None: Chapter 263

The story of Durvasa

वैशम्पायन उवाच ततः कदाचिद् दुर्वासाः सुखासीनांस्तु पाण्डवान्। भुक्त्वा चावस्थितां कृष्णां ज्ञात्वा तस्मिन् वने मुनिः।१ अभ्यागच्छत् परिवृतः शिप्यैरयुतसम्मितैः।
Vaishampayana said : Thereupon one day, knowing that the Pandavas had been comfortably seated and Krishna was taking her rest after meal the ascetic entered the forest surrounded by ten thousand disciples.

दृष्ट्वाऽऽयान्तं तमतिथिं स च राजा युधिष्ठिरः॥ जगामाभिमुखः श्रीमान् सह भ्रातृभिरच्युतः। तस्मै बद्धवाञ्जलिं सम्यगुपवेश्य वरासने॥ विधिवत् पूजयित्वा तमातिथ्येन न्यमन्त्रयत्। आह्निकं भगवन् कृत्वा शीघ्रमेहीति चाब्रवीत्॥
Beholding that guest arrive there the king Yudhishthira graceful and honest, proceeded with his brothers. Joining his hands and making him sit on an excellent seat. And adoring him duly he treated him with hospitalicy. He said, “Come back soon, O venerably sir, after performing your ablutions and reciting your prayers."

जगाम च मुनिः सोऽपि स्नातुं शिष्यैः सहानघः। भोजयेत् सहशिष्यं मां कथमित्यविचिन्तयन्॥ न्यमज्जत् सलिले चापि मुनिसङ्घः समाहितः।
That innocent ascetic went to bathe along with his disciples, thinking "how will he feed me and my disciples.” Those ascetics of controlled minds went into the water.

एतस्मिन्नन्तरे राजन् द्रौपदी योषितां वरा॥ चिन्तामवाप परमामन्नहेतोः पतिव्रता।
In the interval, O king, Draupadi, the best of women ever devoted to her husband, began to think how she could provide food.

सा चिन्तयन्ती च यदा नान्नहेतुमविन्दत॥ मनसा चिन्तयामास कृष्णं कंसनिषूदनम्।
While she was thus thinking she could not find any means. She then thought in mind of Krishna, the slayer at Kansa.

कृष्ण कृष्ण महाबाहो देवकीनन्दनाव्यया॥ वासुदेव जगन्नाथ प्रणतातिविनाशन। विश्वात्मन् विश्वजनक विश्वहर्तः प्रभोऽव्यय॥ प्रपन्नपाल गोपाल प्रजापाल परात्पर। आकृतीनां च चित्तीनां प्रवर्तक नतास्मि ते॥
(She said) O Krishna, O Krishna of mighty arms, O eternal, O son of Devaki.O Vasudeva, O lord of the universe, O you the killer of the difficulties of those that bow to you, O soul of the universe, O creator of the universe, O destroyer, O lord O inexhaustible. Oh the protector of the afflicted, O the saviour of kine and subjects, O the highest of the high, O the source of the mental perceptions such as faculties of knowledge and moral sense, I bow to you.

वरेण्य वरदानन्त अगतीनां गतिर्भव। पुराणपुरुष प्राणमनोवृत्त्याद्यगोचर॥ सर्वाध्यक्ष पराध्यक्ष त्वामहं शरणं गता। पाहि मां कृपया देव शरणागतवत्सल॥
O worshipful one, O endless giver of boons, you are the refuge of the helpless; You are the ancient Purusha, the vital breath, beyond the perception of mental faculties. Oh lord of all, the most excellent lord, I seek your refuge; O lord, O you fond of your votaries, kindly protect me.

नीलोत्पलदलश्याम पद्मगर्भारुणेक्षण। पीताम्बरपरीधान लसत्कौस्तुभभूषण॥ त्वमादिरन्तो भूतानां त्वमेव च परायणम्। परात्परतरं ज्योतिर्विश्वात्मा सर्वतोमुखः॥
O you having complexion dark as the leaves of the blue lotus having eyes red as the corola of the lilly, O you clad in yellow raiment, O you adorned with the brilliant Kaustava. You are the beginning and the end of creation; the great refuge of all, you are the supreme light and essence of the universe with your face directed towards all directions.

त्वामेवाहुः परं बीजं निधानं सर्वसम्पदाम। त्वया नाथेन देवेश सर्वापद्भ्यो भयं न हि॥
They call you the supreme germ and the depository of all wealth; O king of gods, being protected by you all will lose their terrors.

दुःशासनादहं पूर्व सभायां मोचिता यथा। तथैव संकटादस्मान्मामुद्धर्तुमिहार्हसि॥
You did save me before from Dushasana in the assembly; it behoves you now to save me from this difficutly.

वैशम्पायन उवाच एवं स्तुतस्तदा देवः कृष्णया भक्तवत्सलः। द्रौपद्याः संकटं ज्ञात्वा देवदेवो जगत्पतिः॥ पार्श्वस्थां शयने त्यक्त्वा रुक्मिणी केशवः प्रभुः। तत्राजगाम त्वरितो ह्यचिन्त्यगतिरीश्वरः॥
Vaishampayana said : Then thus eulogised by Krishna the lord, fond of his votaries, the god of gods, the lord of the universe, Kesava of mysterious movements, percieving Draupadi's difficulty and leaving Rukmani on the bed him, came there quickly.

ततस्तं द्रौपदी दृष्ट्वा प्रणम्य परया मुदा। अब्रवीद् वासुदेवाय मुनेरागमनादिकम्॥
Thereupon beholding him arrived there Draupadi, in great delight, bowed to him and communicated to Vasudeva the coming of the ascetic and every other thing,

ततस्तामब्रवीत् कृष्णः क्षुधितोऽस्मि भृशातुरः। शीघ्रं भोजय मां कृष्णे पश्चात् सर्वं करिष्यसि॥ निशम्य तद्वचः कृष्णा लज्जिता वाक्यमब्रवीत्। स्थाल्यां भास्करदत्तायामन्नं मद्भोजनावधि॥ भुक्तवत्यस्म्यहं देव तस्मादन्नं न विद्यते।
“Thereupon Krishna said to her, I am greatly stricken with hunger; soon feed me, O Krishna and afterwards I shall do all.” Hearing his words Krishna, ashamed, said, The vessel given by the sun remains full till I take my meals. O lord, I have taken my meals and there is no food.

ततः प्रोवाच भगवान् कृष्णां कमललोचनः॥ कृष्णे न नर्मकालोऽयं क्षुच्छ्रमेणातुरे मयि। शीघ्रं गच्छ मम स्थालीमानीय त्वं प्रदर्शय॥ इति निर्बन्धतः स्थालीमानाय्य स यदूद्वहः। स्थाल्याः कण्ठेऽथ संलग्नं शाकानं वीक्ष्य केशवः॥ उपयुज्याब्रवीदेनामनेन हरिरीश्वरः। विश्वात्मा प्रीयतां देवस्तुष्टश्चास्त्विति यज्ञभुक्॥
Thereupon the lotus-eyed god said to Krishna. This is not the time for joke, O Krishna; I am assailed with hunger and fatigue; soon go, fetch the vessel and show me. Having thus got persistently the vessel brought, the ornament of the Yadu race, Keshava, saw a particle of rice and vegetable sticking at a corner. Eating it up he said to her "May the lord Hari, the soul of the universe, be pleased with it and may the God who partakes at sacrifices be satiated with it."

आकारय मुनीन् शीघ्रं भोजनायेति चाब्रवीत्। सहदेवं महाबाहुः कृष्णः कलेशविनाशनः॥
Then the long-armed Krishna, the destroyer of miseries said to Sahadeva, “soon bring the ascetics here and feed them."

ततो जगाम त्वरितः सहदेवो महायशाः। आकारितुं तु तान् सर्वान् भोजनार्थं नृपोत्तम॥ स्नातुं गतान् देवनद्यां दुर्वासः प्रभृतीन् मुनीन्। ते चावतीर्णाः सलिले कृतवन्तोऽघमर्षणम्॥ दृष्ट्वोद्गारान् सान्नरसांस्तृप्त्या परमया युताः। उत्तीर्य सलिलात् तस्माद् दृष्टवन्तः परस्परम्॥ दुर्वाससमभिप्रेक्ष्य ते सर्वे मुनयोऽब्रुवन्। राज्ञा हि करायित्वान्नं वयं स्नातुं समागताः॥ आकण्ठतृप्ता विप्रर्षे किंस्विद् भुञ्जामहे वयम्। वृथा पाकः कृतोऽस्माभिस्तत्र किं करवामहे॥
O foremost of kings, thereupon the mighty illustrious Sahaveda soon went to invite them to repast. The ascetic Durvasa and others, who had gone to the nearest river to cool and transparent water to bath, all having plunged into the river, were rubbing their persons. And they were all feeling their stomachs to be full. Coming out of the water they began to eye each other. Then turning their faces towards Durvasa they all said, "Having asked the king to get our meals ready we have come here to bathe. Our stomachs have been filled to the throat; how can we eat anything now, O Brahmana Rishi? The food has been uselessly prepared for us, what shall we do now?"

दुर्वासा उवाच वृथा पाकेन राजर्षेरपराधः कृतो महान्। मास्मानधाक्षुर्दृष्ट्वैव पाण्डवाः क्रूरचक्षुषा॥ स्मृत्वानुभावं राजर्षेरम्बरीषस्य धीमतः। बिभेमि सुतरां विप्रा हरिपादाश्रयाज्जनात्॥ पाण्डवाश्च महात्मानः सर्वे धर्मपरायणाः। शूराश्च कृतविद्याश्च वतिनस्तपसि स्थिताः॥ सदाचाररता नित्यं वासुदेवपरायणाः। क्रुद्धास्ते निर्दहेयुर्वै तूलराशिमिवानलः। तत एतानपृष्ट्वैव शिष्याः शीघ्रं पलायत॥
Durvasa said : By uselessly making him prepare our food we have done a great wrong to that royal sage. Will not the Pandavas distroy us by looking down upon us with angry eyes? I know, the royal sage is endued with great ascetic power; O Brahmana, I am afraid of those man who are devoted to Hari's feet. All those Pandavas are high-souled, pious, heroic, learned, observant of vows and of devout panances. They always observe the rules of good conduct and are devoted to Vasudeva; if angry, they can consume us with their anger as fire does a bale of cotton. So O disciples, you all run away quickly without seeing them.

वैशम्पायन उवाच इत्युक्तास्ते द्विजाः सर्वे मुनिना गुरुणा तदा। पाण्डवेभ्यो भृशं भीता दुद्रुवुस्ते दिशो दश॥
Vaishampnyana said : Being thus addressed by their ascetic preceptor, all those Bramhanas, greatly afraid of the Pandavas, fled away in all directions.

सहदेवो देवनद्यामपश्यन् मुनिसत्तमान्। तीर्थेष्वितस्ततस्तस्या विचचार गवेषयन्॥
Not beholding those best ascetics in the celestial river. Sahadeva searched them here, there and at all the landing places.

तत्रस्थेभ्यस्तापसेभ्यः श्रुत्वा तांश्चैव विद्रुतान्। युधिष्ठिरमथाभ्येत्य तं वृत्तान्तं न्यवेदयत्॥
Then learning from the other ascetics there that they had all fled away he came and communicated the news to Yudhishthira.

ततस्ते पाण्डवाः सर्वे प्रत्यागमनकाक्षिणः। प्रतीक्षन्तः कियत्कालं जितात्मानोऽवतस्थिरे॥
Thereupon all the self-controlled Pandavas, awaiting their arrival, remained in expectation for some time.

निशीथेऽभ्येत्य चाकस्मादस्मान् स छलयिष्यति कथं च निस्तरेमास्मात् कृच्छ्राद् दैवोपसादितात्॥
Yudhisthira said: Coming in the dead of night the ascetics will impose on us; Oh, how can we escape from this difficulty created by destiny.

इति चिन्तापरान् दृष्ट्वा निःश्वसन्तो मुहुर्मुहुः। उवाच वचनं श्रीमान् कृष्णः प्रत्यक्षतां गतः॥
Seeing them thus stricken with anxiety and breathing long deep sighs frequently the graceful Krishna suddenly appeared before them and said,

श्रीकृष्ण उवाच भवतामापदं ज्ञात्वा ऋषेः परमकोपनात्। द्रौपद्या चिन्तितः पार्था अहं सत्वरमागतः॥
Krishna said: O son of Pritha, knowing your difficulty from the highly wrathful Rishi implored by Draupadi I soon came here.

न भयं विद्यते तस्मादृषेर्दुर्वाससोऽल्पकम्। तेजसा भवतां भीतः पूर्वमेव पलायितः॥
Now you have not the least fear from the ascetic Durvasa; afraid of your ascetic powers, he has already fled away.

धर्मनित्यास्तु ये केचिन्न ते सीदन्ति कहिचित्। आपृच्छे वो गमिष्यामि नियतं भद्रमस्तु वः॥
Those who always abide by virtue never suffer. I now ask your permission to return home; may good always betide you.

वैशम्पायन उवाच श्रुत्वेरितं केशवस्य बभूवुः स्वस्थमानसाः। द्रौपद्या सहिताः पार्थास्तमूचुर्विगतज्वराः॥ त्वया नाथेन गोविन्द दुस्तरामापदं विभो। तीर्णाः प्लवमिवासाद्य मज्जमाना महार्णवे॥
Vaishampayana said : Hearing Kashava's words the sons of Pritha along with Draupadi became easy in mind and relieved from anxiety they said, O lord, O Govinda, as persons drowning in the vast deep, reach shore by means of a boat, so have we, by your protection, overcome this great difficulty.

स्वस्ति साधय भद्रं ते इत्याज्ञातो ययौ पुरीम्। पाण्डवाश्च महाभाग द्रौपद्या सहिताः प्रभो॥
Now go in peace; may good betide you. Thus commanded he repaired to his own city and the Pandavas too, O great king, O lord, long with Draupadi.

ऊषुः प्रहष्टमनसो विहरन्तो वनाद् वनम्। इति तेऽभिहितं राजन् यत् पृष्टोऽहमिह त्वया॥
Delightedly spent their days wandering from forest to forest. O king, I have thus, as asked by you, recounted the story.

एवंविधान्यलीकानि धार्तराष्ट्रैर्दुरात्मभिः। पाण्डवेषु वनस्थेषु प्रयुक्तानि वृथाभवन्॥
It was in this way the evil desires of the wicked sons of Dhritarastra about the Pandavas in the forest, were baffled.