The colloquy between Karna and Duryodhana

कर्ण उवाच राजन्नाधावगच्छामि तवेह लघुसत्त्वताम्। किमत्र चित्रं यद् वीर मोक्षितः पाण्डवैरसि॥
Karna said.: O king, your today's conduct is childish. O hero, what is to be wondered at in all this, that you were rescued by the Pandavas.

सद्यो वशं समापन्नः शत्रूणां शत्रुकर्शन। सेनाजीवैश्च कौरव्य तथा विषयवासिभिः॥
When you were defeated by the foe. O chastiser of foes, O descendant of Kuru, those that reside in the dominion of the king, specially the warriors.

अज्ञातैर्यदि वा ज्ञातैः कर्तव्यं नृपतेः प्रियम्। प्राय: प्रधानाः पुरुषाः क्षोभयन्त्यरिवाहिनीम्॥ निगृह्यन्ते च युद्धेषु मोक्ष्यन्ते चैव सैनिकैः। सेनाजीवाश्च ये राज्ञां विषये सन्ति मानवाः॥ तैः सङ्गम्य नृपार्थाय यतितव्यं यथातथम्। यद्येवं पाण्डवै राजन् भवद्विषयवासिभिः॥ यदृच्छया मोक्षितोऽसि तत्र का परिदेवना। न चैतत् साधु यद् राजन् पाण्डवास्त्वां नृपोत्तमम्॥
Should always do what is agreeable to the king, whether they happen to be known to the king or unknown to him. Often happens that even the foremost of men who are capable of crushing the enemy are often defeated by them; under such circumstances they are often rescued by their troops. The warriors living in a king's dominion should always combine and try their utmost for their king. If, therefore, O king, the Pandavas who live in your dominion have rescued you, what is there to be sorry for? O foremost of kings, O monarch, it was not proper for the Pandavas.

स्वसेनया सम्प्रयान्तं नानुयान्ति स्म पृष्ठतः। शूराश्च बलवन्तश्च संयुगेष्वपलायिनः॥ भवतस्ते सहाया वै प्रेष्यतां पूर्वमागताः। पाण्डवेयानि रत्नानि त्वमद्याप्युपभुञ्जसे॥ सत्त्वस्थान् पाण्डवान् पश्य न ते प्रायमुपाविशन् उत्तिष्ठ राजन् भद्रं ते न चिरं कर्तुमर्हसि॥
That they did not follow you when you marched to battle at the head of your troops. They have long before come under your power by becoming your slaves. Endued as they are with courage and prowess and incapable as they are to turn back from the field of battle they are bound to help you. You are now enjoying all the rich possessions of the Pandavas; O king, see, the Pandavas are yet active. They have not resolved to die by fasting. Rise, () king, be blessed; you should not grieve.

अवश्यमेव नृपते राज्ञो विषयवासिभिः। प्रियाण्याचरितव्यानि तत्र का परिदेवना॥
O lord of men, it is the certain duty of those who live in a king's dominion to do which is agreeable to that king, what is there then to be Sorry for?

मद्वाक्यमेतद् राजेन्द्र यद्येवं न करिष्यसि। स्थास्यामीह भवत्पादौ शुश्रूषन्नरिमर्दन॥
O king of kings, O chastiser of foes, if you do not act as I say, I shall then stay here and serve at your feet with all respect.

नोत्सहे जीवितुमहं त्वविहीनो नरर्षभ। प्रायोपविष्टस्तु नृप राज्ञां हास्यो भविष्यसि॥
O forernost of men, O king, I do not desire to live without you. If you resolve to die by fasting, you will simply be the laughing-stock of all other kings.

वैशम्पायन उवाच एवमुक्तस्तु कर्णेन राजा दुर्योधनस्तदा। नैवोत्यातुं मनश्चक्रे स्वर्गाय कृतनिश्चयः॥
Vaishampayana said : Having been thus addressed by Karna, king Duryodhana, being firmly resolved to die, determined not to rise from the place where he sat.