Ministrations by Pritha to the twice born one

कुन्त्युवाच ब्राह्मणं यन्त्रिता राजन्नुपस्थास्यामि पूजया। यथाप्रतिज्ञं राजेन्द्र न च मिथ्या ब्रवीम्यहम्॥
Kunti said: "O king of kings, agreeably to your promise, I will, by restraining my senses, wait upon and minister to that Brahmana. I am speaking no falsehood (in this respect).

एष चैव स्वभावो मे पूजयेयं द्विजानिति। तव चैव प्रियं कार्यं श्रेयश्च परमं मम॥
To worship the Brahmanas is my habit. And as this is agreeable to you, it will lead to my highest good.

यद्येवैष्यति सायाह्ने यदि प्रातरथो निशि। यद्यर्धरात्रे भगवान् न मे कोपं करिष्यति॥
He will never have any cause to be angry with me whether the worshipful one comes in the morning or in the evening or during the night or at midnight.

लाभो ममैष राजेन्द्र यद् वै पूजयती द्विजान्। आदेशे तव तिष्ठन्ती हितं कुर्यां नरोत्तम॥
O king of kings, O best of men, it is highly beneficial to me to worship the twice-born ones, to carry out your commands and to do good to you.

विस्रब्धो भव राजेन्द्र न व्यलीकं द्विजोत्तमः। वसन् प्राप्स्यति ते गेहे सत्यमेतद् ब्रवीमि ते॥
O foremost of kings, rest assured of it. I am telling you truly that the best of Brahmanas dwelling in your house will not in any way be dissatisfied..

यत् प्रियं च द्विजस्यास्य हितं चैव तवानघ। यतिष्यामि तथा राजन् व्येतु ते मानसो ज्वरः॥
I will pay (particular) attention to what is agreeable to this Brahmana and to what is beneficial to you. Therefore O king, give up your mental anxiety.

ब्राह्मणा हि महाभागाः पूजिताः पृथिवीपते। तारणाय समर्थाः स्युर्विपरीते वधाय च॥
The Brahmanas, O lord of the earth, are highly fortunate and when pleased are capable of bestowing salvation. But if displeased, they become (instruments) for destruction.

साहमेतद् विजानन्ती तोषयिष्ये द्विजोत्तमम्। न मत्कृते व्यथां राजन् प्राप्स्यसि द्विजसत्तमात्॥
I, who am well aware of this, will propitiate this foremost of Brahmanas, And O king, you will never, for any act of mine, experience any trouble from that most exalted of Brahmanas.

अपराधेऽपि राजेन्द्र राज्ञामश्रेयसे द्विजाः। भवन्ति च्यवनो यद्वत् सुकन्यायाः कृते पुरा॥
O foremost of kings, owing to the faults of the kings, the twice-born ones become the instruments of their misfortune as formerly Chyavana had become on account of the acts of Sukanya.

नियमेन परेणाहमुपस्थाये द्विजोत्तमम्। यथा त्वया नरेन्द्रेदं भाषितं ब्राह्मणं प्रति॥
Agreeably to your instructions with regard to this Brahmana, I will serve him with great regularity, O king of kings."

एवं ब्रुवन्तीं बहुशः परिष्वज्य समर्थ्य च। इति चेति च कर्तव्यं राजा सर्वमथादिश॥
And when she said thus repeatedly, the king encouraged and embraced her and then instructed her minutely as to what she ought to do.

एवमेतत् त्वया भद्रे कर्तव्यमविशङ्कया। मद्धितार्थं तथाऽऽत्मार्थं कुलार्थं चाप्यनिन्दिते॥
“O gentle and blameless girl, you will act in this way, without any fear, for my welfare, for your good and for the welfare of the race."

राजोवाच एवमुक्त्वा तु तां कन्यां कुन्तिभोजो महायशाः। पृथां परिददौ तस्मै द्विजाय द्विजवत्सलः॥
The King said : Saying this, the highly-renowned Kuntibhoja, devoted to the Brahmanas, made over his daughter Pritha to that twice-born one.

इयं ब्रह्मन् मम सुता बाला सुखविवर्धिता। अपराध्येत यत् किंचिन्न कार्यं हृदि तत् त्वया॥
(Saying), “O Brahmana, this is my daughter (Pritha) of tender years and reared in luxury. If she commits any fault, do not mind it.

द्विजातयो महाभागा वृद्धबालतपस्विषु। भवन्त्यक्रोधनाः प्रायो ह्यपराद्धेषु नित्यदा।॥
The highly renowned Brahmanas do not get angry with old men, ascetics and children, even if they repeatedly offend them.

सुमहत्यपराधेऽपि क्षान्ति: कार्या द्विजातिभिः। यथाशक्ति यथोत्साहं पूजा चाह्या द्विजोत्तम॥
The twice-born ones again ought to pardon even a very serious offence; and the best of Brahmanas should accept that worship which is offered to the best of one's ability and exertion.

तथेति ब्राह्मणेनोक्तं स राजा प्रीतमानसः। हंसचन्द्रांशुसंकाशं गृहमस्मै न्यवेदयत्॥
And that Brahmana having said “be it so," the king with a merry mind placed at his disposal a suite of apartments white as the swan or the ray of the moon.

तत्राग्निशरणे क्लृप्तमासनं तस्य भानुमत्। आहारादि च सर्वं तत् तथैव प्रत्यवेदयत्॥
And in the fire-room the king placed a resplendent seat especially made for him and also all sorts of food and other articles of the same good quality.

निक्षिप्य राजपुत्री तु तन्द्रीं मानं तथैव च। आतस्थे परमं यत्नं ब्राह्मणस्याभिराधने॥
And driving away her idleness and pride, the princess began to exert herself with the utmost care for the service of the Brahmana.

तत्र सा ब्राह्मणं गत्वा पृथा शौचपरा सती। विधिवत् परिचारार्ह देववत् पर्यतोषयत्॥
And going to the Brahmana there in the fire-room) the chaste Pritha, observant of purity, duly ministering to him as if he were a god, pleased him highly.