The return of Hanuman

मार्कण्डेय उवाच राघवः सहसौमित्रिः सुग्रीवेणाभिपालितः। वसन् माल्यवतः पृष्ठे ददृशे विमलं नभः॥
Markandeya said: (On the other hand) while the descendant of Raghu together with Lakshmana, properly served by Sugriva, was dwelling on the plateau of the Malyavana mountain, he cast his eyes (one night) on the azure firmament.

स दृष्ट्वा विमले व्योम्नि निर्मलं शशलक्षणम्। ग्रहनक्षत्रताराभिरनुयातममित्रहा॥ कुमुदोत्पलपद्मानां गन्धमादाय वायुना। महीधरस्थः शीतेन सहसा प्रतिबोधित: ॥
From that mountain beholding on the clear cloudless heavens, the resplendent moon surrounded by planets, stars and constellations and (fanned) by a cool breeze laden with the fragrance of lilies, lotuses and other flowers of the same kind, that destroyer of foes was suddenly awakened (to a recollection of Sita).

प्रभाते लक्ष्मणं वीरमभ्यभाषत दुर्मनाः। सीतां संस्मृत्य धर्मात्मा रुद्धां राक्षसवेश्मनि॥
Afflicted at the thoughts of Sita confined in the abode of the Rakshasha (Ravana), the virtuous (Rama) thus addressed the war-like Lakshmana in the (next) morning.

गच्छ लक्ष्मण जानीहि किष्किन्धायां कपीश्वरम्। प्रमत्तं चाम्यधर्मेषु कृतघ्नं स्वार्थपण्डितम्॥
"O Lakshmana, do you repair to Kishkindha and there seek out the ungrateful, self-seeking and licentious lord of the monkeys.

योऽसौ कुलाधमो मूढो मया राज्येऽभिषेचितः। सर्ववानरगोपुच्छा यमृक्षाश्च भजन्ति वै॥
That stupid wretch of his race whom I have installed on the throne (of Kishkindha) and to whom all the monkeys, apes and bears pay their homage,

यदर्थं निहतो वाली मया रघुकुलोद्वह। त्वया सह महाबाहो किष्किन्धोपवने तदा॥
And for whose sake, O mighty-armed perpetuator of Raghu's race, I have, with your assistance slain Bali in the pleasure-gardens of Kishkindha.

कृतघ्नं तमहं मन्ये वानरापसदं भुवि। यो मामेवंगतो मूढो न जानीतेऽद्य लक्ष्मण॥
I deem that worst of monkeys to be highly ungrateful on earth, because, O Lakshmana, that wretch has now forgotten me reduced to such a plight!

असौ मन्ये न जानीते समयप्रतिपालनम्। कृतोपकारं मा नूनमवमन्याल्पया धिया।॥
I consider that, through scantiness of intellect, he does not care to fulfill his promise, disregarding me who have done him (such) a good turn.

यदि तावदनुयुक्तः शेते कामसुखात्मकः। नेतव्यो वालिमार्गेण सर्वभूतगति त्वया।॥
If he indulges in sensual pleasures without making any exertions (for the discovery of Sita), you are to send him to the path of Bali, the common goal of all creatures.

अथापि घटतेऽस्माकमर्थे वानरपुङ्गवः। तमादायैव काकुत्स्थ त्वरावान् भव मा चिरम्॥
But if that foremost of monkeys be devoted to our cause, then O descendant of Kakustha, bring him hither. Go soon and make no delay.”

इत्युक्तो लक्ष्मणो भ्रात्रा गुरुवाक्यहिते रतः। प्रतस्थे रुचिरं गृह्य समार्गणगुणं धनुः॥
Lakshmana (ever) obedient to the behests and devoted to the welfare of his superiors, thus addressed by his brother, took his beautiful bow together with string and arrows and (soon) set out (for Kishkindha).

किष्किन्धाद्वारमासाद्य प्रविवेशानिवारितः। सक्रोध इति तं मत्वा राजा प्रत्युद्ययौ हरिः॥
And reaching the gate of Kishkindha he entered (the city) unopposed. The monkey-king deeming him to be angry advanced (to meet him).

तं सदारो विनीतात्मा सुग्रीवः प्लवगाधिपः। पूजया प्रतिजग्राह प्रीयमाणस्तदर्हया॥ तमब्रवीद् रामवचः सौमित्रिरकुतोभयः।
And with a humble mind, the monkey-king accompanied by his consort, welcomed him joyously and respectfully. (Then) the dauntless son of Sumitra made him acquainted with the words told by Rama.

सर्वमशेषेण श्रुत्वा प्रह्वः कृताञ्जलिः॥ सभृत्यदारो राजेन्द्र सुग्रीवो वानराधिपः। इदमाह वचः प्रीतो लक्ष्मणं नरकुञ्जरम्॥
O king of kings, hearing all this in detail, Sugriva, the lord of the monkeys together with his consort and attendants joined his palms with humility and joyfully told Lakshmana, the most valiant of men, these words.

स तत् नास्मि लक्ष्मण दुर्मेधा नाकृतज्ञो न निघृणः। श्रूयतां यः प्रयत्नो मे सीतापर्येषणे कृतः॥
"O Lakshmana, I am neither evil-minded nor ungrateful nor cruel. Listen, what pains I have taken in the direction of the discovery of Sita.

दिशः प्रस्थापिताः सर्वे विनीता हरयो मया। सर्वेषां च कृतः कालो मासेनागमनं पुनः॥
I have sent (many) intelligent monkeys in all the directions and have appointed a month for the return of them all.

वैरियं सवना साद्रिः सपुरा सागराम्बरा। विचेतव्या मही वीर सचमनगराकरा॥
O mighty hero, the entire earth with its forests, mountains, cities, seas, villages, towns and mines will be ransacked by them.

स मासः पञ्चरात्रेण पूर्णो भवितुमर्हति। ततः श्रोष्यसि रामेण सहितः सुमहत् प्रियम्॥
That month will be complete in another five nights. And then you will, together with Rama, hear that great and joyful news about the discovery of Sita)."

इत्युक्तो लक्ष्मणस्तेन वानरेन्द्रेण धीमता। त्यक्त्वा रोषमदीनात्मा सुग्रीवं प्रत्यपूजयत्॥
Thus addressed by the intelligent monkeyking, the magnanimous Lakshmana, giving up his anger, adored Sugriva.

स रामं सहसुग्रीवो माल्यवत्पृष्ठमास्थितम्। अभिगम्योदयं तस्य कार्यस्य प्रत्यवेदयत्॥
Accompanied by Sugriva he then returned to Rama who was dwelling on the plateau of the mountain Malyavana and approaching him related the success of his mission,

इत्येवं वानरेन्द्रास्ते समाजग्मुः सहस्रशः। दिशस्तिस्रो विचित्याथ न तु ये दक्षिणां गताः॥
Thousands of monkeys 3oon began to return after searching, the three quarters, excepting those who were sent towards the south.

आचख्युस्तत्र रामाय महीं सागरमेखलाम्। विचितां न तु वैदेह्या दर्शनं रावणस्य वा॥
And they told Rama “Although we have searched the (entire) sea-girt earth, we have not found either the princess of Videha or Ravana.

गतास्तु दक्षिणामाशां ये वै वानरपुङ्गवाः। आशावांस्तेषु काकुत्स्थः प्राणानार्तोऽभ्यधारयत्॥
And though sorely grieved (at this unpleasant news) the descendant of Kakustha dragged his existence hopeful of the success of those great monkeys who were despatched towards the south.

द्विमासोपरमे काले व्यतीते प्लवगास्ततः। सुग्रीवमभिगम्येदं त्वरिता वाक्यमब्रुवन्॥
When two months had passed away, (some) monkeys hastily approaching Sugriva told him these words.

रक्षितं वालिना यत् तत् स्फीतं मधुबनं महत्। त्वया च प्लवगश्रेष्ठ तद् भुङ्क्ते पवनात्मजः॥
"O chief of the monkeys, the great and extensive orchard, Madhuvana which was (so) carefully preserved by Bali and is well-guarded by you also, is being pillaged by the son of Pavana,

वालिपुत्रोऽङ्गदश्चैव ये चान्ये प्लवगर्षभाः। विचेतुं दक्षिणामाशां राजन् प्रस्थापितास्त्वया॥
Angada, the son of Bali and other foremost of monkeys who, O monarch, were despatched by you to search the southern direction."

तेषामपनयं श्रुत्वा मेने स कृतकृत्यताम्। कृतार्थानां हि भृत्यानामेतद् भवति चेष्टितम्॥
Hearing of this act of indulgence on their part, he (Sugriva) thought they successful, for such behaviour could be possible for those servants whose efforts were crowned with success.

स तद् रामाय मेधावी शशंस प्लवगर्षभः। रामश्चाप्यनुमानेन मेने दृष्टां तु मैथिलीम्॥
Then that intellectual and foremost of monkeys informed Rama of this. And Rama too inferred (from the statement of Sugriva) that Sita must have been seen (by the monkeys).

हनुमत्प्रमुखाश्चापि विश्रान्तास्ते प्लवङ्गमाः। अभिजग्मुर्हरीन्द्रं तं रामलक्ष्मणसंनिधौ॥
(Meanwhile) those monkeys with Hanuman at their head, having rested themselves, were approached the monkey-king who was with Rama and Lakshmana.

गतिं च मुखवर्णं च दृष्ट्वा रामो हनूमतः। अगमत् प्रत्यय भूयो दृष्टा सीतेति भारत।॥
O Bharata, observing the gestures of Hanuman and the colour of his face, Rama became thoroughly convinced of the discovery of Sita.

हनुमत्प्रमुखास्ते तु वानराः पूर्णमानसाः। प्रणेतुर्विधिवद् रामं सुग्रीवं लक्ष्मणं तथा॥
The monkeys, headed by Hanuman and successful in their mission, duly bowed down to Rama, Lakshmana and Sugriva.

तानुवाचानतान् रामः प्रगृह्य सशरं धनुः। अपि मां जीवयिष्यध्वमपि वः कृतकृत्यता॥
(Then) Rama, holding (in his hand) his bow together with arrows, addressed those assembled (monkeys) thus, “Will you make me bear life? Have you been successful?

अपि राज्यमयोध्यायां कारयिष्याम्यहं पुनः। निहत्य समरे शत्रूनाहत्य जनकात्मजाम्॥
Having killed my enemy in battle and delivered the daughter of Janaka, will you enable me to reign at Ayodhya?

अमोक्षयित्वा वैदेहीमहत्वा च रणे रिपून्। हृतदारोऽवधूतश्च नाहं जीवितुमुत्सहे॥
Deprived of my wife and honour, I do not wish to live so long as the princess of Videha is not rescued and my enemies are not slain."

इत्युक्तवचनं रामं प्रत्युवाचानिलात्मजः। प्रियमाख्यामि ते राम दृष्टा सा जानकी मया॥
Rama having said this, Hanuman the son of the wind-god thus replied to him. “O Rama, I am giving you good news. The daughter of Janaka has been seen by me.

विचित्य दक्षिणामाशां सपर्वतवनाकराम्। श्रान्ताः काले व्यतीते स्म दृष्टवन्तो महागुहाम्॥
Searching the southern direction with all its mountains, forests and mines, we got fatigued and then after the expiration of the appointed time we saw a great cave.

प्रविशामो वयं तां तु बहुयोजनमायताम्। सान्धकारां सुविपिनां गहनां कीटसेविताम्॥
We then entered it (the cave) extending over many a yojana, dark, woody, deep and infested by insects.

गत्वा सुमहदध्वानमादित्यस्य प्रभां ततः। दृष्टवन्तः स्म तत्रैव भवनं दिव्यमन्तरा॥
Having traversed a great way through it, we saw the splendour of the sun and a beautiful palace within it.

मयस्य किल दैत्यस्य तदासीद् वेश्म राघव। तत्र प्रभावती नाम तपोऽतप्यत तापसी॥
O scion of Raghu's race, that palace belonged to the Daitya Maya. There a female ascetic Prabhavati by name, was engaged in austerities.

तया दत्तानि भोज्यानि पानानि विविधानि च। भुक्त्वा लब्धबलाः सन्तस्तयोक्तेन पथा ततः॥
She gave us many sorts of eatables and drinkable. Regaining our strength after partaking of food, we proceeded along the route indicated by her.

निर्याय तस्मादुद्देशात् पश्यामो लवणाम्भसः। समीपे सह्यमलयौ दर्दुरं च महागिरिम्॥
And issuing out of the cave (we) beheld near the briny ocean the Sahya, the Malaya and the mighty Dardura mountains.

ततो मलयमारुह्य पश्यन्तो वरुणालयम्। विषण्णा व्यथिताः खिन्ना निराशा निराशा जीविते भृशम्॥
Then ascending the Malaya mountain (when) we beheld the abode of Varuna (i.e. the ocean-god), we became sorely grieved, afflicted and dejected and gave up all hopes of life.

अनेकशतविस्तीर्णं योजनानां महोदधिम्। निमिनक्रझपा ।सं चिन्तयन्तः सुदुःखिताः॥
Considering that this mighty ocean was many hundred yojanas in width and the abode of whales, alligators and fishes, we became sorely grieved.

तत्रानशनसंकल्पं कृत्वाऽऽसीना वयं तदा। ततः कथान्ते गृध्रस्य जटायोरभवत् कथा॥
Then we sat down resolving to die of starvation. Then in the course of our conversation, we happened to talk of the vulture Jatayu.

ततः पर्वतशृङ्गाभं घोररूपं भयावहम्। पक्षिणं दृष्टवन्तः स्म वैनतेयमिवापरम्॥
Then we beheld an awe-inspiring and a terrible-looking bird huge as mountain-peak and looking like another son of Vinata (Garuda).

सोऽस्मानतळयद् भोक्तुमथाभ्येत्य वचोऽब्रवीत्। भोः क एष मम भ्रातुर्जटायोः कुरुते कथाम्॥
And desirous of devouring us, he approached us and spoke these words “who is it that is speaking of my brother Jatayu?

सम्पातिर्नाम तस्याहं ज्येष्ठो भ्राता खगाधिपः। अन्योन्यस्पर्धयारूढावावामादित्यसत्पदम्॥
I am his elder brother Sampati by name and the lord of birds. Once desirous of competing with each other we soared toward the sun.

ततो दग्धाविमौ पक्षौ न दग्धौ तु जटायुषः। तदा मे चिरदृष्टः स भ्राता गृध्रपतिः प्रियः॥ निर्दग्धपक्षः पतितो ह्यहमस्मिन् महागिरौ।
In consequence of which my wings were burnt but those of Jatayu were not. That was the last time when I saw my dear brother, the king of the vultures. My wings being burnt I fell down and have been since lying on this mighty mountain."

तस्यैवं वदतोऽस्माभिर्हतो भ्राता निवेदितः॥ व्यसनं भवतश्चेदं संक्षेपाद् वै निवेदितम्।
He, having said this, we told him of the death of his brother. And we informed him briefly of your calamity.

स सम्पातिस्तदा राजञ्छ्रुत्वा सुमहदप्रियम्॥ विषण्णचेताः पप्रच्छ पुनरस्मानरिंदम। कः स रामः कथं सीता जटायुश्च कथं हतः॥ इच्छामि सर्वमेवैतच्छ्रोतुं प्लवगसत्तमाः।
Hearing this very disagreeable news, O king, Sampati, became dejected at heart and O tormentor of foes again asked “who is this Rama? Why was Sita abducted? And how was Jatayu slain? O best of monkeys, I am desirous of hearing all this."

तस्याहं सर्वमेवैतद् भवतो व्यसनागमम्॥ प्रायोपवेशने चैव हेतुं विस्तरशोऽब्रुवम्।
I then fully informed him of the calamity that has befallen your worshipful self and of the cause of our resolve to die of starvation.

सोऽस्मानुत्थापयामास वाक्येनानेन पक्षिराट्॥ रावणो विदितो मह्यं लङ्का चास्य महापुरी। दृष्टा पारे समुद्रस्य त्रिकूटगिरिकन्दरे॥ भवित्री तत्र वैदेही न मेऽस्त्यत्र विचारणा।
But that monarch of birds stirred us up with these words. Ravana is indeed known to me. His mighty capital, Lanka, can be seen across the sea (situate) in a valley of the Trikuta mountains. The princess of Videha must be there. I have no doubt on this point.

इति तस्य वचः श्रुत्वा वयमुत्थाय सत्वराः॥ सागरक्रमणे मन्त्रं मन्त्रयामः परंतप।
Hearing him thus speak, we got up soon and O tormentor of foes, held a consultation together as to how to cross the sea;

नाध्यवास्यद् यदा कश्चित् सागरस्य विलङ्घनम्॥ ततः पितरमाविश्य पुप्लवेऽहं महार्णवम्। शतयोजनविस्तीर्णं निहत्य जलराक्षसीम्॥
But none had courage enough to attempt it. Then inspired with the energy of my father, whom I invoked, I crossed the vast ocean, a thousand yojanas wide, after having killed a Rakshasa woman (on my way) who lived in the waters.

तत्र सीता मया दृष्टा रावणान्तःपुरे सती। उपवासतप:शीला भर्तृदर्शनलालसा॥
I (then) discovered the chaste Sita in the । Ravana's household observing austerities and fasts, eager to behold her husband,

जटिला मलदिग्धाङ्गी कृशा दीना तपस्विनी। निमित्तैस्तामहं सीतामुपलभ्य पृथग्विधैः॥
With clotted hair, covered with dirt, melancholy, lean and lank and devoted to asceticism. Knowing her to be Sita by these unusual signs,

उपसृत्याब्रुवं चार्यामभिगम्य रहोगताम्। सीते रामस्य दूतोऽहं वानरो मारुतात्मजः॥
I approached her and bowing down to that worshipful lady who was alone, said “Sita, I am Ram's messenger, a monkey and the son of Pavana (the wind-god).

त्वदर्शनमभिप्रेप्सुरिह प्राप्तो विहायसा। राजपुत्रौ कुशलिनौ भ्रातरौ रामलक्ष्मणौ॥
Desirous of seeing you, I have come here ranging through the firmament. Those princes, the brothers Rama and Lakshmana are all right,

सर्वशाखामृगेन्द्रेण सुग्रीवेणाभिपालितौ। कुशलं त्वाब्रवीद् रामः सीते सौमित्रिणा सह॥
Being well cared for by Sugriva and the monkeys. O Sita, both Rama and the son of Sumitra have enquired of your welfare.

सखिभावाच्च सुग्रीवः कुशलं त्वानुपृच्छति। क्षिप्रमेष्यति ते भर्ता सर्वशाखामृगैः सह॥ प्रत्ययं कुरु मे देवि वानरोऽस्मि न राक्षसः।
And Sugriva too being a friend (of them) has enquired of your welfare. Your husband will soon arrive (here) accompanied by all the monkeys. O divine lady, believe in me. I am a monkey and not a Rakshasa.

मुहूर्तमिव च ध्यात्वा सीता मां प्रत्युवाच ह॥ अवैमि त्वां हनूमन्तमविन्ध्यवचनादहम्। अविन्ध्यो हि महाबाहो राक्षसो वृद्धसम्मतः॥
Reflecting a moment on what I said, Sita replied to me, “From what has been said by Avindhya I know you to be Hanuman. O (monkey) of mighty arms, Avindhya is an old and a revered Rakshasa.

कथितस्तेन सुग्रीवस्त्वद्विधैः सचिवैर्वृतः। गम्यतामिति चोक्त्वा मां सीता प्रादादिमं मणिम्॥ धारिता येन वैदेही कालमेतमनिन्दिता। प्रत्ययार्थं कथां चेमां कथयामास जानकी॥
He told me “Sugriva is surrounded by such advisers as you" Then asking me to go away Sita gave me this jewel (as a token), which enabled the faultless princess of Videha to bear life so long. And the daughter of Janaka further told me these words as a credential.

क्षिप्तामिषीका काकाय चित्रकूटे महागिरौ। भवता पुरुषव्याघ्र प्रत्यभिज्ञानकारणात्॥
(Namely) that while dwelling in the mighty mountain Chitrakuta, O most valiant of meen, you shot a straw at a crow.

ग्राहयित्वाहमात्मानं ततो दग्ध्वा च तां पुरीम्। सम्प्राप्त इति तं रामः प्रियवादिनमार्चयत्॥
Then suffering myself to be seized (by the guards) and setting fire to that city (Lanka) I have come back" (Hearing these words) Rama adored that being who spoke agreeable words.