KUNDALAHARANA PARVA) Continued The bestowal of his mail and ear-rings by Karna (on Indra: Chapter 31O

वैशम्पायन उवाच देवराजमनुप्राप्तं ब्राह्मणच्छद्मना वृतम्। दृष्ट्वा स्वागतमित्याह न बुबोधास्य मानसम्॥
Vaishampayana said : Beholding the king of the celestials disguised as a Brahmana come (to him), (Karna) said "you are right welcome.” But he could not divine his intentions.

हिरण्यकण्ठी: प्रमदा ग्रामान् वा बहुगोकुलान्। किं ददानीति तं विप्रमुवाचाधिरथिस्ततः॥
Then the (adopted) son of Adhiratha said to that Brahmana "Between beautiful damsels adorned with golden necklaces and villages full of cows which shall I give you?”

ब्राह्मण उवाच हिरण्यकण्ठ्यः प्रमदा यच्चान्यत् प्रीतिवर्धनम्। नाहं दत्तमिहेच्छामि तदर्थभ्यः प्रदीयताम्॥
The Brahmana said : I do not wish to have beauteous damsels with gold necklaces or other agreeable things. Give these (things) to those that beg them.

यदेतत् सहजं वर्म कुण्डले च तवानघ। एतदुत्कृत्य मे देहि यदि सत्यव्रतो भवान्।॥
O sinless one, if you truly observe your vow then cut off (from your body) this armour and these ear-rings born with you and bestow them on me.

एतदिच्छाम्यहं क्षिप्रं त्वया दत्तं परंतप। एष मे सर्वलाभानां लाभः परमको मतः॥
O tormentor of foes, I wish you will very soon give them to me, as I consider this one gain to be the best of all others.

कर्ण उवाच अवनि प्रमदा गाश्च निवापं बहुवार्षिकम्। तते ते विप्र प्रदास्यामि न तु वर्म सकुण्डलम्॥
Karna said: O Brahmana, I will bestow on you homestead lands, beauteous women, cows and (sufficient) plots of land which will enable you to maintain yourself as long as you live.

वैशम्पायन उवाच एवं बहुविधैर्वाक्यैर्याच्यमानः स तु द्विजः। कर्णेन भरतश्रेष्ठ नान्यं वरमयाचत॥
Vaishampayana said: O best of the Bharatas, though Karna thus entreated that twice-born one with various words, yet he (the Brahmana) did not crave any other boon.

सान्वितश्च यथाशक्ति पूजितश्च यथाविधि। न चान्यं स द्विजश्रेष्ठः कामयामास वै वरम्॥
Though he tried his very best to propitiate him and though he worshipped him duly, yet that best of the twice-born ones did not beg any other boon.

यदा नान्यं प्रवृणुते वरं वै द्विजसत्तमः। तदैनमब्रवीद् भूयो राधेयः प्रहसन्निव॥
When that most exalted of the twice-born ones did not ask for any other boon, the son of Radha then addressed him again with a smile,

सहजं वर्म मे विप्र कुण्डले चामृतोद्भवे। तेनावध्योऽस्मि लोकेषु ततो नैतज्जहाम्यहम्॥
“O Brahmana, by virtue of my coat-of-mail, which I have been born with and of the two ear-rings which have sprung from Amrita, I am indestructible by (all) the worlds. I will not, therefore, part with them.

विशालं पृथिवीराज्यं क्षेमं निहतकण्टकम्। प्रतिगृहणीष्व मत्तस्त्वं साधु ब्राह्मणपुङ्गव॥
O most exalted of the Brahmanas, may you be in peace. Accept from me the extensive and peaceful empire of the world with its thorns (enemies) weeded out.

कुण्डलाभ्यां विमुक्तोऽहं वर्मणा सहजेन च। गमनीयो भविष्यामि शत्रूणां द्विजसत्तम॥
Divested of my ear-rings and the armour with which I was born, Obest of the Brahmanas, I shall be liable to be killed by my enemies.

वैशम्पायन उवाच यदान्यं न वरं ववे भगवान् पाकशासनः। ततः प्रहस्य कर्णस्तं पुनरित्यब्रवीद् वचः॥
Vaishampayana said : When the exalted chastiser of the (Asura) Paka did not ask for any other boon, then Karna smilingly said to him again these words.

विदितो देवदेवेश प्रागेवासि मम प्रभो। न तु न्याय्यं मया दातुं तव शक्र वृथा वरम्॥
"O lord, O god of gods, I knew before that you (would come). O Shakra, it is not proper for me to bestow on you a boon uselessly.

त्वं हि देवेश्वरः साक्षात् त्वया देयो वरो मम। अन्येषां चैव भूतानामिश्वरो ह्यसि भूतकृत्॥
(Because) you are the very lord of the celestials. It is for you to confer boons on me as you are the creator and lord of all other creators.

यदि दास्यामि ते देव कुण्डले कवचं तथा। वध्यतामुपयास्यामि त्वं च शक्रावहास्यताम्॥
If, O god, I give you my ear-rings and armour, I shall be liable to be killed and you, too will be an object of ridicule.

तस्माद् विनिमयं कृत्वा कुण्डले वर्म चोत्तमम्। हरस्व शक्र कामं मे न दद्यामहमन्यथा॥
Therefore, O Shakra, take my ear-rings and excellent armour in exchange (for boons to be conferred on me by you). Else I will in no way, give (them to you).

शक्र उवाच विदितोऽहं रवेः पूर्वमायानेव तवान्तिकम्। तेन ते सर्वमाख्यातमेवमेतन्न संशयः॥
Shakra said: Before I came to you, Ravi (the sun) was aware of my intentions. There is no doubt that he has told you all.

काममस्तु तथा तात तव कर्ण यथेच्छसि। वर्जयित्वा तु मे वलां प्रवृणीष्व यथेच्छसि॥
O son, O Karna, let it be what you desire, With the exception of my Vajra (thunderbolt) tell me what you desire.

वैशम्पायन उवाच ततः कर्णः प्रहृष्टस्तु उपसंगम्य वासवम्। अमोघां शक्तिमभ्येत्य वव्रे सम्पूर्णमानसः॥
Vaishampayana said: Thereupon, Karna gladly approached Vasava. And desirous of obtaining an infallible dart, he, with his purposes (nearly) gratified spoke.

कर्ण उवाच वर्मणा कुण्डलाभ्यां च शक्तिं मे देहि वासव। अमोघां शत्रुसंघानां घातिनी पृतनामुखे॥
Karna said: In exchange for my armour and ear-rings, O Vasava, bestow on me an infallible dart, destructive of hostile forces when drawn up in battle-array.

ततः संचिन्त्य मनसा मुहूर्तमिव वासवः। शक्त्यर्थं पृथिवीपाल कर्णं वाक्यमथाब्रवीत्॥
Thereupon, O lord of the earth, Vasava reflecting a moment with in his mind for the dart, spoke to Karna these words.

कुण्डले मे प्रयच्छस्व वर्म चैव शरीरजम्। गृहाण कर्ण शक्तिं त्वमनेन समयेन च॥
Bestow on me your ear-rings and the armour born with your body and (then) O Karna, take the dart under the (following) condition.

अमोघा हन्ति शतशः शत्रून् मम करच्युता। पुनश्च पाणितमभ्येति मम दैत्यान् विनिघ्नतः॥
This infallible dart, when I am engaged in slaughtering the Daityas, hurled by my hand kills hundreds of enemies and then returns to my hand.

सेयं तव करप्राप्ता हत्वैकं रिपुमूर्जितम्। गर्जन्तं प्रतपन्तं च मामेवैष्यति सूतज॥
But, O charioteer's son, hurled by your hand, it shall kill one powerful enemy (of yours), roaring and hot as fire and shall then return to me.

कर्ण उवाच एकमेवाहमिच्छामि रिपुं हन्तुं महाहवे। गर्जन्तं प्रतपन्तं च यतो मम भयं भवेत्॥
Karna said: I am desirous of killing in mighty encounter (only) one enemy, roaring and furious, who may strike terror into me.

इन्द्र उवाच एकं हनिष्यसि रिपुं गर्जन्तं बलिनं रणे। त्वं तु यं प्रार्थयस्येकं रक्ष्यते स महात्मना॥
Indra said: You will kill one powerful and roaring enemy in battle. But he whom you seek (to kill) is protected by a high-souled being.

यमाहुर्वेदविद्वांसो वरार्हमपराजितम्। नारायणमचिन्त्यं च तेन कृष्णेन रक्ष्यते॥
He is protected by Krishna who is styled by those learned in the Vedas, the unvanquished Boar and the inconceivable Narayana.

कर्ण उवाच एवमप्यस्तु भगवन्नेकवीरवधे मम। अमोघां देहि मे शक्तिं यथा हन्यां प्रतापिनम्॥
Karna said: Notwithstanding it is so, O adorable one, give me an infallible dart, destructive of a heroic person, wherewith I can kill a mighty (foe).

उत्कृत्य तु प्रदास्यामि कुण्डले कवचं च ते। निकृत्तेषु तु गात्रेषु न मे बीभत्सता भवेत्॥
Cutting the ear-rings and the mail from my body, I will give them to you. But let not my limbs, thus wounded, look ugly.

इन्द्र उवाच न ते बीभत्सता कर्ण भविष्यति कथञ्चन। व्रपाश्चैव न गात्रेषु यस्त्वं नानृतमिच्छसि॥
Indra said: O Karna, since you are are desirous of observing the truth, you will not look ugly nor will there be any scars on your body.

यादृशस्ते पितुर्वर्णस्तेजश्च वदतां वर। तादृशेनैव वर्णेन त्वं कर्ण भविता पुनः॥
O best of speakers, O Karna, you will be again endued with the complexion and energy of your father.

विद्यमानेषु शस्त्रेषु यद्यमोघामसंशये। प्रमत्तो मोक्ष्यसे चापि त्वय्येवैषा पतिष्यति॥
If you hurl this infallible dart maddened with rage when your life is not in danger and when you have other weapons with you, then it shall fall upon yourself.

कर्ण उवाच संशयं परमं प्राप्य विमोक्ष्ये वासवीमिमाम्। यथा मामात्थ शक्र त्वं सत्यमेतद् ब्रवीमि ते॥
Karna said : I tell you truly, O Shakra, that according to your directions I will hurl this Vasavi weapon only when my life is in great jeopardy.

वैशम्पायन उवाच ततः शक्तिं प्रज्वलितां प्रतिगृह्य विशाम्पते। शस्त्रं गृहीत्वा निशितं सर्वगात्राण्यकृन्तत॥
Vaishampayana said : Then, O lord of the earth, accepting that blazing dart, Karna began to cut off his body with sharp weapons.

ततो देवा मानवा दानवाश्च निकृन्तन्तं कर्णमात्मानमेवम्। न ह्यस्यासीन्मुखजो वै विकारः॥
The gods, the mortals and the Danavas, seeing Karna cut off his own body, began to roar like lions, because no signs of contortions were visible on his face.

ततो दिव्या दुन्दुभयः प्रणेदुः पपातोच्चैः पुष्पवर्षं च दिव्यम्। दृष्ट्वा कर्णं शस्त्रसंकृत्तगात्रं मुहुश्चापि स्मयमानं नृवीरम्॥
Seeing that hero among men, Karna, smile again and again even while cutting off his body, the celestials drums began to sound and celestials flowers were showered (upon his head).

ततश्छित्त्वा कवचं दिव्यमङ्गात् तथैवार्दै प्रददौ वासवाय। तथोत्कृत्य प्रददौ कुण्डले ते कर्णात् तस्मात् कर्मणा तेन कर्णः॥
Then Karna cutting off his excellent mail from his body, when it was still wet, gave it to Vasava, And he also cut off his ear-rings from his ear and give them to him. It is on this account that he was styled Karna.

ततः शक्रः प्रहसन् वञ्चयित्वा कर्णं लोके यशसा योजयित्वा। कृतं कार्यं पाण्डवानां हि मेने ततः पश्चाद् दिवमेवोत्पपात॥
Thus deceiving Karna but making him famous in the world, Shakra smilingly considered that he had accomplished the purpose of the Pandavas. He then soared to the heavens.

श्रुत्वा कर्णं मुषितं धार्तराष्ट्रा दीनाः सर्वे भग्नदर्पा इवासन्। तां चावस्थां गमितं सूतपुत्रं श्रुत्वा पार्था जहषुः काननस्थाः॥
Hearing that Karna was thus deceived, all the sons of Dhritarashtra were dejected and became (as dispirited) as if their pride was wounded. The Parthas, (on the other hand) hearing that the son of Suta was reduced to such a state rejoiced (greatly).

जनमेजय उवाच क्वस्था वीराः पाण्डवास्ते बभूवुः। कुतश्चैते श्रुतवन्तः प्रियं तत्। किं वाकार्पर्द्वादशेऽब्दे व्यतीते तन्मे सर्वं भगवान् व्याकरोतु॥
Janamejaya said : Where did the heroic Pandavas dwell (at that time) and from whom did they receive this joyful news and what did they do after the twelve years of their exile? O adorable one, relate all this to me.

वैशम्पायन उवाच लम्वा कृष्णां सैन्धवं द्रावयित्वा विप्रैः सार्धं काम्यकादाश्रमात् ते। मार्कण्डेयाच्छृतवन्तः पुराणं देवर्षीणां चरितं विस्तरेण॥
Vaishampayana said : Those heroic men having rescued Krishna, chastised the chief of the Sindhus, heard from Markandeya the old storied about the celestials and the Rishis and passed the entire period of their painful forest life, returned from their hermitage in Kamyaka to the sacred Dvaiytavana together with the Brahmanas, their cars, followers, charioteers, the citizens (who had followed them to the forest) and their COWS.