None: Chapter 271

The flight of Jayadratha

वैशम्पायन उवाच संतिष्ठत प्रहरत तूर्णं विपरिधावत। इति स्म सैन्धवो राजा चोदयामास तान् नृपान्॥
Vaishampayana said: In the interval, the king of Sindhu was commanding the princes saying, “Halt, strike, march quick."

ततो घोरतमः शब्दो रणे समभवत् तदा। भीमार्जुनयमान् दृष्ट्वा सैन्यानां सयुधिष्ठिरान्॥
Then there arose a dreadful noise in the encounter when the soldiers saw, Bhima, Arjuna and the twin brothers with Yudhishthira.

शिबिसौवीरसिन्धूनां विषादश्चाप्यजायत। तान् दृष्ट्वा पुरुषव्याघ्रान् व्याघ्रानिव बलोत्कटान्॥
Seeing those powerful heroes like dreadful tigers the heroes of Shibi, Sauvira and Sindhu tribes lost heart.

हेमचित्रसमुत्सेधां सर्वशैक्यायसीं गदाम्। प्रगृह्याभ्यद्रवद् भीम: सैन्धवं कालचोदितम्॥
Then armed with a mace made entirely of Shaikya iron and coated with gold, Bhimasena rushed towards the Saindhava king doomed to death.

तदन्तरमथावृत्य कोटिकास्योऽभ्यहारयत्। महता रथवंशेन परिवार्य वृकोदरम्॥
Thereupon quickly encircling Vrikodara with mighty charioteers Kotikasya interposed between and separated the combatants.

शक्तितोमरनाराचैर्वीरबाहुप्रचोदितैः। कीर्यमाणोऽपि बहुभिर्न स्म भीमोऽभ्यकम्पत॥
And although assailed by many clubs and iron shafts hurled at him by the mighty arms of hostile heroes, Bhima did not waver for a moment.

गजं तु सगजारोहं पदातींश्च चतुर्दश। जघान गदया भीमः सैन्धवध्वजिनीमुखे॥
But he slew, with mace, an elephant with its driver and fourteen foot-soldiers fighting in front of a Jayadratha's chariot.

पार्थः पञ्च शतान् शूरान् पर्वतीयान् महारथान्। परीप्समानः सौवीरं जघान ध्वजिनीमुखे॥
Wishing to seize the Sauvira king, Partha too killed five hundred brave mountaineers fighting in the van of the Sindhu army.

राजा स्वयं सुवीराणां प्रवराणां प्रहारिणाम्। निमेषमात्रेण शतं जघान समरे तदा॥
In the twinkling of an eye the king himself destroyed, in that encounter, the flowers of the Sauviras.

ददृशे नकुलस्तत्र स्थात् प्रस्कन्ध खड्गधृक्। शिरांसि पादरक्षाणां बीजवत् प्रवपन् मुहुः॥
And Nakula was seen there coming down from the chariot, with a sword in hand and scattering in no time the heads of the battalions fighting on the rear like a cultivator sowing seeds.

सहदेवस्तु संयाय रथेन गजयोधिनः। पातयामास नाराचैर्दुमेभ्य इव बर्हिणः॥
From his chariot, Sahadeva began to cut down with his iron arrows, many heroes fighting on elephants like birds dropped from the branches of a tree.

ततस्त्रिगर्तः सधनुरवतीर्य महारथात्। गदया चतुरो वाहान् राज्ञस्तस्य तदावधीत्॥
Thereupon descending from his huge car Trigarta, with bow in hand, slew the four horses of the king with his mace.

तमभ्याशगतं राजा पदाति कुन्तिनन्दनः। अर्धचन्द्रेण बाणेन विव्याधोरसि धर्मराट्॥
Seeing the enemy approach so near and fighting on foot the pious king Yudhishthira, the son of Kunti, pierced his breast with a crescent-shaped shaft.

स भिन्नहृदयो वीरो वक्त्राच्छोणितमुद्वमन्। पपाताभिमुखः पार्थं छिन्नमूल इव दुमः॥
Thus struck on the breast that hero began to vomit blood and fell down on earth like an uprooted tree by the side of Pritha's son.

इन्द्रसेनद्वितीयस्तु रथात् प्रस्कन्ध धर्मराट्। हताश्वः सहदेवस्य प्रतिपेदे महारथम्॥
Having his horse thus slain the pious king, with Indrasena, descended from his chariot and got upon the huge car of Sahadeva.

नकुलं त्वभिसंधाय क्षेमङ्करमहामुखौ। उभावुभयतस्तीक्ष्णैः शरवर्षैरवर्षताम्॥
Then singling out Nakula, the two heroes Kshemankara and Mahamukha began to hurl at him from both sides with keen-edged arrows.

तोमरैरभिवर्षन्तौ जीमूताविव वार्षिको। एकैकेन विपाठेन जघ्ने माद्रवतीसुतः॥
With two arrows however the son of Madri succeeded in killing those two heroes who had been pouring on him a shower of arrows like clouds in rains.

त्रिगर्तराजः सुरथस्तस्याथ रथधूर्गतः। रथमाक्षेपयामास गजेन गजयानवित्॥
Going to the front of Nakula's chariot, Suratha, the king of Trigarta, expert in driving elephants, caused it to be dragged by the elephant of which he mounted.

नकुलस्त्वपभीस्तस्माद् रथाच्चर्मासिपाणिमान्। उद्भ्रान्तं स्थानमास्थाय तस्थौ गिरिरिवाचलः॥
Little afraid at this, Nakula jumped out of his car and securing an advantageous position, stood, shield and sword in hand immoveable as a hill.

सुरथस्तं गजवरं वधाय नकुलस्य तु। प्रेषयामास सक्रोधमत्युच्छ्रितकरं ततः॥
Thereupon desiring to kill Nakula at once Suratha goaded his huge and infuriated elephant with its trunk upraised (to rush towards him).

नकुलस्तस्य नागस्य समीपपरिवर्तिनः। सविषाणं भुजं मूले खड्न निरकृन्तत॥
But he with his sword cut off from his head both trunk and tusks when the elephant came near him.

स विनद्य महानादं गजः किङ्किणभूषणः। पतन्नवाक्शिरा भूमौ हस्त्यारोहमपोथयत्॥
Then emitting a loud noise that elephant, clad with mail, fell headlong upon the ground crushing its riders by its fall.

स तत् कर्म महत् कृत्वा शूरो माद्रवतीसुतः। भीमसेनरथं प्राप्य शर्म लेभे महारथः॥
Performing that great exploit the heroic and mighty car-warrior, son of the Madri, ascending Bhimasen's car, got some rest.

भीमस्त्वापततो राज्ञः कोटिकास्यस्य सङ्गरे। सूतस्य नुदतो वाहान् क्षुरेणापाहरच्छिरः॥
Beholding the prince Kotikasya rush to the battle, Bhima, with a horse shoe shaft, sundered the head of his charioteer.

न बुबोध हतं सूतं स राजा बाहुशालिना। तस्याश्वा व्यद्रवन् संख्ये हतसूतास्ततस्ततः॥
The king could not perceive that his charioteer had been slain by the mighty-armed (enemy). The horses, no longer restrained by the driver, ran about hither and thither in the battle field.

विमुखं हतसूतं तं भीमः प्रहरतां वरः। जघान तलयुक्तेन प्रासेनाभ्येत्य पाण्डवः॥
The Pandava Bhima, the foremost of heroes, slew, with a bearded arrow, that prince who had lost his chariot and was flying from the battle-field.

द्वादशानां तु सर्वेषां सौवीराणां धनंजयः। चकर्त निशितैर्भल्लैर्धनूंषि च शिरांसि च॥
With his sharp crescent-shaped shafts Dhananjaya also cut off the heads and bows of all the twelve Sauvira heroes.

शिबीनिक्ष्वाकुमुख्यांश्च त्रिगर्तान् सैन्धवानपि। जघानातिरथः संख्ये बाणगोचरमागतान्॥
That great warrior slew with shafts in battle, the leader of the Ikshvakus, the army of the Shibis, Trigarta and Saindhava.

सादिताः प्रत्यदृश्यन्त बहवः सव्यसाचिना। सपताकाच मातङ्गाः सध्वजाश्च महारथाः॥
Many elephants with flags and great cars with standards were to have been destroyed by Savyasachi. seen

प्रच्छाद्य पृथिवीं तस्थुः सर्वमायोधनं प्रति। शरीराण्यशिरस्कानि विदेहानि शिरांसि च॥
There lay covering the entire field of battle heads without trunks and trunks without heads.

श्वगृध्रकङ्ककाकोलभासगोमायुवायसाः। अतृप्यंस्तत्र वीराणां हतानां मांसशोणितैः॥
Dogs, heroes, ravens, crows, falcons, jackals and vultures feasted on the flesh and blood of the heroes killed in the battle-field.

हतेषु तेषु वीरेषु सिन्धुराजो जयद्रथः। विमुच्य कृष्णां संत्रस्त: पलायनपरोऽभवत्॥
Beholding his warriors slain, Jayadratha, the king of Sindhu became terrified and anxious to run away leaving Krishna behind.

स तस्मिन् संकुले सैन्ये द्रौपदीमवतार्य ताम्। प्राणप्रेप्सुरुपाधावद् वनं येन नराधमः॥
Getting Draupadi down, the wretch, in the confusion, fled away for life following the same forest path by which he had come.

द्रौपदी धर्मराजस्तु दृष्ट्वा धौम्यपुरस्कृताम्। माद्रीपुत्रेण वीरेण रथमारोपयत् तदा॥
Beholding Draupadi with Dhaumya walking before, the pious king Yudhishthira made her taken up on the car by the heroic Sahadeva, the son of Madri.

ततस्तद् विद्रुतं सैन्यमपयाते जयद्रथे। आदिश्यादिश्य नाराचैराजघान वृकोदरः॥
After Jayadratha had fled away Vrikodara, with Narachas, slew all those soldiers who were running away, marking (each one of them).

सव्यसाची तु तं दृष्ट्वा पलायन्तं जयद्रथम्। वारयामास निघ्नन्तं भीमं सैन्धवसैनिकान्॥
Beholding Jayadratha fled, Savyasachi asked Bhima to desist from killing the remnant of the Saindhava army.

अर्जुन उवाच यस्यापचारात् प्राप्तोऽयमस्मान् क्लेशो दुरासदः तमस्मिन् समरोद्देशे न पश्यामि जयद्रथम्॥
Arjuna said: I do not see Jayadratha in the battle-field through whose folly we have met with this misfortune.

तमेवान्विष भद्रं ते किं ते योधैर्निपातितः। अनामिषमिदं कर्म कथं वा मन्यते भवान्॥
Seek him out; may good betide you. What is the use of killing these soldiers? Why are you bent upon this useless business?

वैशम्पायन उवाच इत्युक्तो भीमसेनस्तु गुडाकेशेन धीमता। युधिष्ठिरमभिप्रेक्ष्य वाग्मी वचनमब्रवीत्॥
Vaishampayana said : Being thus accosted by the intelligent Gudakesha, Bhimasena, skilled in speech, turning to Yudhishthira, said,

हतप्रवीरा रिपवो भूयिष्ठं विदुता दिशः। गृहीत्वा द्रौपदी राजन् निवर्ततु भवानितः॥
"Many of the enemy's heroes have been slain; others have fled away to various directions; taking Draupadi with you, O king, return home.

यमाभ्यां सह राजेन्द्र धौम्येन च महात्मना। प्राप्याश्रमपदं राजन् द्रौपदी परिसान्त्वय॥
O king of kings, O king, reaching hermitage with the twins and the high-souled Dhaumya console Draupadi.

न हि मे मोक्ष्यते जीवन मूढः सैन्धवको नृपः। पातालतलसंस्थोऽपि यदि शक्रोऽस्य सारथिः॥
I shall not let along the stupid king of Sindhu even if he finds shelter in the nether world or is supported by Indra himself.

युधिष्ठिर उवाच न हन्तव्यो महाबाहो दुरात्मापि स सैन्धवः। दुःशलामभिसंस्मृत्य गान्धारीं च यशस्विनीम्॥
Yudhishthira said: O you of mighty arms, remembering our sister Dushala and the illustrious Gandhari, the wicked-minded Saindhava should not be slain by you.

वैशम्पायन उवाच तच्छ्रुत्वा द्रौपदी भीममुवाच व्याकुलेन्द्रिया। कुपिता ह्रीमती प्राज्ञा पती भीमार्जुनावुभौ॥
Vaishampayana said: Hearing those words Draupadi was excited; that bashful, angry and intelligent (lady) said to her husbands Bhima and Arjuna.

कर्तव्यं चेत् प्रियं मह्यं वध्यः स पुरुषाधमः। सैन्धवापसदः पापो दुर्मतिः कुलपांसनः॥
“If you wish to encompass my pleasure, that vile, wretch of a man, the wicked-minded, infamous and despicable king of the Saindhava race should be killed by you.

भार्याभिहर्ता वैरी यो यश्च राज्यहरो रिपुः। याचमानोऽपि संग्रामे न मोक्तव्यः कथंचन॥
The enemy who carries away one's wife or wrests his kingdom, should by no means be forgiven in battle even if he craves for mercy.”

इत्युक्तौ तौ नरव्याघ्रौ ययतुर्यत्र सैन्धवः। राजा निववृते कृष्णामादाय सपुरोहितः॥
Having been thus addressed those two foremost of men went where Saindhava was; taking Draupadi with him, the king alone with his priest returned.

स प्रविश्याश्रमपदमपविद्धबृसीमठम्। मार्कण्डेयादिभिर्विप्रैरनुकीर्णं ददर्श ह॥
Entering the hermitage he saw it covered with the seats for the ascetics, filled with their disciples and graced with the presence of Markandeya and other Brahmanas.

द्रौपदीमनुशोचद्भिाह्मणैस्तैः समाहितैः। समिमाय महाप्राज्ञः सभार्यो भ्रातृमध्यगः॥
While those self-controlled Brahmanas where lamenting for Draupadi, the greatly wise (king) with his wife and brothers joined them.

ते स्म तं मुदिता दृष्ट्वा पुन: प्रत्यागतं नृपम्। जित्वा तान् सिन्धु सौवीरान् द्रौपदीं चाहतां पुनः॥
Beholding the king then return, having vanquished the Sindhu and Sauvira princes and taken Draupadi, they were delighted.

स तैः परिवृतो राजा तत्रैवोपविवेश ह। प्रविवेशाश्रमं कृष्णा यमाभ्यां सह भाविनी॥
Encircled by them the king sat there and the good Krishna, alone with the twins, entered the hermitage.

भीमसेनार्जुनौ चापि श्रुत्वा क्रोशगतं रिपुम्। स्वयमश्वांस्तुदन्तौ तौ जवेनैवाभ्यधावताम्॥
Hearing that the enemy has gone only two miles Bhima and Arjuna spurred their horses to greatest speed in pursuit of him.

इदमत्यद्भुतं चात्र चकार पुरुषोऽर्जुनः। कोशमात्रगतानश्वान् सैन्धवस्य जघान यत्॥
The heroic Arjuna performed a wonderful fcat by killing the horses of Saindhava, which were at a distance of two miles.

स हि दिव्यास्त्रसम्पन्नः कृच्छ्रकालेऽप्यसम्भ्रमः। अकरोद् दुष्करं कर्म शरैरस्त्रानुमन्त्रितैः॥
Armed with celestials weapons and undaunted by difficulties he performed this difficult work with weapons inspired with Mantras.

ततोऽभ्यधावतां वीरावुभौ भीमधनंजयौ। हताश्वं सैन्धवं भीतमेकं व्याकुलचेतसम्॥
Then the two heroes Bhima and Arjuna rushed towards the terror-stricken king of Sindhu whose horses had been killed and who was perplexed in mind.

सैन्धवस्तु हतान् दृष्ट्वा तथाश्वान् स्वान् सुदुःखितः। अतिविक्रमकर्माणि कुर्वाणं च धनंजयम्॥
Beholding his own horses slain and Dhananjaya perform such a greatly powerful exploits Saindhava was greatly sorry.

पलायनकृतोत्साहः प्राद्रवद् येन वै वनम्। सैन्धवं त्वभिसम्प्रेक्ष्य पराक्रान्तं पलायने॥
Determined on flying away he followed the same forest path by which he had come. Beholding Saindhava thus engaged in flying away.

अनुयाय महाबाहुः फाल्गुनो वाक्यमब्रवीत्। अनेन वीर्येण कथं स्त्रियं प्रार्थयसे बलात्॥
The mighty-armed Falguna, following him, said "with such prowess how could you desire to take away a female by force?

राजपुत्र निवर्तस्व न ते युक्तं पलायनम्। कथं ह्यनुचरान् हित्वा शत्रुमध्ये पलायसे॥
Desist, O princes it does not behoove you, leaving your followers in the midst of enemies, to take to your heels?

इत्युच्यमानः पार्थेन सैन्धवो न न्यवर्तत। तिष्ठ तिष्ठेति तं भीमः सहसाभ्यद्रवद् बली। मा वधीरिति पार्थस्तं दयावान् प्रत्यभाषत॥
(Although) addressed by Partha thus Saindhava did not return. Saying "Wait, wait! the mighty Bhima all on a sudden overtook him. But the merciful Partha said, "Don't kill him."