The death of Maricha

मार्कण्डेय उवाच मारीचस्त्वथ सम्भ्रान्तो दृष्ट्वा रावणमागतम्। पूजयामास सत्कारैः फलमूलादिभिस्ततः॥
Markandeya said : Seeing Ravana come, Maricha accorded to him a respectful welcome by offering fruits and roots.

विश्रान्तं चैनमासीनमन्वासीनः स राक्षसः। उवाच प्रश्रितं वाक्यं वाक्यज्ञो वाक्यकोविदम्॥
When he (Ravana) had been seated and rested awhile, that Rakshasa (Maricha), well aware of the proper made of speech, sat beside Ravana, who was himself an eloquent speaker and humbly addressed himn thus.

न ते प्रकृतिमान् वर्ण: कच्चित् क्षेमं पुरे तव। कच्चित् प्रकृतयः सर्वा भजन्ते त्वां यथा पुरा॥
“Your complexion is not in its natural state. Is it all right with your Kingdom? Do your subjects render obedience to you (now) as they did before?

किमिहागमने चापि कार्यं ते राक्षसेश्वर। कृतमित्येव तद् विद्धि यद्यपि स्यात् सुदुष्करम्॥
O lord of the Rakshasas, what business has brought you here? Know it to be already performed even if it be very difficult of fulfillment."

शशंस रावणस्तस्मै तत् सर्वं रामचेष्टितम्। समासेनैव कार्याणि क्रोधामर्षसमन्वितः॥
Ravana, whose heart was distracted with grief and anger, briefly told him of the acts of Rama and the steps that were to be taken.

मारीचस्त्वब्रवीच्छ्रुत्वा समासनैव रावणम्। अलं ते राममासाद्य वीर्यज्ञो ह्यस्मि तस्य वै॥
On hearing Ravana, Maricha shortly told him “You must not provoke Rama, for I am well aware of his prowess.

बाणवेगं हि कस्तस्य शक्तः सोढुं महात्मनः। प्रव्रज्यायां हि मे हेतुः स एव पुरुषर्षभः॥ विनाशमुखमेतत् वे केनाख्यातं दुरात्मना।
Is there any body who can stand the fury of the arrows of that high-souled one? That most heroic mortal is the cause of my leading this ascetic life. What wicked-minded creature has given you this advice which will lead you to the very mouth of destruction?”

तमुवाचाथ सक्रोधो रावणः परिभर्स्यन्॥ अकुर्वतोऽस्मद्वचनं स्यान्मृत्युरपि ते ध्रुवम्।
(On hearing Maricha) Ravana reproachfully replied to him in anger. "If you do not comply with my be hests, you shall surely meet with death."

मारीचश्चिन्तयामास विशिष्टान्मरणं वरम्॥ अवश्यं मरणे प्राप्ते करिष्याम्यस्य यन्मतम्।
Maricha then considered (within himself) "since death is certain then it is preferable at the hands of a superior being. I shall do what he (Ravana) desires."

ततस्तं प्रत्युवाचाथ मारीचो रक्षसां वरम्॥ किं ते साह्यं मया कार्यं करिष्याम्यवशोऽपि तत्।
Then Maricha replied to the king of the Rakshasas. “What service shall I have to render to you? I shall (surely) do it even if I am not equal to it."

तमब्रवीद् दशग्रीवो गच्छ सीतां प्रलोभय॥ रत्नशृङ्गो मृगो भूत्वा रत्नचित्रतनूरूहः। ध्रुवं सीता समालक्ष्य त्वां रामं चोदयिष्यति॥
(There at) the ten-headed one replied to him "go and tempt Sita wearing the form of a deer with golden horns and a golden skin. It is certain that on beholding you she will send Rama after you".

अपक्रान्ते च काकुत्स्थे सीता वश्या भविष्यति। तामादायापनेष्यामि ततः स न भविष्यति॥ भार्यावियोगाद् दुर्बुद्धिरेतत् साह्यं कुरुष्व मे।
When the descendant of Kakustha (Rama) will go away (after you) Sita will be under my control. I will then forcibly take her away. (And then) that wicked-minded being (Rama) will die in consequence of the loss of his wife, Render to me this help."

इत्येवमुक्तो मारीचः कृत्वोदकमथात्मनः॥ रावणं पुरतो यान्तमन्वगच्छत् सुदुःखितः।
Thus spoken to Maricha having performed his last rites (in anticipation of sure death) and with a heavy heart, followed Ravana who was going before him.

ततस्तस्याश्रमं गत्वा रामस्थाक्लिष्टकर्मणः॥ चक्रतुस्तद् तथा सर्वमुभौ यत् पूर्वमन्त्रितम्।
Then having got to the hermitage of Rama of untiring action, they both did as was arranged previously.

रावणस्तु यतिर्भूत्वा मुण्डः कुण्डी त्रिदण्डधृक्॥ मृगश्च भूत्वा मारीचस्तं देशमुपजग्मतुः। दर्शयामास मारीचो वैदेहीं मृगरूपधृक॥
Ravana, assuming the shape of an ascetic with his head shaven and holding (in his hands) a triheaded staff and Maricha in the guise of a deer appeared on the scene. And Maricha showed himself to the princess of Videha in the form of a deer.

चोदयामास तस्यार्थे सा रामं विधिचोदिता। रामस्तस्याः प्रियं कुर्वन् धनुरादाय सत्वरः॥ रक्षार्थे लक्ष्मणं न्यस्य प्रययौ मृगलिप्सया।
Driven by destiny, Sita sent Rama in pursuit of him. And Rana (too) with a view to please her, soon taking up his bow and instructing Lakshmana to protect her, went in pursuit of that deer.

स धन्वी बद्धतूणीरः खङ्गगोधाङ्गुलित्रवान्॥ अन्वधावन्मृगं रामो रुद्रस्तारामृगं यथा।
Equipped with his bow, quiver and sword and with his fingers encased in the skin of Godha, Rama ran after that deer as Rudra followed the stellar deer (i.e. Prajapati, who in the guise of a deer followed his daughter, but Shiva cut off his head which became the constellation called Mrigashira i.e. the deerhead).

सोऽन्तर्हितः पुनस्तस्य दर्शनं राक्षसो व्रजन्॥ चकर्ष महदध्वानं रामस्तं बुबुधे ततः। निशाचरं विदित्वा तं राघवः प्रतिभानवान्॥ अमोघं शरमादाय जघान मृगरूपिणम्।
And that Rakshasa now appearing before him and then disappearing from his view. Allured Rama to a great distance. Rama, then, knew what that deer really was. The intelligent Raghava knowing him to be a Rakshasa, took up an arrow of infallible energy and killed him who wore the shape of a deer.

स रामबाणाभिहतः कृत्वा रामस्वरं तदा।॥ हा सीते लक्ष्मणेत्येवं चुक्रोशार्तस्वरेण ह।
Struck by Rama's arrow, he, imitating the voice of Rama, began to cry piteously calling upon Sita and Lakshmana.

शुश्राव तस्य वैदेही ततस्तां करुणां गिरम्॥ सा प्राद्रवद् यतः शब्दस्तामुवाचाथ लक्ष्मणः। अलं ते शङ्कया भीरु को रामं प्रहरिष्यति॥ मुहूर्ताद् द्रक्ष्यसे रामं भर्तारं त्वं शुचिस्मिते।
And (when) the princess of Videha heard those piteous cries, she was about to run towards the direction from which the sound came. Then Lakshmana spoke to her, "O timid lady, there is no reason for your fear. Who is able to strike Rama? O lady of sweet smiles, you will in a moment see your lord Rama."

इत्युक्ता सा प्ररुदती पर्यशङ्कत लक्ष्मणम्॥ हता वै स्त्रीस्वभावेन शुक्लचारित्रभूषणा। सा तं परुषमारब्धा वक्तुं साध्वी पतिव्रता॥
Thus addressed, she, who was weeping aloud, from the weakness natural to her sex, began to suspect Lakshmana adorned with a spotless character. And that chaste woman, devoted to her husband, began to level against Lakshmana these harsh words,

नैघ कामो भवेन्मूढ यं त्वं प्रार्थयसे हृदा। अप्यहं शस्त्रमादाय हन्यामात्मानमात्मना॥ पतेयं गिरिशृङ्गाद वा विशेयं वा हुताशनम्। रामं भर्तारमुत्सृज्य न त्वहं त्वां कथंचन॥ निहीनमुपतिष्ठेयं शार्दूली क्रोष्टुकं यथा।
"O fool, the desire which you cherish in your heart shall never be gratified. I will rather kill myself with a weapon or throw myself from the summit of a mountain or enter into fire, than forsaking my husband Rama live with such a mean wretch as you, like a tigress under the protection of jackal.

एतादृशं वचः श्रुत्वा लक्ष्मणः प्रियराघवः॥ पिधाय को सद्वत्तः प्रस्थितो येन राघवः। स रामस्य पदं गृह्य प्रससार धनुर्धरः॥ अवीक्षमाणो बिम्बोष्ठी प्रययौ लक्ष्मणस्तदा।
Thus addressed by her, Lakshmana who was devotedly attached to Rama and who possessed a noble character, shutting up his ears (with his hands) and armed with bow went out following the foot-prints of Rama. And without casting a single look upon her whose lips resembled a (ripe) Bimba fruit, (he) set out (in search of Rama).

एतस्मिन्नन्तरे रक्षो रावणः प्रत्यदृश्यत॥ अभव्यो भव्यरूपेण भस्मच्छन्न इवानलः। यतिवेषप्रतिच्छन्नो जिहीर्षुस्तामनिन्दिताम्॥
In the meantime, the Rakshasa Ravana appeared (before Sita). Assuming a gentele appearance though inwardly very wicked and like a fire hidden under ashes. Disguised as an ascetic he (showed himself there) in order to carry off that lady of blameless character.

सा तमालक्ष्य सम्प्राप्तं धर्मज्ञा जनकात्मजा। निमन्त्रयामास तदा फलमूलाशनादिभिः॥
On perceiving him, the virtuous daughter of Janaka welcomed him by offering fruits roots and a seat.

अवमन्य ततः सर्वं स्वरूपं प्रत्यपद्यत। सान्त्वयामास वैदेहीमिति राक्षसपुङ्गवः॥
But that foremost of the Rakshasas disregarding all those things and assuming his natural shape began to cheer up the Princess of Videha saying,

सीते राक्षसराजोऽहं रावणो नाम विश्रुतः। मम लङ्का पुरी नाम्ना रम्या पारे महोदधेः॥
"O Sita, I am the lord of the Rakshasas and celebrated under the name of Ravana. My beautiful city is named Lanka and is situate on the other side of the ocean.

तत्र त्वं नरनारीषु शोभिष्यसि मया सह। भार्या मे भव सुश्रोणि तापसं त्यज राघवम्॥
There amongst beautiful damsels you will shine with me. O lady of beautiful lips, do become my consort and abandon the ascetic Raghava".

एवमादीनि वाक्यानि श्रुत्वा तस्याथ जानकी। पिधाय की सुश्रोणी मैवमित्यब्रवीद् वचः॥
Addressed in this strain, the daughter of Janaka, endued with beautiful lips, shut up her ears (with hands) and said "Do not say such words again.

प्रपतेद् द्यौः सनक्षत्रा पृथिवी शकलीभवेत्। शैत्यमग्निरियानाहं त्यजेयं रघुनन्दनम्॥
Even if the firmament with all its stars fall down, even if the earth be reduced to atoms and even if the fire be deprived of heat and turn cold, I will not forsake the descendant of Raghu.

कथं हि भिन्नकरटं पद्मिनं वनगोचरम्। उपस्थाय महानागं करेणुः सूकरं स्पृशेत्॥
Is it possible for a she-elephant who has enjoyed the company of the mighty ranger of forest with rent temples, to live with a (miserable) hog?

कथं हि पीत्वा माध्वीकं पीत्वा च मधुमाधवीम्। लोभं सौवीरके कुर्यान्नारी काचिदिति स्मरेत्॥
How can a lady who has tasted of the sweet wire prepare . out of honey or flowers, be tempted to drink the (wretched) wine prepared from peutrid rice”!

इति सा तं समाभाष्य प्रविवेशाश्रमं ततः। क्रोधात् प्रस्फुरमाणौष्ठी विधुन्वाना करौ मुहुः॥
Having spoken thus, she with her lips trembling in ire and repeatedly shaking her hands entered the hermitage.

तामभिद्रुत्य सुश्रोणी रावणः प्रत्यषेधयत्। भर्त्सयित्वा तु रूक्षेण स्वरेण गतचेतनाम्॥
(But) Ravana, pursuing that lady of beautiful lips, cut off her retreat. And harshly scolded by Ravana she fell into a soon.

मूर्धजेषु निजग्राह ऊर्ध्वमाचक्रमे ततः। तां ददर्श ततो गृध्रो जटायुर्गिरिगोचरः। रुदतीं राम रामेति ह्रियमाणां तपस्विनीम्॥
But (he) seizing her by the hair (of her head) rose up in the air. Then a vulture, Jatayu, living in a mountain, saw that helpless lady crying in distress uttering the name of Rama while being carried off (by Ravana).