The colloquy between Karna and Duryodhana

जनमेजय उवाच शत्रुभिर्जितबद्धस्य पाण्डवैश्च महात्मभिः। मोक्षितस्य युधा पश्चान्मानिनः सुदुरात्मनः॥ कत्थनस्यावलिप्तस्य गर्वितस्य च नित्यशः। सदा च पौरुषौदार्यैः पाण्डवानवमन्यतः॥ दुर्योधनस्य पापस्य नित्याहंकारवादिनः। प्रवेश हास्तिनपुरे दुष्करः प्रतिभाति मे॥ तस्य लज्जान्वितस्यैव शोकव्याकुलचेतसः। प्रवेशं विस्तरेण त्वं वैशम्पायन कीर्तय॥
Janamejaya said : After his defeat and capture by the enemy and his subsequent liberation by the highsouled sons of Pandu by their prowess of arms, it seems to me that the entry of the proud, wicked, boastful, vicious insolent and wretched Duryodhana, ever engaged in insulting the Pandavas and boastful of his own superiority into Hastinapur must have been exceedingly difficult. O Vaishampayana, describe to me in detail the entry into the capital of that prince, overwhelmed as he was then with shame and grief.

वैशम्पायन उवाच धर्मराजनिसृष्टस्तु धार्तराष्ट्रः सुयोधनः। लज्जयाधोमुखः सीदन्नुपपासर्पत् सुदुःखितः॥
Vaishampayana said: Having been dismissed by king Dharmaraja (Yudhishthira), the son of Dhritarashtra, Duryodhana, bending his head down in shame and greatly afflicted with grief and sorrow, slowly went away.

स्वपुरं प्रययौ राजा चतुरङ्गबलानुगः। शोकोपहतया बुद्ध्या चिन्तयानः पराभवम्॥
The king (Duryodhana), accompanied by his four kinds of forces went towards his city, his heart rent in grief and his mind filled with thoughts of his defeat.

विमुच्य पथि यानानि देशे सुयवसोदके। सनिविष्टः शुभे रम्ये भूमिभागे यथेप्सितम्॥
Leaving his chariots in the way in a place which abounded in grass and water, the king encamped on a delightful and good place as pleased him best.

हस्त्यश्वरथपादातं यथास्थानं न्यवेशयत्। अथोपविष्टं राजानं पर्यङ्के ज्वलनप्रभे॥
With his elephants, cars, cavalry and infantry stationed all around (the camp), he was seated on an elevated bed-stead as bright as fire.

उपप्लुतं यथा सोमं राहुणा रात्रिसंक्षये। उपागम्याब्रवीत् कर्णो दुर्योधनमिदं तदा।॥
Himself looking like the moon under eclipse. At the end of the night, Karna came to Duryodhana and thus spoke to him,

दिष्ट्या जीवसि गान्धारे दिष्ट्या नः सङ्गमः पुनः। दिष्ट्या त्वया जिताश्चैव गन्धर्वाः कामरूपिणः॥
"O son of Gandhari, fortunate it is that you are alive. Fortunate it is that we have again met. By good luck you have defeated the Gandharvas who are capable of assuming any form at will.

दिष्ट्या समग्रान् पश्यामि भ्रातूंस्ते कुरुनन्दन। विजिगीषन् रणे युक्तान् निर्जितारीन् महारथान्॥
O descendant of Kuru, by good luck alone that I am enabled to see your brothers, who are all mighty car-warriors, come off victorious from that battle.

अहं त्वभिद्रुतः सर्वैर्गन्धर्वैः पश्यतस्तव। नाशक्नुवं स्थापयितुं दीर्यमाणां च वाहिनीम्॥ शरक्षताङ्गश्च भृशं व्यपयातोऽभिपीडतः। इदं त्वत्यद्भुतं मन्ये यद् युष्मानिह भारत॥ अरिष्टानक्षतांश्चापि सदारबलवाहनान्। विमुक्तान् सम्प्रपश्यामि युद्धात् तस्मादमानुषात्॥
As for myself, being attacked by the Gandharvas and being unable to rally our hosts I fled before your eyes. Attacked by the enemy with all the prowess and my body mangled with their arrows, I sought safety in flight. This, however, O descendant of Bharata, seemed to me to be a great wonder that I see you all come back safe with your wives, troops and vehicles out of that super-human battle.

नैतस्य कर्ता लोकेऽस्मिन् पुमान् भारत विद्यते। यत् कृतं ते महाराज सह भ्रातृभिराहवे।॥
O descendant of Bharata, O great king, that is no other man in this world who can achieve what you have achieved in battle today with your brothers.

वैशम्पायन उवाच एवमुक्तस्तु कर्णेन राजा दुर्योधनस्तदा। उवाच चाङ्गराजानं वाष्पगद्गदया गिरा॥
Vaiskampayana said : Having been thus addressed by Karna, king Duryodhana thus spoke in reply to the Anga king (Karna) in a voice choked with tears.