Rescue of Duryodhana

वैशम्पायन उवाच ततोऽर्जुनश्चित्रसेनं प्रहसन्निदमब्रवीत्। मध्ये गन्धर्वसैन्यानां महेष्वासो महाद्युतिः॥
Vaishampayana said : The greatly effulgent great bowman Arjuna then smilingly thus spoke to Chitrasena in the midst of the Gandharvas soldiers.

किं ते व्यवसितं वीर कौरवाणां विनिग्रहे। किमर्थं च सदारोऽयं निगृहीत: सुयोधनः॥
"O hero, what purpose do you serve by punishing the Kurus? Why do you persecute Duryodhana with his wives."

चित्रसेन उवाच विदितोऽयमभिप्रायस्तत्रस्थेन दुरात्मनः। दुर्योधनस्य पापस्य कर्णस्य च धनंजय॥
Chitrasena said : O Dhananjaya, I knew long before the (real) purpose of the wicked Duryodhana and the wretched Karna in coming here.

वनस्थान् भवतो ज्ञात्वा क्लिश्यमानाननाथवत्। समस्थो विषमस्थांस्तान् द्रक्ष्यामीत्यनवस्थितान्॥
That purpose is this, knowing that you are exiled in the forest and suffering great afflictions, as if you had no one to take care of you, himself in prosperity, this wretch desired to see you in adversity and misfortune.

इमेऽवहसितुं प्राप्ता द्रौपदी च यशस्विनीम्। ज्ञात्वा चिकीर्षितं चैषां मामुवाच सुरेश्वरः॥
They came here to mock you and the illustrious Draupadi. Knowing their purpose the lord of the celestials thus spoke to me,

गच्छ दुर्योधनं बद्ध्वा सहामात्यमिहानय। धनंजयश्च ते रक्ष्यः सह भ्रातृभिराहवे।॥ स च प्रियः सखा तुभ्यं शिष्यश्च तव पाण्डवः।
"Go and bring Duryodhana in chains with all his counsellors. Protect Dhananjaya with all his brothers in battle; he is my dear friend and that Pandava is also my disciple.”

वचनाद् देवराजस्य ततोऽस्मीहागतो द्रुतम्॥ अयं दुरात्मा बद्धश्च गमिष्यामि सुरालयम्। नेष्याम्येनं दुरात्मानं पाकशासनशासनात्॥
At these words of the lord of the celestials, I speedily came here. The wicked wretch is now in chains, I shall go to the abode of the celestials. I shall now take this wicked-minded one at the command of the slayer of Paka.

अर्जुन उवाच उत्सृज्यतां चित्रसेन भ्रातास्माकं सुयोधनः। धर्मराजस्य संदेशान्मम चेदिच्छसि प्रियम्॥
Arjuna said : O Chitrasena, if you wish to do what is agreeable to me, then set Duryodhana free at the command of Dharmaraja, he is our brother.

चित्रसेन उवाच पापोऽयं नित्यसंतुष्टो न विमोक्षणमर्हति। प्रलब्धा धर्मराजस्य कृष्णायाश्च धनंजय॥ नेदं चिकीर्षितं तस्य कुन्तीपुत्रो युधिष्ठिरः। जानाति धर्मराजो हि श्रुत्वा कुरु यथेच्छसि॥
Chitrasena said : This sinful wretch is always full of vanity. He deserves not to be let off. O Dhananjaya, he has deceived and wronged both Dharmaraja and Krishna (Draupadi). The son of Kunti Yudhishthira knows not the purpose in which this wretch came here. Let the king therefore do what he likes after knowing everything.

वैशम्पायन उवाच ते सर्व एव राजानमभिजग्मुर्युधिष्ठिरम्। अभिगम्य च तत् सर्वं शशंसुस्तस्य चेष्टितम्॥
Vaishampayana said: Thereupon all of them went to king Yudhishthira. Going to him they told all that had happened.

अजातशत्रुस्तच्छ्रुत्वा गन्धर्वस्य वचस्तदा। मोक्षयामास तान् सर्वान् गन्धर्वान् प्रशशंस च॥
Ajatshatru (Yudhishthira), having heard the words of the Gandharva, asked to set them all free and he also praised the Gandharva.

दिष्ट्या भवद्भिर्बलिभिः शक्तैः सर्वैर्न हिंसितः। दुर्वृत्तो धार्तराष्ट्रोऽयं सामात्यज्ञातिबान्धवः॥
(He said), “It is fortunate for us that though you possess great prowess, you did not kill the wicked sons of Dhritarashtra (Duryodhana) with all his counsellors and relatives.

उपकारो महांस्तात कृतोऽयं मम खेचरैः। कुलं न परिभूतं मे मोक्षणेऽस्य दुरात्मनः॥
O sir, this is a great kindness that has been shown to me by the Gandharvas. The honour of my family is also saved by liberating the wicked wretch.

आज्ञापयध्वनिमिष्टानि प्रीयामो दर्शनेन वः। प्राप्य सर्वानभिप्रायांस्ततो व्रजत मा चिरम्॥
I am pleased to see you all. Command me what I can do for you. Having received all that you desire to have, go back to the place whence you came."

अनुज्ञातास्तु गन्धर्वाः पाण्डुपुत्रेण धीमता। सहाप्सरोभिः संहृष्टाश्चित्रसेनमुखा ययुः॥
Thus requested by the greatly intelligent Pandava, the Gandharvas became greatly delighted. They went away with the Apsaras with Chitrasena at their head.

देवराडपि गन्धर्वान् मृतांस्तान् समजीवयत्। दिव्येनामृतवर्षेण ये हताः कौरवैर्युधि॥
The lord of the celestials then came there and vivified with the celestials Ambrosia all those Gandharvas that were killed in the battle with the Kurus.

ज्ञातींस्तानवमुच्याथ राजदारांश्च सर्वशः। कृत्वा च दुष्करं कर्म प्रीतियुक्ताश्च पाण्डवाः॥
The Pandavas also, having rescued their relatives with the ladies of the royal household and having achieved that great feat, became exceedingly delighted.

सस्त्रीकुमारैः कुरुभिः पूज्यमाना महारथाः। बभ्राजिरे महात्मानः क्रतुमध्ये यथाग्नयः॥
Those illustrious car-warriors, worshipped by the Kurus with their sons and wives, blazed forth in splendour, as a fire blazes in a sacrifice.

ततो दुर्योधनं मुक्तं भ्रातृभिः सहितस्तदा। युधिष्ठिरस्तु प्रणयादिदं वचनमब्रवीत्॥
Then Yudhishthira thus spoke out of affection to the liberated Duryodhana in the midst of his brothers.

मा स्म तात पुनः कार्षीरीदृशं साहसं क्वचित्। न हि साहसकर्तारः सुखमेधन्ति भारत॥
"O child, O descendant of Bharata never again commit such a rash act. A rash man never becomes happy.

स्वस्तिमान् सहितः सर्वैर्धातृभिः कुरुनन्दन। गृहान् व्रज यथाकामं वैमनस्यं च मा कृथाः॥
Kuru prince, be blessed with all your brothers. Go back home as pleases you without any despondency or cheerlessness."

वैशम्पायन उवाच पाण्डवेनाभ्यनुज्ञातो राजा दुर्योधनस्तदा। प्रणम्य धर्मपुत्रं तु गतेन्द्रिय इवातुरः॥ विदीर्यमाणो व्रीडावाञ्जगाम नगरं प्रति।
Having been thus dismissed by the Pandavas, Duryodhana saluted the son of Dharma (Yudhishthira). Overwhelmed with shame, his heart appeared as if rent in two. He mechanically started for his city as destitute of life.

तस्मिन् गते कौरवेये कुन्तीपुत्रो युधिष्ठिरः॥ भ्रातृभिः सहितो वीरः पूज्यमानो द्विजातिभिः। तपोधनैश्च तैः सर्वैर्वृतः शक्र इवामरैः॥ तथा द्वैतवने तस्मिन् विजहार मुदा युतः॥
When that Kuru (Duryodhana), had gone away, the son of Kunti Yudhishthira with his brothers was worshipped by the Brahmanas. Surrounded by these great ascetics, as Indra by the celestials, he lived in great happiness in that forest of Dvaitavana. one