Conquest of Karna

वैशम्पायन उवाच ततः कर्णो महेष्वासो बलेन महता वृतः। द्रुपदस्य पुरं रम्यं रुरोध भरतर्षभ।।।।
Vaishampayana said : O foremost of the Bharatas, then the great bowman Kama, surrounded by a large army, attacked the beautiful city of Drupada.

युद्धेन महता चैनं चक्रे वीरं वशानुगम्। सुवर्ण रजतं चापि रत्नानि विविधानि च॥ करं च दापयामास दुपदं नृपसत्तम। तं विनिर्जित्य राजेन्द्र राजानस्तस्य येऽनुगाः॥ तान् सर्वान् वशगांश्चक्रे करं चैनानदापयत्।
After a great battle, he brought that hero under subjection and foremost of kings, he made Drupada pay tribute and give silver, gold and gems. O king of kings, after subduing him, he brought under his subjection all those kings to that were under him. He made them pay tribute.

अथोत्तरां दिशं गत्वा वशे चक्रे नराधिपान्॥ भगदत्तं च निर्जित्य राधेयो गिरिमारुहत्। हिमवन्तं महाशैलं युध्यमानश्च शत्रुभिः॥ प्रययौ च दिशः सर्वान् नृपतीन् वशमानयत्। स हैमवतिकाञ्जित्वा करं सर्वानदापयत्॥
He then brought under subjection all the kings the northern country. Having vanquished Bhagadatta, the son of Rudra (Karna) ascended the great mountain Himalayas fighting all along with many foes. Going on all sides, he conquered and brought under subjection all the kings inhabiting the Himalayas and he made them pay tribute.

नेपालविषये ये च राजानस्तानवाजयत्। अवतीर्य ततः शैलात् पूर्वां दिशमभिद्रुतः॥ अङ्गान् वङ्गान् कलिंगांश्च शुण्डिकान् मिथिलानथ मागधान् कर्कखण्डांश्च निवेश्य विषयेऽऽत्मनः॥ आवशीरांश्च योध्यांश्च अहिक्षत्रं च निर्जयत्। पूर्वां दिशं विनिर्जित्य वत्सभूमिं तथागमत्॥
Then coming down from the mountain and going towards the east, he vanquished the Angas and the Vargas and the Kalingas and the Shundika and the Mithilas and the Magadhas and the Karkakhandas and also the Avashiras, the Yodhyas and the Ahikshatras. Having conquered the eastern country, he went to Vatsabhumi.

वत्सभूमिं विनिर्जित्य केवलां मृत्तिकावतीम्। मोहं पत्तनं चैव त्रिपुरी कोसलां तथा॥ एतान् सर्वान् विनिर्जित्य करमादाय सर्वशः।
Having then conquered Vatsabhumi, he subjugated Kevala, Mrittikavati, Mohana and Pattana, Tripuri and Kosala. He made them all pay tributes.

दक्षिणां दिशमास्थाय कर्णो जित्वा महारथान्॥ रुक्मिणं दाक्षिणात्येषु योधयामास सूतजः। स युद्धं तुमुलं कृत्वा रुक्मी प्रोवाच सूतजम्॥
Then going towards the south, Karna vanquished many great car-warriors. In the southern country the Suta's son (Karna) fought a great battle with Rukmi. Having fought a great battle, he thus spoke to the Suta's son,

प्रीतोऽस्मि तव राजेन्द्र विक्रमेण बलेन च। न ते विघ्नं करिष्यामि प्रतिज्ञां समपालयम्॥
"O foremost of kings, I have been pleased with your strength and prowess. I shall not do you any wrong. I have fulfilled the (Kshatriya) vow.

प्रीत्या चाहं प्रयच्छामि हिरण्यं यावदिच्छसि। समेत्य रुक्मिणा कर्णः पाण्ड्यं शैलं च सोऽगमत्।।१४।
I shall gladly give you as many gold coins as you desire." Having met with Rukmi, Karna went to Pandya and the mountain.

स केरलं रणे चैव नीलं चापि महीपतिम्। वेणुदारिसुतं चैव ये चान्ये नृपसत्तमाः॥ दक्षिणस्यां दिशि नृपान् करान् सर्वानदापयत्।
He then vanquished Kerala and then king Nila, the son of Venudari and other foremost of the kings living in the southern country. He made them all pay tributes.

शैशुपालिं ततो गत्वा विजिग्ये सूतनन्दनः॥ पार्श्वस्थांश्चापि नृपतीन् वशे चक्रे महाबलः।
Then going to the son of Shishupala, the Suta's son defeated him and that greatly powerful hero then brought under subjection all the neighbouring chiefs.

आवन्त्यांश्च वशे कृत्वा साम्ना च भरतर्षभ। वृष्णिभिः सह संगम्य पश्चिमामपि निर्जयत्॥
O foremost of Bharata race, having subjugated the Avantis and concluded peace with them and having fought with the Vrishnis, he conquered the west.

वारुणी दिशमागम्य यवनान् बर्बरांस्तथा। नृपान् पश्चिमभूमिस्थान् दापयामास वैकरान्॥
Having then gone to the abode of Varuna, he made all the Yavana and Barbara kings pay tributes.

विजित्य पृथिवीं सर्वां स पूर्वापरदक्षिणाम्। सम्लेच्छाटविकान् वीरः सपर्वतनिवासिनः॥ भद्रान् रोहितकांश्चैव आचेयान् मालवानपि। गणान् सर्वान् विनिर्जित्य नीतिकृत् प्रहसन्निव॥ शशकान् यवनांश्चैव विजिग्ये सूतनन्दनः। नग्नजित्प्रमुखांश्चैव गणाञ्जित्वा महारथान्॥ एवं स पृथिवीं सर्वां वशे कृत्वा महारथः। विजित्य पुरुषव्याघ्रो नागसाह्वयमागमत्॥
Having conquered the entire earth, east west, south and north, that hero single-handed conquered all the Mleccha nations, the mountaineers, the Bhadras, the Rohitakas, the Agreyas and the Malavas. Having conquered the great car-warriors headed by Nagnajita, the Suta's son brought the Shashakas and the Yavanas under his sway. Having thus conquered and subjugated the whole world, the great car-warrior, that foremost of men (Karna) came back to Hastinapur.

तमागतं महेष्वासं धार्तराष्ट्रो जनाधिपः। प्रत्युद्गम्य महाराज सभ्रातृपितृबान्धवः॥ अर्चयामास विधिना कर्णमाहवशोभिनम्। आश्रावयच्च तत् कर्म प्रीयमाणो जनेश्वरः॥
That foremost of men, the son of Dhritarashtra, accompanied by his father and brothers came to that great bowman and duly honoured him. The king (Duryodhana) proclaimed his feat.

यन्न भीष्मान्न च द्रोणान्न कृपान्न च बाह्निकात्। प्राप्तवानस्मि भद्रं ते त्वत्त: प्राप्तं मया हि तत्॥
Then he said to Karna, “What I have not received from Bhishma, Drona, Kripa or Balhika, I have (today) received from you. Be blessed.

बहुना च किमुक्तेन शृणु कर्म वचो मम। सनाथोऽस्मि महाबाहो त्वया नाथेन सत्तम॥
What need is there to speak in length. O Karna, listen to my words. O mighty-armed hero, in you I have got my protector.

न हि ते पाण्डवाः सर्वे कलामर्हन्ति षोडशीम्। अन्ये वा पुरुषव्याघ्र राजानोऽभ्युदितोदिताः॥
O foremost of men, all the Pandavas and other kings who are crowned with success cannot come to sixteenth part of you.

स भवान् धृतराष्ट्रं तं गान्धारी च यशस्विनीम्। पश्य कर्ण महेष्वास अदितिं वलाभृद् यथा।॥
O great bowman, O Karna, look at Dhritarashtra and the illustrious Gandhari as the wielder of thunder (Indra) saw Aditi."

ततो हलहलाशब्दः प्रादुरासीद् विशाम्पते। हाहाकाराश्च बहवो नगरे नागसाह्वये॥
O king, then rose in the city of Hastinapur a great uproar and also cries of "Oh" and "Alas".

केचिदेनं प्रशंसन्ति निन्दन्ति स्म तथापरे। तूष्णीमासंस्तथा चान्ये नृपास्तत्र जनाधिप॥
O ruler of men, some of the people praised him, While others again remained silent.

एवं विजित्य राजेन्द्र कर्णः शस्त्रभृतां वरः। सपर्वतवनाकाशां ससमुद्रां सनिष्कुटाम्॥ देशैरुच्चावचैः पूर्णा पत्तनैर्नगरैरपि। द्वीपैश्चानूपसम्पूर्णैः पृथिवीं पृथिवीपते॥ कालेन नातिदीर्पण वशे कृत्वा तु पार्थिवान्। अक्षयं धनमादाय सूतजो नृपमभ्ययात्॥
O foremost of kings, having thus in a very short time conquered this earth furnished with mountains and forests and skies and with ocean and fields, with high and low tracts and cities and with innumerable islands and thus having obtained inexhaustible wealth, Suta's son presented himself before the king.

प्रविश्य च गृहं राजन्नभ्यन्तरमरिंदम। गान्धारीसहितं वीरो धृतराष्ट्रं ददर्श सः॥ पुत्रवच्च नरव्याघ्र पादौ जग्राह धर्मवित्। धृतराष्ट्रेण चाश्लिष्य प्रेम्णा चापि विसर्जितः॥
O chastiser of foes, then entering the palace, that hero saw Dhritarashtra and Gandhari. O foremost of men, that virtuous one then took hold of their feet as one of their sons. He was first embraced affectionately by Dhritarashtra and was then dismissed.

तदा प्रभृति राजा च शकुनिश्चापि सौबलः। जानते निर्जितान् पार्थान् कर्णेन युधि भारत॥
O descendant of Bharata, from that day king Duryodhana and Shakuni, the son of Subala, thought that the sons of Pritha (the Pandavas) had already been defeated by Karna.