The enjoyment of Pritha by Surya

वैशम्पायन उवाच सा तु कन्या बहुविदं ब्रुवन्ती मधुरं वचः। अनुनेतुं सहस्रांशुं न शशाक मनस्विनी॥
Vaishampayana said : Though that high-minded damsel spoke very many sweet words (to Surya) she could by no means soften him of a thousand rays.

न शशाक यदा बाला प्रत्याख्यातुं तमोनुदम्। भीता शापात् ततो राजन् दध्यौ दीर्घमथान्तरम्॥
And when all the entreaties of that maiden to the dispeller of darkness were unavailing, afraid of her curse she long meditated thus

अनागसः पितुः शापो ब्राह्मणस्य तथैव च। मनिमित्तः कथं न स्यात् क्रुद्धादस्माद् विभावसोः॥
“How may my unoffending father and that Brahmana be saved from the curse of the wrathful Vibhavasu on my account?

बालेनापि सता मोहाद् भृशं पापकृतान्यपि। नाभ्यासादयितव्यानि तेजांसि च तपांसि च॥
Although energy and asceticism destructive of sins, yet even honest persons of tender years, through foolishness ought not to draw them near.

साहमद्य भृशं भीता गृहीता च करे भृशम। कथं त्वकार्यं कुर्यां वै प्रदानं ह्यात्मनः स्वयम्॥
are (By acting foolishly) I have been today seriously alarmed and have been placed entirely in the power (of Surya). How can I myself (without the consent of my guardians) do this sinful act, the surrender of my person (to him)"?

वैशम्पायन उवाच सा वै शापपरित्रस्ता बहु चिन्तयती हृदा। मोहेनाभिपरीताङ्गी स्मयमाना पुनः पुनः॥
Vaishampayana said : Afraid of (his) curse she reflected much in her mind. Her limbs were quite paralysed and she was repeatedly at a loss as to how to act.

तं देवमब्रवीद् भीता बन्धूनां राजसत्तम। व्रीडाविह्वलया वाचा शापत्रस्ता विशाम्पते॥
Oforemost of kings, O lord of the world, afraid of the censure of her friends and afflicted with the fear of curse, she spoke to that deity these words tremulous with bashfulness.

कुन्त्युवाच पिता मे ध्रियते देव माता चान्ये च बान्धवाः। न तेषु ध्रियमाणेषु विधिलोपो भवेदयम्॥
Kunti said: O god, my father is alive and so also my mother and friends. And since they are (still) living, this violation of duty (on my part) is not allowable.

त्वया तु संगमो देव यदि स्याद् विधिवर्जितः। मन्निमित्तं कुलस्यास्य लोके कीर्तिनशेत् ततः॥
If, O god, I hold this unlawful intercourse with you, then the reputation of this race will be destroyed for my sake.

अथवा धर्ममेतं त्वं मन्यसे तपतां वर। ऋते प्रदानाद् बन्धुभ्यस्तव कामं करोम्यहम्॥
Or if you consider it a virtue, I will then, O best of those that shed heat, gratify your desire even without being given away to you by my friends.

आत्मप्रदानं दुधर्ष तव कृत्वा सती त्वहम्। त्वयि धर्मो यशश्चैव कीर्तिरायुश्च देहिनाम्॥
As O irrepressible one, the virtue, the reputation, the renown and the life of all embodied beings are established in you, may I remain chaste after having yielded my person to you.

सूर्य उवाच न ते पिता न ते माता गुरवो वा शुचिस्मिते। प्रभवन्ति वरारोहे भद्रं ते शृणु मे वचः॥
Surya said: O beautiful damsel of sweet smiles, neither your father, nor your mother nor your superiors are competent to bestow you. May you be happy. Hear what I say.

सर्वान् कामयते यस्मात् कमेर्धातोश्च भाविनि। तस्मात् कन्येह सुश्रोणि स्वतन्त्रा वरवर्णिनि॥
O damsel, the term Kanya, derived from the root Kama (to desire) is applied to a maiden, because she desires (in have intercourse with) every body. Therefore, fair-hipped girl of excellent complexion, she is free (to act as she chooses) in this world.

नाधर्मश्चरितः कश्चित् त्वया भवति भाविनि। अधर्मं कुत एवाहं वरेयं लोककाम्यया॥
You will, O beauteous girl, on no account fall away from virtue (by satisfying my desire). How can I, who seek the welfare of everybody commit an act of sin?

अनावृताः स्त्रियः सर्वा नराश्च वरवर्णिनि। स्वभाव एष लोकानां विकारोऽन्य इति स्मृतः॥
O fair complexioned girl, it is the human nature that all men and women should be without restraint. And it is asserted that the contrary (condition) is (its) perversion.

सा मया सह संगम्य पुनः कन्या भविष्यसि। पुत्रश्च ते महाबाहुर्भविष्यति महायशाः॥
You will also remain a virgin even after having held intercourse with me and your son will be of mighty arms and high renown.

कुन्त्युवाच यदि पुत्रो मम भवेत् त्वत्तः सर्वतमोनुद। कुण्डली कवची शूरो महाबाहुर्महाबलः॥
Kunti said : O dispeller of all darkness, if I have a son by powerful and furnished with a coat-of-mail and ear-rings.

सूर्य उवाच भविष्यति महाबाहुः कुण्डली दिव्यवर्मभृत्। उभयं चामृतमयं तस्य भद्रे भविष्यति॥
Surya said : Gentle maiden, your (son) will be mightyarmed, furnished with ear-rings and an impenetrable and celestials armour made of Amrita.

कुन्त्युवाच यद्येतदमृतादस्ति कुण्डले वर्म चोत्तमम्। मम पुत्रस्य यं वै त्वं मत्त उत्पादयिष्यसि॥ अस्तु मे सङ्गमो देव यथोक्तं भगवंस्त्वया। त्वद्वीर्यरूपसत्त्वौजा धर्मयुक्तो भवेत् स च॥
Kunti said: If both the ear-rings and the armour of the son you will beget on me, be made of Amrita, then, O god, you may enjoy me, as your worshipful self has said. And may he (the son) be powerful, beautiful, strong energetic and virtuous like you.

सूर्य उवाच अदित्या कुण्डले राज्ञि दत्ते मे मत्तकाशिनि। तेऽस्य दास्यामि वै भीरु वर्म चैवेदमुत्तमम्॥
Surya said: O queen, O beauteous and timid damsel, I will bestow on him these ear-rings which were given to me by Aditi and also this excellent armour.

कुन्त्युवाच परमं भगवन्नेवं संगमिष्ये त्वया सह। यदि पुत्रो भवेदेवं यथा वदसि गोपते॥
Kunti said: O adorable one, it is very well. O lord of rays, if I have such a son as you say, then I snall giatify your desire.

वैशम्पायन उवाच तथेत्युक्त्वा तु तां कुन्तीमाविवेश विहङ्गमः। स्वर्भानुशत्रुर्योगात्मा नाभ्यां पस्पर्श चैव ताम्॥
Vaishampayana said : Having said to her "be it so” that ranger of sky, the enemy of Svarbhanu, with his soul absorbed in yoga entered into Kunti and touched her on the naval.

ततः सा विह्वलेवासीत् कन्या सूर्यस्य तेजसा। पपात चाथ सा देवी शयने मूढचेतना॥
Thereupon, that damsel became stupefied by the energy of the sun and fell down on her bed insensible.

सूर्य उवाच साधयिष्यामि सुश्रोणि पुत्रं वै जनयिष्यसि। सर्वशस्त्रभृतां श्रेष्ठं कन्या चैव भविष्यसि॥
Surya said : O fair-hipped maiden, I shall now disappear. You will give birth to a son who will be the foremost of all wielders of arms.

वैशम्पायन उवाच ततः सा वीडिता बाला तदा सूर्यमथाब्रवीत्। एवमस्त्विति राजेन्द्र प्रस्थितं भूरिवर्चसम्॥
Vaishampayana said : Then, O king of kings, that maiden said bashfully to the highly resplendent Surya who was about to go away “may it be so."

इति स्मोक्ता कुन्तिराजात्मजा सा विवस्वन्तं याचमाना सलज्जा। तस्मिन् पुण्ये शयनीये पपात मोहाविष्टा भज्यमाना लतेव॥
Thus the daughter of Kuntiraja, having bashfully asked for a son from Vivasvata fell down unconscious on her auspicious bed like a broken creeper.

तिग्मांशुस्तां तेजसा मोहयित्वा योगेनाविश्यात्मसंस्थां चकार। न चैवैनां दूषयामास भानुः संज्ञां लेभे भूय एवाथ बाला॥
And that deity of hot rays making her insensible by his energy placed himself within her by his yoga power. But Bhanu did not corrupt her. The girl, then (i.e. when the sun had departed) recovered her senses.