The destruction of the headless monster

मार्कण्डेय उवाच सखा दशरथस्यासीज्जटायुरुणात्मजः। गृध्रराजो महावीरः सम्पातिर्यस्य सोदरः॥
Markandeya said : The highly-powerful lord of the vultures, Jatayu, the son of Aruna and the brother of Sampati was a friend of Dasharatha's.

स ददर्श तदा सीतां रावणाङ्कगतां स्नुषाम्। सक्रोधोऽभ्यद्रवत् पक्षी रावणं राक्षसेश्वरम्॥
(When) that bird saw his daughter-in-law in the arms of Ravana he furiously rushed against the lord of the Rakshasas.

अथैनमब्रवीद् गृध्रो मुञ्च मुञ्चेति मैथिलीम्। ध्रियमाणे मयि कथं हरिष्यसि निशाचर॥
The vulture then said to him "let go the princess of Mithila; leave her. O night-ranger, how can you carry her off when I am alive?

न हि मे मोक्ष्यसे जीवन् यदि नोत्सृजसे वधूम्। उक्त्वैवं राक्षसेन्द्रं तं चकर्त नखरै शम्॥
If you do not release my daughter-in-law you must not escape with your life.” Saying thus, he began to pierce the lord to the Rakshasas with his claws.

पक्षतुण्डप्रहारैश्च शतशो जर्जरीकृतम्। चक्षार रुधिरं भूरि गिरिः प्रस्रवणैरिव॥
By striking him with wings and beak several times, he (frightfully) lacerated (Ravana). And blood began to gush (out of his body) as copiously as waters from a mountain-spring.

स वध्यमानो गृध्रेण रामप्रियहितैषिणा। खङ्गमादाय चिच्छेद भुजौ तस्य पतत्रिणः॥
Thus struck by the vulture, the well-wisher of Rama, he (Ravana) taking up his sword cut off the wings of that feathery creature.

निहत्य गृध्रराजं स भिन्नाभ्रशिखरोपमम्। ऊर्ध्वमाचक्रमे सीतां गृहीत्वाङ्केन राक्षसः॥
Having killed that king of the vultures resembling a mountain peak penetrating through the clouds, the Rakshasa with Sita on his lap rose up (in the air).

यत्र यत्र तु वैदेही पश्यत्याश्रममण्डलम्। सरो वा सरितो वापि तत्र मुञ्चति भूषणम्॥
Wherever the Princess of Vaidehi beheld a hermitage, a lake or a river, she threw down there an ornament.

सा ददर्श गिरिप्रस्थे पञ्च वानरपुङ्गवान्। तत्र वासो महद्दिव्यमुत्ससर्ज मनस्विनी॥
That intelligent lady saw on a mountainpeak five foremost of monkeys and there she threw down a highly beautiful piece of cloth.

तत् तेषां वानरेन्द्राणां पपात पवनोद्धतम्। मध्ये सुपीतं पञ्चानां विद्युन्मेघान्तरे यथा॥
And like lightning (playing) among the (dark) clouds that beautiful and yellow (cloth) fluttering through the air fell down among those five (dark-coloured monkeys).

अचिरेणातिचक्राम खेचरः खे चरनिव। ददर्शाथ पुरीं रम्यां बहुद्वारा मनोरमाम्॥
Ranging through the air like a bird he (Ravana) soon cleared a great distance and beheld his beautiful and lovely city adorned with many gates,

प्राकारवप्रसम्बाधां निर्मितां विश्वकर्मणा। प्रविवेश पुरी लङ्कां ससीतो राक्षसेश्वरः॥
Surrounded by high ramparts and built by Vishvakarma. And then the lord of the Rakshasas entered his city, Lanka, with Sita.

एवं हृतायां वैदेह्यां रामो हत्वा महामृगम्। निवृत्तो ददृशे धीमान् भ्रातरं लक्ष्मणं तथा॥
The princess of Videha being thus carried off, the intelligent Rama having slain the great deer on his way back met his brother Lakshmana.

कथमुत्सृज्य वैदेहीं वने राक्षससेविते। इति तं भ्रातरं दृष्ट्वा प्राप्तोऽसीति व्यगर्हयत्।१४॥
Beholding his brother, (Rama) said to him with a rebuke "How could you leave alone the princess of Videha in the forest frequented by the Rakshasas"?

मृगरूपधेरणाथ रक्षसा सोऽपकर्षणम्। भ्रातुरागमनं चैव चिन्तयन् पर्यतप्यत॥
And he was greatly afflicted with grief thinking of his being allured to a great distance by the Rakshasa assuming the form of a deer and of the arrival of his brother (leaving Sita alone).

गर्हयन्नेव रामस्तु त्वरितस्तं समासदत्। अपि जीवति वैदेही नेति पश्यामि लक्ष्मणा॥
Having quickly come upto Lakshmana whom he was still reproving, he said “O Lakshmana, is the princess of Videha still alive? I am afraid I shall see her no more."

तस्य तत् सर्वमाचख्यौ सीताया लक्ष्मणो वचः। यदुक्तवत्यसदृशं वैदेही पश्चिमं वचः॥
Lakshmana then informed Rama of everything that Sita had said to him, especially the harsh words with which she subsequently rebuked him.

दह्यमानेन तु हृदा रामोऽभ्यपतदाश्रमम्। स ददर्श तदा गृधं निहतं पर्वतोपमम्॥
Rama then with a burning heart quickly proceeded forwards the hermitage and (on the way) he beheld the vulture, huge as mountain, in his last moments.

राक्षसं शङ्कमानस्तं विकृष्य बलवद् धनुः। अभ्यधावत काकुत्स्थस्ततस्तं सहलक्ष्मणः॥
Suspecting him to be a Rakshasa, the descendant of Kakustha drawing his bow powerfully, rushed at him with Lakshmana.

स तावुवाच तेजस्वी सहितौ रामलक्ष्मणौ। गृध्रराजोऽस्मि भद्रं वां सखा दशरथस्य वै॥
The spirited (vulture) then said to Rama and Lakshmana. “All hail to you, I am the king of the vultures and a friend of Dasharatha's."

तस्य तद् वचनं श्रुत्वा संगृह्य धनुषी शुभे। कोऽयं पितरमस्माकं नाम्नाऽऽहेत्यूचतुश्च तौ॥
Thus addressed by him, they put their auspicious bows aside and said "who is this one that is mentioning the name of our father?”

ततो ददृशतुस्तौ तं छिन्नपक्षद्वयं खगम्। तयोः शशंस गृध्रस्तु सीतार्थे रावणाद् वधम्॥
Then they both beheld the bird with its wings cut off; and the vulture related to him as to how he came by death while attempting to rescue Sita.

अपृच्छद् राघवो गृधं रावण: कां दिशं गतः। तस्य गृध्रः शिरः कम्पैराचचक्षे ममार च॥
Rama then asked the vultures as to the way taken by Ravana. But the vulture indicated it by a nod of the head and then passed away.

दक्षिणामिति काकुत्स्थो विदित्वास्य तदिङ्गितम्। संस्कारं लम्भयामास सखायं पूजयन् पितुः॥
Knowing from the sign made by the vulture that it was the south (towards which Ravana had gone) the descendant of Kakustha, out of regard for his father's friend, caused his last rites to be performed.

ततो दृष्ट्वाऽऽश्रमपदं व्यपविद्धबृसीमठम्। विध्वस्तकलशं शून्यं गोमायुशतसंकुलम्॥
Then beholding (on their way) many hermitages, scattered all over with seats of Kusha grass and umbrellas of leaves, broken jars of water, devoid of inmates and abounding with hundreds of Jackals,

दुःखशोकमाविष्टौ वैदेहीहरणार्दितौ। जग्मतुर्दण्डकारण्यं दक्षिणेन परंतपौ॥
Those tormentors of foes afflicted with distraction and grief at the abduction of Sita a proceeded towards the south of the forest Dandaka.

वने महति तस्मिंस्तु रामः सौमित्रिणा सह। ददर्श मृगयूथानि द्रवमाणानि सर्वशः॥
In that great forest Rama together with the son of Sumitra (Lakshmana) saw many herds of deer flying in all directions.

शब्दं च घोरं सत्त्वानां दावाग्नेरिव वर्धतः। अपश्येतां मुहूर्ताच्च कबधं घोरदर्शनम्॥
And they heard a terrible uproar of various creatures like that which is heard during a forest-fire spreading far and wide. In a moment they saw headless trunk of terrible appearance,

मेघपर्वतसंकाशं शालस्कन्धं महाभुजम्। उरोगतविशालाक्षं महोदरमहामुखम्॥
Dark as clouds and huge as a rock, with shoulders broad as a Shala tree, of gigantic arms, having large eyes on his breast and a large mouth situated on his capacious belly.

यदृच्छयाथ तद् रक्षः करे जग्राह लक्ष्मणम्। विषादमगमत् सद्यः सौमित्रिरथ भारत॥
And that Rakshasa with great ease seized Lakshmana by the hand. (Thus overpowered), O Bharata, Lakshmana was instantaneously seized with dismay.

स राममभिसम्प्रेक्ष्य कृष्यते येन तन्मुखम्। विषण्णश्चाब्रवीद् रामं पश्यावस्थामिमां मम॥
He, (the monster), then turning his eyes towards Rama, began to draw Lakshmana (forcibly) towards that portion of his body where his mouth was situated. And Lakshmana afflicted with grief said to Rama “look at my (sad) plight.

हरणं चैव वैदेह्या मम चायमुपप्लवः। राज्यभ्रंशश्च भवतस्तातस्य मरणं तथा॥
Your exile from the kingdom, the death of our father, the loss of the princess of Videha and (lastly) this my dangerous condition have quite overpowered me.

नाहं त्वां सह वैदेह्या समेतं कोसलागतम्। द्रक्ष्यामि पृथिवीराज्ये पितृपैतामहे स्थितम्॥
Alas, I shall never behold your return to Kausala with Vaidehi and your installation in the kingdom of our sire and grandsire as the ruler of the entire earth.

द्रक्ष्यन्त्यार्यस्य धन्या ये कुशलाजशमीदलैः। अभिषिक्तस्य वदनं सोमं शान्तघनं यथा।॥
Blessed indeed are they who will behold your face, resplendent as the moon emerged from the clouds and bathed in the coronation water sanctified with Kusha, fried paddy and black pease."

एवं बहुविधं धीमान् विललाप स लक्ष्मणः। तमुवाचाथ काकुत्स्थः सम्भ्रमेष्वप्यसम्भ्रमः॥
In this strain the intelligent Lakshmana gave vent to his lamentations profusely. Then, the descendant of Kakustha, dauntless even in the very face of danger, thus spoke to him.

मा विषीद नरव्याघ्र नैष कश्चिन्मयि स्थिते। छिन्थ्यस्य दक्षिणं बाहुं छिन्नः सव्यो मया भुजः॥
"O bravest of men, do not give way to sorrow. This (monster) can do you nothing when I am present. Cut off his right hand with sword and I shall hack his left."

इत्येवं वदता तस्य भुजो रामेण पातितः खड्नेन भृशतीक्ष्णेन निकृत्तस्तिलकाण्डवत्॥
While thus speaking Rama cut off his (left) hand with a sharp sword (as easily) as if it were a stalk of tila corn.

ततोऽस्य दक्षिणं बाहुं खङ्गेनाजनिवान् बली। सौमित्रिरपि सम्प्रेक्ष्य भ्रातरं राघवं स्थितम्॥
The heroic son of Sumitra, seeing Raghava stand by him, hacked his right hand with his sword.

पुनर्जघान पार्श्वे वै तद् रक्षो लक्ष्मणो भृशम्। गतासुरपतद् भूमौ कबन्धः सुमहांस्ततः॥
Then Lakshmana again and again smote him in his sides and the huge headless monster fell dead on the ground.

तस्य देहाद् विनिःसृत्य पुरुषो दिव्यदर्शनः। ददृशे दिवमास्थाय दिवि सूर्य इव ज्वलन्॥
Then a being of celestials appearance issued out of his body and stationing himself in the air appeared as resplendent as the sun in the heavens.

पप्रच्छ रामस्तं वाग्मी कस्त्वं प्रब्रूहि पृच्छतः। कामया किमिदं चित्रमाश्चर्यं प्रतिभाति मे॥
Then the eloquent Rama asked him "tell me who you are. How did such a thing come about? All this appears to me highly marvellous.”

तस्याचचक्षे गन्धर्वो विश्वावसुरहं नृप। प्राप्तो ब्राह्मणशापेन योनि राक्षससेविताम्॥
To him that being replied “O king I am the Gandharva Vishvavasu. I had to assume the shape of a Rakshasa owing to an imprecation of a Brahmana.

रावणेन हृता सीता राज्ञा लङ्काधिवासिना। सुग्रीवमभिगच्छस्व स ते साह्यं करिष्यति॥
Sita has been abducted by Ravana who lives in Lanka. Go to Sugriva who will help you (to recover her).

एषा पम्पा शिवजला हंसकारण्डवायुता। ऋष्यमूकस्य शैलस्य संनिकर्षे तटाकिनी॥
In the vicinity of the (mountain) Rishyamukha there is a lake named Pampa of auspicious waters, teeming with swans and crames.

वसते तत्र सुग्रीवश्चतुर्भिः सचिवैः सह। भ्राता वानरराजस्य वालिनो हेममालिनः॥
There, adorned with a golden garland dwells Sugriva, the brother of Bali, the king of monkeys, with four counsellors.

तेन त्वं सह संगम्य दुःखमूलं निवेदय। समानशीलो भवतः साहाय्यं स करिष्यति॥
Do you go to him and inform him of the cause of your sorrow. Being in the same predicament as you are, he will help you.

एतावच्छक्यमस्माभिर्वक्तुं द्रष्टासि जानकीम्। ध्रुवं वानरराजस्य विदितो रावणालयः॥
Thus far I am able to say that you the daughter of Janaka again. It is certain that the abode of Ravana is known to the monkeyking.

इत्युक्त्वान्तर्हितो दिव्यः पुरुषः सह महाप्रभः। विस्मयं जग्मतुश्चोभौ प्रवीरौ रामलक्ष्मणौ॥
will see Saying this that highly resplendent celestials being vanished and the highly-powerful Rama and Lakshmana both were struck with wonder.