None: Chapter 27O

The words of Draupadi

वैशम्पायन उवाच ततो घोरतरः शब्दो वन समभवत् तदा। भीमसेनार्जुनौ दृष्ट्वा क्षत्रियाणाममर्षिणाम्॥
Vaishampayana said: Thereupon on beholding Bhimasena and Arjuna, the Kshatriyas, inflated, sent up a terrible shout in that forest.

तेषां ध्वजाचाण्यभिवीक्ष्य राजा स्वयं दुरात्मा नरपुङ्गवानाम्। जयद्रथो याज्ञसेनीमुवाच रथे स्थितां भानुमती हतौजाः॥
Beholding the standards of those foremost of Kurus the wicked-minded king Jayadratha, losing all heart, said to Yajnaseni, who was seated on the car and was shining in her effulgence.

आयान्तीमे पञ्च रथा महान्तो मन्ये च कृष्णे पतयस्तवैते। सा जानती ख्यापय नः सुकेशि परं परं पाण्डवानां रथस्थम्॥
"Five great heroes are coming, O Krishna, me-thinks they are your husbands; as you know them well, O you of fair hairs, point out which of them rides which car?

द्रौपद्युवाच रनायुष्यं कर्म कृत्वातिघोरम्। एते वीराः पतयो मे समेता न वः शेषः कश्चिदिहास्ति युद्धे॥
Draupadi said : "Having committed such an henious deed that will shorter your life, of what use, O fool, it will be now to know the names of those great heroes; as my heroic husbands have come, none of you shall be left alive in battle.

आख्यातव्यं त्वेव सर्वं मुमूर्षोर्मया तुभ्यं पृष्टया धर्म एषः। न मे व्यथा विद्यते त्वद्भयं वा सम्पश्यन्त्याः सानुजं धर्मराजम्॥
Still, as you, being on the point of death, have asked me, I shall relate it for such is the duty; seeing Dharmaraja with his younger brothers I have not the slightest anxiety or fear from you.

यस्य ध्वजाचे नदतो मृदङ्गो नन्दोपनन्दौ मधुरौ युक्तरूपौ। एतं स्वधर्मार्थविनिश्चयज्ञं सदा जनाः कृत्यवन्तोऽनुयान्ति॥
(He) at whose flag-staff, two beautiful and sonorous tabors, Nanda and Upananda are always played upon, knows very well the propriety of his own acts. Successful men always follow him.

य एष जाम्बूनदशुद्धगौरः प्रचण्डघोणस्तनुरायताक्षः। एतं कुरुश्रेष्ठतमं वदन्ति युधिष्ठिरं धर्मसुतं पति मे॥
He has a complexion like the colour of pure gold, high nose, large eyes and is of a thin make; people call my husband Yudhishthira, the son of Dharına and the foremost of Kurus.

अप्येष शत्रोः शरणागतस्य दद्यात् प्राणान् धर्मचारी नृवीरः। परेह्येनं मूढ जवेन भूतये त्वमात्मनः प्राञ्जलिन्यस्तशस्त्रः॥
That pious, heroic man gives life even to his enemy who seeks his shelter; therefore, O fool, leaving off your weapons and with folded hands, run quickly to him for your own safety.

अथाप्येनं पश्यसि यं रथस्थं महाभुजं शालमिव प्रवृद्धम्। संदष्टौष्ठं भृकुटीसंहतभ्रवं वृकोदरो नाम पतिर्ममैषः॥
The one, whom you see seated on the car, with long arms and tall as the Shala tree biting his lips, contracting his forehead so as to bring his two eye-brows close together, is my husband by name Vrikodara.

आजानेया बलिनः साधु दान्ता महाबलाः शूरमुदावहन्ति। एतस्य कर्माण्यतिमानुषाणि भीमेति शब्दोऽस्य गतः पृथिव्याम्॥
Plump, strong, well-trained and powerful horses of best breed draw that heroe's chariot; his actions are super-human; he is known on earth by the name of Bhima.

नास्यापराद्धाः शेषमवाप्नुवन्ति नायं वैरं विस्मरते कदाचित्। वैरस्यान्तं संविधायोपयाति पश्चाच्छान्तिं न च गच्छत्यतीव॥
Those who offend him are never allowed to live; he never forgets his enemy; on come pretext or other he takes revenge; and even after that he is not pacified.

धनुर्धरात्र्यो धृतिमान् यशस्वी जितेन्द्रियो वृद्धसेवी नृवीरः। भ्राता च शिष्यश्च युधिष्ठिरस्य धनंजयो नाम पतिर्ममैषः॥
That foremost of bow-men, intelligent, illustrious, self-controlled and reverencing the old and heroic among men, is the brother and disciple of Yudhishthira. He is my husband by name Dhananjaya.

यो वै न कामान्न भयान्न लोभात् त्यजेद् धर्मं न नृशंसं च कुर्यात्। स एष वैश्वानरतुल्यतेजाः कुन्तीसुतः शत्रुसहः प्रमाथी॥
He never relinquishes virtue out of fear, lust or anger; he never commits a cruel decd; that son of Kunti has the energy of fire, can withstand every enemy and represses his foes.

यः सर्वधर्मार्थविनिश्चयज्ञो भयार्तानां भयहर्ता मनीषी। यस्योत्तमं रूपमाहुः पृथिव्यां यं पाण्डवाः परिरक्षन्ति सर्वे॥ प्राणैर्गरीयांसमनुव्रतं वै स एष वीरो नकुलः पतिर्म।
The other youth, proficient in Dharma and Artha, who always removes the fear of the afraid, who is gifted with high wisdom, who is protected by all the sons of Pandu, who is dearer to them even than their life, for his unflinching devotion, is my husband, the heroic Nakula.

यः खड्गयोधी लघुचित्रहस्तो महांश्च धीमान् सहदेवोऽद्वितीयः॥ यस्याद्य कर्म द्रक्ष्यसे मूढसत्त्व शतक्रतोर्वा दैत्यसेनासु संख्ये। शूरः कृतास्त्रो मतिमान् मनस्वी प्रियङ्करो धर्मसुतस्य राज्ञः॥
That intelligent and great one, having Sahadeva for the second, is light-handed and an expert in the use of swords. O stupid man, you shall see to day his exploits in battle like those of Indra in the army of Daityas. Heroic, well-skilled in weapon, intelligent, wise, ever satisfying the king, the son of Dharma,

य एष चन्द्रार्कसमानतेजा जघन्यजः पाण्डवानां प्रियश्च। बुद्ध्या समो यस्य नरो न विद्यते वक्ता तथा सत्सु विनिश्चयज्ञः॥
Effulgent like the rays of the moon, the favourite and the youngest born of the Pandavas, equal to whom in intelligence no man exists or in eloquence in the midst of the assembly of the wise.

स एष शूरो नित्यममर्षणपश्च धीमान् प्राज्ञः सहदेवः पतिर्म। त्यजेत् प्राणान् प्रविशेद्धव्यवाह न त्वेवैष व्याहरेद् धर्मबाह्यम्॥ सदा मनस्वी क्षत्रधर्मे रतश्च कुन्त्याः प्राणैरिष्टतमो नृवीरः।
Heroic, ever wrathful, intelligent and wise, Sahadeva is my husband. He would rather rush into fire or give up his life than say anything against religion and morals. That high-minded one always abides by the duties of the Kshatriyas, is dearer than her life to Kunti and heroic among men.

विशीर्यन्तीं नावमिवार्णवान्ते रत्नाभिपूर्णां मकरस्य पृष्ठे॥ सेनां तवेमां हतसर्वयोधां विक्षोभितां द्रक्ष्यसि पाण्डुपुत्रैः।
When the sons of Pandu will kill your heroes in battle you will see your army in the wretched condition of a ship on the sea wrecked with its freight of jewels on the back of a whale.

इत्येते वै कथिताः पाण्डुपुत्रा यांस्त्वं मोहादवमन्य प्रवृत्तः। यद्येतेभ्यो मुच्यसेऽरिष्टदेहः पुनर्जन्म प्राप्स्यसे जीव एव॥
I have thus described to you the prowess of the Pandavas, foolishly disregarding whom you have acted so. If you can escape unhurt from them you will then obtain a new lease of life.

वैशम्पायन उवाच स्त्यक्त्वा त्रस्तान् प्राञ्जलींस्तान् पदातीन्। रथानीकं शरवर्षान्धकारं चक्रुः क्रुद्धाः सर्वतः संनिगृह्य॥
Vaishampayana said : Then those five sons of Pritha, cach like Indra himself, growing angry and leaving the terrified foot-soldiers only who were begging for mercy, attacked furiously on all sides the charioteers darkening the very air with a thick shower of shafts they discharged.