None: Chapter 26

The Pandava's entrance into the Dvaitavana

वैशम्पायन उवाच वसत्सु वै द्वैतवने पाण्डवेषु महात्मसु। अनुकीर्णं महारण्यं ब्राह्मणैः समपद्यत॥
Vaishampayana said : The high-minded Pandavas while residing in the forest of Dvaita that great forest was filled with Brahmanas.

ईर्यमाणेन सततं ब्रह्मघोषेण सर्वशः। ब्रह्मलोकसमं पुण्यमासीद् द्वैतवनं सरः॥
Resounding always and all over with the recitations of the Veda, the lake of the forest became as holy as the region of Brahma.

यजुषामृचां साम्नां च गद्यानां चैव सर्वशः। आसीदुच्चार्यमाणानां नि:स्वनो हृदयङ्गमः॥
The sounds of Yajus, Riks, Saman and other words uttered by the Brahmanas, were exceedingly charming.

ज्याघोषश्चैव पार्थानां ब्रह्मघोषश्चधीमताम्। संसृष्टं ब्रह्मणा क्षत्रं भूय एव व्यरोचत्॥
The Vedic recitations of the high-minded Brahmanas, mingling with twang of the bows of the sons of Pritha brought about a delightful union of the Brahmana and Kshatriya customs.

अथाब्रवीद् बको दालभ्योधर्मराज युधिष्ठिरम्। सध्यां कौन्तेयमासीनमृषिभिः परिवारितम्॥
Thereupon one evening (the Rishi) Baka of the Dalvya family addressed the son of Kunti, the pious king Yudhishthira seated in the midst of the Rishis.

पश्य द्वैतवने पार्थ ब्राह्मणानां तपस्विनाम्। होमवेलां कुरुश्रेष्ठ सम्प्रज्वलितपावकाम्॥
“Behold, O Partha, O Kuru chief, in this forest Dvaita the hour of the ascetic Brahmanas for performing Homa when the (sacred) fires have all been enkindled.

चरन्तिधर्मं पुण्येऽस्मिंस्त्वया गुप्ताधृतव्रताः। भृगवोऽङ्गिरसश्चैव वासिष्ठाः काश्यपैः सह॥ आगस्त्याश्च महाभागा आत्रेयाश्चोत्तमव्रताः। सर्वस्य जगतः श्रेष्ठा ब्राह्मणाः संगतास्त्वया।॥
Being protected by you, they of firm vows, are observing their religious rites in this sacred (forest). Bhrigu and Angiras together with Vasishtha and Kashyapa, the renowned sons of Agastya, the offspring of Atri, all of excellent vows, in face, all the leading Brahmanas of the world are united with you.

इदं तु वचनं पार्थ शृणुष्व गदतो मम। भ्रातृभिः सह कौन्तेय यत् त्वा वक्ष्यामि कौरव॥
O son of Pritha, O son of Kunti, O descendant of Kuru, hear along with your brothers what I speak to you.

ब्रह्म क्षत्रेण संसृष्टं क्षत्रं च ब्रह्मणा सह। उदीर्णे दहतः शत्रून् वनानीवाग्निमारुतौ॥
Brahima-energy combined with Kshatriyaenergy, Brahma-prowess united with Kshatriya-prowess, when rendered strong, might consume the enemies as fire united with the wind consumes the forest.

दिच्छन्निमं लोकममुं च जेतुम्। विनीतधर्मार्थमपेतमोहं लब्ध्वा द्विजं नुदति नृपः सपत्नान्॥
O my son, O king, one should never be without a Brahmana, if he wished to conquer this world and the next for long. Having got a Brahmana, well-versed in religion and worldly affairs and cleansed of passion and folly a king destroys his enemies.

चरन् नैःश्रेयसंधर्म प्रजापालनकारितम्। नाध्यगच्छद् बलिलकि तीर्थमन्यत्र वै द्विजात्॥
Having governed his subjects, the King Bali performed those duties that lead to salvation and did not know of any other means in this world than the Brahmanas.

वैरोचनेः श्रीरपि चाक्षयाऽऽसीत्। लब्वा महीं ब्राह्मणसम्प्रयोगात् तेष्वाचरन् दुष्टमथो व्यनश्यत्॥
It was for this, that all the desires of the Asura (Bali) Virochana's son, were satisfied and his wealth was even inexhaustible. Having obtained (the entire) carth through the instrumentality of the Brahmanas, he met with destruction when he began to oppress (people).

वर्णं द्वितीयं भजते चिराय। समुद्रनेमिनमते तु तस्मै यं ब्राह्मणः शास्ति नयैर्विनीतम्॥
The earth with her wealth, never worships him for long, as her lord, who is without a Brahmana. The earth however surrounded by the sea worships him who is governed by a Brahmana and is instructed by him regarding his duties.

कुञ्जरस्येव संग्रामे परिगृह्याङ्कुशग्रहम्। ब्राह्मणैर्विप्रहीणस्य क्षत्रस्य क्षीयते बलम्॥
Like an elephant without a driver in battle, the strength of a Kshatriya, without a Brahmana, decreases.

ब्राह्मण्यनुपमा दृष्टिः क्षात्रमप्रतिमं बलम्। तौ यदा चरतः सार्धं तदा लोकः प्रसीदति॥
Incomparable is the sight of a Brahmana and the might of a Kshatriyas; when they proceed in unision the whole world is delighted.

यथा हि सुमहानग्निः कक्षं दहति सानिलः। तथा दहति राजन्यो ब्राह्मणेन समं रिपुम्॥
As fire rendered stronger by the win destroys straw and woo, so kings united with Brahmanas destroy (all their) enemies.

ब्राह्मणेष्वेव मेधावी बुद्धिपर्येषणं चरेत्। अलब्धस्य च लाभाय लब्धस्य परिवृद्धये॥
An intelligent man, for acquiring what he has not got and for multiplying what he has got, should take the advice of the Brahmanas.

अलब्धलाभाय च लब्धवृद्धये यथार्हतीर्थप्रतिपादनाय यशस्विनं वेदविदं विपश्चितं बहुश्रुतं ब्राह्मणमेव वासय॥
Therefore for obtaining what you have not got and multiplying what you have got and for spending that on proper objects and persons, do keep with you a Brahmana of fame, wise, experienced and well-versed in the knowledge of the Vedas.

ब्राह्मणेषूत्तमा वृत्तिस्तव नित्यं युधिष्ठिर। तेन ते सर्वलोकेषु दीप्यते प्रथितं यशः॥
O Yudhishthira, you have always highly respected the Brahmanas, it is for this that your reputation shines brilliantly in the three worlds.

वैशम्पायन उवाच ततस्ते ब्राह्मणाः सर्वे बकं दाल्भ्यमपूजयन्। युधिष्ठिरे स्तूयमाने भूयः सुमनसोऽभवन्॥
Vaishampayana said : Then all the Brahinanas, who were with Yudhishthira, adored Baka of Dalvya family; and hearing him eulogize Yudhishthira they were greatly delighted.

द्वैपायनो नारदश्च जामदग्न्यः पृथुश्रवाः। इन्द्रद्युम्नो भालुकिश्च कृतचेताः सहस्रपात्॥ कर्णश्रवाश्च मुञ्जश्च लवणाश्वश्च काश्यपः। हारीतः स्थूणकर्णश्च अग्निवेश्योऽथ शौनकः॥ कृतवाक् च सुवाक् चैव बृहदश्वो विभावसुः। ऊर्ध्वरेतो वृषामित्रः सुहोत्रो होत्रवाहनः॥ एते चान्ये च बहवो ब्राह्मणाः संशितव्रतः। अजातशत्रुमानचुः पुरंदरमिवर्षयः॥
Dvaipayana, Narada, Jamadagni, Pithushrava, Indradyumna, Bhalaki, Kritachetas, Sahasrapat, Karnasravas, Munja, Lavanashva, Kashyapa, Harita, Sthulakarna, Agnivishya, Saunaka, Kritavak, Suvak, Vrihadashya, Vibhavasu, Urdharetas, Vrishamitra, Suhotra, Hotravahana, all these and many other Brahmanas of firm vows worshipped Yudhishthira like celestials sages worshipping Purandara in the celestials region.