The single combat between Rama and Ravana

मार्कण्डेय उवाच ततो निविशमानांस्तान् सैनिकान् रावणानुगाः। अभिजग्मुर्गणानेके पिशाचक्षुद्ररक्षसाम्॥ पर्वणः पतनो जम्भः खरः क्रोधवशो हरिः। प्ररुजश्चारुजश्चैव प्रघसश्चैवमादयः॥
Markandeya said : Then, when those troops were in their quarters, Parvana Patana, Jambha, Khara, Krodhavasha, Hari, Praruja, Aruja, Praghasa and many other minor Rakshasas and Pishachas under the sway of Ravana entered amongst them.

ते ततोऽभिपततां तेषामदृश्यानां दुरात्मनाम्। अन्तर्धानवधं तज्ज्ञश्चकार स विभीषणः॥
And remaining invisible, as those wickedsouled creatures were thus stealthily entering, Vibhishana, knew all this and did away with their power of invisibility.

दृश्यमाना हरिभिर्बलिभिर्दूरपातिभिः। निहताः सर्वशो राजन् महीं जग्मुर्गतासवः॥
O king, when disclosed to view, all of them being slain by the powerful and long-leaping monkeys fell dead on the ground.

अमृष्यमाण: सबलो रावणो निर्ययावथ। राक्षसानां बलैघरिः पिशाचानां च संवृतः।५।। युद्धशास्त्रविधानज्ञ उशना इव चापरः। व्यह्य चौशनसं व्यूहं हरीनभ्यवहारयत्॥
Unable to brook this, the mighty Ravana, skilled in the art of war like a second Ushana (Shukracharya), marched out, surrounded by his dreadful Rakshasa and Pishacha troops, and drawing up his army in that array known by the name of Ushana attacked all the monkeys.

राघवस्तु विनिर्यान्तं व्यढानीकं दशाननम्। बार्हस्पत्यं विधिं कृत्वा प्रत्यव्यूहनिशाचरम्॥
And the descendant of Raghu also, seeing the ten-headed advance, opposed the nightranger by drawing up his army after the manner recommended by Brihaspati.

समेत्य युयुधे तत्र ततो रामेण रावणः। युयुधे लक्ष्मणश्चापि तथैवेन्द्रजिता सह॥
Then Ravana, coming up to Rama, began fighting with him. And Lakshmana fought with Indrajita.

विरूपाक्षेण सुग्रीवस्तारेण च निखर्वटः। तुण्डेन च नलस्तत्र पटुश: पनसेन च।॥
Sugriva with Virupaksha, Nikharvata with Tara, Nala with Tunda and Patusha with Panasa.

विषह्यं यं हि यो मेने स स तेन समेयिवान्। युयुधे युद्धवेलायां स्वबाहुबलमाश्रितः॥
On that field of battle, he who considered another a match for him, advanced against and began fighting with him depending on his own prowess of arms.

स सम्प्रहारो ववृधे भीरूणां भयवर्धनः। लोमसंहर्षणो घोरः पुरा देवासुरे यथा।॥
And that battle so frightful to cowards and which makes one's hair stand erect, was as furious as that fought between the gods and the demons in days of yore.

रावणो राममानर्छच्छक्तिशूलासिवृष्टिभिः। निशितैरायसैस्तीक्ष्णै रावणं चापि राघवः॥
Ravana afflicted Rama with a downpour of darts, lances and swords and the descendant of Raghu too oppressed Ravana with sharpened iron darts having keen points.

तथैवेन्द्रजितं यत्तं लक्ष्मणो मर्मभेदिभिः। इन्द्रजिच्चापि सौमित्रिं बिभेद बहुभिः शरैः॥
Similarly, Lakshmana wounded the exerting Indrajita and Indrajita Lakshmana, by various darts capable of piercing the vital parts.

विभीषणः प्रहस्तं च प्रहस्तश्च विभीषणम्। खगपत्रैः शरैस्तीक्ष्णैरभ्यवर्षद् गतव्यथः॥
And Vibhishana discharged at Prahasta and Prahasta at Vibhishana, showers of sharpened arrows furnished with plumes of birds.

तेषां बलवतामासीन्महास्त्राणां समागमः। विव्यथुः सकला येन त्रयो लोकाश्चराचराः॥
(And thus) there ensued an encounter among those powerful warriors skilled in wielding mighty weapons, which (encounter) sorely afflicted the three worlds with their mobile and immobile creatures.