The history of Mudgala

युधिष्ठिर उवाच व्रीहिद्रोणः परित्यक्तः कथं तेन महात्मना। कस्मै दत्तश्च भगवन् विधिना केन चास्थ मे॥
Yudhisthira said: O exalted one, why did that highsouled one give away a Drona of corn? To whom and in what prescribed way he gave it. Tell me this.

प्रत्यक्षधर्मा भगवान् यस्य तुष्टो हि कर्मभिः। सफलं तस्य जन्माहं मन्ये सद्धर्मचारिणः॥
O exalted one, I consider the life of that virtuous man as having borne fruits with whose acts the supreme one himself is well-pleased.

व्यास उवाच शिलोच्छवृत्तिर्धर्मात्मा मुद्गलः संयतेन्द्रियः। आसीद् राजन् कुरुक्षेत्रे सत्यवागनसूयकः॥
Vyasa said : O king, there lived in Kurukshetra a virtuous man, named Mudgala. He was truthful and free from malice. He was self-controlled. He led the Sila and Uncha modes of life.

अतिथिव्रती क्रियावांश्च कापोती वृत्तिमास्थितः। सत्रमिष्टीकृतं नाम समुपास्ते महातपाः॥ सपुत्रदारो हि मुनिः पक्षाहारो बभूव ह। कपोतवृत्त्या पक्षण व्रीहिद्रोणमुपार्जयत्॥
Although leading his life like a pigeon that great ascetic entertained his guests, celebrated the sacrefice called Ishtikhita and performed other rites. That Rishi, with his wife and son, ate for a fortnight and during the other fortnight he led the life of a pigeon collecting (but) a drona of corn.

दर्श च पौर्णमासं च कुर्वन् विगतमत्सरः। देवतातिथिशेषेण कुरुते देहयापनम्॥
Celebrating the Darsa and Paurnamashya sacrifices that guileless Rishi used to pass his days by taking the food that remained after the deities and the guests had eaten.

तस्येन्द्रः सहितो देवैः साक्षात् त्रिभुवनेश्वरः। प्रत्यगृह्णान्महाराज भागं पर्वणि पर्वणि॥
In (all) auspicious lunar days, the lord of the three worlds, Indra accompained by the celestials, O great king, used to partake the food offered at his sacrifice.

स पर्वकालं कृत्वा तु मुनिवृत्त्या समन्वितः। अतिथिभ्यो ददावनं प्रहृष्टेनान्तरात्मना॥
On such (auspicious) days that Rishi leading the life of a Muni cheerfully entertained his guests also with food.

व्रीहिद्रोणस्य तद्ध्यस्य ददतोऽन्नं महात्मनः। शिष्टं मात्सर्यहीनस्य वर्धतेऽतिथिदर्शनात्॥
As that high-souled one distributed his food with great speed, the reaminder of the Drona of corn increased as soon as (fresh) guests appeared.

तच्छतान्यपि भुञ्जन्ति ब्राह्मणानां मनीषिणाम्। मुनेस्त्यागविशुद्ध्या तु तदन्नं वृद्धिमृच्छति॥
By virtue of the pure spirit in which the Rishi gave away (food), it increased so much that hundreds upon hundreds of leanred Brahmanas were fed with it.

तं तु शुश्राव धर्मिष्ठं मुद्गलं संशितव्रतम्। दुर्वासा नृप दिग्वासास्तमथाभ्याजगाम ह॥ बिभ्रच्चानियतं वेषमुन्मत्त इव पाण्डव। विकचः परुषा वाचो व्याहरन् विविधा मुनिः॥
O king (once upon a time) having heard of the virtuous and bow-observing Mudgala, the naked Rishi Durvasa, with his dress like that of a maniac and his head bare of hair, came there, O Pandava, uttering various insulting words.

अभिगम्याथ तं विप्रमुवाच मुनिसत्तमः। अन्नार्थिनमनुप्राप्तं विद्धि मां द्विजसत्तम॥
Having arrived there, that foremost of Rishis spoke thus to that Brahimana, “O best of Brahmanas, know that I have come here for food.

स्वागतं तेऽस्त्विति मुनि मुद्गलः प्रत्यभाषत। पाद्यमाचमनीयं च प्रतिपाद्यार्थ्यमुत्तमम्॥ प्रादात् स तापसायान्नं क्षुधितायातिथिव्रती। उन्मत्ताय परां श्रद्धामास्थाय स धृतव्रतः॥ ततस्तदन्नं रसवत् स एव क्षुधयान्वितः। बुभुजे कृत्स्नमुन्मत्तः प्रादात् तस्मै च मुद्गलः॥
The Rishi Mudgala replied by saying “Welcome.” Offered to that hungry, mad ascetic, water to wash his feet and mouth; that Rishi, ever observant of the vow of feeding guests, then placed before him excellent food. Affected by hunger, the mad Rishi ate up all the food given to him. Then Mudgala gave him more food.

भुक्त्वा चान्नं ततः सर्वमुच्छिष्टेनात्मनस्ततः। अथाङ्गं लिलिपेऽनेन यथागतमगाच्च सः॥
Having eaten up all that food, he besmeared his body with the uncleaned remainder and went away as he had come.

एवं द्वितीये सम्प्राप्ते यथाकाले मनीषिणाः। आगम्य बुभुजे सर्वमन्नमुच्छोपजीविनः॥
In this manner during the next sea-son, he came again and ate up all the food given to him by that wise Rishi leading the Unccha mode of life.

निराहारस्तु स मुनिरुञ्छमार्जयते पुनः। न चैनं विक्रियां नेतुमशकन्मुद्गलं क्षुधा।॥
Thereupon without eating any food himself, the Rishi Mudgala again became engaged in collecting corn, following the Unccha mode. Hunger could not disturb his equanimity,

न क्रोधो न च मात्सर्यं नावमानो न सम्भ्रमः। सपुत्रदारमुञ्छन्तमाविवेश द्विजोत्तमम्॥
Nor could anger or guile or sense of degradation or agitationenter into the heart of that best of Brahmanas leading the Unccha mode of life along with his son and his wife.

तथा तमुच्छधर्माणं दुर्वासा मुनिसत्तमम्। उपतस्थे यथाकालं षट्कृत्वः कृतनिश्चयः॥ न चास्य मनसा कंचिद् विकारं ददृशे मुनिः। शुद्ध सत्त्वस्य शुद्धं स ददृशे निर्मलं मनः॥
In ths way Durvasa during successive seasons came for several times before that best of sages living according to the Unccha mode of life. But that rishi could not perceive any senses agitation in the heart of Mudgala. He found the heart of that virtuous-minded Rishi always pure.

तमुवाच ततः प्रीतः स मुनिर्मुद्गलं ततः। त्वत्समो नास्ति लोकेऽस्मिन् दाता मात्सर्यवर्जितः॥२३।
Thereupon becoming very much pleased he thus spoke to the Rishi Mudgala, There is no other simpleand charitable being like you on earth.

क्षुद् धर्मसंज्ञा प्रणुदत्यादत्ते धैर्यमेव च। रसानुसारिणी जिह्वा कर्षत्येव रसान् प्रति॥
The pangs of hunger drive away all sense of virtue and deprive people of patience. The gongues, that always love, delicacies, attract men towards them.

आहारप्रभवाः प्राणा मनो दुर्निग्रहं चलम्। मनसश्चेन्द्रियाणां चाप्यैकाग्यं निश्चितं तपः॥
Life is sustained by food. The mind is however fickle and it is hard to keep it in subjection. The concentration of mind and the control of the constitute (true) asceticism.

श्रमेणोपार्जितं त्यक्तुं दुःखं शुद्धेन चेतसा। तत् सर्वं भवता साधो यथावदुपपादितम्॥
It is very hard to abandon in a pure spirit a thing earned by pain. O virtuous one, but all this has been duly achieved by you.

प्रीताः स्मोऽनुगृहीताश्च समेत्य भवता सह। इन्द्रियाभिजयो धैर्यं संविभागो दमः शमः॥ दरा सत्यं च धर्मश्च त्वयि सर्वं प्रतिष्ठितम्। जितास्ते कर्मभिर्लोकाः प्राप्तोऽसि परमां गतिम्॥
In your company we feel obliged and gratified. Self-restraint, Self-restraint, fortitude, justice, control of the senses and of the faculties, mercy and virtue are all established in you. You have conquered all the worlds by your deeds, you have obtained the highest state.

अहो दानं विधुष्टं ते सुमहत् स्वर्गवासिभिः। सशरीरो भवान् गन्ता स्वर्ग सुचरितव्रत॥
Even the dwellers of heaven are proclaiming your great deeds of charity. O vow-observing Rishi, you shall go to heaven in your own body.

इत्येवं वदतस्तस्य तदा दुर्वाससो मुनेः। देवदूतो विमानेन मुद्गलं प्रत्युपस्थितः॥ हंससारसयुक्तेन किङ्किणीजालमालिना। कामगेन विचित्रेण दिव्यगन्धवता तथा॥
When the Rishi Durvasa was thus speaking, celestial messenger appeared before Mudgala in a car yoked with swans and cranes, adorned with numerous bells, scented with divine fragrance, picturesquely painted and possessing the power of going everywhere at will.

उवाच चैनं विप्रर्षि विमानं कर्मभिर्जितम्। समुपारोह संसिद्धि प्राप्तोऽसि परमां मुने॥
He spoke thus to the Brahmanas. Ascend this car. O Rishis, the result of your acts, you have obtained the fruit of your asceticism.

तमेवंवादिनमृषिदेवदूतमुवाच हा इच्छामि भवता प्रोक्तान् गुणान् स्वर्गनिवासिनाम्॥ के गुणास्तत्र वसतां किं तपः कश्च निश्चयः। स्वर्गे तत्र सुखं किं च दोषो वा देवदूतक॥
When the celestial messenger was thus talking, the Rishi told him, O celestial messenger, I desire that you should describe to methe attributes of those that live there. What is their asceticism and what is their purpose? What is the happiness in heaven and what are its defects?

सतां साप्तपदं मैत्रमाहुः सन्तः कुलोचिताः। मित्रतां च पुरस्कृत्य पृच्छामि त्वामहं विभो॥ यदत्र तथ्यं पथ्यं च तद् ब्रवीह्यविचारयन्। श्रुत्वा तथा करिष्यामि व्यवसायं गिरा तव।॥
O lord, it has been declared by nobly born virtuous men that friendship with five men is formed by only walking with them seven faces. In the name of friendship, I ask you, tell me the truth and that which is good for me to know. Hearing you, I shall according to your words fix the course I ought to follow.