History of Durvasa

जनमेजय उवाच वसत्स्वेवं वने तेषु पाण्डवेषु महात्मसु। रममाणेषु चित्राभिः कथाभिर्मुनिभिः सह॥ सूर्यदत्ताक्षयान्नेन कृष्णाया भोजनावधि। ब्राह्मणांस्तर्पमाणेषु ये चान्नार्थमुपागताः॥ धार्तराष्ट्रा दुरात्मानः सर्वे दुर्योधनादयः। कथं तेष्वन्ववर्तन्त पापाचारा महामुने॥ दुःशासनस्य कर्णस्य शकुनेश्च मते स्थिताः। एतदाचक्ष्व भगवन् वैशम्पायन पृच्छतः॥
Janamejaya said : While the high-souled Pandavas were living in the forest, delighted with the pleasant conversation they held with the Rishis and engaged in distributing the food, they obtained from the sun, with various kinds of venison to Brahmanas and others that came to them for fool till the hour of Krishna's meal, how O great Rishi, did Duryodhana and the other wicked and sinful sons of Dhritarashtra, guided by the counsels of Dushasana, Karna and Sakuni, deal with them? I ask you, O reverend one, O Vaishampayana, tell me all this.

वैशम्पायन उवाच श्रुत्वा तेषां तथा वृत्तिं नगरे वसतामिव। दुर्योधनो महाराज तेषु पापमरोचयत्॥ तथा तैनिकृतिप्रज्ञैः कर्णदुःशासनादिभिः। नानोपायैरघं तेषु चिन्तयत्सु दुरात्मसु॥ अभ्यागच्छत् स धर्मात्मा तपस्वी सुमहायशाः। शिष्यायुतसमोपेतो दुर्वासा नाम कामतः॥
Vaishampayana said : Hearing that they (the Pandavas) are living in the forest as in a city, the great king Duryodhana with Karna, Dushashana and others longed to do them harm. When those wicked men were concerting various evil designs, the virtuous and the celebrated ascetic Durvasa, wandering about at will, came to the city of the Kurus with ten thousand disciples.

तमागतमभिप्रेक्ष्य मुनि परमकोपनम्। दुर्योधनो विनीतात्मा प्रश्रयेण दमेन च॥ सहितो भ्रातृभिः श्रीमानातिथ्येन न्यमन्त्रयत्।
Seeing the greatly wrathful Rishi arrived. The handsome Duryodhana and his brother welcomed him with great humility, self-abuse and gentleness.

विधिवत् पूजयामास स्वयं किङ्करवत् स्थितः॥ अहानि कतिचित् तत्र तस्थौ स मुनिसत्तमः।
Himself he waited upon the Rishi as a menial. The illustrious Rishi remained there for a few days.

तं च पर्यचरद् राजा दिवारानमतन्द्रितः॥ दुर्योधनो महाराज शापात् तस्य विशङ्कितः।
Janamejaya, king Duryodhana, fearing his curse, served him diligently day and right.

क्षुधितोऽस्मि ददस्वान्नं शीघ्रं मम नराधिप॥ इत्युक्त्वा गच्छति स्नातुं प्रत्यागच्छति वै चिरात्। न भोक्ष्याम्यद्य मे नास्ति क्षुधेत्युक्त्वैत्यदर्शनम्॥
Sometime saying “O ruler of men I am hungry, give me food without delay," he would go to bathe but would return after along time and say, “I shall not eat anything today, I have no appetite." So saying he would disappear.

अकस्मादेत्य च ब्रूते भोजयास्मांस्त्वरान्वितः। कदाचिच्च निशीथे स उत्थाय निकृतौ स्थितः॥ पूर्ववत् कारयित्वान्नं न भुङ्क्ते गर्हयन् स्म सः।
Sometimes suddenly coming, he would say "feed us soon.” At other times, being bent on mischief, he would awake at midnight and having ordered his food to be prepared, he would not eat it at all.

वर्तमाने तथा तस्मिन् यदा दुर्योधनो नृपः॥ विकृति नैति न क्रोधं तदा तुष्टोऽभवन्मुनिः। आह चैनं दुराधर्षो वरदोऽस्मीति भारत।॥
When the Rishi found that king Duryodhana was not enraged or annoyed, he became gracious towards him. O descendant of Bharata, then the wrothful Durvasa thus spoke to him, “I am capable of giving boons."

दुर्वासा उवाच वरं वरय भद्रं ते यत् मनसि वर्तते। मयि प्रीते तु यद् धर्म्य नालभ्यं विद्यते तव॥
Durvasa said: You may ask from me whatever you desire to possess. Be blessed. I am pleased with you, you may obtain from me anything that is not opposed to religion.

वैशम्पायन उवाच एतच्छ्रुत्वा वचस्तस्य महर्षर्भावितात्मनः। अमन्यत पुनर्जातमात्मानं स सुयोधनः॥
Vaishampayana said: Having heard those words of the high-souled ascetic, Duryodhana became inspired with a new life.

प्रागेव मन्त्रितं चासीत् कर्णदुःशासनादिभिः। याचनीयं मुनेस्तुष्टादिति निश्चित्य दुर्मतिः॥ अतिहर्षान्वितो राजन् वरमेनमयाचत। शिष्यैः सह मम ब्रह्मन् यथा जातोऽतिथिर्भवान्॥ अस्मत्कुले महाराजो ज्येष्ठः श्रेष्ठो युधिष्ठिरः। वने वसति धर्मात्मा भ्रातृभिः परिवारितः॥ गुणवान् शीलसम्पन्नस्तस्य त्वमतिथिर्भव।
It had been settled between that wicked wretch and Karna and Duhshasana as to the boon he would ask, if the Rishi be so pleased as to agree to bestow one. With great joy the king (Duryodhana) asked for the following boon, O Brahman, as you have been my guest for sometime. So you become the guest of Yudhisthira who is accomplished and who is well-behaved; he is the great king, the best and the eldest of our family, that viruous-minded one is now living in the forest surrounded by his brothers.

यदा च राजपुत्री सा सुकुमारी यशस्विनी॥ भोजयित्वा द्विजान् सर्वान् पतींश्च वरवर्णिनी। विश्रान्ता च स्वयं भुक्त्वा सुखासीना भवेद् यदा।।२२। तदा त्वं तत्र गच्छेथा यद्यनुचाह्यता मयि।
Then at that time you should once go there as you have favoured me (by coming here), when that illustrious princess, that delicate lady, that excellent lady (Draupadi) after having fed the Brahmanas and regaled her husbands and also eating herself, will be comfortably seated for rest.

तथा करिष्ये त्वत्प्रीत्येत्येवमुक्त्वा सुयोधनम्॥ दुर्वासा अपि विप्रेन्द्रो यथागतमगात् ततः। कृतार्थमपि चात्मानं तदा मेने सुयोधनः॥
He (Rishi) replied to the Duryodhana “I shall do it for your satisfaction.” Having said this, that great Brahmana went in the way he came. Duryodhana then considered that all his desires had been fulfilled.

करेण च करं गृह्य कर्णस्य मुदितो भृशम्। कर्णोऽपि भ्रातृसहितमित्युवाच नृपं मुदा॥
Holding Karna by the hand he expressed his great delight. Karna also with great joy thus spoke to the king (Duryodhana).

कर्ण उवाच दिष्ट्या कामः सुसंवृत्तो दिष्ट्या कौरव वर्धसे। दिष्ट्या ते शत्रवो मग्ना दुस्तरे व्यसनार्णवे॥ दुर्वासः क्रोधजे वह्नौ पतिताः पाण्डुनन्दनाः। स्वैरेव ते महापापैर्गता वै दुस्तरं तमः॥
Karna said: By singular good luck, you have fared well and attained to the fulfilment of your desire. By good luck your enemies have been plunged into the sea of misery which is difficult to cross. The Pandavas are now exposed to the fire of Durvasa's anger. Through their own fault they have fallen into an abyss of darkness.

वैशम्पायन उवाच इत्यं ते निकृतिप्रज्ञा राजन् दुर्योधनादयः। हसन्तः प्रीतमनसो जग्मुः स्वं स्वं निकेतनम्॥
O king, thus expressing their great delight, Duryodhana and others, ever bent on mischief, cheerfully went to their respective house.