Indrajita's fight

मार्कण्डेय उवाच ततः श्रुत्वा हतं संख्ये कुम्भकर्णं सहानुगम्। प्रहस्तं च महेष्वासं धूम्राक्षं चातितेजसम्॥ पुत्रमिन्द्रजितं वीरं रावणः प्रत्यभाषत। जहि रामममित्रघ्न सुग्रीवं च सलक्ष्मणम्॥
Markandeya said : Then, hearing that the mighty bowman Prahasta, the highly-energetic Dhumraksha and Kumbhakarna together with his followers had been killed in battle, Ravana spoke to his heroic son Indrajita (thus), “O destroyer of foes, slay Rama together with Sugriva and Lakshmana.

त्वया हि मम सत्पुत्र यशो दीप्तमुपार्जितम्। जित्वा वलाधरं संख्ये सहस्राक्षं शचीपतिम्॥
O my dutiful son, by conquering the thousand-eyed wielder of the Vajra (thunderbolt), the husband of Sachi, in battle, you have acquired a blazing renown for me.

अन्तर्हितः प्रकाशो वा दिव्यैर्दत्तवरैः शरैः। जहि शत्रूनमित्रघ्न मम शस्त्रभृतां वर॥
Remaining (either) invisible or visible, O slayer of foes, the best of those that wield weapon, kill my enemies by celestials weapons granted to you as boons.

रामलक्ष्मणसुग्रीवाः शरस्पर्श न तेऽनघ। समर्थाः प्रतिसोढुं च कुतस्तदनुयायिनः॥
O sinless one, not to speak of their followers, even Rama, Lakshmana and Sugriva cannot endure the touch of your weapons.

अकृता या प्रहस्तेन कुम्भकर्णेन चानघ। खरस्यापचिति: संख्ये तां गच्छ त्वं महाभुज॥
O sinless and mighty-armed one, bring to a (successful) termination the hostilities which even Prahasta and Kumbhakarna could not effect in battle.

त्वमद्य निशितैर्बाणैर्हत्वा शत्रून् ससैनिकान्। प्रतिनन्दन मां पुत्र पुरा जित्वेव वासवम्॥
My son, destroying, today, my enemies together with their followers, increase my delight as you did before by conquering Vasava."

इत्युक्तः स तथेत्युक्त्वा रथमास्थाय दंशितः। प्रययाविन्द्रजिद् राजस्तूर्ममायोधनं प्रति॥
O king, thus addressed (by his father), Indrajita replied “it shall be so" and donning his armour and riding on his car, he soon marched towards the battle-field.

ततो विश्राव्य विस्पष्टं नाम राक्षसपुङ्गवः। आह्वयामास समरे लक्ष्मणं शुभलक्षणम्॥
Then that foremost of Rakshasas distinctly announcing his name, challenged Lakshmana bearing auspicious signs, to battle.

तं लक्ष्मणोऽभ्यधावच्च प्रगृह्य सशरं धनुः। त्रासयंस्तलघोषेण सिंहः क्षुद्रमृगान् यथा॥
(And) like a lion (pursuing) a fawn, Lakshmana taking up his bow together with arrows and terrifying his adversary by striking his arm with his palms, rushed towards him.

तयोः समभवद् युद्धं सुमहज्जयगृद्धिनोः। दिव्यास्त्रविदुषोस्तीव्रमन्योन्यस्पर्धिनोस्तदा॥
Then, there ensued a terrible and mighty encounter between those two (warriors), desirous of overcoming each other, both skilled in celestials weapons and setting at defiance the prowess of each other.

रावणिस्तु यदा नैनं विशेषयति सायकैः। ततो गुरुतरं यत्नमातिष्ठद् बलिनां वरः॥
When the son of Ravana, the strongest of the strong, could not get the better of his adversary by his arrows, he began to make vigorous exertions.

तत एनं महावेगैरर्दयामास तोमरैः। तानागतान् स चिच्छेद सौमित्रिर्निशतैः शरैः॥
Then he (Indrajita) began to hurl violently at Lakshmana, many javelins. But the son of Sumitra severed them to pieces as they were coming up to him, with sharpened arrows.

ते निकृत्ताः शरैस्तीक्ष्णैर्यपतन् धरणीतले। तमङ्गदो वालिसुतः श्रीमानुद्यम्य पादपम्॥ अभिद्रुत्य महावेगस्ताडयामास मूर्धनि। तस्येन्द्रजिदसम्भ्रान्तः प्रासेनोरसि वीर्यवान्॥ प्रहर्तुमैच्छत् तं चास्य प्रासं चिच्छेद लक्ष्मणः।
(Thus) cut down by sharpened darts they fell down on earth. Then the renowned Angada, the son to Bali, uprooting a tree and coming up with great speed, struck him (Indrajita) on the head. (But) the mighty Indrajita 'nothing daunted at this, took up a lance (and) wished to hurl it at him. (But) Lakshmana severed that lance.

तमभ्याशगतं वीरमगदं रावणात्मजः॥ गदयाताडयत् सव्ये पार्श्वे वानरपुङ्गवम्।
(Then) the son of Ravana, (seeing) the heroic Angada stand close to him, struck on the left side of the foremost of monkeys with a mace.

तमचिन्त्य प्रहारं स बलवान् वालिनः सुतः॥ ससर्जेन्द्रजित: क्रोधाच्छालस्कन्धं तथाङ्गदः।
Disregarding that stroke, the mighty son of Bali, Angada, wrathfully hurled a Sala stem at Indrajita.

सोऽङ्गदेन रुषोत्सृष्टो वधायेन्द्रजितस्तरुः॥ जघानेन्द्रजितः पार्थ रथं साश्वं ससारथिम्।
And that tree, hurled wrathfully by Angada for killing Indrajita, O Partha, destroyed his car together with the charioteer and horses.

ततो हताश्वात् प्रस्कन्ध रथात् स हतसारथिः॥ तत्रैवान्तर्दधे राजन् मायया रावणात्मजः।
His horses and driver being slain, he jumped down from the car; and O king, resorting to his power of illusion, the son of Ravana vanished at that very spot.

अन्तर्हितं विदित्वा तं बहुमायं च राक्षसम्॥ रामस्तं देशमागम्य तत् सैन्यं पर्यरक्षत।
Knowing that the Rakshasa capable of spreading various illusions, had disappeared, Rama coming up to that place (where the battle was raging) began to carefully protect his army.

स राममुद्दिश्य शरैस्ततो दत्तवरैस्तदा॥ 'विव्याध सर्वगात्रेषु लक्ष्मणं च महाबलम्।
He (Indrajita), then, aiming at Rama and the highly-powerful Lakshmana began to pierce them, with arrows obtained as boons, all over their bodies.

तमदृश्यं शरैः शूरौ माययान्तर्हितं तदा॥ योधयामासतुरुभौ रावणिं रामलक्ष्मणौ।
Then both the heroic Rama and Lakshmana, began to fight the son of Ravana, who remained invisible by his powers of illusion, by means of arrows.

स रुषा सर्वगात्रेषु तयोः पुरुषसिंहयोः॥ व्यसृजत् सायकान् भूयः शतशोऽथ सहस्रशः।
But Indrajita discharged at the bodies of those lions among men, incessant showers of arrows by hundreds and thousands.

तमदृश्यं विचिन्वन्तः सृजन्तमनिशं शरान्॥ हरयो विविशुफ्रेम प्रगृह्य महती: शिलाः।
Seeing that he (Indrajita) remaining invisible, poured down showers of arrows, the monkeys taking up huge stones entered into (every part of the) firmament.

तांश्च तौ चाप्यदृश्यः स शरैर्विव्याधराक्षसः॥ स भृशं ताडयामास रावणिर्माययाऽऽवृतः।
But the Rakshasa being invisible, pierced them and the two (brothers Rama and Lakshmana), with arrows hidden by illusion, the son of Ravana sorely afflicted them (the monkeys).

तौ शरैराचितौ वीरौ भ्रातरौ रामलक्ष्मणौ। पेततुर्गगनाद् भूमिं सूर्याचन्द्रमसाविव॥
And the two brothers, the heroic Rama and Lakshmana, wounded all over with shafts fell down on earth, as if the sun and the moon had fallen from the firmament.