥
O Brahmana, the battle that was formerly fought between that best of smiters, who had never been defeated in war and Bhava (Shiva) was without a parallel and was extraordinary and was also hair-stirring. Having heaard which the hearts of those foremost of men, the sons of Pritha, trembled in wonder and joy, thinking of their own inferiority. Tell me what other acts Partha (Arjuna), performed.

न ह्यस्य निन्दितं जिष्णोः सुसूक्ष्ममपि लक्षये। चरितं तस्य शूरस्य तन्मे सर्वं प्रकीर्तय॥
I do not find the most trivial thing in Jishnu (Arjuna) which might be called censurable. (Therefore) narrate the history of that hero to me.

वैशम्पायन उवाच कथयिष्यामि ते तात कथामेतां महात्मनः। दिव्यां पौरवशार्दूल महतीमद्भुतोपमाम्॥
Vaishampayana said : O foremost of the Kurus, O child, I shall narrate to you the excellent, the extensive and greatly unrivalled history of that illustrious hero.

गात्रसंस्पर्शसम्बद्धां त्र्यम्बकेण सहानघ। पार्थस्य देवदेवेन शृणु सम्य समागमम्॥
O sinless, one, hear in detail the account of Partha's meting with the three-eyed, god of gods and his contact with his body.

युधिष्ठिरनियोगात् स जगामामितविक्रमः। शक्रं सुरेश्वरं द्रष्टुं देवदेवं च शंकरम्॥ दिव्यं तद्धनुरादाय खङ्गं च कनकत्सरुम्। महाबलो महाबाहुरर्जुनः कार्यसिद्धये॥ दिशं [दीची कौरव्यो हिमवच्छिखरं प्रति। ऐन्द्रिः स्थिरमना राजन् सर्वलोकमहारथः॥
At the command of Yudhishthira that immeasurably powerful hero set out to meet the chief of the celestials, Shakra and the god of gods, Shankara (Shiva). Taking up the excellent bow and the sword with the golden hit, in order to accomplish his purpose, the greatly powerful and the mighty-armed Arjuna. That descendant of Kuru, set out northward towards the summit of the Himalayas. O king, that son of Indra (Arjuna) of calm mind, that greatest car-warrior of all the world.

त्वरया परया युक्तस्तपसेधृतनिश्चयः। वनं कण्टकितं घोरमेक एवान्वपद्यत॥
Firmly adhering to his purpose, soon engaged himself in austere asceticism. He entered that fearful and thorny forest alone.

नानापुष्पफलोपेतं नानापक्षिनिषेवितम्। नानामृगगणाकीर्णं सिद्धचारणसेवितम्॥
It abounded in various flowers and fruits, it was inhabited by birds of various species, it was full of various animals and it was frequented by the Siddhas and Charanas.

ततः प्रयाते कौन्तेये वनं मानुषवर्जितम्। शङ्खानां पटहानां च शब्दः समभवद् दिवि॥
When the son of Kunti, Arjuna, entered that forest, which was destitute of human beings, conchs and drums from heaven were sounded.

पुष्पवर्षं च सुमहन्निपपात महीतले। मेघजालं च विततं छादयामास सर्वतः॥ सोऽतीत्य वनदुर्गाणि संनिकर्षे महागिरेः। शुशुभे हिमवत्पृष्ठे वसमानोऽर्जुनस्तदा॥
Great showers of flowers fell on the earth; and the clouds spreading out covered every place with a shade. Passing the forest-paths at the foot of the great mountain Arjuna shone in his own effulgence by dwelling on the breast of the Himalayas.

तत्रापश्यद् दुमान् फुल्लान् विहगैर्वल्गुनादितान् नदीश्च विपुलावर्ता वैदूर्यविमलप्रभाः॥
He saw there many trees blooming in green verdure and resounding with the sweet notes of the birds, abounding in great rivers with great eddies and currents of the color of Vaidurya gems.

हंसकारण्डवोद्गीताः सारसाभिरुतास्तथा। पुस्कोकिलरुताश्चैव क्रौञ्चबर्हिणनादिताः॥
And echoing with the sweet notes of the swans, ducks and cranes. The banks of those rivers were resounded with melodious strains of male Kokilas, of peacocks and of cranes.

मनोहरत्नोपेतास्तस्पितिरथोऽर्जुनः। पुण्यशीतामलजलाः पश्यन् प्रीतमनाभवत्॥
Seeing those rivers of sacred, pure and delicious water and also their charming banks, thc great car-warrior Arjuna became very much delighted.

रमणीये वनोद्देशे रममाणोऽर्जुनस्तदा। तपस्युचे वर्तमान उग्रतेजा महामनाः॥
The greatly energetic and high-minded Arjuna then engaged himself in asceticism in that charming forest.

दर्भचीरं निवस्याथ दण्डाजिनविभूषितः। शीर्णं च पतितं भूमौ पर्णं समुपयुक्तवान्।॥
Clad in cloth made of grass and with deerskin and holding the Danda (stick), he ate withered leaves fallen on the ground.

पूर्णे पूर्णे त्रिरात्रे तु मासमेकं फलाशनः। द्विगुणेन हि कालेन द्वितीयं मासमत्ययात्॥
He ate fruits in the first month (of his asceticism) at the interval of three nights, in the second (month) at the interval of six nights.

तृतीयमपि मासं स पक्षणाहारमाचरन्। चतुर्थे त्वथ सम्प्राप्ते मासे भरतसत्तमः॥ वायुभक्षो महाबाहुरभवत् पाण्डुनन्दनः। ऊर्ध्वबाहुर्निरालम्बः पादाङ्गुष्ठाचविष्ठितः॥
In the third (month) at the interval of a fortnight. When the fourth month came, that foremost of the Bharata race. That mightyarmed son of Pandu lived (simply) on air, with his arms upraised and with nothing to lean upon, standing only on the tips of his toes.

सदोपस्पर्शनाच्चास्य बभूवुरमितौजसः। विद्युदम्भोरुहनिभा जटास्तस्य महात्मनः॥
In consequences of frequent bathing the hair of that high-souled and immeasurably energetic hero became as bright as the lightning or the lotus.

ततो महर्षयः सर्वे जग्मुर्देवं पिनाकिनम्। निवेदयिषवः पार्थं तपस्युचे समास्थितम्॥
Thereupon all the great Rishis went to the god, the wielder of trident (Shiva) and told him that the son of Pritha (Arjuna) was engaged in austere asceticism.

तं प्रणम्य महादेवं शशंसुः पार्थकर्म तत्। एष पार्थो महातेजा हिमवत्पृष्ठमास्थितः॥ उग्रे तपसि दुष्पारे स्थितोधूमाययन् दिशः। तस्य देवेश न वयं विद्मः सर्वे चिकीर्षितम्॥
Bowing to the great god (Shiva), they told him all about the action of Partha. (They said), “The greatly effulgent Partha is engaged in austere asceticism on the breast of the Himalayas. Heated with his asceticism the earth is sending forth smokes. O chief of gods, we do not know with what object he undergoes this asceticism.

संतापयति नः सर्वानसौ साधु निवार्यताम्। तेषां तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा मुनीनां भावितात्मनाम्॥ उमापतिर्भूतपतिर्वाक्यमेतदुवाच ह।
He causes us pain. O exalted one, you ought to stop him." Having heard these words of those self-controlled Rishis. The husband of Uma, the lord of creatures, thus spoke.

महादेव उवाच न वो विषादः कर्तव्यः फाल्गुनं प्रति सर्वशः॥ शीघ्रं गच्छत संहृष्टा यथागतमतन्द्रिताः। अहमस्य विजानामि संकल्पं मनसि स्थितम्॥
Shiva said : You all ought not feel any anxiety on account of Falguni (Arjuna). Go away soon with cheerfulness and alacrity to the place whence you have come. I know what is the determination of his mind.

नास्य स्वर्गस्पृहा काचिन्नैश्वर्यस्य तथाऽऽयुषः। यत् तस्य काक्षितं सर्वं तत् करिष्येऽहमद्य वै॥
His desire is not for heaven, not for prosperity, nor for long life. What is desired by him, will be done by me even today.

वैशम्पायन उवाच तच्छ्रुत्वा शर्ववचनमृषयः सत्यवादिनः। प्रहृष्टमनसो जग्मुर्यथा स्वान् पुनरालयान्॥
Vaishampayana said: Having heard all this, the truthful Rishis with cheerful heart returned to their respective abodes.