None: Chapter 268

The taking away of Draupadi

वैशम्पायन उवाच सरोषरागोपहतेन वल्गुना सरागनेत्रेण नतोन्नतभ्रुवा। मुखेन विस्फूर्य सुवीरराष्ट्रपं ततोऽब्रवीत् तं दुपदात्मजा पुनः॥
Vaishampayana said: Having her naturally handsome face suffused with crimson arising from ire, with eyes inflamed and eye brows bent in anger the daughter of Drupada remonstrated with the king of Sauviras and again said,

नभिब्रुवन् मूढ न लज्जसे कथम्। महेन्द्रकल्पान् निरतान् स्वकर्मसु स्थितान् समूहेष्वपि यक्षरक्षसाम्॥
O fool, are you not ashamed to use such insulting words to those illustrious and dreadful heroes, each like Indra himself, who all abide by their duties and never wave in fight even with hosts of Yakshas and Rakshasas.

न किंचिदीड्यं प्रवदन्ति पापं वनेचरं वा गृहमेधिनं वा। तपस्विनं सम्परिपूर्णविद्यं भषन्ति हैवं श्वनराः सुवीरा॥
O Sauvira, (the wise) never speak ill of learned persons carrying on devout penances, no matter whether they live in forest or houses; it is only the mean like dogs who speak so.

देतादृशे क्षत्रियसंनिवेशे। यस्त्वाद्य पातालमुखे पतन्तं पाणौ गृहीत्वा प्रतिसंहरेत्॥
Me-thinks, there is none in this assemblage of Kshatriyas who can hold you by hand to save from falling into the pit you have dug under your feet.

मुपत्यकां हैमवती चरन्तम्। दण्डीव यूथादपसेधसि त्वं यो जेतुमाशंससि धर्मराजम्॥
Expecting to defeat the pious Yudhishthira, you really hope to separate, with a stick in hand, the leader of elephants, huge as a mountain peak, with temporal juice trickling down from its rent temple, from a herd ranging in the Himalayan valleys.

बाल्यात् प्रसुप्तस्य महाबलस्य सिंहस्य पक्ष्माणि मुखाल्लुनासि। पदा समाहत्य पलायमानः क्रुद्धं यदा द्रक्ष्यसि भीमसेनम्॥
Out of childishness, you are arousing a sleeping lion to pluck the hair from off his face. You shall however have to run away when you shall sec the enraged Bhimasena.

महाबलं घोरतरं प्रवृद्धं जातं हरिं पर्वतकन्दरेषु। प्रसुप्तमुचं प्रपदेन हंसि यः क्रुद्धमायोत्स्यसि जिष्णुमुचम्॥
Your attempt at an encounter with the dreadful Jishnu is like arousing a powerful, dreadful, full grown and furious lion asleep in a mountain cave.

कृष्णोरगौ तीक्ष्णमुखौ द्विजिह्वौ मत्तः पदाऽऽक्रामसि पुच्छदेशे। यः पाण्डवाभ्यां पुरुषोत्तमाभ्यां जघन्यजाभ्यां प्रयुयुत्ससे त्वम्॥
The combat that you wish to have with those two youthful younger Pandavas is like the act of a fool of wantonly trampling on the tails to two venomous black cobras with bifurcated tongues.

यथा च वेणुः कदली नलो वा फलन्त्यभावाय भूतयेऽऽत्मनः। मादास्यसे कर्कटकीव गर्भम्॥
As the bamboo, the reed and the plantain bear fruit only to die and not to grow in size, as a crab conceives only to perish so you will by laying your hands on me who am protected by these powerful heroes.

जयद्रथ उवाच जानामि कृष्णे विदितं ममैतद् यथाविधास्ते नरदेवपुत्राः न त्वेवमेतेन विभीषणेन शक्या वयं त्रासयितुं त्वयाद्य॥
Jayadratha said : I know all this, O Krishna, as also how those princes are. You shall not be able to frighten me now with these threats.

वयं पुनः सप्तदशेषु कृष्णे कुलेषु सर्वेऽनवमेषु जाताः। घड्भ्योगुणेभ्योऽभ्यधिका विहीनान् मन्यामहे द्रौपदि पाण्डुपुत्रान्॥
We too, O Krishna, are born in the seventeen races and are endowed with six royal qualities. We consider, O Draupadi, Pandavas as inferior men.

सा क्षिप्रमातिष्ठ गजं रथं वा न वाक्यमात्रेण वयं हि शक्याः। आशंस वा त्वं कृपणं वदन्ती सौवीरराजस्य पुनः प्रसादम्॥
Therefore soon ride this elephant or car for you cannot dissuade us with mere words; speaking less boastfully better seek the mercy of the king of Sauviras.

द्रौपद्युवाच महाबला किंत्विह दुर्बलेव सौवीरराजस्य मताहमस्मि। नाहं प्रमाथादिह सम्प्रतीता सौवीरराजं कृपणं वदेयम्॥
Draupadi said : Although so powerful, why I am taken by the king of Sauvira to be so powerless? I cannot for fear of violence do mean act myself before that king.

यस्या हि कृष्णौ पदवी चरेतां समास्थितावेकरथे समेतौ। न्मनुष्यमात्रः कृपणः कुतोऽन्यः॥
Even Indra himself cannot abduct her for whose protection Krishna and Arjuna, riding in the saine chariot, would follow; what to speak of any other weak human beings?

यदा किरीटी परवीरघाती निघ्नन् रथस्थो द्विषतां मनांसि। मदन्तरे त्वद्ध्वजिनीं प्रवेष्टा कक्षं दहनग्निरिवोष्णगेषु॥
When Arjuna, the slayer of hostile heroes, riding on his car, on my behalf, shall enter your ranks, striking terror into every heart, he will destroy everything on all sides like fire consuming a pack of dry grass in summer.

जनार्दनः सान्धकवृष्णिवीरो महेष्वासाः केकयाश्चापि सर्वे। एते हि सर्वे मम राजपुत्राः प्रहृष्टरूपाः पदवी चरेयुः॥
Janardana, with heroes of Andhaka and Vrishni race, the mighty bowmen of the Kaikeya tribe, all these princes will follow me arduously.

मौर्वीविसृष्टाः स्तनयित्नुघोषा गाण्डीवमुक्तास्त्वतिवेगवन्तः। हस्तं समाहत्य धनंजयस्य भीमाः शब्दं घोरतरं नदन्ति॥
The dreadful shafts of Dhananjaya shot from the string of Gandiva and propelled by his arms shoot through the air with grcat force and create a dreadful sound.

गाण्डीवमुक्तांश्च महाशरौघान् पतंगसङ्घानिव शीघ्रवेगान्। यदा द्रष्टास्यर्जुनं वीर्यशालिनं तदा स्वबुद्धिं प्रतिनिन्दितासि॥
When you shall see the collection of dreadful shafts discharged by Arjuna from Gandiva, quick-coursing and like locusts you shall repent for your own folly.

सशङ्खघोषः सतलत्रघोषो गाण्डीवधन्वा मुहुरुद्वहंश्च। यदा शरानर्पयिता तवोरसि तदा मनस्ते किमिवाभविष्यत्॥
Think yourself what will then happen when that heroes, armed with Gandiva and with gloves reverberating with the strokes of his bow string, will repeatedly pierce your breast with arrows.

गदाहस्तं भीममभिद्रवन्तं माद्रीपुत्रौ सम्पतन्तौ दिशश्च। अमर्षजं क्रोधविषं वमन्तौ दृष्ट्वा चिरं तापमुपैष्यसेऽधम॥
Beholding Bhima advance towards you with mace in his hands and the two sons of Madri range in all quarters vomiting forth the venom of their ire, you shall meet with everlasting repentance.

यथा वाहं नातिचरे कथंचित् पतीन् महार्हान् मनसापि जातु। तेनाद्य सत्येन वशीकृतं त्वां द्रष्टास्मि पाथैः परिकृष्यमाणम्॥
As I have never proved false even in my mind to my worthy husbands, so by that merit I shall see you today vanquished and dragged by the sons of Pritha.

न सम्भ्रमं गन्तुमहं हि शक्ष्ये त्वया नृशंसेन विकृष्यमाणा। समागताहं हि कुरुप्रवीरैः पुनर्वनं काम्यकमागतास्मि॥
Ruthless as you are, you cannot terrify me by seizing me violently; for as soon as those Kuru heroes will see me they will bring me back to the Kamyaka forest.

वैशम्पायन उवाच सा ताननुप्रेक्ष्य विशालनेत्रा जिघृक्षमाणानवभर्ल्सयन्ती। प्रोवाच मा मा स्पृशतेति भीता धौम्यं प्रचुक्रोश पुरोहितं सा॥
Vaishampayana said : Thereupon seeing them ready to seize her violently that of expansive eyes reinonstrated with him and said, "Do not one pollute me by your touch." Then terrified she called for her spiritual guide Dhaumya.

जग्राह तामुत्तरवस्त्रदेशे जयद्रथस्तं समवाक्षिपत् सा। तया समाक्षिप्ततनुः स पाप: पपात शाखीव निकृत्तमूलः॥
Jayadratha caught hold of her by her upper garment but she pushed him with great force; pushed by her, that sinful wretch fell down on earth like an uprooted tree.

प्रगृह्यमाणा तु महाजवेन मुहुविनिःश्वस्य च राजपुत्री। सा कृष्यमाणा रथमारोह धौम्यस्य पादावभिवाद्य कृष्णा॥
But being seized by him again with great force the princess sighed again and again; then dragged by him Krishna, worshipping the feet of Dhaumya, ascended the car.

धौम्य उवाच नेयं शक्या त्वया नेतुमविजित्य महारथान्। धर्मं क्षत्रस्य पौराणमवेक्षस्व जयद्रथ॥
Dhaumya said : Without defeating the mighty car-warriors she should not be taken away by you; O Jayadratha, you should observe this ancient custom of the Kshatriyas.

क्षुद्रं कृत्वा फलं पापं त्वं प्राप्स्यसि न संशयः। आसाद्य पाण्डवान् वीरान् धर्मराजपुरोगमान्॥
Forsooth you shall reap the fruit of your this mean action when you shall meet the heroic Pandavas with the pious Yudhishthira at their head.

वैशम्पायन उवाच इत्युक्त्वा ह्रियमाणां तां राजपुत्रीं यशस्विनीम्। अन्वगच्छत् तदा धौम्यः पदातिगणमध्यगः॥
Vaishampayana said : Having said this and entered into his rank of infantry he followed that princes, who was being carried away.