RAMOPAKHYANA PARVA)-Continued The construction of the bridge (across the sea: Chapter 283

मार्कण्डेय उवाच ततस्तत्रैव रामस्य समासीनस्य तैः सह। समाजग्मुः कपिश्रेष्ठाः सुग्रीववचनात् तदा।॥
Markandeya said : Then while Rama was seated at that very place with them (the monkeys), the monkeychiefs, at the command of Sugriva, began to assemble there.

वृतः कोटिसहस्रेण वानराणां तरस्विनाम्। श्वशुरो वालिनः श्रीमान् सुषेणो राममभ्ययात्॥
Surrounded by ten billions of powerful monkeys the illustrious father-in-law of Bali, Sushena, came to Rama.

कोटीशतवृतो वापि गजो गवय एव च। वानरेन्द्रौ महावी? पृथक् पृथगदृश्यताम्॥
Those two foremost of monkeys, the highlypowerful Gaja and Gavaya, each surrounded by billion (monkeys) made their appearance.

षष्टिकोटिसहरू णि प्रकर्षन् प्रत्यदृश्यत। गोलाङ्गलो महाराज गवाक्षो भीमदर्शनः॥
O mighty monarch, the terrible-looking Gavakshya having the tail of a cow, came thither, after having collected six hundred billions (of monkeys). one

गन्धमादनवासी तु प्रथितो गन्धमादनः। कोटीशतसहस्राणि हरीणां समकर्षत॥
The celebrated Gandhamadana, the dweller of the mountain Gandhamadana, gathered a hundred thousand crores of monkeys.

पनसो नाम मेधावी वानरः सुमहाबलः। कोटीर्दश द्वादश च त्रिंशत् पञ्च प्रकर्षति॥
The intelligent monkey, Panasa by name and endued with a vast strength collected together fifty two hundreds of millions (of monkeys).

श्रीमान् दधिमुखोनाम हरिवृद्धोऽतिवीर्यवान्। प्रचकर्ष महासैन्यं हरीणां भीमतेजसाम्॥
The highly-powerful and illustrious old monkey, Dadhimukha by name, gathered a great army of monkeys endued with terrible prowess.

कृष्णानां मुखपुण्ड्राणामृक्षाणां भीमकर्मणाम्। कोटीशतसहस्रेण जाम्बवान् प्रत्यदृष्यत॥
Jambuvana, accompanied by a hundred thousand crores of black bears of terrible deeds with the Tilaka mark on their faces, made his appearance there.

एते चान्ये च बहवो हरियूथपयूथपाः। असंख्येया महाराज समीयू रामकारणात्॥
O great king, these and countless other monkey-chiefs arrived thither for the sake of Rama.

गिरिकूटनिभाङ्गानां सिंहानामिव गर्जताम्। श्रूयते तुमुलः शब्दस्तत्र तत्र प्रधावताम्॥
A great tumultuous uproar was heard there caused by those monkeys running hither and thither, having bodies huge as mountain-peaks and roaring like lions.

गिरिकूटनिभाः केचित् केचिन्महिषसंनिभाः। शरदभ्रप्रतीकाशा: केचिद्धिङ्गलकाननाः॥
Some resembled mountain-peaks and some buffaloes, some looked like autumnal clouds and some had faces red as vermillion.

उत्पतन्तः पतन्तश्च प्लवमानाश्च वानराः। उद्धन्वन्तोऽपरे रेणून् समाजग्मुः समन्ततः॥
And as the monkeys flocked in from all sides, some fell down, some leaped about and some scattered the dust.

स वानरमहासैन्यः पूर्णसागरसंनिभः। निवेशमकरोत् तत्र सुग्रीवानुमते तदा॥
Then the mighty monkey-army, looking like a sea full of the brim, took up their quarters there at the command of Sugriva.

ततस्तेषु हरीन्द्रेषु समावृत्तेषु सर्वशः। तिथौ प्रशस्ते नक्षत्रे मुहूर्ते चाभिपूजिते॥ तेन व्यूढेन सैन्येन लोकानुद्वर्तयन्निव। प्रययौ राघवः श्रीमान् सुग्रीवसहितस्तदा॥
All the monkey-chiefs having assembled together from all directions, the illustrious descendant of Raghu's together with Sugriva and the (monkey) army drawn up in the battle array began his march (towards Lanka) at an auspicious moment of fair day and under a lucky constellation, as if desirous of destroying all the worlds.

मुखमासीत् तु सैन्यस्य हनूमान् मारुतात्मजः। जघनं पालयामास सौमित्रितरकुतोभयः॥
Hanuman, the son of Pavana marched in the van of the army while its rear was protected by the dauntless son of Sumitra.

बद्धगोधाङ्गुलित्राणौ राघवौ तत्र जग्मतुः। वृतौ हरिमहामात्रैश्चन्द्रसूर्यौ ग्रहैरिव॥
As they proceeded on, the two descendants of Raghu with their fingers encased in gloves of Godha's skin and surrounded by the monkey-chiefs shone like the sun or the moon (surrounded by) the planets.

प्रबभौ हरिसैन्यं तत् सालतालशिलायुधम्। सुमहच्छालिभवनं यता सूर्योदयं प्रति॥
That (vast) monkey-army holding (in their hands) Sala and Tala trees which served the purpose of arrows, looked like an extensive corn-field under the morning son.

नलनीलाङ्गदक्राथमैन्दद्विविदपालिता। ययौ सुमहती सेना राघवस्यार्थसिद्धये।॥
Protected by Nala, Nila, Angada, Kratha and Mainda that mighty host moved on for accomplishing the object of Rama.

विविधेषु प्रशस्तेषु बहुमूलफलेषु च। प्रभूतमधुमूलेषु वारिमत्सु शिवेषु च॥ निवसन्ती निराबाधा तथैव गिरिसानुषु। उपायाद्धरिसेना सा क्षारोदमथ सागरम्॥
And encamping unopposed on many extensive and auspicious tracts and valleys abounding with fruits, roots, water, honey and meat, that monkey-army at last came near the briny Sea.

द्वितीयसागरनिभं तद् बलं बहुलध्वजम्। वेलावनं समासाद्य निवासमकरोत् तदा॥
And that (vast) army which looked like a second ocean furnished with innumerable standards reached the shores of the sea) and encamped there.

ततो दाशरथिः श्रीमान् सुग्रीवं प्रत्यभाषत। मध्ये वानरमुख्यानां प्राप्तकालमिदं वचः॥
Then the renowned son of Dasharatha addressed Sugriva who was surrounded by monkey-chiefs these words appropriate to the occasion.

उपायः को नु भवतां मतः सागरलडने। इयं हि महती सेना सागरचातिदुस्तरः॥
“This army is vast and the ocean too is very difficult to cross. What steps, therefore, in your opinion, should be taken in order to cross it?

तत्रान्ये व्याहरन्ति स्म वानरा बहुमानिनः। समर्था लङ्घने सिन्धोर्न तु तत् कृत्स्नकारकम्॥
There at, very many self-conceited monkeys said "we are capable of crossing the sea.” But this could not serve the purpose fully (as all the monkeys were not able to cross the sea).

केचिन्नौभिर्व्यवस्यन्ति केचिच्च विविधैः प्लवैः। नेति रामस्तु तान् सर्वान् सान्त्वयन् प्रत्यभाषत॥
Some proposed to cross by boats and some by various kinds of rafters. But Rama, having consoled them all, said "This will not do.

शतयोजनविस्तारं न शक्ताः सर्ववानराः। क्रान्तुं तोयनिधिं वीरा नैषा वो नैष्ठिकी मतिः॥
O heroes, all the monkeys will not be able to cross the sea which is a hundred yojanas in width. Therefore, your proposal cannot be agreeable to reason.

नावो न सन्ति सेनाया बयस्तारयितुं तथा। वणिजामुपघातं च कथमस्मद्विधश्चरेत्॥
(Moreover), there are not plenty of boats of land our troops. Again (the interests of) trade should not suffer at the hands of men like us.

विस्तीर्णं चैव नः सैन्यं हन्याच्छिद्रेण वै परः। प्लवोडुपप्रतारश्च नैवात्र मम रोचते॥
Our army is vast. The enemy will the able to destroy it, if it can detect a (single) weak point in it. (Therefore) in my opinion it is not desirable to cross the sea by rafters and boats.

अहं त्विमं जलनिधि समारप्स्याम्युपायतः। प्रतिशेष्याम्युपवसन् दर्षयिष्यति मां ततः॥
I will, however, pray to this Lord of waters (to show me) a means (to cross the sea) and by observing fasts will lie down on the shores. He will then surely show me (a means).

न चेद् दर्शयिता मार्ग धक्ष्याम्येनमहं ततः। महास्त्रैरप्रतिहतैरत्यग्निपवनोज्ज्वलैः॥
If, however, he does not show me a way (to cross the ocean), I will burn him up with irresistible and mighty weapons surpassing fire itself in fury.”

इत्यक्तुवा सह सौमित्रिरुपस्पृश्याथ राघवः। प्रतिशिश्ये जलनिधिं विधिवत् कुशसंस्तरे॥
Saying this, the descendant of Raghu together with the son of Sumitra performed achamana (i.e. touched water thrice as a purifactory ceremony) and duly laid themselves down on a bed of Kusha grass on the sea-shore.

सागरस्तु ततः स्वप्ने दर्शयामास राघवम्। देवो नदनदीभर्ता श्रीमान् यादोगणैर्वृतः॥
Then that Lord of all the rivers, the ocean, surrounded by aquatic animals showed himself to the descendant of Raghu in a dream.

कौसल्यामातरित्येवमाभाष्य मधुरं वचः। इदमित्याह रत्नानामाकरैः शतशो वृतः॥
And addressing him in such sweet words as "O son of Kausalya," (the Ocean) surrounded by hundreds of mines of gems thus spoke to Rama).

ब्रूहि किं ते करोम्यत्र साहाय्यं पुरुषर्षभ। ऐक्ष्वाको ह्यस्मि ते ज्ञातिरिति रामस्तमब्रवीत्॥
"O most valiant of men, tell me what assistance I shall render to you. I belong to the race of Ikshvaku and can therefore claim kinship with you." Rama (then) replied to him.

मार्गमिच्छामि सैन्यस्य दत्तं नदनदीपते। येन गत्वा दशग्रीवं हन्यां पौलस्त्यपांसनम्॥
"O lord of all the rivers, I desire that you will grant, for my army, a way, marching through which I may kill the ten-headed wretch of Paulastya's race.

यद्येवं याचतो मार्ग न प्रदास्यति मे भवान्। शरैस्त्वां शोषयिष्यामि दिव्यास्त्रप्रतिमन्त्रितैः॥
If you do not grant the passage prayed for, I will dry you up with arrows inspired with mantras and shot from celestials weapons."

इत्येवं ब्रुवतः श्रुत्वा रामस्य वरुणालयः। उवाच व्यथितो वाक्यमिति बद्धाञ्जलिः स्थितः॥
Hearing Rama say so, the abode of Varuna (i.e. the Ocean) sorely grieved said these words with joined palms.

नेच्छामि प्रतिघातं ते नास्मि विघ्नकरस्तव। शृणु चेदं वचो राम श्रुत्वा कर्तव्यमाचर॥
"I am neither desirous of throwing any obstacles in your way nor am I inclined to your mischief. O Rama, hear these words and then do what is fit.

यदि दास्यामि ते मार्गं सैन्यस्य व्रजतोऽऽज्ञया। अन्ये व्याज्ञापयिष्यन्ति मामेवं धनुषो बलात्॥
If, at your command I grant you a passage for the transport of your troops, then others too, from the strength of their bows, will command me to do so.

अस्ति त्वत्र नलो नाम वानरः शिल्पिसम्मतः। त्वष्टुर्देवस्य तनयो बलवान् विश्वकर्मणः॥
There is a powerful monkey (in your army) Nala by name, who is a skillful mechanic and the son of the god Tvashtri, the architect of the universe.

स यत् काष्ठं तृणं वापि शिलां वा क्षेप्स्यते मयि। सर्वं तद् धारयिष्याभि स ते सेतुर्भविष्यति॥
And whatsoever he may throw into my waters, whether it be a piece of wood or a straw or a stone, I will support them all and which will be bridge to you."

इत्युक्त्वान्तहिते तस्मिन् रामो नलमुवाच ह। कुरु सेतुं समुद्रे त्वं शक्तो ह्यसि मतो मम॥
Saying this the Ocean vanished. And then Rama said to Nala "build a bridge across the sea. For, in my opinion, you are able to do it."

तेनोपायेन काकुत्स्थः सेतुबन्धमकारयत्। दशयोजनविस्तारमायतं शतयोजनम्॥
The descendant of Kakustha by this means caused a bridge ten yojanas broad and a hundred yojanas long to be erected (over the sea).

नलसेतुरिति ख्यातो योऽद्यापि प्रथितो भुवि। रामस्याज्ञां पुरस्कृत्य निर्यातो गिरिसंनिभः॥
And having constructed the bridge which to this day is known on earth by the name of Nala's bridge, Nala (endued with a body) huge a rock came out at the command of Rama.

तत्रस्थं स तु धर्मात्मा सभागच्छद् विभीषणः। भ्राता वै राक्षसेन्द्रस्य चतुर्भिः सचिवैः सह॥
While Rama there the virtuous Vibhishana, the (youngest) brother of the Rakshasa king accompanied by four advisers came to him.

प्रतिजग्राह रामस्तं स्वागतेन महामनाः। सुग्रीवस्य तु शङ्काभूत् प्रणिधिः स्यादिति स्म ह॥
And the magnanimous Rama welcomed him with due honours. But Sugriva had his misgivings, considering that he might be a spy.

राघवः सत्यचेष्टाभिः सम्यक् च चरितेङ्गितैः। यदा तत्त्वेन तुष्टोऽभूत् तत एनमपूजयत्॥
The descendant of of Raghu, however, observing the sincerity of his exertions and many signs of good conduct (in him) was perfectly satisfied (that he was not a spy) and adored him.

सर्वराक्षसराज्ये चाप्यभ्यषिञ्चद् विभीषणम्। चक्रे च मन्त्रसचिवं सुहृदं लक्ष्मणस्य च॥
And he installed him in sovereignty over all the Rakshasas and made him his junior adviser and a friend of Lakshmana's. was

विभीषणमते चैव सोऽत्यकामन्महार्णवम्। ससैन्यः सेतुना तेन मासेनैव नराधिप॥
O king of men, in accordance with the instructions of Vibhishana, he crossed the sea with his troops by means of the bridge within a month.

ततो गत्वा समासाद्य लङ्कोद्यानान्यनेकशः। भेदयामास कपिभिर्महान्ति च बहूनि च॥
Then, having reached Lanka, he caused its numerous and extensive gardens to be ravaged by the monkeys.

ततस्तौ रावणामात्यौ मन्त्रिणौ शुकसारणौ। चरौ वानररूपेण तौ जग्राह विभीषणः॥
And Vibhishana arrested two of Ravana's ministers, Shuka and Sarana, who, disguised as monkeys, came there as spies.

प्रतिपन्नौ यदा रूपं राक्षसं तौ निशाचरौ। दर्शयित्वा ततः सैन्यं रामः पश्चादवासृजत्॥
And when those two night-rangers, assumed their real Rakshasa shape, Rama showed them his troops and then dismissed them.

निवेश्योपवने सैन्यं तत् पुरः प्राज्ञवानरम्। प्रेषयामास दौत्येन रावणस्य ततोऽङ्गदम्॥
Having placed his army in the pleasuregardens of that city, Rama sent that wise monkey, Angada, as his envoy to Ravana.