None: Chapter 3O

The conversation between Draupadi and Yudhishthira

द्रौपद्युवाच नमोधात्रे विधाने च यौ मोहं चक्रतुस्तव। पितृपैतामहे वृत्ते वोढव्ये तेऽन्यथा मतिः॥
Draupadi said: I bow to Dhatri and Vidhatri who have thus bewildered my sense; you think otherwise from your father and grandfather regarding what you have got to bear.

कर्मभिश्चिन्तितो लोको गत्यां गत्यां पृथग्विधः। तस्मात् कर्माणि नित्यानि लोभान्मोक्षं यियासति॥ नेहधर्मानृशंस्याभ्यां च क्षान्त्या नार्जवेन च। पुरुषः श्रियमाप्नोति न घृणित्वेन कर्हिचित्॥
By actions men are placed in different situations of life; consequences of action are inevitable, from ignorance people desire for the liberation from action. A man does not even attain prosperity in this world by virtue, gentleness, forgiveness, straight-forwardness and fear of censure.

त्वां च व्यसनमभ्यागादिदं भारत दुःसहम्। यत् त्वं नार्हसि नापीमे भ्रातरस्ते महौजसः॥
Or else, O descendant of Bharata, this unbearable misfortune would not have befallen you, who are so unworthy of it and your brothers of great energy.

न हि तेऽध्यगमञ्जानु तदानीं नाद्य भारत। धर्मात् प्रियतरं किंचिदपि चेज्जीवितादिह॥
Neither then, nor even now, O descendant of Bharata, has anything appeared to you dearer than virtue, which is dearer to you even than your life.

धर्मार्थमेव ते राज्यधर्मार्थं जीवितं च ते। ब्राह्मणा गुरुवश्चैव जानन्त्यपि च देवताः॥
That your kingdom is for virtue and your life even is for virtue, is known by Brahmanas, superiors and even celestials.

भीमसेनार्जुनौ चोभौ माद्रेयौ च मया सह। त्यजेस्त्वमिति मे बुद्धिर्न तुधर्मं परित्यजेः॥
You can abandon Bhimasena, Arjuna these twin sons of Madri along with myself, I think, but you can never renounce virtue.

राजानंधर्मगोप्तारंधर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः। इति में श्रुतमार्याणां त्वां तु मन्ये न रक्षति॥
I have heard from elders that a king protects virtue and virtue in return protects him-but methinks it does not protect you.

अनन्या हि नरव्याघ्र नित्यदाधर्ममेव ते। बुद्धिः सततमन्वेतिच्छायेव पुरुषं निजा॥
O best of men, like a shadow following a man, you with a singleness of purpose always follow virtue.

नावमंस्था हि सदृशान् नावराञ्छ्रेयसः कुतः। अवाप्य पृथिवीं कृत्स्नां न ते शृङ्गमवर्धत॥
You have never disregarded your equals, inferiors and superiors; obtaining even the entire universe your pride never increased.

स्वाहाकारैः स्वधाभिश्च पुजाभिरपि च द्विजान्। दैवतानि पितॄश्चैव सततं पार्थ सेवसे।॥
O son of Pritha, with Yvahas and Svaddhas and other forms of worship you ever adore the Brahmanas, the celestials and the Pitris.

ब्राह्मणाः सर्वकामैस्ते सततं पार्थ तर्पिताः। यतयो मोक्षिणश्चैव गृहस्थाश्चैव भारत॥ भुञ्जते रुक्मपात्रीभिर्यत्राहं परिचारिका। आरण्यकेभ्यो लौहानि भाजनानि प्रयच्छसि। नादेयं ब्राह्मणेभ्यस्ते गृहे किंचन विद्यते॥
O son of Pritha, you have always pleased the Brahmanas by granting all their desires; the Yatis, the ascetics, the householder ascetics, have always been fed by you on golden plates where (myself) have distributed food. You always give food and gold to Vanaprasthas; there is nothing in your house which you cannot bestow upon the Brahmanas.

यदिदं वैश्वदेवं ते शान्तये क्रियते गृहे। तद् दत्त्वातिथिभूतेभ्यो राजञ्छिष्टेन जीवसि॥
Having distributed duly, O king, all to the guests in the Vishvadeva sacrifice that is solemnized in your house for your peace you live upon what remains.

इष्टयः पशुबन्धाश्च काम्यनैमित्तिकाश्च ये। वर्तन्ते पाकयज्ञाश्च यज्ञकर्म च नित्यदा॥
Ishtis, Pashubandhas, sacrifice for obtaining the gratification of desires and ordinary household ceremonies, Paka sacrifices and various other rites are daily performed in your house.

अस्मिन्नपि महारण्ये विजने दस्युसेविते। राष्ट्रादपेत्य वसतोधर्म स्तेनावसीदति॥
Even in this huge solitary forest frequented by robbers, living in banishment, deprived of your kingdom your virtue has suffered no decrease.

अश्वमेधो राजसूयः पुण्डरीकोऽथ गोसवः। एतैरपि महायज्ञैरिष्टं ते भूरिदक्षिणैः॥
The Ashvamedha, the Rajasuya, Pundarika, the Gosava-all these great sacrifices requiring large gifts have been celebrated by you.

राजन् परीतया बुद्ध्या विषमेऽक्षपराजये। राज्यं वसून्यायुधानि भ्रातृन् मां चासि निर्जितः॥
O king, by your perverse understanding, in your defeat at the gambling match you lost your kingdom, wealth, weapons your brothers and even myself.

ऋजोर्मदोर्वदान्यस्य ह्रीमतः सत्यवादिनः। कथमक्षव्यसनजा बुद्धिरापतिता तव॥
How could your mind, siinple, gentle, liberal, modest and truthful as you are, be drawn to the vice of gambling?

अतीव मोहमायाति मनश्च परिभूयते। निशाम्य ते दुःखमिदमिमां चापदमीदृशीम्॥
Beholding this your calamity and misfortune my sense is bewildered and mind overwhelmed.

अत्राप्युदाहरन्तीममितिहासं पुरातनम्। ईश्वरस्य वशे लोकास्तिष्ठन्ते नात्यनो यथा॥
I shall cite here an old historical incident as an illustration that men are subject to the will of Providence and not to themselves.

धातैव खलु भूतानां सुखदुःखे प्रियाप्रिये। दधाति सर्वमीशानः पुरस्ताच्छुक्रमुच्चरन्॥
The Lord Ishana ordains beforehand, with reference to weal and woe, happiness and misery, of all creatures like a seed.

यथा दारुमयी योषा नरवीर समाहिता। ईरयत्यङ्गमङ्गानि तथा राजनिमा: प्रजाः॥
O hero among men, O king, as a wooden figure is made to move its limbs by the wirepuller so are all these creatures (made to act by the lord.)

आकाश इव भूतानि व्याप्य सर्वाणि भारत। ईश्वरो विदधातीह कल्याणं यच्च पापकम्॥
O descendant of Bharata, pervading all creatures, like ethereal space the Providence ordains its happiness or misery.

शकुनिस्तन्तुबद्धो वा नियतोऽयमनीश्वरः। ईश्वरस्य वशे तिष्ठेन्नान्येषां नात्मनः प्रभुः॥
Like a bird tied with a string all creatures depend upon God; they all live in dependence upon God not upon others; nor are they their own masters.

मणिः सूत्र इव प्रोतो नस्योत इव गोवृषः। स्रोतसो मध्यमापन्नः कूलाद् वृक्ष इव च्युतः॥ धातुरादेशमन्वेति तन्मयो हि तदर्पणः। आत्माधीनो मनुष्योऽयं कालं भजति कंचन॥
Like a pearl set on a string, a bull tied by a rope passing through its nose or a tree fallen from the bank into the middle of a river. All creatures follow the ordinances of the Creator for they are identical with Him and live in Him; they are not subject to themselves and cannot pass an hour independently.

अज्ञो जन्तुरनीशोऽयमात्मनः सुखदुःखयोः। ईश्वरप्रेरितो गच्छेत् स्वर्ग नरकमेव च॥
Ignorant as they are, creatures are not masters of their own happiness or misery; dispatched by the Providence they either go to heaven or hell.

यथा वायोस्तृणाचाणि वशं यान्ति बलीयसः। धातुरेवं वशं यान्ति सर्वभूतानि भारत॥
As light straws are brought to the subjugation of the strong wind, so all creatures, O descendant of Bharata, depend upon the Creator.

आर्ये कर्मणि युञ्जानः पापे वा पुनरीश्वरः। व्याप्य भूतानि चरते न चायमिति लक्ष्यते॥
Again, performing actions right or wrong and pervading the universe, the Lord exists but is not perceived by any (who can say) "This is God."

हेतुमात्रमिदंधातुः शरीरं क्षेत्रसंज्ञितम्। येन कारयते कर्म शुभाशुभफलं विभुः॥
This physical body is merely the instrument of God by which the Lord engages them in actions, the fruits of which are cither good or bad.

पश्य मायाप्रभावोऽयमीश्वरेण यथा कृतः। यो हन्ति भूतैर्भूतानि मोहयित्वाऽऽत्ममायया॥
Behold the power of the illusive energy by which he makes them kill their fellows.

अन्यथा परिदृष्टानि मुनिभिस्तत्त्वदर्शिभिः। अन्यथा परिवर्तन्ते वेगा इव नभस्वतः॥
This is seen in a different light by the sages seeing the real truths; they appear to them in a different light like the rays of the sun.

अन्यथैव ही मन्यन्ते पुरुषास्तानि तानि च। अन्यथैव प्रभुस्तानि करोति विकरोति च॥
Ordinary people see all those things in a different view; the Lord create and destroy them in a different way.

यथा काष्ठेन वा काष्ठमश्मानं चाश्मना पुनः। अयसा चाप्ययश्छिन्द्यानिर्विचेष्टमचेतनम्॥ एवं स भगवान् देवः स्वयम्भूः प्रपितामहः। हिनस्ति भूतैर्भूतानिच्छद्म कृत्वा युधिष्ठिर॥
As one can break a piece of inactive senseless wood with wood, stone with stone and iron with iron. So, O Yudhishthira the Self-create, divinc Grandsire spreading his illusive energy destroys creatures, with creatures.

सम्प्रयोज्य वियोज्यायं कामकारकरः प्रभुः। क्रीडते भगवान् भूतैर्बालः क्रीडनकैरिव॥
Like a child playing with his creatures, creating and destroying them.

न मातृपितृवद् राजन्धाता भूतेषु वर्तते। रोषादिव प्रवृत्तोऽयं यथायमितरो जनः॥
O king, the Providence behaves towards the creatures, like a father or mother, like an ordinary person he (sometimes) seems to be angry towards them.

आर्याञ्छोलवतो दृष्ट्वा ह्रीमतो वृत्तिकर्शितान्। अनार्यान् सुखिनश्चैव विह्वलामीव चिन्तया।॥
Sceing elderly, well behaved and modest persons, in distress and the vicious, in happiness, I am beside myself with thought.

तवेमामापदं दृष्ट्वा समृद्धिं च सुयोधने। धातारं गर्हये पार्थ विषमं योऽनुपश्यति॥
O son of Pritha, seeing your misfortune and the prosperity of Suyodhana, I blame the Providence who sees such an inequality.

आर्यशास्त्रातिगे क्रूर लुब्धेधर्मापचायिनि। धार्तराष्ट्र श्रियं दत्त्वाधाता किं फलमश्नुते॥
Conferring prosperity prosperity upon the wily avaricious of Dhritarashtra, who transgresses the sacred scriptures and injures virtue, what fruit shall the Creator reap?

कर्म चेत् कृतमन्वेति कर्तारं नान्यमृच्छति। कर्मणा तेन पापेन लिप्यते नूनमीश्वरः॥
If the act done follows the performer then forsooth, the God himself is contaminated with the sin of every action.

अथ कर्म कृतं पापं न चेत् कर्तारमृच्छति। कारणं बलमेवेह जनाञ्छोचामि दुर्बलान्॥
If the sin consequent upon actions does not touch the doer then the individual power is the cause and I grieve for those who are weak. son