The consolation offered to Sita by Trijata

मार्कण्डेय उवाच ततोऽविदूरे नलिनी प्रभूतकमलोत्पलाम्। सीताहरणदुःखार्तः पम्पां रामः समासदत्॥
Markandeya said : Then, Rama, distracted with grief at the abduction of Sita, got to the Lake Pampa situated at a short distance and full of several kinds of lotuses.

मारुतेन सुशीतेन सुखेनामृतगन्धिना। सेव्यमानो वने तस्मिञ्जगाम मनसा प्रियाम्॥
In that forest fanned by cool and pleasant breezes charged with the ordour of ambrosia, the thoughts of his dear wife crept into the mind of Rama.

विललाप स राजेन्द्रस्तत्र कान्तामनुस्मरन्। कामबाणाभिसंतप्तः सौमित्रिस्तमथाब्रवीत्॥
O king of kings, smitten with Cupid's arrows by thinking of his beloved spouse he lamented (profusely). Then the son of Sumitra thus spoke to him.

न त्वामेवंविधो भावः स्प्रष्टुमर्हति मानद। आत्मवन्तमिव व्याधिः पुरुषं वृद्धशीलिनम्॥
“O respector of those that deserve honour, this state of your mind is as unworthy of you, as diseases in a self-contained old man of regular habits.

प्रवृत्तिरुपलब्धा ते वैदेह्या रावणस्य च। तां त्वं पुरुषकारेण बुद्ध्या चैवोपपादय॥
You have received intelligence concerning Ravana and the princess of Videha. (Now try to) liberate her by exertion and wisdom.

अभिगच्छाव सुग्रीवं शैलस्थं हरिपुङ्गवम्। मयि शिष्ये च भृत्ये च सहाये च समाश्वस॥
Let us go to Sugriva, the foremost of monkeys who dwells in (yonder) mountain. Cheer yourself up since I, your disciple servant and assistant, am near."

एवं बहुविधैर्वाक्यैर्लक्ष्मणेन स राघवः। उक्तः प्रकृतिमापेदे कार्ये चानन्तरोऽभवत्॥
By these and various other words of the same significance spoken by Lakshmana, the descendant of Raghu recovered his natural calmness and became mindful of his business.

निषेव्य वारि पम्पायास्तर्पयित्वा पितृनपि। प्रतस्थतुरुभौ वीरौ भ्रातरौ रामलक्ष्मणौ॥
And both those heroic brothers Rama and Lakshmana bathing in the waters of the Pampa and offering oblations to their ancestors left (for Rishyamukha).

तावृष्यमूकमभ्येत्य बहुमूलफलद्रुमम्। गिर्यचे वानरान् पञ्च वीरौ ददृशतुस्तदा॥
Then, having reached the (mountain) Rishyamukha full of various roots, fruits and trees, those heroes saw at the summit of the mountain five monkeys.

सुग्रीवः प्रेषयामास सचिवं वानरं तयोः। बुद्धिमन्तं हनूमन्तं हिमवन्तमिव स्थितम्॥
Sugriva, (then), sent, his minister, the intelligent monkey Hanuman huge as mountain, to (receive them).

तेन सम्भाध्य पूर्वं तौ सुग्रीवमभिजग्मतुः। सख्यं वानरराजेन चक्रे रामस्तदा नृप॥
Having first conversed with him, they both came to Sugriva. O king, Rama then contracted a friendship with the monkey-king.

तद् वासो दर्शयामासुस्तस्य कार्ये निवेदिते। वानराणां तु यत् सीता ह्रियमाणा व्यपासृजत्॥
When Rama had unfolded his intentions to him, he (Sugriva) showed to him the piece of cloth dropped among the monkeys by Şita while being carried off (by Ravana).

तत् प्रत्ययकरं लस्वा सुग्रीवं प्लवगाधिपम्। पृथिव्यां वानरैश्वर्ये स्वयं रामोऽभ्यषेचयत्॥
Having obtained this token, Rama installed Sugriva the monkey-king, in sovereignty over all the monkeys on earth. a

प्रतिजज्ञे च काकुत्स्थः समरे वालिनो वधम्। सुग्रीवश्चापि वैदेह्याः पुनरानयनं नृप॥
(And) the descendant of Kakustha promised to kill Bali in battle; and O king, Sugriva also pledged himself to liberate Sita.

इत्युक्त्वा समयं कृत्वा विश्वास्य च परस्परम्। अभ्येत्य सर्वे किष्किन्धा तस्थुर्युद्धाभिकाक्षिणः।।१५।
Having come to this (mutual) understanding, reposing confidence in each other, they all arrived at Kishkindha and desirous of battle remained prepared (for counter with Bali).

सुग्रीवः प्राप्य किष्किन्धां ननादौघनिभस्वनः। नास्य तन्ममृषे वाली तारा तं प्रत्यषेधयत्॥
Having reached Kishkindha, Sugriva sent forth a yell like the roar of a torrent. Bali could not brook that; but Tara (his wife) stood in his way, saying

यथा नदति सुग्रीवो बलवानेष वानरः। मन्ये चाश्रयवान् प्राप्तो न त्वं निष्क्रान्तुमर्हसि॥
"From the manner in which this powerful monkey Sugriva is roaring, I think he has received assistance. (Therefore) do not go out."

हेममाली ततो वाली तारां ताराधिपाननाम्। प्रोवाच वचनं वाग्मी तां वानरपतिः पतिः॥
Thereupon, (her) husband, the eloquent Bali, the monkey-king who wore a golden garland replied to Tara endued with a face resplendent as the moon, the lord of the stars.

सर्वभूतरुतज्ञा त्वं पश्य बुद्ध्या समन्विता। केन चाश्रयवान् प्राप्तो ममैष भ्रातृगन्धिकः॥
“You are acquainted with the voice of all creatures; (therefore) by the exercise of your intelligence ascertain, whose assistance, this being who bears the relation of brother to me, has obtained.

चिन्तयित्वा मुहूर्तं तु तारा ताराधिप्रभा। पतिमित्यब्रवीत् प्राज्ञा शृणु सर्वं कपीश्वर।॥
The wise Tara, resplendent as the lord of the stars, reflecting a moment thus replied to her husband. “O lord of the monkeys, listen to all this.

हृतदारो महासत्त्वो रामो दशरथात्मजः। तुल्यारिमित्रतां प्राप्तः सुग्रीवेण धनुर्धरः॥
That bowman, Rama, the highly energetic son of Dasharatha, whose wife has been carried off (by Ravana) has formed an offensive and a defensive alliance with Sugriva.

भ्राता चास्य महाबाहुः सौमित्रिरपराजितः। लक्ष्मणो नाम मेधावी स्थितः कार्यार्थसिद्धये॥
His brother, the intellectual Lakshmana of mighty arms, the ever-victorious son of Sumitra, stands by him for the furtherance of Sugriva's aims.

मैन्दा द्विविदश्चापि हनूमांश्चानिलात्मजः। जाम्बवानृक्षराजश्च सुग्रीवसचिवाः स्थिताः॥
(Moreover), Mainda, Dvivida, Hanuman, the son of the wind god and Jambuvana, the king of the bears, all these counsellors of Sugriva stand up for him.

सर्व एते महात्मानो बुद्धिमन्तो महाबलाः। अलं तव विनाशाय रामवीर्यबलाश्रयात्॥
All these are endued with magnanimity, intellect and great strength; and being backed up by the strength of Rama are surely able to kill you."

तस्यास्तदाक्षिप्य वचो हितमुक्तं कपीश्वरः। पर्यशङ्कत तामीर्षुः सुग्रीवगतमानसाम्॥
(But) the lord of the monkeys, discarding her beneficial words, was filled with jealousy and suspected that her heart was inclined towards Sugriva.

तारां परुषमुक्त्वा तु निर्जगाम गुहामुखात्। स्थितं माल्यवतोऽभ्याशे सुग्रीवं सोऽभ्यभाषत॥
Having spoken harshly to Tara he (Bali) issued out of his cave and coming up to Sugriva who the Malyavan (mountain) addressed him thus,

असकृत् त्वं मया पूर्वं निर्जितो जीवितप्रियः। मुक्तो ज्ञातिरिति ज्ञात्वा का त्वरा मरणे पुनः॥
"You who are (very) fond of life, were equently defeated by me before; (but) considering the relationship you bear to me, I allowed you to escape (without taking your life).Then, why are you rushing into death so soon?" was near

इत्युक्तः प्राह सुग्रीवो भ्रातरं हेतुमद् वचः। प्राप्तकालममित्रघ्नो रामं सम्बोधयन्निव॥
Thus addressed (by Bali), Sugriva, the slayer of his foes, as if addressing Rama himself, spoke to his brother these significant words, (well) suited to the occasion.

हतराज्यस्य में राजन् हृतदारस्य च त्वया। किं मे जीवितसामर्थ्यमिति विद्धि समागतम्॥
"O monarch, deprived of my wife as well as of my kingdom by you, what need is there for my life? Know that it is for this (i.e. death) that I have sought you."

एवमुक्त्वा बहुविधं ततस्तौ संनिपेततुः। समरे वालिसुग्रीवौ शालतालशिलायुधौ।॥
Addressing each other in these and various other words in the same strain, both Bali and Sugriva were engaged in battle with Shalas, Talas and stones, which served the purpose of arrows.

उभौ जघ्नतुरन्योन्यमुभौ भूमौ निपेततुः। उभौ ववल्गतुश्चित्रं मुष्टिभिश्च निजघ्नतुः॥
Both smote each other and both struck down each other on the ground; both moved about with wonderful (dexterity) and both dealt blows (at each other).

उभौ रुधिरसंसिक्तौ नखदन्तपरिक्षतौ। शुशुभाते तदा वीरौ पुष्पिताविव किंशुकौ॥
Both those warriors torn with each others) nails and teeth were besmeared with blood and shone like two blooming Kinshuka flowers.

न विशेषस्तयोर्युद्धे यदा कश्चन् दृश्यते। सुग्रीवस्य तदा मालां हनुमान् कण्ठ आसजत्॥
(On account of their similarity appearance) no difference (in aspect) could be discovered between those fighters. Hanuman then placed a garland round the neck of Sugriva.

स मालया तदा वीरः शुशुभे कण्ठसक्तया। श्रीमानिव महाशैलो मलयो मेघमालया॥
Thereupon that hero adorned with that garland on his neck shone like the beautiful and mighty Malaya mountain encircled with the clouds. in

कृतचिह्नं तु सुग्रीवं रामो दृष्ट्वा महाधनुः। विचकर्ष धनुः श्रेष्ठं वालिमुद्दिश्य लक्ष्यवत्॥
Recognizing Sugriva by that mark, the mighty bowman Rama drew his excellent bow aiming at Bali as his mark.

विस्फारस्तस्य धनुषो यन्त्रस्येव तदा बभौ। वितत्रास तदा वाली शरेणाभिहतोरसि॥
The twang of his bow was like (the roar of) an engine. And pierced through the heart by the arrow Bali became alarmed.

स भिन्नहदयो वाली वक्राच्छोणितमुद्वमन्। ददर्शावस्थितं रामं ततः सौमित्रिणा सह॥
With his heart riven (by Rama's arrow) Bali began to vomit blood through his mouth and then he saw Rama standing (before him) together with the son of Sumitra.

गर्हयित्वा स काकुत्स्थं पपात भुवि मुर्छितः। तारा ददर्श तं भूमौ तारापतिसमौजसम्॥
Rebuking the descendant of Kakustha, (for taking his life without cause) he fell down senseless on the ground. Tara then beheld him (Bali) of moon-like splendour, lying (slain) on the earth.

हते वालिनि सुग्रीवः किष्किन्धा प्रत्यपद्यता तां च तारापतिमुखीं तारां निपतितेश्वराम्॥
Bali being thus slain, Sugriva obtained possession of Kishkindha and (the hand of) the widowed Tara also endued with a face lovely as the lord of the stars.

रामस्तु चतुरो मासान् पृष्ठे माल्यवत: शुभे। निवासमकरोद् धीमान् सुग्रीवेणाभ्युपस्थितः॥
And the intelligent Rama too, worshipped by Sugriva, in every way, lived on the auspicious plateau of the mountain Malyavan for four months.

रावणोऽपि पुरीं गत्वा लङ्कां कामबलात्कृतः। सीतां निवेशयामास भवने नन्दनोपमे॥
(On the other hand) the lustful Ravana too, having repaired to his capital Lanka, placed Sita in a retreat (beautiful) like the Nandana (gardens).

अशोकवनिकाभ्याशे तापसाश्रमसंनिभे। भर्तृस्मरणतन्वङ्गी तापसीवेषधारिणी॥
Situate within the Ashoka garden, resembling an asylum of ascetics. (And there) with her body reduced to a skeleton thinking of her husband and wearing the garb of ascetics.

उपवासतप:शीला तत्रास पृथुलेक्षणा। उवास दुःखवसतिं फलमूलकृताशना॥
And engaged in austerities and observing fasts, that large-eyed lady began to dwell sorrowfully subsisting on fruits and roots.

दिदेश राक्षसीस्तत्र रक्षणे राक्षसाधिपः। सासिलशूलपरशुमुद्गरालातधारिणीः॥
In order to guard her, the lord of the Rakshasas appointed Rakshasa women holding (in their hands) barbed darts, swords, maces, axes, clubs and flaming brands.

व्यक्षीं त्र्यक्षीं ललाटाक्षीं दीर्घजिह्वामजिबिकाम्। त्रिस्तनीमेकपादां च त्रिजटामेकलोचनाम्॥
And some (of them) had two and some three eyes, (some) had their eyes on the forehead, (some) were possessed of long tongues and some none, (some) had three breasts (some) one leg, (some) three braids of matted hair and (some) only one eye.

एताश्चान्याश्च दीप्ताक्ष्यः करभोत्कटमूर्द्धजाः। परिवार्यासते सीतां दिवारानमतन्द्रिताः॥
These and other (Rakshasas) females with flaming eyes and hair stiff as that of a camel, surrounded Sita very watchfully day and night.

तास्तु तामायतापाङ्गी पिशाच्यो दारुणस्वराः। तर्जयन्ति सदा रौद्राः परुषव्यञ्जनस्वराः॥
And those terrible-looking Pishachi women of dreadful voice always spoke that large-eyed lady in harsh words (such as),

खादाम पाटयामैनां तिलश: प्रविभज्य ताम्। येयं भर्तारमस्माकमवमन्येह जीवति॥
"Let us devour her; mangle her and tear her to pieces, who is living here despising our lord."

इत्येवं परिभर्त्सन्तीस्त्रास्यमाना पुनः पुनः। भर्तृशोकसमाविष्टा निःश्वस्येदमुवाच ताः॥
Thus repeatedly threatened and censured, Sita, afflicted with grief for her husband, replied to them with a deep sigh.

आर्याः खादत मां शीघ्रं न मे लोभोऽस्ति जीविते। विना तं पुण्डरीकाक्षं नीलकुञ्चितमूर्धजम्॥
"Worshipful ladies, eat me up soon. I have no need of life without the lotus-eyed (Rama) of curly and blue hair.

अप्येवाहं निराहारा जीवितप्रियवर्जिता। शोषयिष्यामि गात्राणि व्याली तालगता यथा॥
Separated from my beloved, so dear to my life I will rather live without food and waste away my frame like a she-serpent living near a Tala tree.

न त्वन्यमभिगच्छेयं पुमांसं राघवादृते। इति जानीत सत्यं मे क्रियतां यदनन्तरम्॥
Than live with any other person except the descendant of Raghu. Know this to be my firm resolve; and now do, whatever you like, with me.”

तस्यास्तद् वचनं श्रुत्वा राक्षस्यस्ताः खरस्वनाः। आख्यातुं राक्षसेन्द्राय जग्मुस्तत् सर्वमादृताः॥
The Rakshasa women, of harsh voice, hearing those words of hers, went to the king of the Rakshasas in order to tell him all that were spoken by her (Sita).

गतासु तासु सर्वासु त्रिजटा नाम राक्षसी। सान्त्वयामास वैदेहीं धर्मज्ञा प्रियवादिनी॥
They all having gone (to Ravana), a pious Rakshasa woman Trijata by name, who spoke sweet words, (thus) consoled the princess of Videha.

सीते वक्ष्यामि ते किंचिद् विश्वासं कुरु मे सखि। भयं त्वं त्यज वामोरु शृणु चेदं वचो मम॥
“Sita, I shall tell you something. O friend, believe me. O lady of fair hips, drive away your fears and hear these my words.

अविन्ध्यो नाम मेधावी वृद्धो राक्षसपुङ्गवः। स रामस्य हितान्वेषी त्वदर्थे हि स मावदत्॥
There is an old and intelligent Rakshasas chief named Avindhya. He seeks Rama's welfare and for your sake has told me (these words).

सीता मद्वचनाद् वाच्या समाश्वास्य प्रसाद्य च। भर्ता ते कुशली रामो लक्ष्मणानुगतो बली॥
"Having reassured and consoled Sita, address her in these my words (that I tell you now), saying, your husband, the heroic Rama, followed by Lakshmana, is all right.

सख्यं वानरराजेन शक्रप्रतिमतेजसा। कृतवान् राघवः श्रीमांस्त्वदर्थे च समुद्यतः॥
The illustrious descendant of Raghu has contracted friendship with the king of the monkeys, as powerful as Shakra himself and is ready for your deliverance.

मा च तेऽस्तु भयं भीरु रावणाल्लोकगहितात्। नलकूबरशापेन रक्षिता ह्यसि नन्दिनि॥
O timid lady, you have no fear from Ravana who is cursed by all the world, (because) O daughter, you are protected by Nalakubera's imprecation.

शप्तो ह्येष पुरा पापो वधू रम्भां परामृशन्। न शक्नोत्यवशां नारीमुपैतुमजितेन्द्रियः॥
Formerly this sinful wretch was cursed for having committed rape on his (own) daughterin-law, Rambha. (Therefore) this lustful being is not capable of forcibly violating any woman.

क्षिप्रमेष्यति ते भर्ता सुग्रीवेणाभिरक्षितः। सौमित्रिसहितो धीमांस्त्वां चेतो मोक्षयिष्यति॥
Your intelligent husband accompanied by the son of Sumitra and protected by Sugriva will soon arrive (here) and deliver you hence.

स्वप्ना हि सुमहाघोरा दृष्टा मेऽनिष्टदर्शनाः। विनाशायास्य दुर्बुद्धेः पौलस्त्यकुलघातिनः॥
I have dreamed an awfully-terrible dream of evil omen, indicative of the destruction of this evil-minded destroyer of the race of Pulastya.

दारुणो ह्येष दुष्टात्मा क्षुद्रकर्मा निशाचरः। स्वभावाच्छीलदोषेण सर्वेषां भयवर्धनः॥
This night-ranger is terribly wicked-minded and is prone to mean deeds and on account of his innate bad nature he terrifies all (creatures).

स्पर्धते सर्वदेवैर्यः कालोपहतचेतनः। मया विनाशलिङ्गानि स्वप्ने दृष्टानि तस्य वै॥
He challenges all the gods having lost his sense through Fate. I have in my dream seen all the indications of his destruction.

तैलाभिषिक्तो विकचो मज्जन् पङ्के दशाननः। असकृत् खरयुक्ते तु रथे नृत्यन्निव स्थितः॥
(I have in my dream seen) the ten-headed monster dancing repeatedly in a car drawn by assess with his head shaven and his body saturated with oil and besmeared with mud.

कुम्भकर्णादयश्चेमे नग्नाः पतितमूर्धजाः। गच्छन्ति दक्षिणामाशां रक्तमाल्यानुलेपनाः॥
(I have also seen) Kumbhakarna and others stark naked, besmeared with blood and with their heads shaven, taking to the southern direction.

श्वेतातपत्रः सोष्णीषः शुक्लमाल्यानुलेपनः। श्वेतपर्वतमारूढ एक एव विभीषणः॥
I have beheld only Vibhishana with a white umbrella (over his head) and a turban and graced with white garlands and unguents ascending the mountain Shveta.

सचिवाश्चास्य चत्वारः शुक्लमाल्यानुलेपनाः। श्वेतपर्वतमारूढा मोक्ष्यन्तेऽस्मान्महाभयात्॥
And I saw his four counsellors adorned with white garlands and unguents on the mountain Shveta. These only will be saved from this terrible calamity.

रामस्यास्त्रेण पृथिवी परिक्षिप्ता ससागरा। यशसा पृथिवीं कृत्स्ना पूरयिष्यति ते पतिः॥
The earth with all its oceans will be covered with Rama's weapons, and your husband will fill the whole world with his renown.

अस्थिसंचयमारूढो भुञ्जानो मधुपायसम्। लक्ष्मणश्च मया दृष्टो दिधक्षुः सर्वतो दिशम्॥
I have (in my dream) beheld Lakshmana burning all the points (with his arrows) and eating rice mixed with honey and boiled with milk mounted on a heap of bones.

रुदती रुधिरार्द्राङ्गी व्याघ्रण परिरक्षिता। असकृत् त्वं मया दृष्टा गच्छन्ती दिशमुत्तराम्॥
And I have seen you also lamenting, covered all over with blood and protected by a tiger, repeatedly run towards the southern direction.

हर्षमेष्यसि वैदेहि क्षिप्रं भ; समन्विता। राघवेण सह भ्रात्रा सीते त्वमचिरादिव॥
O princess of Videha, O Sita, being reunited with your husband, the descendant of Raghu, followed by Lakshmana, you will soon experience happiness.”

इत्येतन्मृगशावाक्षी तच्छ्रुत्वा त्रिजटावचः। बभूवाशावती बाला पुनर्भर्तृसमागमे॥
And that damsel gifted with eyes beautiful as those of a fawn, hearing these words of Trijata became hopeful of her reunion with her husband.

यावदभ्यागता रौद्राः पिशाच्यस्ताः सुदारुणाः। ददृशुस्तां त्रिजटया सहासीनां यथा पुरा॥
And when those terrible-looking and cruel Pishacha women returned, they saw Sita seated with Trijata as before.