The evil spirits

मार्कण्डेय उवाच श्रिया जुष्टं महासेनं देवसेनापतिं कृतम्। सप्तर्षिपत्न्यः षड् देव्यस्तत्सकाशमथागमन्॥
Markandeya said : Those six ladies, the wives of the seven Rishis, when they learnt that Mahasena had been blessed with good fortune and he had been made the generallissimo of the celestial army, all came to him.

ऋषिभिः सम्परित्यक्ता धर्मयुक्ता महाव्रताः। द्रुतमागम्य चोचुस्ता देवसेनापतिं प्रभुम्॥
Those virtuous and vow-observing ones, having been abandoned by the Rishis, came to the celestial and exalted generallisimo and spoke to him thus.

वयं पुत्र परित्यक्ता भर्तृभिर्देवसम्मितैः। अकारणाद् रुषा तैस्तु पुण्यस्थानात् परिच्युताः॥ अस्माभिः किल जातस्त्वमिति केनाप्युदाहृतम्। तत् सत्यमेतत् संश्रुत्य तस्मान्नस्त्रातुमर्हसि॥
“O son, we have been abandoned by our celestial like husbands without any cause. Some spread the remour that we gave birth to you. Believing this story, they beacme angry and they banished us from our holy places. You should save us from this infamy.

अक्षयश्च भवेत् स्वर्गस्त्वत्प्रसादाद्धि नः प्रभो। त्वां पुत्रं चाप्यभीप्सामः कृत्वैतदनृणो भव॥
We desire to adopt you as our son, so that, O lord, everlasting bliss might be secured to us through your favour. Repay thus the obligation you owe to us.

स्कन्द उवाच मातरो हि भवत्यो मे सुतो वोऽहमनिन्दिताः। यद्वापीच्छत तत् सर्वं सम्भविष्यति वस्तथा॥
Skanda said: Ofurltless ones, become my mothers. I am your son. You will obtain all the desires of your mind.

मार्कण्डेय उवाच विवक्षन्तं ततः शक्रं किं कार्यमिति सोऽब्रवीत्। उक्तः स्कन्देन ब्रूहीति सोऽब्रवीद् वासवस्ततः॥
Markandeya said : Thereupon Shakra (Indra), having expressed his desire to say something to Skanda, the latter said, "What is it? Tell it to me.” Being thus told by Skanda, Vasava thus spoke.

अभिजित् स्पर्धमाना तु रोहिण्या अनुजा स्वसा। इच्छन्ती ज्येष्ठतां देवी तपस्तप्तुं वनं गता॥
"The lady Abhijit, the younger sister of Rohini, being jealous and desirous of becoming the eldest, has gone to the forest to perform asceticism.

तत्र मूढोऽस्मि भद्रं ते नक्षत्रं गगनाच्च्युतम्। कालं त्विमं परं स्कन्द ब्रह्मणा सह चिन्तय॥
I amn at a loss to find out one to replace that fallen star. O Skanda, be blessed. Consult with Brahma about this matter.

धनिष्ठादिस्तदा कालो ब्रह्मणा परिकल्पितः। रोहिणी ह्यभवत् पूर्वमेवं संख्या समाभवत्॥
Dhanishtha and other constellations were created by Brahma. Rohini was one of them and with her their number was full."

एवमुक्ते तु शक्रेण त्रिदिवं कृत्तिका गताः। नक्षत्रं सप्तशीर्षाभं भाति तद् वह्निदैवतम्॥
Having been thus addressed (by Indra), Skanda sent Kritika. She was placed in heavens. That star, presided over by Agni, shone as if with seven heads.

विनता चाब्रवीत् स्कन्दं मम त्वं पिण्डदः सुतः। इच्छामि नित्यमेवाहं त्वया पुत्र सहासितुम्॥
Vinata also said to Skanda, “You are my son entitled to offer me oblations. O son, I desire to live with you always."

स्तुताः। स्कन्द उवाच एवमस्तु नमस्तेऽस्तु पुत्रस्नेहात् प्रशाधि माम्। स्नुषया पूज्यमाना वै देवि वत्स्यसि नित्यदा॥
Skanda said: "So be it. I bow my head to you. Guide me with a mother's affection. Respected by your daughter-in-law, you will always live with me.

मार्कण्डेय उवाच अथ मातृगणः सर्वः स्कन्दं वचनमब्रवीत्। वयं सर्वस्य लोकस्य मातरः कविभिः इच्छामो मातरस्तुभ्यं भवितुं पूजयस्व नः॥
Markandeya said : Thereupon the great mothers thus spoke to Skanda, “We are called by the learned as the mothers of all creatures. But we desire to be your mother; therefore honour and respect us.

स्कन्द उवाच मातरो हि भवत्यो मे भवतीनामहं सुतः। उच्यतां यन्मया कार्यं भवतीनामथेप्सितम्॥
Skanda said: Become mothers to me and let me be your son. Tell me what I can do to please you.

मातर ऊचुः यास्तु ता मातरः पूर्वं लोकस्यास्य प्रकल्पिताः। अस्माकं तु भवेत् स्थानं तासां चैव न तद् भवेत्।१६।। भवेम पूज्या लोकस्य न ताः पूज्याः सुरर्षभ। प्रजाऽस्माकं हृतास्ताभिस्त्वत्कृते ताः प्रयच्छ न:॥
The mothers said: in the days of your, the ladies were appointed as the mothers of creatures. O foremost of deities, we desire that they are disposed of that dignity. Let us be installed in their place. Let us be worshipped instead of them by all the worlds. Restore us our those progeny whom we have been deprived of by thein.

स्कन्द उवाच वृत्ताः प्रजा न ताः शक्या भवतीभिनिषेवितुम्। अन्यां वः कां प्रयच्छामि प्रजां यां मनसेच्छथा।१८।।
Skanda said: You shall not get back those offsprings that have been once given away. But if you like, I can give you (new) progeny.

मातर ऊचुः इच्छाम तासां मातृणां प्रजा भोक्तुं प्रयच्छ नः। त्वया सह पृथग्भूता ये च तासामथेश्वराः॥
The mothers said : We desire that while living with you we may be able to eat up the progeny of those mothers and their grandsons by assuming different shapes. Grant us this favour.

स्कन्द उवाच प्रजा वो दयि कष्टं तु भवतीभिरुदाहृतम्। परिरक्षत भद्रं वः प्रजाः साधु नमस्कृताः॥
Skanda said: I can grant you progeny. But what you ask is very painful. Be blessed. O mothers, I bow my head to you, do give them your protection and care.

मातर ऊचुः परिरक्षाम भद्रं ते प्रजाः स्कन्द यथेच्छसि। त्वया नो रोचते स्कन्द सहवासश्चिरं प्रभो॥
The mothers said: O Skanda, we shall protect them as you desire. Be blessed, O lord Skanda, we desire to live with you always.

स्कन्द उवाच यावत् घोडश वर्षाणि भवन्ति तरुणाः प्रजाः। प्रबाधत मनुष्याणां तावद्रूपैः पृथग्विधैः॥ अहं च वः प्रदास्यामि रौद्रमात्मानमव्ययम्। परमं तेन सहिताः सुखं वत्स्यथ पूजिताः॥
Skanda said: So long the children of the human race do not attain the youthful state in their sixteenth year, you will afflict them inyour various forms. I shall bestow on you a fearful and inexhaustible spirit; with this you shall live happily and you shall also be worshipped by all.

मार्कण्डेय उवाच ततः शरीरात् स्कन्दस्य पुरुषः पावकप्रभः। भोक्तुं प्रजाः स मर्त्यानां निष्पपात महाप्रभः॥
Markandeya said : Then a mighty fiery-being sprang up from the body of Skanda to devour the progeny of the human beings.

अपतत् सहसा भूमौ विसंज्ञोऽथ क्षुधादितः। स्कन्देन सोऽभ्यनुज्ञातो रौद्ररूपोऽभवद् ग्रहः॥
He fell down upon the ground senseless and hungry. At the command of Skanda, that evil spirit assumed a fearful form.

स्कन्दापस्मारमित्याहुर्चहं तं द्विजसत्तमाः। विनता तु महारौद्रा कथ्यते शकुनिग्रहः॥
Skandapasmara is the name by which it is known amongst the excellent Brahmanas, Vinata is called the fearful Sukani Graha.

पूतनां राक्षसी प्राहुस्तं विद्यात् पूतनाग्रहम्। कष्टा दारुणरूपेण घोररूपा निशाचरी॥ पिशाची दारुणाकारा कथ्यते शीतपूतना। गर्भान् सा मानुषीणां तु हरते घोरदर्शना॥
She, who is known as Putana Rakshashi by the learned, is the Graha called Putana. That fearful and terrible Rakshashi of a hideous form is called the Pishachi Shita Putana. That fearful spirit causes abortion in women.

अदितिं रेवतीं प्राहुर्चहस्तस्यास्तु रैवतः। सोऽपि बालान् महाघोरो बाधते वै महाग्रहः॥
Aditi is also known by the name of Revati; her spirits are called Raivata. That Graha also afflicts children.

दैत्यानां या दितिर्माता तामाहुर्मुखण्डिकाम्। अत्यर्थं शिशुमांसेन सम्प्रहृष्टा दुरासदा॥ कुमाराश्च कुमार्यश्च ये प्रोक्ता: स्कन्दसम्भवाः। तेऽपि गर्भभुजः सर्वे कौरव्य सुमहाग्रहाः॥
O descendant of Kuru, Diti, the mother of the Daityas, is also called Mukhamandika. That fearful spirit is very fond of little children's flesh. Those male and female children, who are said to have been begotten by Skanda, are also evil spirits; and they all destroy the fetus in the womb.

तासामेव पत्नीनां पतयस्ते प्रकीर्तिताः। आजायमानान् गृहणन्ति बालकान् रौद्रकर्मिणः॥ तु
They are known as the husbands of these female spirits. Children are unawares attacked by these female creatures.

गवां माता तु या प्राज्ञैः कथ्यते सुरभिर्नृप। शकुनिस्तामथारुह्य सह भुङ्क्ते शिशून् भुवि॥
O king, Surabhi, who is called the mother of all animals of the bovine species, is ridden by Shakuni who along with her devours children on earth.

सरमा नाम या माता शुनां देवी जनाधिप। सापि गर्भान् समादत्ते मानुषीणां सदैव हि॥
O ruler of men, Sarama the mother of gods, also habitually kills all children when they remain in the womb.

पादपानां च या माता करञ्जनिलया हि सा। वरदा सा हि सौम्या च नित्यं भूतानुकम्पिनी॥
She, who is the mother of all trees, dwells in a Karanja tree. She is a giver of boons, she has a placid countenance and she is always favourably disposed towards all creatures.

करञ्जे तां नमस्यन्ति तस्मात् पुत्रार्थिनो नराः। इमे त्वष्टादशान्ये वै ग्रहा मांसमधुप्रियाः॥ द्विपञ्चरात्रं तिष्ठन्ति सततं सूतिकागृहे। कदूः सूक्ष्मवपुर्भूत्वा गर्भिणी प्रविशत्यथ॥ भुङ्क्ते सा तत्र तं गर्भं सा तु नागं प्रसूयते।
Those who desire to have children bow down to her who seats on Karanja tree. Those eighteen evil spirits, fond of meat and wine and also other food of the same kind, live for ten days in the lyings in room. Kadru assuming a subtle form enters into the womb of a woman. And she there destroys the fetus. The mother is thus made to give birth to a Naga.

गन्धर्वाणां तु या माता सा गर्भ गृह्य गच्छति॥ ततो विलीनगर्भा सा मानुषी भुवि दृश्यते।
She who is the mother of the Gandharvas takes away the fetus. And thus the woman is seen on the earth to have an abhortive conception.

या जनित्री त्वप्सरसां गर्भमास्ते प्रगृह्य सा॥ उपनष्टं ततो गर्भ कथयन्ति मनीषिणः।
She who is the mother of the Apsaras removes the fetus from the womb. And then the learned men say that the conception has become stationary.

लोहितस्योदधेः कन्या धात्री स्कन्दस्य सा स्मृता॥ लोहितायनिरित्येवं कदम्बे सा हि पूज्यते।
The daughter of the deity of blood is said to be the nurse of Skanda. She is therefore worshipped under the name of Lohitayani on Kadamba trees.

पुरुषेषु यथा रुद्रस्तथाऽऽर्या प्रमदास्वपि॥ आर्या माता कुमारस्य पृथक् कामार्थमिज्यते। एवमेते कुमाराणां मया प्रोक्ता महाग्रहाः॥ यावत् षोडश वर्षाणि शिशूनां ह्यशिवास्ततः।
This revered goddess acts the same part among the females as does Rudra among the males. She is the mother of all children; she is specially worshipped for their welfare. I have thus described to you all the evil spirits that preside over the destiny of children. Until children attain their sixteenth year, these spirits exercise their influence for evil and after that for good.

ये च मातृगणाः प्रोक्ताः पुरुषाश्चैव ये ग्रहाः॥ सर्वे स्कन्दग्रहा नाम ज्ञेया नित्यं शरीरिभिः।
The male and female spirits that I have described to you are always called by men as the spirits of Skanda.

तेषां प्रशमनं कार्यं स्नानं धूपमथाञ्जनम्। बलिकार्मोपहाराच स्कन्दस्यज्याविशेषतः॥
They are propitiated with burnt offerings, ablutions, unguents, sacrifices and other offerings and particularly by the worship of Skanda.

एवमभ्यर्चिताः सर्वे प्रयच्छन्ति शुभं नृणाम्। आयुर्वीर्यं च राजेन्द्र सम्यक्पूजानमस्कृताः॥ ऊर्ध्वं तु षोडशाद् वर्षाद् ये भवन्ति ग्रहा नृणाम् तानहं सम्प्रवक्ष्यामि नमस्कृत्य महेश्वरम्॥
O king of kings, when they are respected and honoured in due form, they bestow on men whatever is good for them and also valour and long life. Having made due salutation to the great god, I shall now describe to you the nature of those spirits that influence the destinies of men after they have attained their sixteenth year.

यः पश्यति नरो देवान् जाचद् वा शयितोऽपि वा। उन्माद्यति स तु क्षिप्रं तं तु देवग्रहं विदुः॥
The man who sees the celestials while sleeping or while he is awake soon turn mad. The spirits under whose influence this happens, are called the celestial spirits.

आसीनश्च शयानश्च यः पश्यति नरः पितृन्। उन्माद्यति स तु क्षिप्रं स ज्ञेयस्तु पितृग्रहः॥
When a man sees his deceased ancestors while he is comfortably seated or while he is lying in his bed, he turns mad. The spirit who causes this is called ancestral spirit.

अवमन्यति यः सिद्धान् क्रुद्धाश्चापि शपन्ति यम्। उन्माद्यति स तु क्षिप्रं ज्ञेयः सिद्धग्रहस्तु सः॥
The man who shows disrespect to the Siddhas and who is cursed by them in return soon turns mad. The evil spirit who causes this is called the Siddha spirit.

उपाघ्राति च यो गन्धान् रसांश्चापि पृथग्विधान्। उन्माद्यति स तु क्षिप्रं स ज्ञेयो राक्षसो ग्रहः॥
The spirit by whose influence a man smells sweet fragrance and becomes cognisant of various tastes and thus turns mad is called the Rakshasha spirit.

गन्धर्वाश्चापि यं दिव्याः संविशन्ति नरं भुवि। उन्माद्यति स तु क्षिप्रं ग्रहो गान्धर्व एव सः॥
The spirit by whose influence a man is possessed by the celestial musicians (Gandharvas) is thus made mad is called the Gandharva spirit.

अधिरोहन्ति यं नित्यं पिशाचा: पुरुषं प्रति। उन्माद्यति स तु क्षिप्रं ग्रहः पैशाच एव सः॥
The evil spirit by whose influence men are always persiented by the Pishachas and thus turn mad is called the Pishacha spirit.

आविशन्ति च यं यक्षाः पुरुषं कालपर्यये। उन्माद्यति स तु क्षिप्रं ज्ञेयो यक्षग्रहस्तु सः।।५३
When a Yaksha spirit by some means or other enters the body of a human being, he immediately turns mad. Such a spirit is called the Yaksha spirit.

यस्य दोषैः प्रकुपितं चित्तं मुह्यति देहिनः। उन्माद्यति स तु क्षिप्रं साधनं तस्य शास्त्रतः॥
The illness of the man who goes mad, his mind being demoralised with vices, must be cured according to the methods prescribed in the Shastras.

वैक्लव्याच्च भयाच्चैव घोराणां चापि दर्शानात् उन्माद्यति स तु क्षिप्रं सान्त्वं तस्य तु साधनम्॥
Men also turn mad from perplexity, from fear, as also on seeing hideous sights. Their remedy is in quieting their minds.

कश्चित् क्रीडितुकामो वै भोक्तुकामस्तथापरः। अभिकामस्तथैवान्य इत्येष त्रिविधो ग्रहः॥
There are three classes of evil spirits, some frolicsome, some gluttonous and some sensual.

यावत् सप्ततिवर्षाणि भवन्त्येते ग्रहा नृणाम्। अतः परं देहिनां तु ग्रहतुल्यो भवेज्ज्वरः॥
Until men attain the age of one hundred years these evil spirits continue to persecute them. Afterwards fever becomes the only evil spirit that affects human beings.

अप्रकीर्णेन्द्रियं दान्तं शुचिं नित्यमतन्द्रितम्। आस्तिकं श्रद्दधानं च वर्जयन्ति सदा ग्रहाः॥
Those evil spirits always avoid those who are self-controlled and self-restrained, who are of cleanly habits, who are god-fearing and free from laziness and contamination.

इत्येष ते ग्रहोद्देशो मानुषाणां प्रकीर्तितः। न स्पृशन्ति ग्रहा भक्तान् नरान् देवं महेश्वरम्॥
O king, I have thus described to you all the evil spirits that influence the destiny of man. You who are devoted to the great god (Siva) will never be troubled.