None: Chapter 25

The Pandava's entrance into the Dvaitavana

वैशम्पायन उवाच तत् काननं प्राप्य नरेन्द्रपुत्राः सुखोचिता वासमुपेत्य कृच्छ्रम्। विजह्वरिन्द्रप्रतिमाः शिवेषु सरस्वतीशालवनेषु तेषु॥
Vaishampayana said : Having arrived at that forest those princes resembling Indra, (formerly) used to happiness, (but now) labouring under misfortune, began to sport in that sacred forest of Shala trees washed by Sarasvati.

स्तस्मिन् वने मूलफलैरुदगः। द्विजातिमुख्यानृषभः कुरूणां संतर्पयामास महानुभावः॥
In that forest, that king, the foremost of the Kurus, began to please all the Yatis, Munis and all the leading Brahmanas by offering them excellent fruits and roots.

इष्टीश्च पित्र्याणि तथा क्रियाश्च महावने वसतां पाण्डवानाम्। पुरोहितस्तत्र समृद्धतेजाश्चकारधौम्यः पितृवन्नृपाणाम्॥
And their highly energetic priest Dhaumya, like a father, began to perforin for those Pandavas living in the forest, the sacrificial rites (in honour of their departed manes) of Ishti and Paitreya.

मृषिः पुराणोऽतिथिराजगाम। तमाश्रमं तीव्रसमृद्धतेजा मार्कण्डेयः श्रीमतां पाण्डवानाम्॥
The old Rishi Markandeya, of profuse and increasing energy, approached as a guest to the hermitage of the illustrious Pandavas who had repaired there on the loss of their kingdom.

तमागतं ज्वलितहुताशनप्रभं महामनाः कुरुवृषभो युधिष्ठिरः। अपूजयत् सुरऋषिमानवार्चितं महामुनि ह्यनुपमसत्त्ववीर्यवान्॥
The high-minded Kuru chief Yudhishthira of incomparable energy and prowess welcomed that great ascetic, who had come there gifted with the effulgence of blazing fire and worshipped by the celestials.

स सर्वविद् द्रौपदी वीक्ष्य कृष्णां युधिष्ठिरं भीमसेनार्जुनौ च। संस्मृत्य रामं मनसा महात्मा तपस्विमध्येऽस्मयतामितौजाः॥
Seeing Draupadi, Yudhishthira, Bhima and Arjuna in the midst of the ascetics, that illustrious and omniscient ascetic of incomparable prowess, smiled thinking of Rama in his mind.

तंधर्मराजो विमना इवाब्रवीत् सर्वे ह्रिया सन्ति तपस्विनोऽमी। स्तपस्विनां पश्यतां मामुदीक्ष्य॥
The pious Yudhishthira who was beside himself (with grief) said, “All these ascetics are sorry for seeing me here; why is it that you alone smile, as if in delight, before all these?"

मार्कण्डेय उवाच न तात हृष्यामि न च स्पयामि प्रहर्षजो मां भजते न दर्पः। तवापदं त्वद्य समीक्ष्य राम सत्यव्रतं दाशरथिं स्मरामि॥
Markandeya said : I am not delighted, O my child, but I am struck with amazement; nor does haughtiness begotten of delight, possess me. Seeing your calamity to day I think of Dasharatha's son Rama of truthful vows.

स चापि राजा सह लक्ष्मणेन वने निवासं पितुरेव शासनात्। धन्वी चरन् पार्थ मयैव दृष्टो गिरेः पुरा ऋष्यमूकस्य सानौ॥
O son of Pritha, at the behest of his sire he (Rama) resided in the forest; I saw him in the days of yore wandering with his bow, at the summit of the mount Rishyamuka.

सहस्रनेत्रप्रतिमो महात्मा यमस्य नेता नमुचेश्च हन्ता। पितुर्निदेशादनघः स्वधर्म वासं वने दाशरथिश्चकार॥
The high-souled and innocent son of Dasharatha, resembling the thousand-eyed Deity, the lord of Yama and the slayer of Namuchi, lived in the forest at the command of his father and for the satisfaction of his duty.

स चापि शक्रस्य समप्रभावो महानुभावः समरेष्वजेयः। विहाय भोगानचरद् वनेषु नेशे बलस्येति चरेदधर्मम्॥
He was equal to Shakra in prowess, highminded and invincible in warfare, still he had to range the forest, renouncing pleasure; therefore none should act unrighteously thinking "I am powerful."

भूपाश्च नाभागभगीरथादयो महीमिमां सागरान्तां विजित्य। सत्येन तेऽप्यजयंस्तात लोकान् नेशे बलस्येति चरेदधर्मम्॥
Having conquered by truth this earth bounded by seas the kings headed by Nabhaga and Bhagiratha obtained, O my son, all the regions hereafter. Therefore, none should act unrighteously thinking "I am powerful."

अलर्कमाहुर्नरवर्य सन्तं सत्यव्रतं काशिकरूपराजम्। विहाय राज्यानि वसूनि चैव नेशे बलस्येति चरेदधर्मम्॥
O foremost of men, for forsaking his kingdom and wealth, the pious and truthful king of Kashi and Karusha was called a maddog. Therefore, none should act unrighteously thinking “I am powerful."

स्तं पूजयन्तो नरवय सन्तः। सप्तर्षयः पार्थ दिवि प्रभान्ति नेशे बलस्येति चरेदधर्मम्॥
O best of men, O son of Pritha, for satisfying the ordinances, laid down by the Creator himself in the Vedas, the seven pious Rishis shone brilliantly in the sky. Therefore, none should act unrighteously, thinking "I am powerful.”

महाबलान् पर्वतकूटमात्रान् विषाणिनः पश्य गजान् नरेन्द्र। नेशे बलस्येति चरेदधर्मम्॥
Behold, O king, O foremost of men, (even) the powerful elephants, having tusks as huge as the mountain tops, do not pass by the laws of the Creator. Therefore none should act unrighteously, thinking, 'I am powerful.'

सर्वाणि भूतानि नरेन्द्र पश्य तथा यथावद् विहितं विधात्रा। स्वयोनितः कर्म सदा चरन्ति नेशे बलस्येति चरेदधर्मम्॥
Behold, O king of men, all creatures act according to the laws (of their species) as laid down by the Creator. Therefore none should act unrighteously thinking, "I am powerful.”

सत्येनधर्मेण यथार्हवृत्त्या ह्रिया तथा सर्वभूतान्यतीत्य। यशश्च तेजश्च तवापि दीप्तं विभावसो स्करस्येव पार्थ॥
O son of Pritha, you have excelled all men in truth, piety, decorum and modesty; your fame and energy are brilliant as fire or the sun.

यथाप्रतिज्ञं च महानुभाव कृच्छ्रे वने वासमिमं निरुष्य। मादास्यसे पार्थिव कौरवेभ्यः॥
O great king, having spent the painful days of your exile in the forest as promised, you shall again snatch from the Kauravas your blazing prosperity by dint of your own energy.

वैशम्पायन उवाच स्तपस्विमध्ये सहितं सुहृद्भिः। स्ततः प्रतस्थे दिशमुत्तरां सः॥
Vaishampayana said: Having addressed these words to him in the midst of the ascetics with friends the great Rishi saluting Dhaumya and all the Pandavas, proceeded towards the north.